

The quest to find hope,dream and true love Accompany Xin to find answer to his question and find the path to become a god 2 chapters / days Cover not mine i will make cover later Grammar sometimes sucks but bear with it. Like vote to support me thx guys. http://bit.ly/XinXin10 https://www.p@treon.com/user?u=26285974

LittleApple · แฟนตาซี
71 Chs

Secret to Strength

In side of the dojo Kuina is waiting the dojo disciple is sitting outside want to see how Kuina beat Xin.

Seeing Xin come in she said,"You can get a wooden sword there and let's start the match"

Xin nod at her then he casual pick a wooden sword and face Kuina.

Kuina see that he was ready ... but he notices how Xin hande the sword she knows this is his first time using it then she asks,"Do you have experience in using sword?"

Xin shake his head,"I don't know how to use a sword because i use different weapon ...but if your my opponent then this wooden sword is enough to defeat you"

Kuina stun in what he said he doesn't even know how to use a sword and he still pick it, She was about to consider Xin to use his weapon but after hearing what he said she just let him do what i want.

Kuina angry said,"Get ready i will not going to hold back kid!"

Seeing she was angry ,Xin don't know what he did, he only say what the fact.

Kuina dash at him then cut him vertical,But Xin just casual parry it.

Kuina was shock in what she feels when she cut him with his wooden sword she feel like she hit a metal pole her hands become numb but she hold the sword more tightly.

She said,"You got some skill kid but you can't win again me"

Then she slash fast and Xin parry it easily,Seeing that Xin not easy opponent Kuina start attacking faster.

Zoro and other disciple can help but cheer up they can see that Kuina sword rain down to Xin and he can only defend,But they don't know that every attack of Kuina only parry by Xin.

After 15 minute Kuina become tired she gasping for breath she was angry she uses all of his strength on every attack but she can see that Xin casually parry it.

Kuina angry said,"Are you a tortoise know only to defend?"

Xin smiled and said,"No im not i just let you attack me until you satisfy … and if you want me to attack i will grant your wish"

Then Xin graspi the wooden sword horizontal and slash down slowly.

Seeing the sword going to her slowly Kuina block it with her sword.

When then Xin and Kuina sword hit together Kuina face change,She feel that even she successfull block the sword slash she can stop it force downward she can feel the force of the attack it was thought that even she wants to dodge she can't.

Kuian feel that she was a statue waiting to be slash.


The wooden sword in his hand crack in to two and she can still see that the wooden sword he's still going after her head she thought,"I'm dead if this attack hit me with a doubt it can kill me"

She can feel that death is coming closer to him.


Then she feels that her head hurts she squatted down and hold her head.

When she looked up she see Xin grining at him

Kuina know that Xin made a fool of herself.

She feel want to cry but she hold it,She doesn't want to embarrass in front of his father disciple.

Kuina pout while her eyes is red about to cry,"You win wait for my father and then challenge him i hope you loss"

Xin smile at her he can't help but to pet her head,"Ok thank you"

Kuina stun her face become red then she run while covering her face with her hand.


Zoro and other disciple stun in what they see,Xin win there senior sister with only one slash.


Inside of Kuina room.

She can't understand how did loss by a kid that slightly older to him she can see that the kid dont even know how to hold the sword properly.

And the worst of them all is he make fool in front of his father disciple,now how can she face them again when they see her embarrassing moment.

She get a pillow and keep punching it she imagine a feminie face that grinning to her like ridicule her because of her weakness.

After she punches more than half hour she become tired and fall asleep.


While this happen Xin encircled by the dojo disciple they keep talking how they miserable in hand of their senior sister she keep beating them if they cant understand what she teaches.

Xin Just smile at them and told them that beating them is a form of punishment for them it's not like they are being abused by her.

After knowing the reason they felt glad that there senior sister at least worried at their training.

Suddenly Zoro ask,"Xin how did you become strong?"

The dojo disciple stop talking and stare Xin they can see that Xin is young even younger to some of them but he was strong.

Xin smile and mysteriously said,"You want to know?"

Zoro and the other nod her head like chicken.

Xin proudly said to them,"You don't know how hard I train before i become strong like this every day I train hard after next day I double my training until I become strong"

Zoro and other eye shine they can see that they idolise Xin.

Xin continued ,"If you want to become strong i can give you my training plan but i advise all of you to grit your teeth and endure the harsh training because even me puke a liter of blood every day just to finish my training"

Zoro said,"I can do it even when I die I will finish that training procedure!"

Other disciple nod their head.

Xin grin and said,"My secret of strength is ….."


Zoro and others can't help but to gulp there saliva.

"100 push-ups"

"100 sit-ups"

"100 squats"

"and a 10k-run"

Xin proudly said,"Not only that you need to do this while you're carrying weights on your back"

Seeing the face of Zoro and other amaze he continues,"And you will need to do this for 3 years non stop"

Zoro and other amaze.

Zoro asked,"Are you sure i think your training program is simple"

Xin stare at zoro then he said ...

this one is good

LittleApplecreators' thoughts