
Reversed much


Hhhh77 · แอคชั่น
1 Chs

Chapter 1 An everyday day

I wake up to my alarm on my phone at 7:30am. I groan and I'm just about to throw my phone across the room when I check the time.

"Fuck..." I mutter to myself as I get up quickly. I have to get ready for school. I go to the bathroom to get my hair and makeup done and brush my teeth. Then I go back to my room to put some clothes on. I'm wearing a white adidas hoodie, some black ripped jeans, my old leather jacket, and my black nike shoes. I don't really care about what other people think about my clothing. I don't care about what anyone thinks about me in general for that matter. My brother used to joke about my clothes and tell me that I'm dressing like a guy. Well I as always didn't care and continued to dress like I used to.

I rush down the stairs into the kitchen and grab a fruit, then I rush out of the house without even saying goodbye because I'm in a hurry. I run to the busstation and take the buss to school. Later when I arrive I speed my way trough the doors and go straight to my locker to get my books. Along the way I hear whispers and gigglings. I can hear the most of it. "Bitch", "player", "gold-digger", "asshole", "hooker", are a few things I get called very often. It doesn't bother me that much really. I'm used to it anyway. Plus I know that your'e not supposed to care about bullshit like that which isn't even true. And it's not like they're gonna stop if you just tell them to, so why bother paying atention to crap like that when there's other more necessary things to do? I also get to hear some rumors about me. "Omg did you hear that? She literally kicked his ass that's for sure", "I heard she had a threesome like five fucking times! Dude that's incredible!", "I think she's a lesbian, cause she totally made out with a girl from the cheerleading squad like yesterday one hundred percent sure about that, plus she looks like one too"

Some of them are true, but most of them are obviously fake. I grab my books and make my way to class. Late as always.

I guess this is the part I'm supposed to tell you about my self. Fine by me.

My name is Haley Brieer, I'm 16 years old and live with my parents and my two sibblings, my brother Jordan, who is 17 years old, the big brother and the golden boy, and my sister Nicole, who is 15 years old, the youngest of us and the smartest of us. I'm a so called "Bitchy" girl who doesn't give a fuck about what other people thinks about me cause it's not worth it. I'm not very emotional and don't really care that much about feelings and stuff. Which also means, no romance. I think what's most important for me right now is that I should focus on my future, if I even have one. Other stuff I can deal with later, but nevermind.  

'Time skip, back home a few hours later...'

I throw my bag on the floor in my room and lay down on my bed. I sigh. School could feel like literally hell sometimes...

I hear some voices and laughing from downstairs. I'm bored, so I grab my phone and text my friend.

'Text conversation 6:00pm'

Me: Hey

Dickhead: Hi, what's up?

Me: Nothing rlly, u?

Dickhead: Yeah same, btw I was wondering if u wanted to hang out or something tomorrow?

Me: Yeah sure why not? We can plan this at school tomorrow, meet at my place then?

Dickhead: Great! :)

"Haley, food is ready!" My mom shouts from the kitchen downstairs. I go down to the kitchen and see my family sitting around the table waiting for me.

"Jeez what took you so long?" My brother asks half jokingly as I sit down on my chair.

Sorry I was doing your best friend" I say simply as I grin against him and tilt my head a little. He looks at me with a panicked look as he's not believing what he just heard. I laugh so hard I that I almost fall to the ground, he gives me a glare as I just keep on laughing. We all keep eating and chatting as usual. My parents wash the dishes for tonight and the rest of us go back to our rooms. I decide to go to bed, even thought it is early. I turn off the lights and lay down in my bed. I just lie there and stare up against the ceiling. 'Interesting day... not...'

Alright that was the first chapter, I will update more soon.