
Reverend Insanity: The System

Fang Yuan refines the legendary Gu Worm "System"

Kalolsad · อื่นๆ
10 Chs

System Path, Other Users

"Gu Yue Clan? this is just my starting point. What is rank 9 cultivation level? it is just a stepping stone for my road towards eternal life. Those who do not let go of precious things will never succeed in life."

System Immortal Gu, rank 6 One-time use, Has an average of 1 to 2 users per region. The System's last resort, the ability to be reborn is only for Otherwordly Demons. And even for them, it uses an absurd amount of System Points. 150.000 System points was Fang Yuan's 200 years of lifetime accumulations. The ability to be reborn seems strong, but when a Gu Immortal Reborn's the Gu Immortals near location will be revealed 6 months later to the entire region's System Users. What could a mortal do?

Women couldn't use the System Gu, this was because Giant Sun Immortal Venerable adjusted it accordingly while refining this gu. But of course, if one changed their gender to male It would work. It was number 1 on the Top 10 Mystical Gu list, personally refined by Giant Sun Immortal Venerable!

Yi Clan headquarters.

Yi Tien was looking at seemingly emptiness.

"Caution, An Otherworldly Demon was Reborn."

"Hmm? An Otherworldly Demon possessing The System, this could be dangerous if he is allowed to grow. I have rank 6 cultivation level but it is more than enough to kill a mortal. He is a previous Gu Immortal, So he should reach rank 2 or 3 by now? I should inform the clan and head out."

Southern Border had countless mountains, Yi Tien flew out from the blessed land hidden between the 2 gigantic mountains. It should take 1 or 2 months for him to reach Fang Yuan.

Gu Yue Clan.

"Inspecting Gu Yue Fang Zheng."

Name: Gu Yue Fang Zheng

Age: 17

Tendency: Righteous pacifist

Title: A Grade Talent

Potential: S+

Determination: B+

Intelligence: B

Battle Strenght: D-

Luck: B+


A Grade Talent with an inferiority complex. Can't get over his brother, is traumatized by the death of his parents at early age and the abuse from his uncle. If nurtured he could reach Rank 6 Realm.

"Ah, Fang Yuan what are you doing?"

"Fang Zheng, didn't I say don't talk to me unless it's important?"

2 months later.

"I already checked thousands of mountains, next is Qing Mao Mountain." Yi Tien pondered.

"System User detected."


Dazzling lights shone as Yi Tien attacked with full might.

"What!? why is an Immortal attacking Gu Yue Village? This didn't happen in my previous life!"

Fang Yuan Was in a cold sweat, he didn't even try to escape. As a rank 2 Gu Master where could he escape? His mind was rapidly deducing any mishaps.

"Perhaps... Is it the System Gu who made this?"

The clan was in complete chaos, The clan leader and clan elders already started activating the trump card of Gu Yue Village.

"Use System's last resort, the ability to be reborn?"

"Not enough System Points."

Fang Yuan: "Will I, Gu Yue Fang Yuan die here today?"

When the Rank 6 Immortal Killer Move was about to hit Gu Yue Village, A Blue barrier appeared and blocked the attack completely.

Fang Yuan: "Immortal Formation! Someone is protecting Gu Yue Clan!? the other 2 clans are already fully exterminated, The Formation clearly protects Gu Yue Clan."

Yi Tien: "Hidden Immortal, You are truly a coward. Hiding behind the formation, is this really the demeanor of a Gu Immortal? My name is Yi Tien from Yi clan, come fight me for 300 rounds!"

"Ahahaha, shut your mouth you righteous trash."

"So you are on the demonic path?"

Yi Tien madly attacked the formation, while the hidden Immortal defended. Sometimes a light beam shot towards Yi Tien but his defensive methods were impressive.

Fang Yuan "This Yi Tien is still below my previous life's rank 6 peak cultivation. But to form such an Immortal Formation, this hidden Immortal is not simple... though, how can a character who cultivated to rank 6 be simple?"

As the two sides fought Fang Yuan couldn't do anything other than watch. He was crazily searching the System to find a way out.

"Not enough System Points."

"Not enough System Points."

"Not enough System Points."

"Not enough System Points."

"Not enough System Points."

After hearing this sound over and over Fang Yuan finally gave up.

Fang Yuan: "Let's just hope that Yi Tien wins, but I don't think he will spare me. They will probably reverse refine my body to get System Gu. If Yi Tien wins he may spare me. After all, he is on the righteous path."

"Inspecting Yi Tien"

Name: Yi Tien







Battle Strenght: A+



Fang Yuan: "Is my attainment lacking or is his cultivation too high? Either way, I can't Inspect him, but he can probably inspect me."

"Stop right there. My name is Lu Xiao, What are you doing in my Lu clan's territory?" A rank 6 Lu clan Immortal appeared.

"My name is Yi Tien, I am a supreme elder of Yi clan. This demonic path Immortal took these mortals hostage and is torturing them for experiments, I am here to stop his demonic acts!"

"What bullshit is that? why would you care about mortals that aren't even from your clan." Lu Xiao thought.

Fang Yuan: "Another Immortal appeared, am I fated to die here? Even with my previous life's cultivation, I am not confident enough to fight 3 of them."

Lu Xiao: "So it's like that, then we need to kill this demonic scoundrel!"

I finally got some inspriations.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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