
Revenge to The Devil

At a young age, she witnessed how her whole family was murdered by a notorious mafia leader whom his Dad worked with. She never forgets his face and wishes one day she'll get revenge on him who killed her entire family. She was brought into an orphanage and later on, the murderer had come to adopt her. She was raised as her adopted daughter and she swears to take his life if she'll be given a chance. Fate changes when he takes her as his wife. She learned to love him after being secretly married to him but he had hurt her again and left her alone in the hospital after she lost their child and left the words: "Don't let me see you again!" Fate played again and they reencountered. Her husband arranged for the waiter to hand a check as payment for having a one-night snack with him. She knows they hated each other and wanted to take revenge on each other but deep down in her heart she still longed for his love and affection. Would their fate change this time and heal their broken heart? What if she discovered the truth behind the tragic death of her family, would she forgive him or would she still take his life to fulfill her ambition of killing him? If you wish to know my upcoming books follow my Instagram account: @annashannellin

AnnaShannel_Lin · สมัยใหม่
61 Chs

Chapter 15: After the Incident

Jonathan did not send me to the hospital, he just took me home. Then he ordered a female doctor to come to the house to check me. Following the examination, she left my room. I heard her say, "It's nothing serious, bruises and inflammation. She will be fine' she just needs medicine and some rest."

She was silent for a moment, then said, "Her hymen is intact and there is no trace of sexual assault." assuring Jonathan that I wasn't raped by the kidnapper.

"Thank you!" said Jonathan, "You can leave now." Before I could change into my pajamas, Jonathan brought a medicine kit and walked in and sat beside my bed. He lifted the quilt that covered me and put cold ointment on my bruises. His movements became slower and slower, and then he stopped and looked away.

After a long time, he returned and continued to apply for medicine. He had no expression on his face, but his eyes were blood red. It took about an hour to finish using the ointment and other medicine. Then he wrapped my body in the quilt. I felt he controlled his anger about what had happened to me. He was very overprotective like my own father that treated me like a real princess.

"You'd better rest," he said and dimmed the light. Then he pulled up a chair and sat down. He held my hand, and his voice was incredibly soft as he said, "Don't worry, I'll be here with you."

"Daddy... "I said, the tears poured out my eyes. Fortunately, thanks to the dim light, he didn't see. "I want to listen to the story, Cinderella, the story about a poor little girl," I told him.

"Cinderella?" he thought for a long time and asked me, "Did Cinderella become Snow White?"

"No, Cinderella later married the prince," I replied.

"Which prince? Prince Charming or the frog prince?" Jonathan asked trying to crack a joke to make me feel comfortable.

I had no strength to speak, "Tell me anything," I replied.

It didn't matter what he said, I just wanted to keep my mind busy, so I had no time to think about what happened that day...

"What type of story do you want to hear?" Jonathan asked again.

"A moving story. Do you have anything memorable?" I said in the dim light, I saw the indescribable bitterness in his eyes. I look into his eyes, dark eyes deep like the sea, endless pain and misery. Even though he hides his raging anger I know how angry he was. I feel his fear of the time he heard someone abducted me. I saw how he killed the person who abducts me. I can't forget the tragic day witnessing again how mercilessly he killed someone. I remembered the day he came into our house and did the same thing to my own family. A fear rooted deep in my heart towards him. I wanted to run away from him but somehow my mind betrayed me and told me to stay.