
Revenge of the Shattered

Two world powers fought over to be the strongest. The Kingdom of Avalon, world power for as long as people could remember, with strong military force, expanding over more than half of the world. A newly risen world power, The Kingdom of Sycamore, a neutral body, whose royals and nobles are known to be divine celestial mages. The story takes place after the war, Sycamore was defeated and completely devastated, while Avalon was under critical condition. Nothing remained of the Sycamorian royal family except two princesses who barely managed to escape.

Moonstone_Opal · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 5

The first sighting of Rukenabad and the incident which occurred at Latnir spread terror in the land and many allied forces became silent. This was an alarming matter and clearly showed the difference of strength and power between the demons and several magical races as one. The remaining creatures and humans were left with no other choice but to pledge allegiance to the only remaining harbinger, the dignitary of the high mages, Razin Kham-e-aus. And for many years the demons and the allied forces under Razin fought without any end.

Soon the matter became so severe that both sides decided to face each other on one day and decide who will get the superiority over the other

"Injured reported are 59,000 and casualties are over 20,000. Hazelacre, Bronzemire, Dimcairn, and Rimemaw of the Scriheottead region have been captured.

Nantou and Levamasse of the Épignane Trafergund district have been destroyed, Resources and Emergency troops have been immediately sent.

Tarrajón and Málalavega of the Cávedra Fahask border (Eastern) have been taken, hostage.

Many other minor towns and villages are currently being repaired by the relief teams sent.

Besanbeuge Fort is still under siege and two months have passed, your immediate concern is required.

The ruins of Citadelle du Bourfort of the Épignane Trafergund district have been occupied leading to the local summoning source of power being shut down.

Towards the north Colline des, Narlès mountain region is completely apprehended and the Western border has been yet again successfully breached by the demons but the stationed battalion has pushed them out of the populated areas.

Barthmont Hold and its surrounding Petroheim Hillside is still under operation; we have overthrown demons from the basin area but their forces still haven't stopped returning from the canyon of the hills.

The world of Loccelion has been seized and the inhabitant Selkets are requesting your assistance."

The entire hall was silent and speechless. All the eyes were fixed on one man. He was tall and had a firm muscular structure. His skin was dark and his hair had long tussling strands falling downwards. His eyebrows were thick and black and he had a Vandyke beard. His eyes were pale crystal blue and his facial features were boldly defined. He wore a long white cotton robe, it had black lacing to tie at the neck and beneath its pointed placket, the front and back of the robe were pleated. Its sleeves were long and roomy and he wore a silver elven-style belt with a buckle.

On top of the robe, he wore a Medieval-style Aaron canvas cloak. It was grayish silver in color and had golden thin embroidery on it. It had a traditional cut hood that could be tightened at the neck with a drawstring but at that time he wasn't wearing the hood. In his hand, he held a long and heavy scepter. It was gold plated and on the top of it sat a huge blue gem. The gem was shining and thin white miasma circled it. The scepter had other talismans and gems combined with it making it seem as if it was embedded with sparkling gems.

" Lord Razin If we do not take action of the Barthmont Hold; we will surely lose a strategic area in the southern countryside." Suggested a 13th ranked Oracle.

"In my opinion, we should certainly assist the Selkets, they have been great allies with us in the near past. Helping them recover will provide us their support further on in the battles." Proposed another one.

"But Citadelle du Bourfort is a very important area! It provides the common sorcerers and summoners with the mana they require to fend off the demons" implied the Master mage of the Moon wing squadron.

Soon enough the court was filled with worried discussion and uneasy arguments. Razin silently sat on his seat, his head was resting on his hand and his eyes were closed and he seemed still as a dead person. He then lifted his head and stood up. He had a calm look on his face, his expressions were completely serene.

"I understand that the matters have been quite disturbing but please try to remain calm, I certainly don't think I'll be able to decide anything with all this tension."

Everybody quieted down.

Then he spoke up again " I wish to get some time to think, I will consider all of your suggestions and declare my decision later, you all are dismissed".

"Very well Archmage Razin, we shall leave you" spoke an old man in robes, probably one of the higher class Oracles.

Soon the council room was empty and only Razin sat back on his seat, unaccompanied.

"What is it? If you have something to say, go ahead" He called out.

His voice was pretty tired and from the looks of him, he was exhausted, both spiritually and physically. White swirls from his scepter started growing bigger and before long the room was filled with white overpowering miasma.

"Hm... So?" Razin spoke inside from all the magic swirling

. "Useless... Utterly useless" a calm yet heavy voice spoke with a respectable air.

Razin raised an eyebrow.

"And what exactly are you referring useless to ?".

"It's been years, and I certainly see no hope in this, the demons had and have the upper hand all the time. In about a few years, the demons shall conquer this world, and humans are bound to perish. Why do you indulge yourselves in wasting your health on a race which is surely fated to be erased from existence, Master?".

At these words, Razin's eyebrows gave a bend and his eyes started gleaming. " Does that mean we give up hope on living?!" He enquired as his voice thundered.

Sechocris fell silent.

"Do you think that I wasn't aware of this fact?!, If a race is bound for ceasing to exist means that they hand over their loved ones, their precious lives and give up hope and just die like that!??!!!" He shouted.

The white magic swirls around him subdued and the room fell in utter silence as it was before.

"I don't have loved ones, neither do I have a precious life for I'm immortal, I don't understand what you mean, Master" Sechocris quietly enquired.

Razin slowly calmed down and broke into a faint smile. "You will get to know when the time will come".

"I have been thinking for a plan on defeating the Demon King once and for all, and I have been working on it for some time." Razin's face became serious.

"I know that plan but are you sure, Master?? I think you should value yourself a bit more."

The door suddenly flew open and a person ran inside.


The white swirls around Razin immediately rushed inside the crystal.

"What is it?" Razin stood up.


"Calm down" Razin became concerned.

"The demons have completely breached the border of Latnir and all the border settlements are destroyed and reports have told that along with unknown class demons, some completely different and alien species have also allied with them! All border battalions are completely swiped out. And last but not least, THE DEMON KING HIMSELF HAS MADE A FULL APPEARANCE AND HE IS HEADING STRAIGHT FOR THE CITY!!!" The person ended his report frightened.

"The Oracles and the senior mages requested you to immediately evacuate while the situation is still in control!!!" The apprentice delivered.

Razin immediately raised his hand and ordered: "All the Oracles and Masters are to assist common people in evacuation and fend off the demons to make a safe pathway for humans.".

"Yes, Archmage!!!!" The apprentice bowed and immediately left.

"Are you prepared for everything Sechocris?" Razin called out.

"Yes I am, But He is after your precious life, shouldn't you protect your it?" Sechocris answered.

Razin laughed "I'm now an old man, I think my time is about to end, it's time for the young ones to live."

"And secondly I have some responsibilities before I die".

Sechocris remained silent. Razin flung his cloak backward and then left the courtroom.

Im sorry if its a bit hard to read. If there are any suggestions or helpful tips you have, please comment. Also please also tell what you felt of the chapter. (English isnt my first language so-)

Moonstone_Opalcreators' thoughts