
Revenge of the outcast

There was a time in the world were the strong were the ruler and weak were the slave A story about Albo who's life begin with misery by the time he was 2 years old . He was thrown away to the woods by his own family and loved once for being an outcast . Albo still young and fragile ,yet he was intelligent . He started his journey from woods and from woods to become the ruler of the world, to seek vengeance for the harm he faced Albo started from the scratch and journey towards the peak. With a system skill he got from the unknown

Aferon_Cat · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

chapter 6 - Haunted house

Albo headed towards the place where he heard the noice and as he was going towards the corner of the building the noice was getting louder and louder .He most likely guess that someone was jn trouble .

And in the dark end corner of the building, he saw a girl who was supposely around 16 year old was lying on the floor struggling and crying while her dress was been strip off by three man .Those three men were laughing with a lustful gaze as they were stripping the girl down

albo was still indifferent even in such situation but looking at the girl infront of him reminded him of his time when he was in prison . Recollecting such memory really annoyed him up to the nerve so he wanted to blow out his anger in those three man

The three man still didn't notice albo as they were full of lust and were only focus on the girl infront of them .

Albo stood behind them and said


the three man heard this and turn back ,their expression was that of shock, the person behind them was the most beautiful girl they have ever seen ,the skin was so fair , the hair was as white as a snow and the eyes that of ruby anyone who have easily fallen in love look at this person.

"It seems like today is our lucky day" one murmured , he look towards albo not wanting to even blink with a lustful gaze

"yeah bro , it's our luckiest day " another man commented licking his lips

the girl who was lying on the floor notice someone was trying to save her but all she saw was a girl so she didn't want to put her in trouble

"Miss please run"

Those three man heard the girl which they were about to lay and was annoyed "shut up bitc-"

his voice was cut short by albo , albo moved so fast that he cut the person in half without the person even knowing what actually happen .

The two remaining man notice this and quickly drew out their weapons .

"Damn she is a force warrior "

"Boss be careful she is strong"

the two of them became wary of albo while trying to stand in their defensive position but it was all in vain . Albo just move towards one man and cut his neck so fast that the head remain attach to the neck and after a few seconds it rolled down .

the last man standing was horrified at how easily his 2 friends died ,he lost all hope in fighting so all he had to do now was to run

He began running towards the streets but albo didn't let him off and threw a small stone towards his head blasting it like a balloon .

The girl who was lying on the floor was horrified as well as suprised to see such display . She knew that those three man were force warrior with martial rank at there peak level but they were killed so easily like killing an ant

She walk up towards albo and said " Thank you miss for saving my life . I don't know how to repay you back but I can only offer you my few Savings"

Albo just look at her while wiping his fingers which was tainted with blood . He didn't care about money but he wanted to find an inn . So asking her for her guide might come in handy .

"Do you know where the inns are located ?" albo ask in a deep voice

The girl who heard Albo's question was puzzled because her voice was as deep as a male . Is he a boy? .

"Ah ... yes miss, I do know a place where the inns are " she replied immediately

"Then guide me there and one thing ,I'm a boy" albo said indifferently as he started walking towards the streets .

The girl who heard this was shock . The person was clearly a girl because no guy can have such fair skin and hair .She cast her nonsense thoughts away and dress herself up .

She was walking along side with albo , if not for albo she would have been rape today but thanks to him, she was saved . She wanted to ask him his name and many things but ate her words away since she notice that albo was not type of person to talk much .

Soon she got albo to one inn and ask for any available room but it was such an unlucky day that the rooms were all occupied or taken .

Then she took albo to another inn but again it was as same as ever .They went in many inns about 8 of them and found them all occupied .

Albo was quite annoyed at this , why was it that he was so unlucky to even find a single room to sleep . then he was struck with a plan 'why not sleep in this girl house ,she wanted to thank me so at least that much she could do right?'

The girl went to almost all the inns she knew but all were either occupied or taken the main reason was the academy tournament which was happening soon enough .

Albo spoke "Hey ,do you mind letting me stay for a day in your house "

The girl didn't know how to reply to this , she was willing yet her house was so old that she felt shy to take this person in . In fact she was a poor student who had no family members . She was accepted in Star blossom academy because she scored top in the entrance exam , she was a force warrior with only martial rank limit but her intelligence was so high that she was recognised by one senior teacher and was free from paying any academy fee .

"yes?" albo was impatient and ask her again

"oh I ...mmm...sure but my house is not like other houses " she said shyly while rubbing her head with her hand.

Albo didn't know what she meant , in fact albo was still inexperience since all his life time was spent in the forest so he didn't know anything about city life , well he did know something since he spent his 2 years of hell hood days in city .

"What do you mean"

"I mean ...my house is quite old compared to any others" she said with embarrassment ,she had few friends but she never took them to her house since they may think it as a haunted house .

"Take me there" albo said while thinking what kind of house it will be

The girl and albo was walking side by side towards the streets and as they were walking further and further ,the number of Houses were getting lesser and they soon were in isolation part of the city .

The Houses in these area were comperatively bad , soon the girl took a deep breath and headed albo towards her house

The house was small with a slightly crack doors and windows replaced with wooden boards . the interior was quite damaged but were kept clean with no Dirts on it .the house had 3 rooms : bedroom , kitchen and toilet .

Albo saw this and didn't comment anything and just sat on a chair he saw

the girl notice that albo had the same expression like before so she was abit relief that he didn't laugh at her house .

She decided to make a friendly atmosphere

"my name is Vero and what's yours?"


"don't you have family name"

"I don't have one"

"oh same , me too I don't have any family name and by the way are you new to this town "

"yep "

"then do you want to pay a visit to our academy ,it is not the best but it is not the worst either"

Vero was trying to recruit albo to her academy since she saw his potential , she was not sure how much but she probably expected him to be elite rank and also he had a looks which no one will refuse

albo was still thinking, he didn't know what step to take all he had in his mind was to visit the library .

then he heard the system

[Master I think joining star blossom won't be a bad idea since it has one of the largest library in the whole city and master can learn lots of information]

All albo wants was to gather much information as he could so he didn't mind joining the star blossom academy

"Vero , how do one join an academy "

Vero heard him and was quite happy since he was planning on joining one so she decided to speak much good stuff about her academy

"oh if you are planning to join any academy it simple but to join in top 10 academy you need to pass in either one among the two test "

"what test"

"the first test is entrance test but this test is the hardest so only 10 among 1000 are selected and the second test is potential test if one's potential limit is higher than he can join any top academy but if one's potential is low that than its of no use "

albo and Vero chatted for a while and they got quite comfortable with each other . Albo learnt new stuff while talking to her . the first was that there was no one in the entire academy with king rank potential and second was that there was an academy tournament happening after 4 weeks .He also learnt minor stuff and the development happen in this 13 years


A young lady was sitting on her chair while gently patting her daughter's hair

"And you know Mother , my heart started beating so fast and I was having a weird feeling when I saw him " the daughter spoke while hiding her red face under her mother's lap

Her mother was listening with amusement ,She knew that her daughter always remain indifferent with males even rejecting the handsome young master stiv of blasin clan .So who was it that have stolen her daughter's heart

"Evis do you know what is happening to you" Evis mother asked

"no~" evis replied while feeling the gentle pat by her mother

"My poor daughter is in love ~hohoho" her mother started laughing while trying to tease evis

Evis heard her mother and was red with shyness ,in fact she didn't even know that she was in love . She was the girl who albo saved in the forest and ever since then she was not having a proper sleep or was able to eat food properly

"mother you meannii~ "

Evis mother just look at her daughter hidden face under her lap and look out towards the sky and murmured with a smile

"I wonder who is he"


thank you for reading

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