
Not a war

There was no harm in trying so they would try even if it might them losing a 100 times, it would help his predecessor know what to and not to do.

Elisha had thought that everything was settled as she sat down calmly as if trying to listen to the rest of the plan.

But the next question threw him off balance and that was where their fight started from.

"When would you be going?"

He did not even know how to answer her at first because he knew that she would never take it lightly with him.



"Did you not hear what I asked you?"

"I did"

"So, what's with you not answering on time and making my heart pump that way?"

"Sorry dear."

"Okay…" she made her face and did her hands in such a way that she was telling him she was still expecting his reply.

Like why would he even delay her reply for long, unknown to her that he was going to leave that night.


"Wait, what's going on tonight?"

He was then confused on what he could tell her when she asked him, Elisha knew that it would be unbelievable.

"Lisa, you need to understand why we are doing this"

"Yes, I understand that you have to run away for a while and come back to fight the Avas"

"Is that all you understand?"

"Why are you asking me this question like you don't even know what I am talking about?"

Elisha had those eyes again, he was guilty and did not know what to say or how to react to her.

"I don't understand, Elisha, is there something else you are saying?"

"I have told you everything you need to know"

"Okay, do you have a meeting tonight? Because you mentioned tonight when you were talking"

"Actually, we leave tonight"

And that was when she lost it, she didn't even know if she was to cry or start fighting him at first.

"You just want to leave like that"

"I am not leaving like that, we are discussing it."

"So you had this all planned out since."

"Not since, just yesterday and I couldn't tell you since morning so it would not ruin your anniversary mood."

"Oh, it is more than ruined right now"

"I am sorry"

"Don't be sorry, I don't want you to go"

"But why?"

"Don't go now, you could still go later"

"Lisa, please, this is not the first time I have to leave suddenly. I know you don't like it that way, trust me, I don't either."

"I know you don't and I know that you expect me to cope but my mind is not settled on you going tonight"

"Why? What did you see?"



"Yes, and I did not want to tell you since morning so I would not spoil your own anniversary mood."

"I cannot die, Lisa"

"Yes, I know, but I am telling you what I saw and this is something I have never seen before and you know this."

"Phew" , Elisha was already drained, time was already going and he knew Elijah would be there in a few minutes.

More than that, he had to settle this with Lisa as soon as he could so they could talk to Ella together.

Worse was that he was not even getting a headway with Lisa and it did not look as though he would anytime soon.

He literally felt like crying as he was sweating profusely even with the cool breeze coming from outside.

"Don't go, Elisha"

"I'm sorry"

"Listen to me for once", she roared at him.

And just seeing that being sweet to her would take this nowhere, he roared back at her.

"You'll have to choose between I and Ella and the pack"

"I'll choose the pack since you are also members of the pack"

"Elisha, don't do this"

"Elijah would be here in a few minutes and all I need from you now is to follow me to tell Ella the best we could."

"I would do no such thing"

Elisha knew that if he made an attempt to go outside to get it done himself, she would follow him.

So he stood up and made eye to eye contact with her, he noticed that she was already boiling up in anger but he did not take it seriously.

What he did not know was that she was already heated and there was nothing that could be done without her support.

As he stood up and started moving towards the door, she stood up and punched him from behind.

When he turned back to warn her, she used her claws to year his face and he roared out in pain.

At this point, he knew that Ella would get to know in a bad way but he was still determined to curb her.

"Lisa, please not now."

"Elisha, don't do this."

"My mind is really made up."

"Even if I tell you that I am with another child."

His world froze right there. He did not even know exactly what his response should be or what he should feel.

Elisha had asked her if she was okay because he noticed that she was acting differently but she said she was fine.

"You lie"

"No! I am not lying"

"I just confirmed for myself and still wanted to see the pack nurse for more confirmation."

"See her first, I don't think you can be with a child for now."

"Why would you even say such a thing? Are you not happy?"

"I don't know if you are just saying this to make me stay. I don't know what to feel as we speak."

He saw a tear fall from her eyes and he knew that she was not joking but he did not know what she wanted him to say.

Even though they were not literally expecting a child, he had always fantasized about how it would be for him to have a male child like him.