
Revenge of The Dark Heir

He was betrayed by his subordinates and lost his life . But wait he got reincarnated into one of the strongest families in the empire now filled with revenge he embarks on a to get stronger than he ever was .

Sleepy_cat123 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 1:Luck

"Give up there is no where for you to run. Surrender and accept your faith"

A woman wearing a dark suit spoke as she put her gaze down to a man in a robe who was in his knees gasping for air. His clothes were covered in blood and there were countless wounds and cuts in his body.

"Do you really think you all have won? I will slaughter all of you bastards.How dare you betray me!!." He spoke as his eyes filled with rage.

A strange energy started to emit from the man's body. Black blood seeped out from every part of his body.

"Not good that looks dangerous stand back"The woman shouted as she tried to get away from the man as fast as she could.

"Hehe~ its too late for that. You all will die here together with me" The man gave a sinister laugh.


The man's body exploded into a bloody fog which engulfed everything around him.

"Cough...cough... that crazy fucking bastard he really blew himself up just to kill us with him."

The woman and the others came out of the fog with blood splattered all over them.

"Well at least he is dead now.And none of us got seriously injured." A bulky man also came out of the fog while cracking his knuckles.

"What do you mean none of us got seriously injured?You and I are the only ones who survived you moron!" The woman shouted with an annoyed tone.

"Hey hey why are you getting angry they were only pests to begin with their lives isn't worth anything anyways. Let's just go back to the base and meet up with the others." The man spoke in a carefree manner.

The woman gave him a disgusted look but than disappeared from there and the man fillowed.

After they left a faint light flickered from the fogs as it revealed a black pendant as the source of that flickering light. The pendant then shattered into pieces and vanished into thin air as if it was never there.

"Congratulations, my lord it's a boy." An old maid bowed down to a tall man. The man looked at the maid with indifferent eyes and than looked at a woman lying asleep in the bed next to the newborn baby.

"You may leave."he told the maid in a cold voice.

"As you wish." the maid bowed and left.

The man than walked towards the cradle where the baby was than looked at the baby with the same indifferent face.

As the man was looking at the baby he woke up and looked at the man with a puzzled expression.

"Where am I? Huh! Blue eyes, dark black hair and that lion head crest isn't that the symbol of the House of Silverwind?"

Countless thoughts emerged in the baby's head as he looked at the man Infront of him.

"Don't disappoint me." The man said in a cold tone and left.

After the man the baby's face revead a sinister look as he talked to himself in his mind.

" Haha looks like luck's on my side i gambled my life on that artifact and won.The artifact only had a 10 percent chance of succeeding to reincarnate me and it worked hahaha."

The baby mad a face that would send shivers down even a grown mans spine.

"Moreover i got reincarnated into one of the strongest family of the Alven empire.With the support of this family it will be more than enough to get my revenge on those bastards."

His eyes shone brightly filled with blood thirst.

The next morning a celebration is held for the birth of the newborn baby.Everyone is celebrating.

"The patriarch has arrived!!" A guard shouted as everyone in the room when silent as they looked at the man walking towards the stage with a woman carrying a baby at his side.

He was the patriarch of the House of Silverwind ,Edward Von Silverwind and the woman beside him was his wife Fiona Silverwind.

Edward than walks up to the stage along with Fiona.

"Everyone thank you for attending this celebration.As you all know that my wife has given birth to son yesterday and today we celebrate his birth."

Edward than took the baby in his hands and raised him infront of the guests.

" From now on this child will be called Noir Silverwind!" Edward Announced the name of the baby to everyone and all the guests started to cheer and clap for the baby.

The baby however had an annoyed look on his face.

"Put me down already you bastard!" He spoke with himself.

While most of the guests were happy at the birth of the child. There were still some people within the crowd that were unhappy.