
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
37 Chs

CHAPTER 27 "6 Sects"

The first test is to see how high your cultivation level is capable of. Dail Xou show them a rectangular black rock. The black rock is as tall as a two story building and has several horizontal lines that predicts your future level of cultivation.

"please stand in line and place your hand on the stone." Dail Xou said.

Soon everyone was in the line and one by one people had the lit up a few bars of light.

(Sect Masters Chamber.)

All 6 Sect Master sat together by a round table:

White robe (Sword Sect) Xou Meng

Red Robe(Warrior Sect) Hellen Dax

Purpal Robe(Magic Sect) Hasley Mo

Blue Robe(Water Sect) Queen Tillie

Green Robe(Alchemy Sect) Lee Xeng

Gold Robe(Golden Deity Sect) Chun Xi

"I'm glad too see so many students here. I hope their more promising than last Years student." Hasley Mo said. She is as beautiful as a flower and her Magic can not be matched.

"Miss Mo I thought you would be sad. Considering that Miss Chu has left your sect a few days ago." Xou Meng said. He has long back hair, fairly young and swordsmanship is unmatched. His the eldest son of the Meng Family and is as arrogant as his title.

"funny coming from you. How your instructor doing? I haven't heard his arrogance in a while." Hellen Dax Said sarcastically. She is a fighter among men. She fought in countless battles in the army from a young age. If anything she is more of a man than most men.

"you two seem to be sharp tongued today. Last time I check Hollind an lou beds are next to each other in Hospital." Queen Tillie Said. She a Water Mage. Her skill in Water Art is heard through The Cultivation World. Her beauty is Flawless and her blond hair is royally elegant. None has ever defeated her.

" hahahahah… Look, I've already sent 2 high level healing pills to the hospital. They'll be back in a few days. So lets not fight." Lee Xeng said. He is a greedy man with talent in Alchemy. From poor beginnings he made himself rich through Alchemy. Although he treats those poorly.

"That's Enough now. We are here to watch the juniors, not act like one." Chun Xi said. He may look like a Child but he must not be underestimated. He uses light cultivation and uses Heavenly art. Not many people can do this and he has not been defeated in battle.

"yes Master Xi" they said together.

(Test area)

Howard Koi Is next.

'I'll show that baster he should never have messed with Royalty.' He thought to himself. He placed his hand on the rock and the bars raised.

"Done, your potential is Supreme-beginner-level-Kings realm." Dali Xou said.

(crowd chatter)

"Wow.. That's the highest so far"

"I can only dream about getting on that level"

"his basically royalty how can he not"

"aahh.. That Koi boy has quite the potential" said Xou Meng

"come on, his just a spoiled brat from a rich family." Hellen Dax said like she's unimpressed.

"Please, being spoilt has nothing to do with potential." Xou Meng said

"Enough you two" Chu Xi said and they kept to themselves.

After a few more students Sue Mo took the stand

"is that my Niece. Oh my…how she has grown into such a fine beauty." Said Hasley Mo complemented

Sue Mo places her hand on the rock and the bars rise.

"Done, Supreme -peak-level-kings-realm"

(crowd chatter)

"what… That's unbelievable"

"her potential can rival a masters"

"I'd better make friends with her i. The future."

"hahahaha… Worthy of the Mo family" Hasley Mo bragged

"she truly is the star among diamonds" Chun Xi said truthfully.

The next to come up is Zou Xi. He places his hand on the on the Rock and the bar rises.

"Done, Beginner-level-Emperor-realm."

(Crowed Chatting)

"that's the highest anyone has even seen in years"

"it seems that the four great families have out done everyone here."

"none of us common people can match up to that."

"My Goodness, it's been so long since I've seen someone so promising." Chun Xi admitted.

"what was it you said about Rich families Miss Dax?" Xou Meng asked Sarcastically

"tesk" is the only sound she made.

After a few more people a women named Elizabeth Louis next. She carried a Knights sword. She quit beautiful with her has long blond hair and blue eyes. She places her hand on the stone and the bar rises.

"Done, mid-level-King-realm"

As she walked off but seemed dissatisfied with her results. Although Michael noticed her. Michael then looked at Amy and said

"Amy, I'll leave her to you."

Amy smiled and said

"I was thinking the same thing."

After a few more students come and go. A young boy came up. His name is Shounen-Chen . He has blood red hair with a ponytail and bright red eyes. He has a scare across his cheek the shape of an x. He wear a red and black checked shirt with a black vest underneath. He carries a Samurai sword and has a look of determination in his face.

He places his hand on the rock and the bar rises.

"Done, high-level-peak- realm"

He looks disappointed as he went down the stares but it looked as if he wont give up.

Amy looked at Michael seeing him smiled

"I think I'll leave him to you." She said but Michael said nothing but smiled in his devilish manner.

After a while Kelly came up. She seemed nervous but is holding herself together. She places her and the bar rises.


The bar kept rising and ice began to spread on the rock.

"What is going on Here?" Xou Meng said with surprise in his voice.

"It can't be… Is that ice" Queen Tillie said in shock as she drips the glass of wine in her hand.

"looks like we have another special talent" Chen Xi said

The entire stone is covered in ice. It was as if it became a glacier.

Everyone that watched is stunned and stood, watching with their mouths opens.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry…I'm sorry.. I'm sorry" Kelly Apologizing repeatedly to the instructor. While the instructor just kept looking at her in astonishment.

"okay we'll take a short break.. To change the black stone."

"what the hell is this. Isn't she just some commoner." Howard said to himself with an angary look on his face.

As Kelly re-joined the Group Amy jumps in to huge her.

"I'm so proud of you Sister Kelly." Amy happily said.

"But didn't I mess up? "she asked but Michael put both on her shoulders, looked into her eyes and said.

" Sister Kelly, you've out done yourself. I couldn't be anymore proud of you. " those words resonate in Kelly's heart. She blushed so hard.. That she passed out.

" sister Kelly… Sister Kelly.." Michael shouted in a panic.

"Michael what did you do?" Amy angrily said.

"Michael this is all your fault" Sue Mo said

"Hey what did I do wrong?"

Soon after the black Rock was replaced. Michael was next. He touched stone and nothing happened…. Everyone is waiting…..

"uhm.. There must be something wrong with this black stone." Dail Xi said.

"Sorry but there is nothing wrong with the stone" Michael said sarcastically

"What do you mean boy?" he asked

"I… I kind… Don't have any cultivation"

"WHHHHHAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT!!!!!" everyone said at the same time.

(Crowd Chatting)

"hey how's it possible for a trash to be here."

"Yeah he has no cultivation. Kick him out"

"Hey instructor kick him out"

"his wasting our time our time.. Kick him"

'I knew you were trash' Howard Koi thought to himself

"uhm… I'm sorry boy but I have to ask you to leave." Deil Xi said showing his hand at the exit.

"So because I failed one test. You can just throw me out. "Michael said

" Boy this is no place for trash like you. Please leave or I'll remove your corps."

"Oh now first instructor cracks under the pressure of the freshman comments. Then makes his own rules by kicking me because I failed one test. Now you're courting my Death. Is this really how Golden Deity Sect treats people or is this how the whole of Heavenly Deity College acts? …..Kill the weak because its easier, right?"

" that boys got some nerve.. " Xou Meng said hitting his fist on the table.

" He may have no cultivation but he speaks the truth." Chen Xi said

" Boys not wrong. I did not work hard to grow my sects strength just so my members would just kill the weak. But to fight stronger people. " Hellen Dax said with pride

"He may speak truth but his dragged the entire name of the college." Hasley Mo said

"So what if he did. When one of us uses our sect name in public it's not just the sect's name but the college it's self. Queen Tillie said

" Boy you have nerve… " Daili Xi said raising his hand to strike Michael.

" Dail Xi, how dare you threaten the student I selected. "Miss Chu's Voice came echoing thought out the crowed.

"Miss Chu? " Dail Xi humbly bows to greet Miss Chu

"wait Hasley, isn't that Miss Chu that Abandoned you a few days ago.. So she chose that boy after all." Xou Meng said sarcastically

"what is she doing? " Hasley Mo asked quietly.

"I am the instructor that invited him here." Miss Chu announced with confidence in her voice.

"but Miss Chu, he has no cultivation" Deil Xi said in confusion.

"I never just chosen any one for no reason…. And since when do you have the right to chose who to kick out of a test." Miss Chu said very angrily.

Michael puts his hand on Miss Chu's should to calm her down.

"Miss Chu, it's okay. I'd like to say something to everyone" Michael said calmly

"Michael please don't make too much trouble." Miss Chu quietly pleaded, while having bad feeling that his going to make trouble either way.

"hey everyone do you want to make a bet. I bet that me or my sister will come first in every other test. If I lose I'll pay each of you 10million NSC(New State Credits) but if I win…. ." At that moment Amy walks on the steps to the black rock.

" I want all of you to get on your knees and say you're sorry to me."

Amy touches the rock and the bar rises.

" oh my God it's not stopping."

"whats going on the Bar won't stop rising"

"you see. You who limits your beliefs to what a rock tells you. You'll stay where this rock leaves you. My brother and I were told that we are just trash and would never amount to anything. Yet here we are. Now your telling me a rock will tell me my future… " Amy said with pride

The Rock began to crack and then exploded.

"…. Pathetic " she says.

" how… How is that possible? "Deil Xi muttered to himself.

" who in the word is she?" Xou Meng said in astonishment

" She is truly a prodigy." Helen Dax with a smile on her face

" oh my God.. How powerful is she at such a young age." Queen Tillie said with the US Open in amazement.

"no wonder Chu choose them." Hasley Mo said to herself

"looks like this years students are going make things interesting." Lee Xeng said while laughing

"Finally, someone has figured out that stupid rock" Chun Xi said with a smile on his face.

(crowd chatting)

"what… What just happened?"

"I've never heard of something like this"

"it never stopped rising and it blew up."

"what the fuck is this. I'm the top student. How dare they steal my lime light." Zou Xi said to himself in anger.

Shounen-Chen looked his and made a tight fist.

'She's right, I can't let a rock tell me what my future going to be.' He thought to himself

Elizabeth Lou looked at and thought to herself.

'I can't believe I almost let a stone get to me. I'll never let something like that happen again.'

Michael stood there with his Arms out and said.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, if you are still willing to take that bet…. Came at me with everything you've got. Hahahahahahahaha."