
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
37 Chs


A day after the tournament. A luxury car stops at the Lee Manner. The drive gets out the car and opens the passenger door.

"Miss Mo we have arrived." he said humbly.

She gets out the car wearing casual clothes. Checker shirt, blue jeans and sunglasses.

"So this is the place where they live. Although its a big house, its a little dull." Sue Mo heads to the Door and knocks. The opens only to find Miss Chu Answered.

"Miss Mo. It's only been a day and you're already knocking on there door." Miss Chu said sarcastically.

"oh my, Miss Chu i didn't expect an instructor from the Heavenly Deity College. Could it be that you are just as interested in Michael and Amy as i am?" she asked

"haha. Nice try but I'm just recruiting them."

"well is Master Drake inside? Sue Mo asked while taking off her sun glasses.

" No, none of them are here except fro Principle Lee. I had make a Call to Master Drake just now. To tell me where they are. " Miss Chu said

" that's good. "

Sue Mo sat down on the porches' long bench and Miss Chu sat next to her.

"I did some digging into Amy and Michael but there was something strange about them." Sue Mo said.

"what did you find that's so strange ?" Miss Chu asked

"apparently they never existed until Principle Lee Adopted them. What's more strange is that Records of Master Drake doesn't exists. It's like the came from another world." Sue Mo said with confusion in her voice.

"All i can tell you is what Principle Lee has told me. Michael and Amy met while they were living on the streets. Then one day Master Drake took them in and came to the Principle's home. Before all of that i don't know much." Miss Chu said truthfully

"since you told me that, then I'll tell you what i think. I think that Michael and Amy and the most wanted vigilantes (The Akuma Duo)" Sue Mo said looking directly in the eyes of Miss Chu. Trying to get a reaction to see if she know

Miss Chu was quite surprised but kept her composure for there sake because Sue Mo is not only from the Hero's Association but part of the Four Great Families.

"Miss Mo, saying accusations like that is dangerous. You've seen what there Master is like." Miss Chu said, this is her way to persuade Sue Mo from digging further.

"I know his very powerful but i can't help but think so. It's there style and skill. Everything about them match there description." Sue Mo said as if she's a fan.

"So is that why your here?" Miss asked curiously.

"Yes, because i need there help. I have a mission but any of the Hero's. The Hero's Association is corrupt, but With them. especially Michael I feel as if i can trust them." Sue Mo said with a look on her face that you could tell, she was telling the truth.

" are you sure you just don't have a crush on him. I don't blame you his quite handsome. " Miss Chu said Sarcastically and laughed softly.

" Miss Chu you... "Sue Mo blushed and folded her arms. Miss Chu couldn't help but laugh because she knew how she felt.

Principle Lee walked through the door to unexpectedly to see Sue Mo.

" Miss Mo. I didn't expect to see you here. "

" oh no. I came here to see Michael and Amy." she said while standing up.

"well...Master Drake is off training him New disciples before they have to leave for College." Principle Lee said while stroking his beard.

"is there no way we can see them?" Sue asked giving Principle Lee puppy eyes. No man can resist a beautiful young girls eyes.

"it's alright. Master Drake said that we can come. Please follow me" Principle Lee led way. In front of the he told them to stand still.

A magic create appeared under there feet.

"what is this?" Sue Mo asked.

"it looks like an array but there is so much more strokes and detail to it. This is very advanced." Miss Chu said. Being a instructor you have to know and learn as much as you can.

"you're quite right this is a teleportation array."

Principle Lee proudly said.

"what?.... But doesn't teleportation array take energy from large Beast Crystal's?" Sue Mo asked with a shocked look on her face , including Miss Chu.

"hahaha.. Your quite right but Master Drake is no ordinary man. His Teleportation Array only takes energy from nature.

The Magic crest shines and they disappear. Into thin air.

(Beast territory SSS Ranked)

Kelly is sitting within a gold magic crest. Drake is busy teach her.

"Kelly, after observing your fight i know Michael helped unlock your mind space. He explained everything to me. I still need to confirm something."

Drake's ring magical produced crystal ball. Drake drops it in her hands. Witch caught her by surprise.

"do not pour any other energy but your Qi into this crystal ball" he said.

Kelly closed her eye did as he said. The crystal ball shine an blue colour and the ball froze. Kelly opened her eyes and the ball shattered. This scared Kelly.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she said repeatedly.

'hmph.. Worthy of being my discipline' Drake thought.

"it's alright Kelly. Now that I've made a proper assessment of your powers I can tell what you really are."

Drake kneeled down to looked Kelly in her face. Doing this made Kelly very nervous.

"You're blood line is very rare. Only one in a thousand of a chance for anyone would be granted this power. You're a Battle Mage."

Kelly became lost because she did not know what a Battle Mage is.

"Master Drake i don't know what that is. Could you please explain." she asked politely.

"A Battle Mage is when someone is blessed with great power for a certain element. Like your is ice. Witch means your already on the next level of water element. Once you've train the Art of Water and Ice and Mater it and fully understand the comprehension of both. You'll become more powerful an a immoral God." Drake explained.

Kelly's eyes open as Drake had given her hope to become strong.

" But there is a down side. When your were fighting. Did you notice that you used Art that you've never learned yet."

Once Kelly thought about it she noticed that she did find it strange that she used moves she's never used before.

"yes i did notice."

" This skill is powers of the ancestor that had the power before you and gave you knowledge. But once your reach the peak of your powers. Then you will become emotional less and kill whoever is in there way."

Kelly Became shocked to learn how dangerous her powers are.

" you have to remember. A Battle Mage of the elements are weapons."

Kelly looked down but Drake smiled.

" but there is no need to worry. As long and Michael and Amy are alive...Knowing them, they will definitely bring you back."

Kelly looked up and smiled and her held determination. Drake took his finger and placed it on her forehead.

"I'm in printing all Water Art, Ice Art, combination Art. But you'll start on Water Art and once you've Mastered it. Then the next Art will unlock. Tell no one about these Arts and especially the fourth book."

"I promise Master Drake." Kelly said with honour in her voice. As she looked up she noticed Drake and a blood drop running from his eye.

"Master, are you okay. You have blood running from your eye." Kelly said as she took a cloth from her pocket and wiped it for him."

Drake is surprised as he is a vampire and only vampire's have tears of blood.

" it's okay Kelly. You just reminded me of someone from my past." he said stand straight up.

"Master, i know it's inappropriate to ask but how do I remind you off this person." Kelly asked very nervous like.

Drake laughed softly and said.

"like you she was the last Water Battle Mage i met."

Kelly, now surprised become excited.

"Please Master tell me more about her." Kelly begged Drake. Giving him the Puppy eyes that even Drake can't look away from.

"fine.. Her name is Vera Van Hellsing. water Battle mage, monster hunter and the last decent of the Valkyries"