
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
37 Chs


With a wave of Drakes hand all the blood on detective Jane disappeared.

"now call for back up in an hours time. Then tell them that they were killed by that monster."

Drake turns around and in his arms appeared the little girl out of black smoke.

"she okay and return all the remains to there parents so that they may rest in pieces." He said and turns around to walks away.

"Master.. What is your name?" she asked

"you may call me Master Drake and you will serve me for all eternity."

Drake stop and takes a deep breath and says

"I am going to watch my disciples win the tournament. You may have lost your family but I hope that one day you will accept us as your family." He said whole heartedly and then disappeared in black smoke coming from his shadow.

Detective Jane smile with a single tear running down her cheek.

" thank you Master Drake."

Back at the tournament. Kelly Paige's match is about to begin. As felt very nervous as she clutched her first together. Amy held her hands calming and said.

"Sister Kelly don't worry I know that you will win because not do I believe in you but so does Michael. Kelly looks back at Michael's face to see him smile and show her a thumbs up for encouragement. Kelly blushed and quickly looked away.

'if they can believe in me then I have to believe in myself.' She thought to herself.

She built up the courage and took on to the stage.

At the moment Miss Chu had earlier on arrived and sat with Principal Lee.

"Has everything with Master Drake been resolved?" Principal Lee asked

"I don't know but I have a feeling that there is nothing that can stop Master Drake." Miss Chu said confidently.

Principle Lee laughs softly to himself.

"why are you laughing?" she asked

"why? Please do tell me when did you start call him Master? "he asked sarcastically.

Miss Chu blushed as flashed of what had happened to her go thought her mind and oit of embarrassment she shout.

" what does it have to do with an old man like you!"

Principle Lee laughs as coach looks.

'that old cow is laughing with our meal ticket. As if they won already.' He thought

Principal Lee ran off to the stage to announce the next match.

Just then Drake suddenly appears next to Miss Chu without her knowing a whispered in her ear.

"hello again, Miss Chu."

With those sudden words, she jumped up out of her seat, red in the face.

"you… You can't just pop out of nowhere and do that!" she shouted

Drake laughed a little and said.

"Miss Chu, if you would. Please take a seat people are watching."

She looks around to see people are staring at her and she felt embarrassed by this. She sites down quietly and says nothing. Drake smiles and looks at Kelly.

"look like there is something more than meets the eye with this one." He said quietly with himself.

Amy sits next to Michael.

"I know what you did." He said.

"I don't know what your talking about?" she said folding her arms with a smile on her face.

"please….. from the moment you held her body and each time you touched her. I could you activating her one of a Chakra and pressure points…unblocking a Qi flow without her body." He said.

Amy said nothing but smiled.

"lady and gentlemen. The Lady here was Personally selected By Miss Chu for this tournament. Giving her a chance to prove herself she will have only one match and will be going into the finals." Principal Lee announced.

(crowd chatter)

"what? How is that fair?"

"just because she's one of the schools bellas, doesn't mean she can just skip everyone else and head to the finals."

"I agree. I hope her next opponent will show her no mercy."

"yeah, beat her up so that she will never show her face here again."

All those words the crowd had said, hurt Kelly's confidence and she began to get nervous again. So in her mind she tries to bloke out the words and pictured Michael and Amy's smiles.

"no I won't give in to them. I will prove to everyone that I deserve to be here and help all the sacrifice my parents made for me to get here" she said to herself and took the stage.

"now to the next match Kelly Page vs Dillon Kai."

(Crowd chatter)

"what.. Dillon Kai.. Isn't he Dozen's cousin? "

" yeah.. His known for being mercy less and forcing girls to do what he wants."

"poor girl.. Out of all the people she could have faced."

Dillon Kai, a teenage delinquent. He spends his time learn cultivation and bullying people. His skinny and his hair looked similar to Donzo. He always carried a staff with him and no matter if your old, male or female he would beat you to get what he wants.

"Hey, you're really cute. Why don't you give up and I can take you to my home." He said arrogantly.

Amy hearing this made her angary and shouted.

"Hey dumb ass! Don't you talk to her like that. I'll kick your whole family's ass"

Michael tried to pull her down fro. The chair she stood on.

"Amy calm down. Kelly's got this" he whispered to her

"Sister Kelly. Kick his ass and don't so mercy, not even for a second!" Amy shouted, Kelly gave a smile and nodded.

Amy then turned her attention to the crowd.

An murderous aura flowed in the air and spread though out the crowd. Just by giving them one evil look the crowd stood still.

" And to you guys who said all those thing about Kelly. I will remember you for what you said and after this tournament is over. I'm going to find you.. And I guess you know what's going to happen."

She said in a very convincing evil tone of voice. Everyone in the crowd felt scared and hopeless. One if them even peed their pants.

" let the next match begin."

" hey, little girl. That bitch over there's got quite the mouth. Just for that im going to have to hurt you first and go over to her next." He said arrogantly.

Those words enraged Kelly.

"don't ever talk about my friends that way." She said.

Dillon began to run towards Kelly.

( lightning Dragon Style/ fifth form/ Rowing dragon)

Green lighting emitted out of his body and entered the staff. With a wave of the staff he a green lighting Dragon out of the staff. Cover Dillon's Body and the head of the Dragon fired green flams from its mouth.

(Water style/water barrier)

A dome of water covered Kelly to protect her.

"hahaha…with Dillon's advance training and this technique it can destroy any defensive attacks. Especially against such a weak technique. That bitch is going to die." Mr. Kai said

The Dragon flams attack Kelly and covered the dome in flams.


The arena is cover in steam because of the two techniques colliding. Dillon laughed proudly thinking that he had finished off Kelly. But as the steam clears he see that she is still standing firm on the place she stood but the water burial is gone. Dillon is surprised by this and said.

"hey cutie, you may have survived that attack but you still stand no chance in beating me."

"you talk too much."

(water style/ heavy hail)

Nine large drops of water floats in the air. It changes it's form to become flite and acts as a portal.

Out of each of the water shot out a hail that is the size of a baseball.

Each of the nine water portals shot out several of these as fast a gun fire.

'what's going on with my body. I feel more comfortable with each of my attacks and it's even stronger than before.' Kelly thought to herself.

Dillon used his Strafe with skill. He spin, swung and did a few backflips to Dodge and block the Hale attacks.

'shit, it's a never ending.' Dillon thought as he became frustrated.

( lightning Style/dragon's dome)

And what looked as if a Dragon's snake like body. Wrapped its energy body around Dillon to shield him. Dillon smiled and laughed.

"You bitch. Did you really think that I would let you win? Now I'm going to kill." He said with a crazy look in his eyes. His ego took a hit because he felt that embarrassed as to how Kelly was able to fight back.

( forbidden art/final from/dragons jaws)

Then suddenly through the roof of the building came a giant green dragon and it is heading for Kelly. Kelly got scared as the Dragon look frightening

(water style/water burial)

A dome of water formed. The Dragon large head bits the ground and picks Kelly up but the water dome for now is holding on. Kelly is now holding on. Trying her hardest to keep the dome from breaking while the sweat ran down her face.

"yes you little bitch. For not listening to me and fighting back. You have to die." Dillon said laughter at the how she struggles.

"yes after she's dead. I'll take care of the rest."

Mr. Kai said laughing away.

"no stop this match.. I don't want my baby to die." Mrs Page said. Drake took her hand to comfort her and said.

"you need to sit down a calming watch how your daughter over comes this all on her own and don't worry. If anything goes wrong my disciples will keep her safe."

Mrs. Page felt comfort from his words and sat down to keep watching.

'please baby.. Mommy knows you can do this.'

(Kelly's thoughts)

'his too strong.'

'I can't hold on any long.'

'I'm so sorry Michael and Amy'

'please forgive me'

(Michael's voice in her thoughts)

'why are you asking for forgiveness?'

Michael's mental image appears and pulls her into her mind space.

Her mind stance looked like giant lake cover in think ice and mountains covered in shown around it.

'where am i?' she asked

'this is your mind space. Its where most of your mental abilities lie.' He said walking around her

'so how can this help me?

' it depends on how badly you want it.'

Michael crouches down and touches the surface of the lack.

' this frozen lack represents all your potential power that is call your soul sea.'

Kelly knees down next to him and touch's it.

' but how do I open it and how use it?' she asked

' like I said it depends how badly you want to break it and how to use it will come naturally.'

Kelly looked down and said.

' I really want to go the college with you and sister Kelly.'

Michael crept closer her and said.

' you're think wrong. It not about me a Kelly. It about what you want. This is your dream that you work so hard for. Amy and I want nothing more than to help you get there.' Michael said giving her a smile and the disappears.

Kelly looks at the ice and punches. Her knocks bleeds but she hits it again and again.

' I don't care how much it hurt. I'm not giving up. I'm going to win no matter the cost and stand by his side for as long as I live because that what I want!'

The last punch was so powerful that the mountain shook.

(cracking sound)

'oh my God… It Cracked'

After a large crack, it suddenly stopped.

Kelly felt disappointed but then a light shining from the crack and Kelly began to illuminate.

(back in the real world.)

Kelly's body begins to emitted ice blue energy. Kelly looked calm as she dropped her hands.

"hahaha.. Bitch finally gave in.. Now your mine"

Kelly opens her eyes and ice blue lightning comes out. Kelly calming raises her hand and shows the palm of her hand.

"what can she do? She suck in the jaws of the green Dragon. No one has ever escaped." Mr. Kai said to himself.

(water style/ice piercing)

Out of Kelly's barrier, a large pillar of ice shot down the Dragon's mouth and dozens of sharp icicles came out from in it. The ice stabbed thought the Dragon, Killing it. The dragon disappeared and Kelly gracefully land on the ground.

The crowd was stunned and Mr. Kai's mouth stood wide open in shock.

"impossible!" Dillon shouted.

(water style/ice pillar)

A giant ice colour magic crest appeared above Dillon. Out came a giant ice pillar, fall towards Dillon

(lighting style/Dragon's dome)

Dillon kept his hands up to give energy to the dome. Doing this he was only holding the pilled from crushing him, but the weight and power, broke the ground underneath his feet.

"what's going on? Why are you so powerful". Donzo asked

Principal Lee stood up from his seat and clapping his hand together.

"amazing just simply amazing" he said

Miss Chu was stunned.

"wait what's going on?" Mrs. Page asked.

Principal Lee strokes his long beard and said.

"Mrs. Page, your daughter is truly spectacular. In just a moment she was able to break though not just one but several times at once. She went from beginner-level- peak straight to Mid-level-peak."

(crowed all said one word at the same time)


Michael, Amy and Drake smiled.

"I think, I just gained a new disciple." Drake said while smirking of a smile on his face.

Kelly walked closer towards Dillon. Each foot step she left behind turned to ice.

(water style/water sabre.)

In the palm of her hand a sabre style sword forms, completely made out of water.

Dillon, completely under pressure try's to rise the pillar but fails. As the harder he tries the heavier it gets.

(water sabre style/ execution)

In a mere second Kelly suddenly was standing behind Dillon. The ice pillar suddenly broke into pieces. When it broke, Dillon Dropped his arms. Suddenly a long slash appeared on his body and blood guessed out. He fell to his knees and then fell on his face.

"winner of this around is Kelly Paige"

Everyone cheered as this was an amazing battle. The crowd cheered Kelly's name over and over again.

The medical team came in to tend to Dillon's wounds.

As Kelly tired to get off the stage she falls. She used all her chakra and could not hold on much longer. As he fell Michael comes in and catches her.

"it's okay sister Kelly. You did great. Rest now."

Just those few words made Kelly smile as she was being held in his strong arms. She closes her eyes to rest. Kelly's mother comes over to see to her daughter. Drake comes and hands her a gold pill with vines to her mother.

" this a high-level- longevity pill. It will help her recover from breaking through so many level in a realm and she will be fine." Drake said. Kelly's mother felt great full because she knows that not many people can afford to a pill on this level.

"I call bullshit!!!!" the coach shouted while om the stage.

"You must have cheated. There is no way a weak little girl can all of a sudden break though like that without cheating." He said point at Kelly while she's unconscious.

"how dare you slander my child!" Mrs. Page shout back.

"shut up old hag. There is no way come nerd all of a sudden is so strong."

"look what's in your hands. That's a high level pill. You must have cheated."

The crowd began to whisper to each other. Some agreed with his accusations.

Michael hands Kelly over to her mother gently. He gets up and looks at the couch like an enemy. The couch felt disrespect by the look on his face.

" everyone here knows I have cultivation within my body and yet I can mop the floor with all of you. You cultivators seem to think if you hit a certain level above someone else you'll bully them. Too bad for you because I stand for something more than a cultivator can ever be."

Michael said with authority in his voice. Making the entire room.

" Master, may I? "

Drake closed his eyes and smiled

" didn't I tell you. You can do whatever you want with your powers. Just don't kill them."

Drake steps forward and begin to give an evil laugh and said.

"but no I'll change your orders slightly. Now I want you to bully those who bully the weak. Break there bone, Destroy there cultivation, and their confidence, break their arrogance and don't forget to make them suffer.

The coach laughs when you heard Drake's words.

"what the fuc…."

Michael's speed is deadly. From where he stood he was able to get to the stage and kick the couch in the stomach. The force was so strong that he flew with a window outside the gym.

Everyone was stunned by this.

"I wasn't finished talking. I Michael Lee, I stand for those who are weak."