
Revenge and the Sacrifices That Come With It

These are the accounts of Brian, a man who is seeking revenge on the person who killed his family, and finds a whole new world he never knew existed.

HollowTheory · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Entry #1 - The Introduction

My name is Brian Shaw, and I want to tell you about my life.

You've all read the stories a hundred times before, tragedy strikes a man: He loses his wife, his kid, his whole family; and it sets a blaze a fire in his soul that he didn't know was there. I read them, hoping that I could have some innate power within me that was just waiting to be awakened; just waiting for something to come along and set a spark to the timber. As the years went by, I got older: 18, 20, 25. My life was boring: Boring job, boring house, boring pets, boring friends, boring everything. I was an engineer on some government contract that I can't exactly talk about, but even THAT got boring. Then one day, I met the love of my life. We were both 28, trying to find out for ourselves what life really meant for us, "where was our meaning in life?" I fell hard for her, and she did the same for me; we were inseparable. It didn't take long for us to know when it was right, and I popped the question. She immediately said yes, and with mere months of planning, we were officially married. My dreams of grandeur and body imbued with superhuman powers all faded away and turned into a dream of finally having a family, finally having a purpose and meaning to my life. That is what I wanted all along. Sure, I dreamed of how cool it would be if I were to be able to lift cars with one hand, read peoples' minds, or even to move things with my own mind; but underneath all of the "cool" things, I found that I simply wanted to be recognized by someone as someone with power to make a life worth living, to protect someone.

When I married my wife, finally I found what I was looking for all this time. A couple years pass by, and she is pregnant with my child; MY child. When she told me, I was filled with so many emotions: happy, sad, exited, and a whole myriad of feelings I never thought I would ever feel. The next 6 months was filled with doctor visits and Lamaze classes.

Obviously, I wouldn't be telling you this story if something didn't happen, and well, I suppose now I should tell you. I was working overtime at work one day (I used the excuse of wanting to have more money for when the baby came.) She understood that I had to work late, that came with the territory. I had worked a lot when we were dating too; it wasn't like she didn't expect it, or even want me to stop. She always told me that that was part of what she fell in love with: my determination, my stubbornness, my desire to be the best I could be. She jokingly told me to not work too late, let out a chuckle and told me she loved me. I wish those were the last words I heard from her; to remember her as happy.

I was driving home when I got the call: Her friend had told me that she was on her way home from her place and she never called her back to let her know she arrived safely. I drove the route that I figured she would have taken to her friend's house, and that is where I found it: My wife's car, stuck in a ditch. My head started to spin; bile began to bubble up my throat as I proceeded to walk towards the car. I saw here lying there in the driver's seat. I pulled her out and cried out to God, cursing him. Her eyes opened up as I wiped the blood from her face. "Someone ran me out of the road and-" she paused, "Am I going to die? Is the baby going to die? I don't want to go." Her eyes shut just as the ambulance arrived. I rushed to the hospital breaking every street light, stop sign, and speed limit. They did an emergency surgery on her to try and save her life, but they couldn't save the baby. I stayed by her side for 5 days as she laid there in a coma. Then, on the sixth day, she passed. I was devastated, I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't do anything. I talked to the police, but they ruled it an accident, but that was bullshit, it wasn't going to happen like this. I heard her, what she said; She was run off the road. A month later, and here I am; I sold everything that reminded me of her except for her ring and a copy of the ultrasound, just enough to keep a steady reminder to keep me grounded for what I am going to do. I am going to use every resource I have at my disposable to make whoever did this, to pay for their sins, no matter what it takes.