
Revelation Of An Ordinary Life ( On hold )

Classroom of The Elite React Fan-Fic that I found on Wattpad. The Image and Story are not owned by me, so the credit goes to the original owner, megadonkeykong.

Sokdavid · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Student Introductions / Meeting Horikita

After our day of normal classes, we were then asked to relocate to the gym. I had realized something over the past 2 days; my act can't work anymore. Most students, even the slow ones, would eventually be able to realize that I do a lot more for the class than I let on, so I have to change my behavior.

After going to the seat the video started playing again.

[ "Alright then, how was the first video just so you know there will be plenty more that will show what the people around you think like." ]

If this was yesterday, most students would proceed to laugh and ridicule the voice, but now it was different. Doubt and suspicion among students are rising.

[ "Although this won't be that video. Mainly, this video is for fun because I felt like it." ]

Some students were relieved, but others realized that this video is just biding time until the inevitable 'trust breaking' video comes.

[ "In this video, we will be seeing the first meeting of Ayanokouji and horikita." ]

"This video seems pretty boring if that's all that happens," Ike complained, and it seemed everyone else agreed.

I was happy this video wouldn't be bad. I'm assuming that most people would simply lose interest while the rest would laugh at me for how socially inept I was.

[ As I got off the bus, I saw a gate formed from the natural rock waiting just ahead. All the young boys and girls dressed in school uniforms were passing through this gate.

The Japanese government had created the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School with the express purpose of developing future leaders. This would be my school from now on.

Okay, stop for a moment. Take a deep breath. All right, here we go!


The instant I tried to take my first courageous step, someone called out to me. It was the girl who'd sat next to me on the bus. ]

"Horikita, why did you call out Ayanokouji randomly?" Matsuhita quizzically inquired.

"I simply wanted to ask him a question," Horikita said in a somewhat quieter voice. She was probably remembering our conversation and how she acted previously.

[ "You were looking at me. Why?" she asked.

She narrowed her eyes while we spoke.

"Sorry. I guess I was just interested, that is all. I mean, you didn't think about giving up your seat to the old woman, did you?"

"That's right. I didn't consider giving it up. Is there something wrong with that?" ]

Some Class D students probably wanted to argue, but since it was Horikita and because it was over a year ago they probably thought it was pointless trying to argue. I guess that even if people have gripes and complaints if someone else has a higher position, they can't say and share their true thoughts.

Although sakayangi didn't see it that way.

"Wow. I thought a class leader would have more respect for the elderly," Sakayanagi taunted wearing her normal smug expression, wait, did it get even more smug?

"At the time I simply didn't want to give up my seat and this event happened over a year ago. I now know that what I did was rude," Horikita seemed to copy my strategy of taking the blame and moving on. Sakayangi seemingly lost interest and continued to watch the video.

"Suzune, you would certainly give your seat if it was me there, right?" Ruyeen now had his crossairs on Horikita.

"I'd rather stab myself with a compass," Horikita replied bluntly.

[ "Oh, no, not at all. I didn't intend to give up my seat, either. I firmly abide by the philosophy of letting sleeping dogs lie. I dislike trouble."

"You dislike trouble? Then I don't think you and I are anything alike. I didn't give up my seat because I thought it would be pointless. That's all."

"But doesn't that seem worse than just not liking trouble?" ]

It appears that I got a few laughs from my classmates out of that, even sakayanagi was giggling. Honestly, I just said what was on my mind at the time.

[ "Perhaps. I'm simply acting according to my own beliefs. That's different from someone who just dislikes trouble, like you. I don't want to spend any time around people like you."

"I feel the same way," I muttered.

I had only wanted to share my opinion, but I wasn't too keen on going back and forth with her like this. We both sighed and proceeded to walk in the same direction. ]

"I thought that you guys were good friends, but I guess this was just your first time meeting, so I shouldn't expect you to hit it off or anything," Yousuke pointed out.

"Well back then me and Horikita only really talked since we sat next to each other, but after a while we became friends," I responded both of us. This seemed to take away all of the questions.

[ "Well, that was their first interaction what are your thoughts? Wait just hold them for a moment I have 1 more video to show you."

As someone who dislikes trouble, I decided I'd like to establish proper relationships. Unfamiliar with the notion, I'd spent the day before in preparation, running through different scenarios. ]

"Ayanokouji, are we gonna see your perspective for the year? that's gonna get kinda boring after a while," Ike exclaimed.

It makes sense why he thought that way, after all, I'm just horikitas first ally in their mind.

"Oh, I don't think Ayanokouji-Senpai's perspective will be boring at all," It seems a little pink-haired girl with a devilish smile had spoken up to deny Ikes claim.

"Um... who are you?" Ike nervously said.

"Ichika Amasawa," She responded with a smile similar to Sakayanagi's.

"Hey Ayanokouji, do you know who that girl is?" Sato asked.

"Yeah, I know her. She was Sudo's partner for the special exam, we had at the beginning of the year. She had a condition for joining which was that I had to cook for her," I explained.

"Woah. You can cook Kiyopon?" Haruka exclaimed with amazement.

"It's only the basics. I don't know how to do anything complicated," I told her the truth.

"You seem modest Ayanokouji," Kanzaki pointed out. Well, this was annoying. When I tell people the truth they perceive my abilities as higher than they are.

"Kanzaki, I only know how to do the basics. To be honest, I only learned how to do those things through online videos," I told him.

It wasn't technically a lie. I had to cook some things before the exam and I used the internet for it, but this seemed to take away his questions.

[ For instance, should I burst into the classroom and actively start talking to people? Should I secretly pass around a slip of paper with my email address, to better befriend someone? Someone like me needed to practice because this environment was so different from what I'd experienced thus far. I was completely isolated. I had ventured alone into a battlefield, and it was do or die.

Looking around the classroom, I walked toward the seat that bore my nameplate. It was at the back of the room, near the window. A good place to sit, generally.

As I looked around, I saw that the room was already halfway filled with students. The others were either immersed in their class materials or already talking with other people.

Perhaps they'd all been friends beforehand or had only recently gotten acquainted. Well then, what should I do? Take action during this free time and try to meet someone. In front of me, a rather rotund boy sat at his desk, hunching over. Perhaps it was my imagination, but he appeared lonely. ]

"Aren't you both in the same position though? It seems kind of hypocritical for you to judge them," Nagumo stated.

"I wasn't judging them I was just pointing it out," I responded.

"I agree with kohai here. Nagumo it seems like you just want to make him look bad," Kiryuin said. This seemed to shut Nagumo up.

[ The boy exuded an aura that seemed to shout, "Please, someone be my friend!" However, if you just went up to someone and started talking, you might be bothering them. Should you wait for the right time? But then you might wait too long and be left friendless. I just had to... No, no, wait, I couldn't be hasty. If I started a thoughtless conversation with someone I didn't know, I ran the risk of making a serious social gaffe. ]

"T- This isn't being socially inept, this is borderline inability to communicate," Katsuragi said.

"This is just sad," Thank you Ryuuen for your input.

"Ayanokouji, didn't you say that this was a completely different environment than what you're used to? What did you mean by that?" It seems Ichinose was the one who asked the question this time.

"I was homeschooled for most of my life and this was the first time I came to a normal school, so I didn't know how to act like a normal high schooler," I got some sympathetic stares and all of the proceeding questions about why I'm so bad socially would be resolved.

[ Before I knew it, the rotund, bespectacled boy in front of me had started to talk with another classmate.

Wearing a bitter smile, I realized that there was no new friendship to be cultivated there. I'm happy for you, Glasses-Kun. It looks like you made your first friend.

"I got beaten to the punch!" ]

"God, I almost feel bad for you now," Apparently ryueen didn't care about my circumstances.

[ I was at my wit's end, stuck in useless navel-gazing. Reflexively, I let out a deep sigh. My high school experience seemed poised to be exceptionally dour. Then, someone sat down beside me.

"That's quite a heavy sigh, considering the school year has only begun. Meeting you again makes me want to sigh."

It was the girl who'd fought with me at the bus stop and then walked off. "So, we were placed in the same class, huh?" I mumbled.

Well, there were only four classes for all of the first-year students, after all. Statistically, we could be together.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

"You just went ahead and introduced yourself?" she said.

"Well, this is the second time that we've spoken. Isn't it fine for me to do so?"

I had wanted to introduce myself to someone anyway, so it wasn't as though I could just keep quiet. Besides, to become familiar with my class, I had to at least know my neighbor's name...even if she was this audacious girl.

"Do you mind if I refuse?" she asked.

"I don't think sitting next to someone for an entire year without knowing their name would be comfortable."

"I disagree." ]

"I agree with Ayanokouji here. I think it would be uncomfortable to sit next to someone without knowing their name for 3 years," said Mori.

"I agree with you, but I was fairly unsociable back then," Horikita replied quickly.

[ Shooting me a glance, she placed her bag on her desk. Apparently, she wasn't going to tell me her name. Lacking any interest in the classroom, the girl simply sat upright in her chair like a model student.

"Do you have a friend in another class? Or did you enroll here all on your lonesome?" I asked.

"You're a curious one, aren't you? You won't find talking to me very interesting, though."

"If I'm bothering you, you can just tell me to be quiet."

I wouldn't introduce myself if it made her angry. I thought that the conversation was over, but then the girl sighed. Apparently, she'd changed her mind. She turned her gaze on me and introduced herself.

"I'm Horikita Suzune."

For the first time, I got a good look at her face.

Wow. She was cute. Or rather, she was beautiful. Even though we were in the same grade, I'd have believed it if you told me she was a year or two older.

Such a calm, cool beauty. ]

Kei seemed to be pouting that I said that, but she didn't say anything about it.

"Hey, Kiyopon did I just hear what I think I heard?" Although Haruka was more than curious.

"Yes, you did. Also, I was just pointing it out, so don't get any weird ideas," this statement made her quiet.

I also noticed that Sudo had a look at an agreement. If this was a year ago, he would probably say something, but he's mellowed out now and knows better than to say unnecessary things.

[ "Let me tell you about myself," I said. "I have no particular hobbies, but I'm interested in just about anything. I don't need many friends, but I think it would be nice to have at least a few. And, well, that's about it."

"Spoken just like someone who avoids trouble. I don't think I could ever like such a person," she said.

"Jeez, I feel like you trashed my entire existence in one second," I muttered. ]

"Wow. I knew she wasn't the most sociable person, but this is just plain mean," said Amikura from class B.

I got a few pity looks from the people around me.

[ "I pray this will be my only upset."

"I sympathize, but, unfortunately, I don't think your prayers will be answered." I pointed to the classroom entrance. Standing there was—

"This seems like a rather well-equipped classroom. It would appear to live up to people's expectations, hmm?"

Yes. The boy who'd quarreled with those women on the bus.

"I see. This certainly is bad luck," she said. ]

"Oh my Horikita girl, how could it be bad luck if you were around me?" Koenji said.1 he had also changed from looking at a mirror to filing his nails. I wonder what he would have next time.

[ "Everyone, can you please listen to me for a moment?" ]

Well, this is going to be great.

[ A student with the air of an upstanding young man quickly raised his hand. His hair wasn't dyed. He looked like an honors student. Based on his appearance, I got the impression he wasn't a delinquent.

"Starting today, we're all going to be classmates. Therefore, I think it'd be good for us to introduce ourselves and become friends as soon as possible. We still have some time until the entrance ceremony. What do you say?"

He'd just done something incredible. The majority of students were lost in thought, and unable to speak up. ]

"I don't think it was that incredible, but thank you for the praise Ayanokouji," Yousuke said with his beaming smile.

"No. I think it was quite amazing that you could do that," Ichinose said with a similar smile.

These 2 people probably only interacted due to their high social standing, but they would probably get along well due to their similar mindsets.

[ "Agreed! After all, we still don't know a thing about each other, not even our names," someone shouted.

After the ice had broken, the previously hesitant students began to speak.

"My name's Hirata Yousuke. Back in junior high, lots of people called me Yousuke. Feel free to use my first name! I guess my hobby is sports in general, but I especially like soccer. I'm planning on playing soccer here, too. Nice to meet you!"

Hirata had effortlessly introduced himself to the class. He seemed exceptionally brave. And he'd talked about his love for soccer, too! His level of popularity must've increased two, no, maybe four times. Why the girl seated next to Hirata had hearts in her eyes! If someone like Hirata became our class's linchpin, I wondered if he'd keep everyone honest and motivated until graduation. ]

Some girls were blushing due to my thoughts but none of them said anything.

"Thanks for the praise Ayanokouji," said Yosuke.

[ Someone like him would probably end up dating the cutest girl in class. That was how these things typically went. ]

"Weird that you said something like that, but you weren't exactly wrong," said Onodera.

"Hey Kiyotaka, doesn't that mean you thought I was the cutest girl in class?" Kei whispered in my ear.

"I guess it does," Kei was blushing, but she was doing her best to hide it to keep up appearances.

[ "Well then, I'd like everyone to introduce themselves, starting from the front. Is that okay?"

Although the girl at the head of the class looked a little bewildered, she quickly made up her mind and stood. Or rather, she'd been pressured, in response to Hirata's words. ]

I saw Yosuke look over at Inogashira with a look that said 'I'm sorry.

[ "M-my name is...Inogashira Ko-Ko..."

The girl, last name Inogashira, seemed to freeze during her introduction. Was she drawing a blank, or had she not considered what she was going to say beforehand? As her words halted, she paled. It was rare to see someone get so incredibly nervous.

"Do your best!"

"Don't panic! It's okay!"

Kind words poured out of our classmates. But it seemed to have the opposite effect on the girl; the words stuck in the back of her throat. The silence continued for five seconds. Ten seconds. You could've cut the tension with a knife. Some of the girls started giggling. Inogashira was paralyzed with fear. She couldn't move a muscle. Another girl spoke up.

"It's okay to go slowly. Don't rush."

Although it might seem kind, saying, "Do your best!" and, "It's okay!" actually conveys a completely different meaning. To someone who is extremely nervous, "Do your best!" and, "It's okay!" can seem forceful, as if indicating she needs to match her classmates. On the other hand, saying, "Just take things slowly. Don't rush," allows her to take things at her own pace. ]

"This is a contradiction," said katsuragi.

"What do you mean?" I responded.

"Well, you said that you didn't know how to act like a normal high schooler and yet, you also seem to be making insightful comments on social interactions," explained katsuragi.

"That's mainly because I've read a bunch of psychology books. I was just trying to take the information from the books I read and apply them in real life," I explained.

"I see. I guess that makes sense," katsuragi said

[ After that, the girl calmed down and regained her composure. She took a few small breaths and tried again.

"My name is Inogashira...Kokoro. Um, my hobby is sewing. I'm pretty good at knitting. I-It's nice to meet you all."

She was able to finish without stopping. Looking alternately relieved, delighted, and embarrassed, Inogashira sat down. Other introductions followed hers.

"I'm Yamauchi Haruki. I competed in table tennis during elementary school, and in junior high, I was the ace player on our baseball team. I was number four. I got hurt during the inter-high school championships, though, and I'm undergoing rehab now. Nice to meet you." ]

Ike was turning into a ball probably remembering that his introduction was next. The students of class D had cloudy faces remembering this interaction with the expelled Yamauchi.

[ I didn't think that the number of his baseball uniform was essential information...

Besides, I'd thought the inter-high championship was a national sports competition for high school students. Junior high school kids were supposed to be ineligible.

Was he trying to crack a joke? He seemed like a talkative guy who got carried away pretty easily.

"Well then, I'm next, aren't I?" ]

The cloudy faces turned into relief and happiness when they heard Kushida's voice.

[ The cheerful girl who stood up was the same one who'd told Inogashira to go slowly and calm down. She was also the same girl who'd helped out the elderly woman on the bus that morning.

"My name is Kushida Kikyou. None of my friends from junior high made it to this school, so I'm alone here. I'd like to get to know all of your names and faces right away and become friends as soon as possible!"

While most of the students had only said a few words of introduction, Kushida continued to talk.

"My first goal is to become friends with everyone. So, after we're finished with introductions, I'd love for you to share your contact information with me!"

She wasn't just saying that. I could tell right away that this girl was the type to open up her heart to anyone.

Her encouraging words to Inogashira hadn't been platitudes, but a genuine reflection of her feelings. ]

"Wow, Kushida. You were so friendly even from the beginning of the year," said Ichinose with a warm smile.

"Hehe thanks, Ichinose. Also, thanks Ayanokouji for your nice words," Kushida responded with her usual cheerfulness, however, I wished she didn't say that as now I had several holes in my body due to the glares I was getting from the boys.

[ "So, after school or during vacations, I want to make all sorts of memories with lots of people. Please feel free to invite me to lots and lots of events! Anyway, I've talked for a long time, so I'll end my introduction here."

She said it as though she knew I'd been critiquing everyone's introductions. I felt strangely uncomfortable, and I wasn't sure why. ]

"Yeah Kiyopon, that was kinda weird," said Haruka.

"I don't know why I did. I guess it was just a habit."

"You seem fairly perceptive here," Keisei praised me.

[ What should I say when my turn came? Should I make a joke? Should I go into it with really high energy to get some laughs? No, that wouldn't work. Going out of control would just ruin the atmosphere. Besides, that didn't fit my personality anyway.

The introductions continued while I wrestled with my anxiety. ]

"A high-energy anything from you would probably get a lot of laughs. I can't wait for that scene" said ryueen snickerings.

"Ryueen, what scene are you talking about?" asked Hiyori.

"It doesn't matter, we'll see it eventually anyway," Ryuuen dismissed Hiyori.

[ "Well then, next up is..."

As Hirata looked encouragingly toward the next student, that student glared back. His hair was dyed a fiery red. He both looked and sounded like a delinquent.

"What, are we a bunch of little kids or something? I don't need to introduce myself. People who want to do that can go ahead. Just leave me out of it." ]

Sudo was following Ikes example and recoiled at the thought of his past self.

"S- Sorry Hirata for how I acted back then," apologized Sudo. He didn't need to because Yosuke had probably already forgiven him.

[ The red-haired guy scowled at Hirata. He had quite a presence, his attitude intense and overpowering.

"I can't force you to introduce yourself, of course. However, I don't think that getting along with your classmates is a bad thing. If I've made you uncomfortable, I apologize."

When Hirata bowed his head, some of the girls glared at the guy with red hair.

"Isn't it fine to introduce yourself?" one of them snapped.

"Yeah, yeah!"

As I'd expected, the pretty-boy soccer star had captured most of the girls' hearts in the blink of an eye. However, half of the male students started to look angry, probably out of jealousy. ]

"Are you saying you were different?" Akito who was behind me whispered.

"I didn't say I wasn't part of that, but I wasn't wrong."

"I guess so," Akito responded before the video started playing.

[ "Shut it. I don't care. I didn't come here to make friends."

The guy with red hair got up from his seat. It seemed he had no intention of getting to know anyone. Several other students followed suit and left the classroom together. Horikita got up and briefly glanced my way. When she realized I wasn't moving, she started to walk out the door. Hirata looked a little lonely when he saw Horikita head out.

"They're not a bad bunch. It's my fault. I was being selfish and made people do this."

"No way. You didn't do anything wrong, Hirata-Kun. Let's just leave those guys be, okay?"

Although some people had rebelled against the idea of introductions, the students who remained were happy to continue. In the end, things wrapped up in a rather ordinary fashion. ]

Ikes condition was bad now; I was worried if he could come back from this.

[ "I'm Ike Kanji. I love girls, and I hate pretty boys. I'm currently in the market for a new girlfriend. It's nice to meet you! All the better if you're a cutie or a beauty!"

It was difficult to tell if he was joking or not. At the very least, the girls looked at him with revulsion. ]

"Unfortunately, he wasn't," said Shinohara.

[ "Wow. You are so cool, Ike-Kun," one girl said, in a completely emotionless voice. Of course, her statement was 1000 percent false.

"Seriously? Seriously? Oh, man. I mean, I thought that I wasn't bad or anything, but...heh heh."

Ike thought that she was being serious. He blushed. Instantly, the girls started to laugh.

"Oh, wow. He's cute, huh, everyone? He's looking for a girlfriend!"

Dude, they're making fun of you. Ike continued to jovially go along with the teasing. He didn't seem like a bad guy, though. ]

Ike let out a sound that was akin to a dog on its last legs.

"UGH, why did I say that?" Well, at least he knows how dumb the thing he said was.

[ Next up was the combative boy from the bus, Kouenji. While inspecting his bangs in a hand mirror, he combed his hair.

"Excuse me, can you introduce yourself?" Hirata asked.

"Hmph. Fine."

He smirked like an aristocrat, displaying his impudent attitude. As he shifted in his seat, I thought he might leave, but Kouenji placed both of his legs on his desk and introduced himself.

"My name is Kouenji Rokusuke. As the sole male heir to the Kouenji conglomerate group, I will soon be tasked with carrying Japan into the future. I sincerely look forward to making your acquaintance, ladies."

He aimed his introduction solely at the opposite s.εメ, rather than the entire class. After hearing that he was rich, some of the girls looked at him with sparkling eyes, while others regarded Kouenji as if he were nothing more than a weirdo. That was only natural. ]

"Ayanokouji-boy isn't that rude of someone like you to say?" said koenji grinning.

He knew of my abilities, but I take it that he just wanted to get a reaction out of me because he felt like it. I ignored him and continued to let the video play.

[ "Starting today, I will mercilessly punish anyone who makes me uncomfortable. Please exercise proper precaution so that you may avoid that."

"Um, Kouenji-kun. What exactly do you mean when you say, 'anyone who makes me uncomfortable?" asked Hirata, who looked uneasy at the word "punish." ]

Koenji got a few more looks but unlike anger from before it was amusement that a class D student could say that so boldly.

[ "I meant exactly what I said. If asked to give an example, well... I would say I hate ugly things, for instance. So, if I saw something ugly, I would do just as I said."

Fwish! He flipped his long, flowing bangs. ]

"What are you, a 2-bit writer or something? Why are you doing sound effects in your head?" Ryueen chuckled.

"I just like to describe stuff," I responded.

[ "Ah, thank you. I will be careful then."

There was the guy with red hair, Horikita, Kouenji, Yamauchi, and Ike. This class was full of people with bizarre idiosyncrasies. ]

"What does that even mean?" said Sato curiously.

"He just means he thought we were weird," admitted horikita bluntly.

"What? Ayanokouji, it's not like you were any different," said Shinohara defensively.

"I don't recall ever saying I was excluded from this group of odd people," I retorted.

[ I, too, was especially peculiar, in that there was nothing peculiar about me. I had wanted to be free, free as a bird, but before this, I'd languished in a cage. I had wanted to fly into the expansive open skies. If you looked out the window, you could watch birds gracefully soaring... Well, not right now, but in general. Anyway, that's the kind of guy I was. ]

"A cage, was homeschooling that bad?" asked Airi.

"I was just being dramatic, it wasn't as bad as I was making it out to be."

"O-oh I see. Well, if you're ever having trouble you can talk to any of your friends," responded sakura timidly.

"Sure, if I ever need to do that I will," I responded.

Haruka started to tease sakura and she started blushing, Kei was pouting but she stopped after a few seconds.

[ "Well then, time for the next person. Can you please introduce yourself?"


Oh, shoot. My turn had come while I'd been daydreaming. Students turned, waiting for my introduction. Hey, hey! Don't look at me with so much anticipation. Oh well, I might as well try my best.

Clack! The chair rattled as I stood.

"Um. Well, my name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. And, uh, I don't have any special skills or anything. I'll do my best to get along with all of you. It's, uh, nice to meet you."

Well? Was that my introduction?

I'd failed! ]

Even after my sob story; the laughter at my inability to communicate rang through the room.

"Wow, that's pathetic," snickered Ryuuen.

"Honestly, it wasn't flashy, but it was all you needed to do," Ichinose reassured.

"I agree with her. And it wasn't even that bad compared to others," said Sato and others seemed to agree with her.

"Thanks then," I said.

[ "Alright, then that's all it is for this video, now that the fun ones are out of the way something interesting can finally come up." ]


Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


'' Revelation Of An Ordinary Life ''

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