
revealed unto the people

revealed unto them that believes in him through him is power and strength this is a story about him that is revealed unto people that believes this is not the story about the false prophets nor is it about Christians for they are indeed misguided I'm trying to challenge myself to write a book and make it seem it's like a holy book of course there's going to be romance and challenging things for the character of this book.

asjsjsjs_hsjshsh · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

the one that gives

1: indeed the provider of all things that is good things that comes from ALAl, he is the provider if you ask him with a pure heart without any unrighteousness indeed from heaven he shall hear you,when Kabriel was preaching these things all the people of the village was amazed and astonished because they never heard of this message before and never heard of this great God, suddenly a child ask the prophet and said to him is there just one God or more?, everyone in the place was silent when thay heard this question indeed they were curious also,Kabriel smiled and said look up to the heavens and you shall see the glory of the Lord, everyone in the place looked up to the sky and suddenly there was a voice saying, I AM THE ONE AND THE TRUE GOD OF ALL THE UNIVERSE AND THIS IS MY BELOVED PROPHET IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED, everyone in the place cried out loud and said indeed you O Lord is one and true God.

2:after that the village honored the God of Kabriel, everyone in that village was amazed and honored the prophet also, suddenly the prophet sat down on the ground and he looked up to the people that was standing and he suddenly spoke and said I will make this village a kingdom and all of the people in here shall worship the true God, I will conquer the kingdoms of this world and will make this world bow down to the great God, they were about 50,000 in that village and the village was not small it was actually huge but the village suffered because they didn't have water and food, of course when kabriel came they were no lack of water and food, they heard this message and was excited that they was chosen by the great prophet.

3:everyone saw the greatness of the prophet how he was kind to the kids and he played with them sometime he acted like a child he always smiled,one time when a child was seriously injured and the parents of the child lost hope and tried to bury the child and suddenly prophet came to them with anger and he said to them you devils how dare you tried to bury a child that was still alive and you have no brains shouldn't you have tried to contact me you think I'm powerless against the Dead?, the parents of the child cried out loud and said please forgive us O

great prophet of the true God,when Kabriel saw this he was amazed because they were truly sorry about what they did he smiled and said you are forgiven of your sin

and he said again dig out the child from the grave and bring her here and the villager did what he said, and they placed her before the prophet, Kabriel smiled and said I command you wake up in the name of the great God and suddenly she was healed and she was once again alive, of course when the parents buried the child she dead because of lack of oxygen,

4:kabriel stood up from the chair and he said to the people that was looking at him with amazed and truly believing in him if you bury a child that is still alive the heavens will curse you and you will go to deepest of deepest of the underworld and will suffer being buried alive and again and again and being tortured again and again and being slit through the throat many people will try to find death but they shall not receive it, a child is more loved by God then anyone in the universe, truly I say to you if you abandon a child without food or shelter May the heavens curse you, if anyone do any disgusting and abominable thing to a little children's may 500 lb of rocks be placed behind them and cut him 5,000 times without killing him if he dies burn that corpse alive because if you do not you shall be abandoned by ALAL that if you kill them accidentally but if he is not dead by then put vinegar on him and place honey round about his body and place him on the wilderness and leave them there and never come back to that wilderness if you do the devils will come after you, after preaching these things these words became law and if anyone does this things they will be killed recording to how the prophet said.

5: indeed the great prophet was merciful to them that believes in him and his God, and he said once again to the villager blessed be you, chosen by me indeed you'll become a kingdom that the whole world will bow down to.

these are the stories that was told by the great prophet and indeed there is many more.

hello guys author here these stories are fictional I'm using a technique that kind of sounds like the Bible and the Quran.