
why do good girls always fall for bad boys in town.

TONY: Why do good girls always love the bad guys?

JANE: What do you mean by a bad guy?

ELLA: Tony no woman wants a man who would abuse, maltreat or disrespect her.

JOHN: I don't seem to agree with you, Ella! what you are saying is far from our daily experiences. We have always seen good girls for for troublesome guys knowing fully well that the bad guy would hurt her and break her heart eventually.

PETER: the truth is that opposites attract. The good girls wants the bad guy for a balance in life.

JANE: Peter, that is not true! Every girl wants a nice guy. But what does a girl mean when she says, "I want a nice guy?"

ELLA: most men think that a nice guy is one who is humble, meek, buys gifts, compliments, want her to be happy always, do not wish to offend her.....

TONY: what else do you want to me nice guy?

JANE: Such guys would make good employers but not good mates!

You may have seen a good girl who was dating a bad guy,yet she knew she would get hurt at the end. what do you think was her reason? Do good girls generally love bad guys ? listen to the following groups!

Alex_Chriscreators' thoughts