
Returning to a Time Before The Apocalypse

Earth's Hero, August Harper. Had saved the world from Monsters and Warriors from another world. He was promised one wish by the 'Gods' if he succeeded in this endeavor. But they lied. They told him that he was a mere piece of a huge puzzle, that he would have no worth if it weren't for them. Angered, he destroyed the 'Gods' and their civilizations. Becoming a hero to the demons and Hell bringer to their servants and worshipers. He used his wish to return to a time before he had to fight 'Gods' and Monsters. To a time, when he was happy. This is my Second Novel, I am still a novice in writing so don't expect peak literature. Please check out, Survivors Guide: To An Alien Invasion. I will be working on both novels at the same time. This novel was a sudden burst of inspiration after reading solo leveling.

he_who_scribbles · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Chapter 4 - Goth Club

After eating breakfast, my sister and I went back to our rooms. And came back out with our backpacks.

We went downstairs and were walking to the door. My mother, is still an actress it seems as she was wearing make up and seemed to be ready to go out as well. Her manager was also there, a serious woman named Helga, pretty ugly name if you ask me.

Helga and my mother looked at us when we got to the door, Helga had a look of scorn while she looked at me.

'What did I do to you?' I thought as I returned her scorn

"Kids, I hope you have a good day at school, try not to get home late." My mother said as she hugged Jane and then hugged my younger sister.

I was waiting for her hug, but she passed by me without doing so. I reasoned that my predecessor didn't like being babied as I saw a bunch of 'things that shouldn't belong to me' in my room.

"Mom." I stopped her from leaving

She seemed surprised that I called out to her and even more shocked when I walked towards her with my arms open.

Everyone looked at me funny, even my little brother who had a nanny next to him to drop him off at school. My mother still dazed but unconsciously came closer and hugged me. She seemed really happy after hugging me since she had a wide smile on her face.

Jane cringed watching us. Well seeing a gothic teen hug his very brightly dressed mother would be a weird sight.

We entered the elevator. We lived inside a penthouse so after leaving our front door we had to walk to elevator in front.

The ride down was silent. Jane just twiddled her fingers, my little brother started shuffling his pocket monster cards, and my mother, the nanny and Helga were staring at the front.

I stared at my siblings and I thought of a possibility.

'Is it possible that I'm no longer my mother's biological child?'

Although my mother had make up on, it wasn't so overbearing that you wouldn't be able to tell what her face looks like without it. And looking at my supposed 'adopted' sister, her face changed a little. She looks a lot like my mother...

The possibility of not being my mother's biological child saddened me, but it wouldn't make much of a difference, considering her conduct in this world and my last, I doubt I would suffer under any prejudice.

Reaching the ground floor. We walked into the main lobby, it was busy as usual. People checking in or people who already live here going up or those visiting, all grouped together. If it weren't for the workers and guards on the floor, I'm sure the entire place would've been run over by the amount of people here.

"oof" My little brother, Matthew is his name, bumped into an older man in his 30's.

"Oh? I'm sorry little one. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." The man blamed himself despite him not even moving when Matthew bumped into him.

"Ah! I'm so sorry!" My mother eagerly apologized

"It's no problem ma'am. I wasn't looking at where I was going." The man said with an amiable smile.

Pulling Matthew away, my mother apologized once more and left after saying goodbye.

I stared at him for a second before turning away.

'A vampire?'

'How is that possible?!' I thought

Vampires are creatures of the night, although some are able to walk during the day they are extremely rare. But the thing that truly confuses me is...how is there one in this world without magic?

I started sweating, I decided to be extremely careful from now on. I don't know what else could be in this world, and I still haven't checked if my magic is still the same or even possible to use.

The man stared at the departing family before leaving himself.

"That mother and daughter...has such a desirable smell." He silently said


Separating from my mother and younger sibling. My sister and I walked to our school. Luckily it was the same school as in my last world.

My sister kept her distance walking a little faster than me.

'Fair enough. She's at that age after all.'

Entering through the large gate of the school. I admired the old architecture.

In my old world after the apocalypse, architects stopped caring about the appearance of the their buildings and only on its utility and durability during constant war.

"Hah, what a shit hole." I spoke aloud by accident

"Correct you are, Mage of Darkness!" I heard someone yell out behind me

Turning around I see a guy wearing heavy amounts of makeup and eye shadow walking towards me. He was wearing all black and had a rose on his shirt.

"But fret not, Mage of Darkness, this prison won't hold us for long! As on the 10th of the next month we will be free!!"

I'm guessing this is a... friend?

"You mean we'll be graduating?" I asked

"That is what the normal humans call it." He said putting his hands on his waist.

"Now let's hurry, the party is waiting for us in the club room!"

He shouted before leading the way.

"Geek." I muttered

Walking inside the school's halls, I felt nostalgia. Looking at the teachers, the posters on the walls, even the students making out in the hallways, while annoying to look at, is definitely part of the school experience that I remembered.

Walking inside a room after following, um, I guess I'll call him Goth boy.

Following Goth Boy inside, I'm immediately shown a sort of game room. Huge table in the middle of the room, small T.V. monitors on the walls and 5 P.C. monitors sitting on a table by the wall.

Sitting on bean bag chairs, I saw even more goth children. They seemed to be in the middle of a game as they never lifted their heads from their phones even after Goth Boy made his presence known.


A girl of above average appearance ran up from one of the chairs and hugged the kid next to me.

Even this kid has a girlfriend, hagh...

"Ah. Mage of Darkness! It's good to see you too!" She said eagerly after noticing my presence

Mage of Darkness. Is that my player name? Pretty edgy.

"Yeah, hey." I said plainly

"Now, everyone! Let us plan our next meeting for this saturday!"

"Meeting?" I asked

"Meeting, yes. We planned it remember?"

"Yeah, just wanted to know what it is that we do on this meeting so we...can recruit new members!" I thought at the last moment

"....YES!! Great idea, Mage of Darkness! We can publicize the meeting so that our brothers in the shadow realm can come and join us."

'Shadow Realm? Have you ever been to the Shadow Realm?' I mocked

I just listened to the Goth club talk about what they're planning to do on saturday.