
Returning to a Time Before The Apocalypse

Earth's Hero, August Harper. Had saved the world from Monsters and Warriors from another world. He was promised one wish by the 'Gods' if he succeeded in this endeavor. But they lied. They told him that he was a mere piece of a huge puzzle, that he would have no worth if it weren't for them. Angered, he destroyed the 'Gods' and their civilizations. Becoming a hero to the demons and Hell bringer to their servants and worshipers. He used his wish to return to a time before he had to fight 'Gods' and Monsters. To a time, when he was happy. This is my Second Novel, I am still a novice in writing so don't expect peak literature. Please check out, Survivors Guide: To An Alien Invasion. I will be working on both novels at the same time. This novel was a sudden burst of inspiration after reading solo leveling.

he_who_scribbles · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Chapter 19 - Human Vs. Vampire


August flew and appeared before Vatmo. Using a piece of scrap metal he tried cutting off Vatmo's hand.

"Gah! Piece of shit!" Vatmo yelled

He let go of Sam and swiped his arm towards August.

Deactivating [ Balloon ] he ducked under and grabbed Sam and Jane. He activated [ Balloon X3 ] and [ Lion's Mane: 50% ] before running away.

"You think you can escape me?!"

The vampire blurred and appeared behind him.

The vampire lunged his arm to grab August's sweater collar but narrowly missed when August made a sudden stop, he turned and shot his fist forward onto Vatmo's chest.

[ Lion's Mane: Full Power ]

And before they made contact, August imbued his only attack skill into his fist.

[ Lightning Bolt ]


Vatmo was sent flying faster than a speeding bullet through the air, crashing through mountains of junk and never decreasing in speed until he slammed onto the junkyards barrier wall.

Sam stared at where Vatmo previously stood before looking at the destruction Vatmo created when he was sent flying.

Her breath stifled and she felt her blood run cold.

'Holy! What just happened?!'

Sam from when she was suddenly carried away by August to Vatmo suddenly blasting off was unable to understand what was happening. And it was only after the sonic boom that was created from August's punch that she was knocked out of her daze.

August ran randomly around the junkyard before he stopped to rest behind a large metal container.

"Ah!" Sam squealed when August dropped her unceremoniously while he carefully placed Jane on the floor.

"Phew.." August sat beside Jane. His breath was disheveled and his entire face was covered in sweat.

Sam watched August as he tried calming his breath. She was thankful and also amazed and in awe of what he had done.

"Thank you." Sam quietly thanked him

She showed him a beautiful and grateful smile. Too bad he was too focused on himself and Jane to actually notice.


'I have to get Jane out of here. But, how do I do that with the vampire on our tail?'

He thought for a bit before turning his head towards Sam.

She was surprised when she felt his stare bore into her. She blushed before turning away, all meek like.

'Is she fast enough, or rather, would I be strong enough to hold back the vampire long enough for her to take Jane and run away?'

August asked himself before he clenched his fists, frustrated in his current strength.

He moved his eyes to look at Esfith's parting gift.

He thought maybe it would be a good idea to use it now. But at the same time he didn't know if his body would be handle all of his untamed power.

He didn't need to think long as the current danger far out weighed the possible one.

"You, I need you to take Jane and get out of here. You only need to move west and you'll find the exit. Make sure to get Jane to a hospital once you're far enough away."

"Huh!?" Sam whipped her head back

"What about you?!"

"I'll make sure to give you enough time, so you better get out of here." August stated before standing up.

"Wait! You're going to try fighting that guy?! You'll die!" She pulled his sweater

"Doesn't matter to me if you think that, just make sure to get Jane out of here." He sternly said, prying her fingers off of him.

'Warm..' Sam thought from the brief moment August held her hand. She shook her head to get rid of the unnecessary thoughts.

"It's too dangerous. We'll run away together, the blow you gave him earlier didn't seem like the type that he could just walk off." She pleaded


They heard a loud noise coming from the distance. Sam was shocked that the vampire could move after receiving such a blow.

"When I give you the signal, you run okay?" August said before picking up Jane.

He placed her on Sam's back. He then looked at Sam with an expression that told her that 'No, wasn't an option'.

She gulped before putting her hands on Jane's thighs, making sure she wouldn't fall off.

A second of silence descended between the two, before

"Go!" August ran off after signalling while Sam grit her teeth before running west with Jane.



A car was thrown into the air before crashing onto the floor upside down.

"Damn it!..." Vatmo held his chest, he had been sent flying after August hit him. His chest hurt whenever he breathed.

"Bastard probably broke a rib or two."


Vatmo heard a low swoosh sound coming from behind him. His body instinctively moved for him.


The air popped in the area where he previously stood. August was there, he then muttered something before a lightning bolt shot out from his opened palm, aiming for Vatmo.

Vatmo narrowly evaded the lightning bolt before he lunged towards August.

*Pow!* *Snap!* *Slam!* *Shatter!*

Vatmo and August each exchanged blows and blocks. They seemed evenly matched in speed, this was credited to August's previous strike.

Vatmo sent a kick towards August's solar plexus. He was able to deflect it but was unable to avoid Vatmo's follow up slash onto his face.

*Slash!* *Slik!*

August grit his teeth. He used his arms to block Vatmo's followed up blow to his head.

*BANG!!* *CRACK!!*

August was flung toward a large warehouse, his arm bent unnaturally.

"Ugh!" He landed harshly on the dirt ground of the warehouse.

'Too weak!!' August shamed himself as he pushed himself up with his only functional arm.

Vatmo walked slow and calm steps as he walked inside. He looked at August in ridicule and disdain.

"You don't seem to be one of them, so I can assume that you're most likely one of their offspring. It's a good thing I had already decided to kill you, or else I would have ran the risk of you looking for me once you had become stronger for revenge." Vatmo spoke to himself

"Killing you will also prevent the possibility of your clan coming back from the dead."

He stood before the shame filled August.

"Heh, you look like you ate a can of worms. What's wrong, you angry that you're too weak to kill me? Too bad, maybe in your next life." He derided before plunging his arm into August's chest. His arm went through the front and out from the back, in his hand was August's beating heart.

"BLERGH!!" August spat out fresh blood from his mouth. His heart beat began to slow and dim.

He looked at the vampire in hatred.

"I... I'll kill... You!"

"Yeah, yeah." Vatmo, unamused by August's remark yawned before pulling his arm out from his chest.

Vatmo squashed August's heart in front of him as he fell to the ground.

"Although you won't be there to see it, I'll be sure to enjoy your sister and mother. You know, in your honor." August heard Vatmo's fleeting voice as he felt himself submerge in darkness.



"Is that it?"

"Is this where the great 'God Slayer' dies?"

A voice filled with disdain was heard in the depths of the blackness.

"Pathetic, and before you had stated that you would protect your loved ones as you live a fulfilling life."

"Yet, here you are. Dying, not even to a god or demon. But to a mere vampire." The voice sneered

"Get up." The voice commanded after a moment of silence.

"This isn't the end. Not for you."