
Return of the Strongest Angel

"Are you sure you can beat this game?" It was a question quite commonly asked of Gabriel, all of his friends and family were worried for him. All because of his obsession with this game of his. They knew of its hellish difficulty and were worried it might consume his life. But Gabriel was not, as even with doubts coming from every person he talked to, he still persevered. And finally, after so many years of playing, Gabriel did it, he beat the game. But that was not the end, a cryptic trait, one that foretold something. And as of the next day it was finally revealed. Not only was he pulled into the game, but it was turned into reality, his stats, his hard earned character. It was all gone. But this did not deter Gabriel. All he did was smile, grasp the stars in the night sky. "I will conquer this again." There was no doubt in his mind, for he had done it once, and even if this was reality now, the whole world taken to this hellish tower, there was no doubt that he would beat it, after all he had already done it once. What was a second time.

SpacesSnips · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Unknown - 1

Day turned to afternoon, a rest, taken in the time that he had. For the night would be busy, or he hoped at least.

There was a plan, made in the briefest of moments, even as unprepared as he was. But Gabriel still stood by it. To test the undead and find out something, anything about them.

It was not as if he had never seen anything like this, and he had. But those were later, down in the higher towers. For something on this level, it was unheard of.

At least something of this caliber, calling on the undead and having them fight for you, even the first level could do that. But this was different, they weren't just calling upon the undead but those from a lower layer of the tower, hell, the underworld, whatever you wanted to call it.

That was why it was unheard of, as anyone that could do that needed a trait of at least epic level. And that was at the level of the kings. People who would never stoop so low as to do such a thing to a small town.

It left the question of why, why had someone of such prestige, such power done this?

But still, that made it all the more enticing, to find out and benefit from this event. It was quite enticing, all the more…


For a moment the world stilled, just as the night before and those of the days before. Protections popped up with a strange randomness, some sooner than the others, and others later than the rest.

But there was one constant, a protection that prevented contact between the citizens and the undead that roamed the streets.

Today was different, why, there wasn't an answer that he could think of, nor was there a reason to ponder over it. As within the very moment his wings unfurled with a force, glowing with a shine that bound the undead to their places.

Rooted in fear or ran with terror.

Some stayed though, resisting the fear of the sun, of the holy light that they were so weak against.

A smirk played on his lips and the window slammed open. A noise that drew the attention of the woman that tried so hard to hide herself.

She opened the door with a quiet creek and pulled her face in enough that she could see. But even that much allowed Gabriel to see her face, and confirm her presence.

A mere smirk. He looked back and gave her one last look before he took to the sky. Above the undead that stared so fervently at his form.

They chattered and creaked, their bones crunching together as they pointed their weapons to the sky. Overjoyed at the chance they had.

But even then, as numerous opportunistic arrows hurled towards him, Gabriel was anything but anxious. In fact that smirk, it still hung off of his face with a force that unnerved those that watched the spectacle.


Mana rained down from his wings, spreading with it a holy light that burned those that it touched. But that was not the true purpose.

As in the time that the motes of light sprinkled down from the heavens, the mana had made its way through his wings and into his sword.

The blood soaked steel gobbled it and consumed the attributes. And just like that the sword now held holy power, all in an attempt to vanquish the souls that roamed free below.

Gabriel furled his wings and below him the numerous skeletons hurled more and more arrows. Spears and swords even littered the air every so often.

Gravity took hold of his body, accelerating him into the ground.

Yet just as he had done thousands of times before, Gabriel unfurled his wings and with a mighty flap used the gained momentum in order to propel himself into the army of bones.

His sword swung out and dispelled the bones, their corporal forms felled to the soil below.

[50 XP gained] [50 XP gained] [50 XP gained] [50 XP gained]


Strength filled his veins, his hands felt freer than they had in a while. And with that newfound strength Gabriel turned on his heel, pivoted, and swung down.

A dance of death, every move attuned to the next, a feather fell here and there, all to fill the silence of the world and bring light once more.

Skeleton after skeleton fell, only to pick themselves up one after the other. There were numerous times when Gabriel felt tired, almost exhausted, but with a flex of his will he took the time to recover. 

All above in the sky.

But in those times Gabriel looked down with a keen eye. Only to see thousands upon thousands more.

He could only grit his teeth in frustration and return to the inn that he slept in. To the woman waiting for his return.

"Was it too much?" She spoke, her voice both reverential and disrespectful. A mix that Gabriel found grating.

"Yes…" Gabriel reluctantly admitted, his back flopped over the bed, and into the comfy sheets that waited for him.

"There has to be a cause for such a thing, maybe an artifact, a sorcerer, even just a ritual. There must be something." He quietly mused to himself.

"It is possible, but we've searched, and found no evidence of such a thing." 

"Then tomorrow, I'll search myself."

With that final promise he closed his eyes, welcoming the sweet embrace of sleep. Yet it didn't come. 

The door closed with a squeak as it always had. And in that noise his eyes opened. Turned to the chaos of the outside, the massive pile of bones that seemingly did nothing.

He gazed, trying to find any rhyme or reason. But nothing came to him.

It was frustrating, it grated on him, yet nothing.

Even as the skeletons turned and started to walk in patterns, still, he couldn't recall anything. Not one word nor speech about this town. Only whispers of faint memories that helped nothing. And so, once again, in frustration, he left himself to the bed. Sleeping, as hard as it was to do such a thing.