
Return of the Strongest Angel

"Are you sure you can beat this game?" It was a question quite commonly asked of Gabriel, all of his friends and family were worried for him. All because of his obsession with this game of his. They knew of its hellish difficulty and were worried it might consume his life. But Gabriel was not, as even with doubts coming from every person he talked to, he still persevered. And finally, after so many years of playing, Gabriel did it, he beat the game. But that was not the end, a cryptic trait, one that foretold something. And as of the next day it was finally revealed. Not only was he pulled into the game, but it was turned into reality, his stats, his hard earned character. It was all gone. But this did not deter Gabriel. All he did was smile, grasp the stars in the night sky. "I will conquer this again." There was no doubt in his mind, for he had done it once, and even if this was reality now, the whole world taken to this hellish tower, there was no doubt that he would beat it, after all he had already done it once. What was a second time.

SpacesSnips · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Angel - 12

Clawed hands met bladed opposition. A clang that echoed through the streets, waking those that had thought to sleep.

Or at least that was what it was supposed to be, as even with all of the noise, even as they dashed around each other with blade and claw meeting in the middle.

Even then, with all of that noise. Gabriel and she had felt nary a wandering gaze. It was as if they had sensed something in the air.

A certain danger that they could not hope to oppose.

And so, the streets were quiet, except for the sounds of battle.

Yet with each and every clash, every pounding ache that came from their clash.

A spell, given form and shot with no signal.

It rose through the air as if it was some sort of flair, before exploding into pieces. Each of which brightened further.

Blake rose from her crouch, agile paws sending her into the air. The pathways were already drawn.

Her mind ached with effort as she strode through the wave of projectiles. Yet none of them hit, not even one came close.

Gabriel smiled, a genuine smile only matched by Blake's. Neither of them wanted the fight to end, neither of them went easy.

It was a careful balancing of strength and endurance. All the while making sure that they gave their all, and to endure as best as they could.

But as was the nature of things, to fall at the most inopportune time.

One did. 

It was neither of their choices, as if one were to ask, then a unanimous answer would be given.

'I want to continue.'

A pure desire to fight, to unleash their prowess uncaring for any objective.

But one did fall, it was not the fault of Gabriel. Never, it was only because he could not keep up.

His mana was exhausted, his breath shaky, and his hand could barely hold his sword straight.

Still, he stood up, with shaky hands and smiled.

It was the first time this personality of his could be released. It had not been shown when against death, in both the golem and the demon.

But here, fighting another being, so close to him in shape and size. It brought euphoria to his head. Clouding his senses with pleasure.

"Hmm~" Blake spoke, sauntering up to Gabriel. But he stood stock still, his eyes trailing over her form.

Over the natural grace, the paws that rose to sharp metal claws. And most prominent. The two extra appendages on her back.

A twin tail, as black as her hair, waving in the wind, peaceful. A contrast to the bloodthirsty smile on her face.

Then he looked up, gazed into those eyes, stained with cuts and blood that he had inflicted. And found two more appendages, an ear and another.

Fluffy and no doubt pleasant to the touch.

"To capture or not… that really is the~ question~"

She spun on her feet, delivering a roundhouse kick to the interloper. Rosa, she had tried to surprise attack this woman, but it had not worked.

She was merely kicked to the ground and out for the count.

"Now that was rude… how am I going to compensate for that. Oh the emotional damage. Maybe I should sue."

She giggled once more before leaning down before Gabriel's face. One more measly step -not even that- and their noses would touch.

That was how close they were to each other.

But even then, the glaring match between both of them never halted.

Only a moment later it broke down to giggles. A mutual respect between warriors.

"Grow stronger. I want a proper fight."

It was a desire she had not felt for so long. Fighting against someone truly stronger than her.

Yes, she had won the battle. But that was only because she was stronger, faster, and more powerful than her opponent.

But this Angel, this Gabriel that she had faced. It was like seeing some sort of crippled tiger. It was crippled but it held this air and power about it, one that said that it would not go quietly into that dark night.

He had such skill that even with the gap between them it was only because he could no longer stand, with no stamina left to hold himself up, that she had won.

'This really is my defeat'

With that last thought Blake rose through the rooftops, before she was once again in her lady's room.

Amanda had already fallen asleep. Snoozing lightly and hugging her favored pillow.

'She was going to be soo pissed~" But it only amused Blake more to think about that.

For now, she could rest easy, knowing that she had found an opponent more skilled than her. A testament to the depth of the world.

Vahn looked over the horizon, letting the fading night wash over him. The moonlight that had been so prominent tonight had faded. And with it came the coming of grass.

It had been hours since they had left for the capitol, leaving the Angel alone to deal with the mess that he had created.

Yet the Knight did not mind at all. After all this Angel was competent. Way more than he had ever believed, and his plan. At least what he had gleamed from it.

It was impeccable, how one so holy had come up with something so demonic sounding, well, he would never know.

But it was fine, Vahn already knew, that by the time he came back to that town, that it would be over.

And when the dust settled, a light would shine over, an Angel rising to a position of power. Even if it meant going against the king.

It was amusing… so amusing.

So he laughed, laughed, and laughed once more. Letting the absurdity of it all wash over him.

That one being, one small child would change the fate of this kingdom. A sort of certainty that only he knew to be true.