
Return Of The Princess : Kim Hyo Ra

Kim Yoora is one of the most famous writers in the Capital. She has printed a lot of books with the Thriller and Horror genre. Thought that is broad and open, taking her too deep into the world which is very stressful and always makes the heart of the reader racing. One time editor Kim Yoora wanted a fantasy story with a royal setting. This is indeed a challenge for Kim Yoora. She has never written a single story about this genre. To hone Kim Yoora's skills, she said yes to her editor's words. To create a fantasy story with a royal setting. Until one day, when she was on vacation with her editor Han Soo Lee, and looking for references for her new story. Kim Yoora even felt that her body was pulled by a whirlpool and made herself into another world. A world where everyone still uses a stretcher and horse as a means of transportation. She becomes the main character in the story she made by herself. How is the story of Kim Yoora, can she return to modern times, or even live to death in the kingdom? NB: Support my story' with comments, add to the library, and give me a power stone. Thank you.

AgathaQuiin20 · แฟนตาซี
162 Chs


Min Jun Ryun took a sip of his hot tea leisurely, his gaze fixed on the palace garden which made him smile. No, not because of the cherry blossoms whose leaves were falling everywhere in the wind. Or maybe the fish appeared on the surface because they were fed by the ladies-in-waiting.

The smile never left his face in the slightest. He kept imagining what he was doing with Kim Hyo Ra.

From the beginning they met at the market, because Min Jun Ryun accidentally bumped into him. Then meet again at the lake, when Min Jun Ryun is upset. And third, spending time together while eating Jeonyuhwa.

"Crown Prince Min Jun Ryun, His Majesty is calling for you." Seo Jun said, looking down.

Min Jun Ryun just nodded his head and put his tea cup on the small table. Then he took off his cloak. Min Young Jae aka Min Jun Ryun, who disguises himself as a commander and is also a commoner. Just want to find true love, and women who want to accept him as he is. Not because of his throne and wealth, but because of the woman who truly loved him and accepted him.

Entering the main hall of this palace, Min Jun Ryun also looked at his father who was sitting on the throne with the eunuch.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." Min Jun Ryun said bowing respectfully.

"Stand up," he ordered. Min Jun Ryun straightened up and looked at Emperor Min Young Sun. "My son, I heard that you were close to the Daegu Royal Princess for the past few days. Is that true?"

Min Jun Ryun raised one eyebrow as he looked at his father who was walking towards him. His gaze was gentle, because his father had a soft and kind heart. So good-hearted Emperor Min Young Sun had no wife other than Soo Ji, Min Jun Ryun's mother.

"Did you hear it? Or did you know it yourself?" Min Jun Ryun said, smiling.

Min Young Sun chuckled as he patted Min Jun Ryun's shoulder. Actually, he doesn't care about caste or whatever his future daughter-in-law will be. The most important thing is that Min Jun Ryun's wife can make Min Jun Ryun happy and take care of Min Jun Ryun's family. Even if it's from a servant's family, Min Young Sun doesn't have a problem. Because for Min Young Sun, the throne has no effect.

"Just hear."

And this time it was Min Jun Ryun's turn to laugh, he also explained to Min Young Sun that he was really close to the Princess of the Kingdom of Daegu, whose name was Kim Hyo Ra. In fact, according to information from the Royal Princess, there are two, and the oldest is Kim Hyo Ra, while the other is named Kim Sun Hee. Min Jun Ryun also shared that if he met Kim Hyo Ra by accident, he bumped into her while at the market and was returning from war. Then meet again at the lake, and see Kim Hyo Ra was there too with his lady. And the third they spent all day eating Jeonyuhwa.

"But---" Min Jun Ryun stopped his words looking at Min Young Sun with one eyebrow raised. "I confess that I am the commander of the Hwang Kingdom."

Min Young Sun's eyes widened when he heard his son's confession. "What did you say? Royal Commander? Jun Ryun you---"

"Dad come on, you know all daughters only want to marry me, because I'm going to occupy your throne. I don't like women who are thirsty for power, so I did this so I know. Which woman will accept me sincerely."

There was nothing Min Young Sun could do but give in. He just nodded and told Min Jun Ryun that they would come to Daegu Palace to work together. Because many people are starving in the western part of the border between Daegu and Hwang.

"I'll come, but---don't tell me that I'm your son." Min Jun Ryun said.

"Then? You know if something like this my successor has to come."

Instead of answering Min Jun Ryun, he walked away from Min Young Sun. He was going back to the pavilion to just drink tea with Seo Jun.

Min Young Sun looked at his only son in surprise. Min Jun Ryun is the type of man who is very difficult to understand, even Min Young Sun never knows his thoughts. What do you mean and I also want Min Jun Ryun.

"Is he acting up again?" Soo Jin suddenly said beside Min Young Sun.

"When did he not act?" Min Young Sun chuckles.

Soo Jin laughed lightly while shaking her head, asking Yoona to take omija eun-gi for her husband. After that, Soo Jin left.

On the other hand, Min Jun Ryun was engrossed in seeing Seo Jun practicing his sword, the Hwang Kingdom's commander was actually very active and reliable in all fields. Not only physically strong, but also mentally strong when Min Jun Ryung asks Seo Jun strange things. Including entering a brothel.

Because of the duties of my father and Min Jun Ryun, the most anti-brothel entry. In the end, it was Seo Jun who entered the brothel, with the excuse of looking for the main culprit who killed the Song family. And the culprit is not far from the easy woman who works in this house. Just for the sake of a treasure they are willing to do anything.

"Crown Prince, have you met your father?" Seo Jun asked when he noticed Min Jun Ryun's presence.



"I have an assignment for you."

Immediately Seo Jun's shoulders slumped, he looked at Min Jun Ryun begging not to do anything weird like yesterday. Entering a brothel with many beautiful and seductive women, however Seo Jun is also a normal man. He will be tempted when someone teases him.

Seeing Seo Jun's expression, Min Jun Ryun chuckled. Maybe he thought that Min Jun Ryun would ask Seo Jun to go to the brothel to look for enemies. In fact, if you look at this job, it will be very profitable for Seo Jun.

"Don't make that face. I won't ask you to enter a brothel." Min Jun Ryun said quickly.

"Then what does the Crown Prince want me to do? I can't even guess what the Crown Prince wants."

"Don't be. Do it, and I'll go."

"Meeting Princess Kim Hyo Ra?" Seo Jun's eyebrows shot up, looking at the Crown Prince in surprise.

There was only a smile on Min Jun Ryun's face, which was a sign that he had indeed met Kim Hyo Ra. But before that happened, Seo Jun stopped Min Jun Ryun's steps and gave him bad news.

"What's the news? As for the embezzlement of public funds, we can discuss it later."

"No, Crown Prince. I've already taken care of that, but this is Princess Kim Hyo Ra's matter."

Min Jun Ryun immediately asked Seo Jun to tell the truth. What's the news about Princess Kim Hyo Ra that Min Jun Ryun doesn't know?

Seo Jun also explained that a few days ago he met with a loyal servant of the emperor Kim Won Shik. He tells Seo Jun that Princess Kim Hyo Ra is the eldest princess in Daegu Kingdom. But the emperor Kim Won Shik forbade Princess Kim Hyo Ra to marry, because he had a bad prophecy.

"They said, the Crown Prince should stay away from Princess Kim Hyo Ra. Because they don't want the Crown Prince to have bad luck if he is close to Princess Kim Hyo Ra." Seo Jun explained.

Instead of answering Min Jun Ryun just smiled lopsidedly and chose to leave. After all, selfishness is more dominant than destiny that has no end.

-To Be Continued-

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