
Return of the Mount Hua Sect Ch. 889+

Continuation of "Return of Mount Hua Sect" web novel. Fixed some of the earlier chapters. If you notice a chapter that's really rough or needs updates, contact my discord (see last chapter). Where to read earlier chapters: 1-600+ Official Translation by Sky Demon Order (god-tier translation): https://skydemonorder.com/projects/3801994495-return-of-the-mount-hua-sect 83-950+ Fan translation by a blogger (it’s very good): https://mylasted.blogspot.com/2023/04/the-13th-generation-disciple-of-great.html?m=1 950 - 1189+ Fan translation by another...blogger? (it's also very good, better than this): https://maehwasup.wordpress.com/ For more translations from 1-1671+, join the discord server: https://discord.gg/qzaJ6ztt4a

Bagel_Seeds · ตะวันออก
756 Chs

Chapter 1609: Even When I Open My Eyes, It's The Same (Part 4)


Jo Gol let out a groan and staggered towards Hwaeum.

"Agh, I'm dying."

He had practically turned into a puddle, having run crazily from the distant Song Mountain to this place. However, compared to the frenetic sprint, the Hwaeum before him was not just quiet but almost eerily silent.

"Well, look at this. Nothing seems to be happening, right?"


"Anyway, I told you we didn't need to rush since Sasuk had already gone ahead. Why did you insist on running all the way from there to here?"


"Moreover, if you really needed someone to accompany you, I told you to take Soso with you. Why push yourself so hard that people can't even catch their breath..."



"Shut up. Please."

"Just listen. How many times have I told you? We could have come slowly. The guys up there will take care of everything. Why run so desperately, sweating like crazy..."

"...Gol-ah. I've been thinking."


"I was wondering what it would be like to stick a sword into a group of people who chatter endlessly."


Jo Gol, whose spine chilled for a moment, quickly shut his mouth. Yoon Jong smiled kindly as he looked at him.

"Although I leave it behind out of mere curiosity and not intending to do something a Taoist shouldn't, listening to what you say, it seems like experiencing something a Taoist shouldn't do at least once isn't necessarily a bad idea."

Jo Gol rolled his eyes, keeping his mouth shut.

If it were in the past, he might have grumbled a few more words, but these days, this guy was a bit intimidating. Especially when he occasionally glared with knife-like eyes, it was a bit eerie.

Finally, as it became quiet, Yoon Jong let out a deep sigh. Watching him cautiously, Jo Gol asked quietly.

"I'm just curious. Just genuinely curious."

"...What is it?"

"Why did you come in such a hurry? Is there something on your mind?"

Yoon Jong sighed heavily with a tired expression. Jo Gol's persistent curiosity was something to be learned from.

"There's almost nothing we can do, as you said. At best, we might just fill some numbers. We might not even be able to enter the meeting room."

"That's what I'm saying. At best, it's like propping up a scarecrow, isn't it?"

"That's right."


Yoon Jong looked at Hwaeum and spoke.

"Even if all we can do is play the role of a scarecrow, there might be someone who finds solace in that scarecrow. The difference between having someone behind you and not is significant."

"What are you talking about?"

"Never mind... Just leave it at that."

Yoon Jong, lowering his voice, surveyed the familiar... No, it was no longer just familiar---the changed scenery of Hwaeum. Darkness had settled over Hwaeum, enveloping it in silence.

A small smile played on Yoon Jong's lips.

"Still, fortunately, it seems like we didn't come too late."

His gaze had unconsciously shifted beyond Hwaeum, towards Mount Hua.

Someone was descending the rugged mountain at an astonishing speed.

❀ ❀ ❀

"More importantly, what do you plan to do now?"

Jegal Jain's cautious gaze turned to Moyong Wigyung and Jong Rigok.

"...What do you mean, Jegal Gaju-nim?"

When Moyong Wigyung asked back, Jegal Jain narrowed his eyes.

"I won't beat around the bush. The situation is clear. It may be confusing now due to the unexpected situation, but once things settle down, we'll need to sort out our positions."

"...When you say 'sort out'?"

"I won't mince words. The situation implies that no one will share their fate with remnants of defeat."

Moyong Wigyung's face slightly hardened.

"Are you saying we could be sacrificed?"

"It's a possibility. Or rather, it would be strange if such a thing didn't happen. Do they have any reason to protect us? We caused an upheaval in Kangho, participated in that horrific war, and returned unharmed. That's how it is."


Moyong Wigyung coughed uncomfortably. But Jegal Jain continued resolutely.

"Besides, now our strength is nothing compared to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. If we're not careful, we might end up as a powerless faction causing trouble."

While pondering Jegal Jain's words, Moyong Wigyung hardened his face. He didn't think Hyun Jong was that kind of person, but still, Moyong Wigyung understood. A leader of a group sometimes has to make ruthless choices regardless of personal morality. He, too, was the head of a family, so it wasn't hard for him to understand.

"Well, Jegal Gaju-nim, what do you think should be done?"

"We'll have to make a choice. Either leave the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and start anew [捲土重來]."

Jegal Jain lowered his voice slightly.

"Or, we could also establish a force that is difficult for them to ignore."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jegal Jain's gaze fixed on Jong Rigok.

"What do you think, Sect Leader?"


Jong Rigok looked down at a half-empty teacup in silence. Jegal Jain added, urging an answer.

"If it's Southern Edge, Moyong, and Jegal, they would never be able to easily dismiss us. No, perhaps we could even take the leadership of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance from them. Their alliance may seem solid, but in reality, it's as loose as can be. Even if it's challenging for the Tang Family, for the Beggar's Union, and Southern Island, since there were past connections, establishing a reasonable relationship wouldn't be difficult. Based on this, if we move..."

At this point, a small laugh escaped Jong Rigok's lips. Seeing this as an indicator of favor, Jegal Jain blushed slightly.

"If it's Southern Edge, there's no shortage of leaders to guide those sects, right? If that happens, it won't be so difficult for them to rise to an equal relationship with Maengju-nim. If it's Southern Edge, it's only natural to do so."

It was a subtle provocation, asking if he would really go under Hyun Jong's command. Jong Rigok looked into the cold tea in the cup and thought.

'It's familiar.'

Yet, it felt anew.

In the past, all these things were close to everyday life. Even within one group, unspoken rules were set against enemies, and allies were determined. Smiling in front and saying different things behind, always busy finding opportunities to gain the most significant advantage.

Jong Rigok didn't particularly want to blame Jegal Jain.

Before becoming Southern Edge's sect leader, Jong Rigok was the one most passionate about such matters. It was Jong Rigok who had created Jongnam's position as the top three within the Ten Great Sects.

Jegal Jain would be the same. It was all he knew. It was just what he had been doing, nothing more.

Was it easy for someone who had lived their whole life believing in a certain way to suddenly change? Especially when there was no awareness that change was necessary.

"...Sect Leader?"

As Jegal Jain urged once again, Jong Rigok finally set down his teacup on the low table. Then, he smiled faintly.

"Your words make sense. However, it doesn't seem like the right time to discuss such matters immediately. Don't we need enough time to discuss something like that?"

"Yes, yes. You're right, but... Isn't time the most lacking thing for us right now?"

"Well, that's true as well."

Ironically, at this moment, Jegal Jain provided a significant lesson to Jong Rigok.

It wasn't through the words. Jong Rigok, while feeling discomfort in Jegal Jain's intentions, gained insight into how to gracefully navigate and move on from this situation. [not sure]

'I, too, am of the same kind.'

Despite going through the lengthy Bongmun process, he thought he had changed quite a bit.

However, just like them, he had lived his entire life like them. There may not be much difference in thoughts and attitudes.

What if the one sitting here was Jin Geumryong?

"Ha, ha."

Jong Rigok, who had been picturing an image in his mind, unintentionally laughed.

If it were that inflexible Jin Geumryong, he might have immediately scolded them to shut up because of the stench.

Though the sword-like Jin Geumryong was occasionally uncomfortable, now he found it hard to dispel the thought that he himself had become too blunt and aged.

"Anyway, now is not the time to discuss such things."

"Yes? What do you mean by that...?"

Then it happened.

Knock, knock, knock.

Along with a sense of urgency, the sound of knocking on the door was heard.

"Who is it?"

The door opened and a young man bowed his head.

"Gaju-nim, a request has come to gather again at the conference hall where we had the meeting a while ago."

"...Gather again?"

Jegal Jain unconsciously turned to look out the window. It was dim.

"Even though the sun has already set. How can they resume a meeting at this late hour, no matter how urgent the situation is?"

"I just passed on the message..."

"Who called for it? Is it Maengju-nim?"

"That's... I was told it was the Chief."

"The Chief?"

Was there such a position in Heavenly Comrade Alliance? Jong Rigok muttered as if knowing Jegal Jain's doubts.

"It's Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."

Jegal Jain's face showed astonishment.

"Is Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword Chung Myung the Chief of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance?"

"That's correct."

"No, what...?"

He soon laughed as if it was absurd.

Giving such an extravagant title to a disciple of the Mount Hua Sect? Even though it was a place that favored strong individuals, this was excessive.

"Wait, wait. Are you saying that he called us?"

The bewilderment vanished and anger surged in its place.

"Is the position of the Chief of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance so significant that it commands the presence or absence of all the sect leaders! And in such a situation...?"

However, Jegal Jain's commotion came to a halt before it erupted. It was because Jong Rigok, who had risen from his seat, intervened.

"Sect Leader?"

"He called, so we should go."

"Wait, Sect Leader, just a moment!"

Clearly taken aback, Jegal Jain stumbled over his words.

Even if he held the grand position of Chief, in the end, he was ultimately just a second-class disciple of the Mount Hua Sect. How could it be that the Chief of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance Alliance summoned him to come and go like this?

Did he even think about how ridiculous Southern Edge's appearance would become?

"Sect Leader, this is not the time for this!"

"It might be good for you to keep one thing in mind."


"From what I've seen, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance is not a place that bothers with such situations. If you stay here with such thoughts, you might end up being unable to do anything."

"What does that mean?"

"If you look over there, you'll understand."

Jong Rigok gestured towards the slightly open door. The eyes of Jegal Jain and Moyong Wigyung turned in that direction.

Two figures they knew well were rapidly running down the main avenue, even using their footwork skills.

"Uh, those people..."

"Although he is a disciple, he calls even the Lord and the Vice Lord of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. So, hearing that is not so embarrassing, even in this situation."

The gazes of Moyong Wigyung and Jegal Jain, who had been observing the traces of Hyun Jong and Tang Gunak, were unconsciously tense.

Jong Rigok looked down at them with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"If you're going to go, it's better to hurry. If the guests arrive more leisurely than the host, it's not good for us, isn't it?"

Leaving these words behind, he exited the main hall.

It could be sensed. The central figures of the Hwaeum, scattered everywhere, were swiftly gathering in one place.

Perhaps due to the mood, even the mere movement seemed to bring a strange vitality. Until just a moment ago, Hwaeum, which felt as if it had sunk into boundless silence, was now exuding a subtle liveliness.

A small smile reappeared on Jong Rigok's lips.

"Are you there?"

"Yes, Jangmunin."

"If possible, let Geumryong and Songbaek attend the meeting. If there's anyone blocking their way, tell them I said to let them in."


Nodding, Jong Rigok stamped the ground.

'Well, how interesting will this story be?'

If there was one thing he learned about Mount Hua, it was that the future of the sect did not lie in the hands of those intoxicated by glory. That was the only thing.

tsk tsk ROMHS really has too much sugary romance, i'm getting diabetes from watching these old men blushing left and right

it was the same with beopjeong and his ass-kissing harem

out of all ROMHS romances tho, CM & Baek-Ah's fiery hate-love relationship takes the W for me

Bagel_Seedscreators' thoughts