
Return of the Mount Hua Sect Ch. 889+

Continuation of "Return of Mount Hua Sect" web novel. Fixed some of the earlier chapters. If you notice a chapter that's really rough or needs updates, contact my discord (see last chapter). Where to read earlier chapters: 1-600+ Official Translation by Sky Demon Order (god-tier translation): https://skydemonorder.com/projects/3801994495-return-of-the-mount-hua-sect 83-950+ Fan translation by a blogger (it’s very good): https://mylasted.blogspot.com/2023/04/the-13th-generation-disciple-of-great.html?m=1 950 - 1189+ Fan translation by another...blogger? (it's also very good, better than this): https://maehwasup.wordpress.com/ For more translations from 1-1671+, join the discord server: https://discord.gg/qzaJ6ztt4a

Bagel_Seeds · ตะวันออก
756 Chs

Chapter 1359: They're Coming (Part 4)



Hong Daegwang nodded vigorously.

"As for those bastards... Oh, no, from the perspective of the Beggar's Union, they interpret Jang Ilso's movements not simply as an attempt to capture Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword but as a move to advance north."

Tang Gunak's face tightened involuntarily.

"If it's to the east..."

It was possible.

If you traveled east along the Yangtze River from here, you would reach Zhejiang [another river]. And those who were originally supposed to guard the Evil Tyrant Alliance against crossing the river were none other than the Namgung Family. Because the Namgung Family oversaw Zhejiang, which used Anhui as its base.

But right now, Namgung had lost most of its power, and the remaining forces were staying in this region.

In other words, the east of the Yangtze River is now a perfect no-man's-land. If Jang Ilso decided to enter Zhejiang, there was no force to stop him.

"How are the Ten Great Sects reacting?"

"Naturally, they're in chaos. A command has been issued from the Shaolin Sect to track Jang Ilso's movements, even if it means sacrificing people."

A dry laugh escaped from Tang Gunak's mouth.

Jang Ilso hadn't even reached the place where defenses were lacking, and nothing significant had been shown yet. He had just made a pretense of heading east.

Nevertheless, both the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Ten Great Sects were shaken. No matter how many people there are in the world, only Jang Ilso can overturn the situation with a single subtle action.

"From Bangjang's perspective, it would be like being on fire."

With a puzzled look, Han Yi Myung asked Tang Gunak.

"What do you mean?"

"Right now, Bangjang would have considered everything happening in Gangnam to have little relevance to the Ten Great Sects. Of course, Southern Island is involved, but Bangjang has already written off Southern Island as a death stone."

Everyone nodded at those words.

"But if Jang Ilso moves eastward, the situation will be reversed. If Namgung's Sogaju is in Gangnam and their main force is here, then the Ten Great Sects must block the Evil Tyrant Alliance advancing north."


If Namgung was still lingering there, it would have been the Heavenly Comrade Alliance who felt the fire on their feet. But with Namgung staying here, the situation had completely turned upside down.

Now, by any means necessary, Beopjeong must prevent them from stepping in Anhui.

If the Evil Tyrant Alliance went beyond Anhui too easily, the place that will unfold immediately afterward is Hannam, where Wudang and Shaolin were located.

In other words, if Jang Ilso decided to move there with his current mindset, it meant he was relocating to a position where he could thrust a dagger into the heart of the Ten Great Sects in one fell swoop.

"Wait! Then...!"

At that moment, Hyun Sang interjected into the conversation with a worried expression.

"What about the children? Are our children going to be in more danger? Is there anything we can do?"

Tang Gunak nodded his head slightly.

"It won't be more dangerous in either direction. If Jang Ilso is really aiming north, the children will be much safer, and even if not, the siege will loosen, so they should be fine."

"Oh, I see."

Hyun Sang let out a sigh of relief with a slightly eased expression.

Tang Gunak glanced at Hong Daegwang and spoke again.

"From the perspective of the Ten Great Sects, the situation may have become complicated, but when you think about it, we have nothing to lose in this move. Even if this is Jang Ilso's tactical move to create confusion, we have nothing to lose."

Everyone nodded.

In fact, the stairs [?] might be too complicated to fold right away, but just the fact that the guys from the Ten Great Sects, who were always idly watching across the river, were surprised like they got sparks on their feet, was enough to ease their minds to some extent.

It would be even better if Jang Ilso stopped paying attention to the children who went as special envoys and got into a fight with the Ten Great Sects. And even if it didn't go that far, the Ten Great Sects would no longer be able to watch the river casually.

"Indeed, it's quite like Jang Ilso..."

There was no one in the world who could compare to Jang Ilso in putting people in uncomfortable situations, catching them off guard, and making them break out in a cold sweat.

"Namgung Elder."

"Yes, Tang Gaju-nim."

Namgung Myung immediately responded to Tang Gunak's call.

"Just in case, it might be good to move the disciples still remaining with the Namgung Family to the rear."

"I understand. Since there is a base in Hebei, I will immediately tell them to pack up and move to the Hebei."

"Is that okay?"

"Even if the Sogaju were here, there would be no hesitation. It's worrying that the remaining foundation in Anhui is crumbling, but for now, shouldn't we prioritize keeping people alive?"

Tang Gunak nodded. His thoughts aligned with that.

"Maengju-nim, then we'll take advantage of that gap and head to Gangnam..."

Turning to discuss what would follow, Tang Gunak, looking back at Hyun Jong, suddenly paused, closing his mouth.

Hyun Jong's face lost its color, becoming pale without a trace of blood.

"Ma... Maengju-nim?"

Even after Tang Gunak called again, there was no response for a while. After a moment, Hyun Jong's head slowly turned toward Hong Daegwang.

"You mentioned the east?"

Hong Daegwang nodded with a puzzled expression.


"Where in the east?"

"Um... huh?"

"Are they heading in any specific direction in the east? It's not all the same east just because it's the east."

"Oh... Initially, they set their direction to the southeast, but now it has changed to the northeast. That's why the Ten Great Sects have become even more chaotic. If you head northeast from the bottom of Payang Lake, you will reach Zhejiang."

Hyun Jong's face became even paler.


Sensing that something unusual had happened, Tang Gunak called Hyun Jong in a serious tone.

After a while, Hyun Jong's mouth opened weakly.

"Nanjing (南京)."


"If you move northeast from there, you will arrive at Nanjing."

"Yes, that's right. It will be around Nanjing. If you cross the river, you'll reach Hapbi. Hapbi is where Namgung Sega is located and the way to Hannam. In terms of distance, it's even closer to Hannam than Wuhan."

Hong Daegwang explained passionately, spitting out saliva.

"If Jang Ilso is aiming north, there is no more critical place than this. Probably, the destination is not Nanjing..."


Hyun Jong's fingertips trembled slightly. Tang Gunak, unable to bear it, asked again.

"Maengju-nim, please tell us why you are doing this."



"It was written in the letter sent by Cheongmyeong... that the place those children are heading is Nanjing."

Tang Gunak didn't immediately understand that statement. However, soon its meaning was grasped, and it dug into his mind.

"...The children are heading to Nanjing?"


"Oh, no. Why?"

In fact, asking why was not of much significance.

The destination of the children had been decided before Jang Ilso moved.

But now, besides that statement, Tang Gunak had almost nothing else to say.

"If Jang Ilso is aiming for the north, it might not be a problem... but if it's not that, and he's trying to block the children's movements by tracking them..."

The next words could be guessed even without hearing them. The fate of the children in Gangnam was already practically determined.

The color drained from Tang Gunak's face as well.

"Before confronting Jang Ilso, isn't there a way to contact the children first? That spirit creature...!"

Baek Sang, who had kept silent, shook his head.

"It's impossible. No matter how skilled Baek-ah is, he can't find children who are somewhere unknown in the vast South."

Tang Gunak was momentarily dismayed. Now the situation had fully dawned on him.

Jang Ilso had just made a move to the east, and with that move, he had placed an inescapable noose around the necks of both Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Ten Great Sects.

Even around the necks of the children in Gangnam...


The two characters, giving a dreadful sense of oppression, pressed down on Tang Gunak like a heavy weight.

❀ ❀ ❀

"To the northeast?"

"Yes. It's certain."

Hidden in the dense bushes, the beggars scrutinized those who were moving from a distance.

Surrounding the giant horse-drawn carriage in the center, it was undoubtedly the Evil Tyrant Alliance, and among them were those who could be called the 'main force.'

The beggars' spines were quickly soaked with cold sweat. If they were to be noticed by those eyes, they wouldn't die peacefully. But fear wouldn't make them withdraw. Perhaps the fate of the world depended on their movements.

"You, go straight and report this."

"What about the leader?"

"I will track a bit more. The opponent is Jang Ilso. We don't know what kind of trick he might pull."

"Yes, understood."

The subordinate quietly left, suppressing even the sound of footsteps. Turning back, the beggar observed the Evil Tyrant Alliance's movements again.

His eyes fell on the splendid horse-drawn carriage. Its splendor alone was tremendously intimidating.

'Is he planning to start a war with the world?'

Inside, a demon was riding.

A demon that manipulated and ravaged the world as he pleased.

❀ ❀ ❀


Lying diagonally on the luxurious and comfortable silk bed, Jang Ilso looked slowly out the window at the scenery.

The view through the square window was extremely small. However, Jang Ilso didn't feel any discomfort.

Even if he couldn't see what was beyond his eyes, everything unfolded outside was vividly clear in his mind. For those who couldn't see the unseen and couldn't move if they didn't move, they had no right to rule the world.

"Ryeonju-nim, the beggars are moving."

"Hmm... I hate dirty things..."

Jang Ilso, who had slightly wrinkled his brows, burst into a chuckle.

"But I suppose I have to endure that much. I'll leave behind many things in exchange for tolerating the foul smell."

What those beggar bastards saw with their own eyes would be transmitted beyond the river. The fact that Jang Ilso had facilitated it was something they didn't know at all.

"Now... how will you move? Hm?"

Jang Ilso, with expectant eyes, looked out the window and spread his hands.

On his palm lay the vast world. The silent world slowly began to burn again.

"The Ten Great Sects, Heavenly Comrade Alliance, Evil Tyrant Alliance, and Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword..."

The firewood had gathered sufficiently. The firewood that would ignite a huge wildfire consuming the whole world. And igniting that firewood would be Jang Ilso himself.

Turning away from the small window facing north, Jang Ilso, who had taken his eyes off, looked at the window on the opposite side. It was a window illuminating the south.

For a moment, a chilling madness overflowed from his eyes.

"You'd better hurry a bit. If you're late, everything might have already burned to the ground. Ha, ha, ha."

A cruel smile appeared on Jang Ilso's lips, stained in red. Like a twisted fate awaiting everyone in the world, it was a distorted smile.