
Return of the Mount Hua Sect (English Translation)

Title: Return of the Mount Hua Sect Alternative: Return of the blossoming blade / Return of the flowery Sect Originally written in Korean Language Author: Biga, LICO Translated by: NM Team Description: The 13th disciple of the Mount Hua Sect, one of the greatest third generation swordsmen, the Plum Blossom Sword Saint: Chung Myung. After defeating the Heavenly Demon and ending his reign of chaos, Chung Myung breathed his last on the summit of the Heavenly Demon Sect’s mountain. Hundreds of years passed, and he was revived as a child. But… What was that? Mount Hua Sect has fallen? What kind of bullshit is that!? Was he supposed to just live his life knowing that? “Fallen? Who said that? That doesn’t matter!” The plum blossoms fall? After a cold winter, spring comes and the plum blossoms come into full bloom once again. “But before the Mount Hua Sect returns, I need to be there first! Even if it’s in ruins, there has to be something left there—Ugh, those people in there!” And so began the struggle of the Plum Blossom Sword Saint, Chung Myung, to save the fallen Mount Hua Sect.

Sleepyslyfox · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

Something seems to have changed in Mount Hua


Un Geom retrieved his sword.

Drops of sweat ran down his forehead.

'A good sword art.'

There was definitely something different about the Seven Sages Sword that they had learned from Mount Hua and what he was following now. It cannot be called the best, but the sword was still amazing.

It would take a heavy investment of time to truly understand and master this sword art. However, even with his shallow achievements, Un Geom already understood that this Seven Sages Sword was a level higher than what they were currently taught.

'If this sword can be taught properly, Mount Hua will become stronger.'

The present disciples will become stronger, and the future generations will be even more powerful.


Just thinking about it made Un Geom smile.


Un Geom quickly rubbed his smile away.

"This is quite difficult."

He was still a teacher, which meant he had to be strict with his disciples. Lately, though, he can't stop smiling.

Until now, the experiences the third-class disciples have shared could not simply be summed up as mere hardships. Ever since they entered Mount Hua until now, there has been nothing but struggle and suffering.

Still, they devoted their youth to Mount Hua. With the collapsing sect on their shoulders, they constantly overcame the hardships and persevered through suffering. After such a long period of darkness, they were only now seeing the light.

'We aren't fully out of trouble yet.'

Although Un Geom could finally see the light at the end of the long tunnel, he was all too aware that there was still a long way to go.

Even so, he couldn't erase the smile on his face. It was all thanks to the third-class disciples, who started to grow strangely quick in recent times.

The elders and the sect leader seemed to find the greatest joy in the fact that Mount Hua was financially stable and had found its lost martial arts, but it was different for Un Geom.

As the head of the White Plum Blossom Boarding House, the growth of his disciples was what brought him the most satisfaction.

'They're different from us.'

The second-class disciples tried their best, but unfortunately, Mount Hua didn't have an appropriate environment to train or improve. To be honest, they didn't have much passion for martial arts either.

But the third-class disciples are more passionately devoted to their personal training than any of Mount Hua's previous disciples.


Un Geom smiled, put the sword on his waist, and left the training hall with light steps. It was time to train the children.

His imagination was overflowing with pleasant thoughts.

Mount Hua's desperate situation had been resolved. With their recovered martial arts and the third-class disciples showing a vigorous desire to grow their martial talents, it seemed that the hour of Mount Hua's resurrection was growing near.

And the main characters of that revival will be the third-class disciples.

"I'll have to work harder for that to happen!"

How could he call himself their mentor if he couldn't even lead his students, who were working hard by themselves?

Un Geom turned and entered the disciples' training hall before shouting with a flushed face.

"Okay, let's do well today to—what is this!? Fuck!"

Un Geom stepped back in shock.

What was in front of his eyes could only be described as pure chaos.

"Ahhhh. Arm… my arm!"

"B-back… my back is down… broken!"

"S-save me… save me…."

Unknowingly, Un Geom rubbed his eyes.

What had happened in this training hall? Suddenly, Un Geom felt that his dreams of teaching Mount Hua's future leaders had been set ablaze and were crashing down around him.

All the third-class disciples were lying on the floor, groaning while holding their wooden swords. Their shoulders trembling and mouths drooling.

"What the hell happened…."

At that moment, a sound erupted from somewhere nearby.


Un Geom turned his head and saw Jo Gul's figure using his wooden sword with his shirt off.

"J—Jo Gul…"

"Uhhhh! Uhhhh! Hmmmmm!"

Sweat was pouring down his body like rain. Each time the sword was swung, sweat scattered, and a hot breath could be seen exhaling from his mouth.

Blazing red eyes, full of focus, and trembling shoulders told the story of a boy pushing himself past his limits. Even Un Geom felt his entire body tremble at the sight.

"Okay, one more."

At those words, Un Geom's eyes turned.

'What is with him?'

Next to Jo Gul, Chung Myung was slowly holding his sword. Unlike Jo Gul, who was sweating profusely, Chung Myung seemed rather refreshing.

His hair was neat, not even a single strand out of place. He wielded his sword smoothly in a relaxed fashion, unlike the sahyungs scattered around on the verge of death.

"Just swinging your sword isn't enough! If you are going to swing once, imagine squeezing out all your strength. From the tip of your toes to your head, and through your sword! Once more!

What was this situation?

Wasn't Chung Myung the youngest of the third-class disciples? So why is he teaching Jo Gul?

However, everything Chung Myung said was correct.

"Okay, one more…."


In the end, Jo Gul, who couldn't stand it, fell to the floor. Seeing that, Chung Myung clicked his tongue.

"Tch tch. You people are seriously weak."

Chung Myung sighed deeply.

"You're just overworking your body. You aren't a cow! Use that head of yours! Use your brain! Think about how to swing the sword so that you can utilize all the strength in your body and then swing it!"


Un Geom's eyes trembled.

The other elders might be unaware, but Un Geom knew that Chung Myung could control the third-class disciples to some extent. It may be difficult to understand, but weren't there always talented people whose skills transcended their age?

However, what Chung Myung was discussing now wasn't something that could be waved off as simple talent or ability.

'Does this mean that he has a higher understanding of the martial arts?'

The more he observed this kid, the more amazed he felt.

Un Geom, suddenly awoken from his thoughts, shook his head.

This wasn't the time for such things.

"What is this!?"

Chung Myung shook his head when Un Geom asked.

"Oh my! Teacher!"

Chung Myung quickly ran up to Un Geom.

"How was last night?"

Seeing him act like a child, the third-class disciples gritted their teeth.

'That sly son of a bitch!'

'If he was in the Imperial palace, there would have been books written positively about him!'

'He's a demon with no spine, constantly changing sides!'

Why wouldn't they be upset? Chung Myung was the youngest and should have shown respect to them as his sahyungs, but he only showed respect to Un Geom and the other elders.

In particular, Jo Gul and Yoon Jong, who were the biggest victims, dejectedly looked at Chung Myung with narrowed eyes.

"What happened here?"

"We were training."

"Training? This is training?"

No, it certainly was training. Un Geom witnessed Jo Gul swinging the sword with his own two eyes. But the result was…



"Too… too difficult. I might die…."

The third-class disciples looked at Un Geom like puppies who found their master. Without realizing it, Un Geom ended up raising his voice upon seeing their expressions.

"Training is a part of the process to develop the body and mind. Don't you know that too much training is poisonous? And you—"

"I know, teacher."


Un Geom's eyes narrowed as Chung Myung's words interrupted his lecture. Did this mean that he had a proper response to give in this situation?

"But this training wasn't started by me. The Sahyungs, who didn't want experience disgrace in the Mount Hua and Southern Edge Sect conference, have—"


Right. The conference was approaching soon. That was true…

"Sahyungs were upset with the humiliation they faced last time…."


Un Geom slowly turned his head and looked at the third-class disciples.

The children were desperately waving their hands behind Chung Myung. Seeing their reaction, Un Geom said.

"Looking at the children, that doesn't seem to be the case."

"What? Is that possible? Sasuk! How could one be proud to declare themselves a disciple of Mount Hua if they've suffered defeat at the hands of those Southern Edge bastards!?


He was right.

"We can lose once. But losing twice is unforgivable! A disciple of the Great Mount Hua should never accept such results."

"… right."

Confusion beset Un Geom as he began to nod his head.

There were only two things he valued most in the world. One was the pride of Mount Hua, and the other was to raise the disciples correctly.

Now, it seemed that both of his values had turned their blades towards one another and conflicted.

Chung Myung, who read the confusion in Un Geom's eyes, approached and whispered.

"Sasuk, think about it. The best way to raise Mount Hua's honor is to strengthen the Sahyungs and break apart those Southern Edge Sect bastards, right?"


"The elders will also appreciate and praise Sasuk's hard work."

'This sly bastard!'

Un Geom wasn't oblivious; he could tell that Chung Myung was manipulating him, but such sweetly honeyed words were too enticing for Un Geom to ignore. He wasn't interested in receiving praise for his efforts, but to beat down the Southern Edge Sect was….

"Do you think it's possible?"

Unknowingly, Un Geom had asked for Chung Myung's opinion.

Hearing that, Chung Myung smiled.

"I am Chung Myung."


Un Geom looked at Chung Myung and coughed.

Looking back, it was none other than Chung Myung who had changed these children. Weren't these children training because of Chung Myung?

Perhaps this process was more necessary than learning a new sword art. No matter how lucky he was, it was impossible to teach that new sword technique in a short period and overcome the Southern Edge Sect.

'Just once more….'

Un Geom looked at everyone and opened his mouth to speak.

"Disciples! Listen to me!"

"Yes, Sasuk!"

The third-class disciples set their full attention on Un Geom, desperately pleading with their tired eyes. Their last hope…

"There's a limit to how proud I can be that you are showing such enthusiasm in your training. After all, it is my responsibility to be the one who guides you all. However, it wouldn't be right for me to disturb your ambitions when you're voluntarily training so vigorously."

… what is this?

Oh? Is that the sound of hope crashing into pieces?

"Until the conference, I will leave the training to you all. In the meantime, you don't have to come to the training hall and are free to train anywhere. However, you must be careful not to hurt yourselves."


… this isn't right! Sasuk?

"Ahem. You may all continue now."

Un Geom turned his body away.

Some third-class disciples unwittingly stretched out their hands to grab hold of their fading hope. But upon seeing the look in Chung Myung's eyes, they quickly pulled back.

Eventually, Un Geom walked away, and Chung Myung turned his body and twisted his head toward the abandoned disciples.

"Who was the one that told Sasuk that you were having a hard time?"


"Say it quickly."


The eyes of the third-class disciples were dyed with despair as they watched Chung Myung pull out the wooden sword on his waist.

"Tsk. This is too much work."

Chung Myung climbed the mountain with an expression that clearly showed his annoyance.

"It's so slow."

Chung Myung sighed.

He had never raised a disciple in his previous life.

Even his sahyung, who always desperately searched for reasons to nag Chung Myung, never once dared to ask that he take in a disciple.

His sahyung held discussions with the other elders who were worried about whether Chung Myung's unparalleled swordsmanship would be passed onto future generations.

What he told them was,

– I am worried about that as well. However, I am still a human. I feel sympathy and love just as anyone else does. I cannot ever request a disciple to be sent under him. Chung Myung is the sort of man that would beat a dog for not walking upright. Of what sin did the children partake to deserve such punishment? If we are Taoists who cultivate the Dao, we cannot commit such acts of cruelty.

Since then, no one ever asked Chung Myung to accept disciples.

'Now that I think about it, it feels pretty bad. Those bastards just spoke about me however they wanted.'

What's so bad about his methods? They are growing up so well!

Of course, it took a lot of work.

Chung Myung raising the third-class disciples was no different from an adult teaching an infant to walk.

If it was anyone else, they would coddle the child and hold them at every step. However, the toddler can only truly stand independently by being thrown off their feet and figuring it out for themselves.

"Ugh. I really would rather die than to suffer like this."

As a result, it took more time than expected, and as the training dragged on, there wasn't enough time left for Chung Myung's own practice. He was almost at the point where he was ready to sacrifice his sleep in order to train.

Chung Myung took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

"Sahyung. Do I have to go this far? It's easier for me to just try and grow myself instead of waiting for them to catch up."

– Well, do that then.

"Eh, seriously!"

Chung Myung sighed.

He was well aware that it would be impossible to recover Mount Hua's former glory on his own.

Sure, Chung Myung could make Mount Hua famous alone, but he couldn't live forever, right? Then, wouldn't Mount Hua disappear once he dies?

What Chung Myung had to create was the spirit of Mount Hua, which would never disappear.

A flower with beautiful petals is nice, but it fades and rots quickly. The spirit of Mount Hua must be like the roots of a great tree, it may not be seen, but it keeps the being alive.

"I know…"

How can life be so easy?

Chung Myung felt dizzy at the task ahead of him.

He continued organizing his thoughts as he climbed the mountain. Upon arriving at his training ground, he quickly scanned the surroundings.

'She won't come here again, right?'

He was an hour early. It was time for everyone to be in bed. No matter how driven a disciple was, they wouldn't come to train at this hour.

Of course, he would have to meet her later, but that would be when she officially comes back to Mount Hua.


Chung Myung, who gazed around, raised the wooden sword wrapped around his waist.

His eyes, which looked at the sword, were serious as he stood tall. The playful eyes he had when teaching the children faded away; replacing them were the eyes of a swordsman who had been through countless battlefields with his sword.

'Return to the old me?'

No, that won't be enough.

Chung Myung broke his entire foundation. He denied the history he had built up in his previous life and started a new foundation.

To go further.

But that alone won't be enough. Chung Myung changed the foundation of his strength, but he couldn't change his swordsmanship. If the sword wasn't changed, then he would have to make his sword stronger.

A little bit stronger, faster. No, it wasn't enough.

'Did I defeat the Heavenly Demon?'


If the Heavenly Demon hadn't exhausted his energy after the joint efforts of those who climbed the mountain, Chung Myung would have never been able to take him down.

Chung Myung had claimed that he was the greatest swordsman in the world, but he was just a loser that was unable to defeat the Heavenly Demon in frontal conflict.

'What if I could have defeated the Heavenly Demon alone?'

If that was the case, no one else would have died.

Both the Sahyungs and Sajaes would have returned to Mount Hua safely. They would have lived their lives peacefully, and his Sahyung would be back to nagging Chung Myung while he secretly drank alcohol.

Then Mount Hua wouldn't have collapsed, and no one would have died on that mountain with the Heavenly Demon.


It's not exactly like that.

Chung Myung wasn't the kind to hold onto the past and weep. The problem was what lies ahead.

'Where is the guarantee that someone like the Heavenly Demon wouldn't appear again?'

Perhaps a more frightening character than the Heavenly Demon might aim for them.

To protect Mount Hua from all possible crises, he had to become strong. Greater than anyone in the world, more than Chung Myung of the past and the Heavenly Demon!

To do that…

Chung Myung's sword, which was nearly perfect in the past, couldn't hurt the Heavenly Demon.


Because he hadn't tried to sharpen the sword further?


"No matter how sharp a tiger's claw is, it cannot catch a flying bird."

There is a limit that cannot be crossed.

The Heavenly Demon's martial arts shattered everything Chung Myung believed was right. As if ridiculing Chung Myung, who thought that the end could be reached by following the path paved by the ancestors.

Just like a person with his feet on the ground looking at a bird flying freely in the sky, he had no choice but to stare at that unachievable dream.

If Chung Myung wanted to reach the Heavenly Demon's level, then he would have to jump beyond his past self first.

But how?

Chung Myung's eyes narrowed.

'I'll have to throw it away.'

But to discard everything?

Only when the vessel is empty can it be refilled with something new. However, Chung Myung already emptied everything when he was reborn anew. Now, he would have to refill it.

So, what should he fill it with?

Would it be Mount Hua's teachings or Chung Myung's own path? If not…?

"It doesn't matter."

Chung Myung's sword begins to move slowly.

Protect the techniques and teaching of Mount Hua? Abandon Mount Hua's guidance? Or create a new path as Chung Myung?

– It is all an obsession.

Right. Sahyung.

If filling it was natural, so was throwing things away. There was no need to decide right away what to fill and what to discard.


Isn't the sword still moving as it did in the past?

Don't set limits.

The moment you decide what to accept and what to abandon, the sword becomes bound by limits that have been created. Leave it alone. Let the sword travel as it pleases and as Chung Myung wills it.

The sword of Chung Myung drew soft arcs, cutting through the dark.

At the same time, it seemed like Plum Blossoms began to bloom in the sky.

Although it was the Plum Blossom of Mount Hua, it was different from what Chung Myung knew.

It was a little more lively and a bit gentler.

It stretched out and scattered and then descended.

From east to west and back to east.

The plum blossoms that began at the tip of Chung Myung's sword bloomed. Soon after, white flowers encroached upon the night sky, bringing an early spring to the mountain peak where he was training.

Soft, fast, glamorous, and beautiful.

However, plum blossoms are bound to wither.

Atop the peak, the plum blossoms disappeared as if they had been a mere fantasy. Chung Myung stood alone amid the fading illusion with his sword stretched out and closed his eyes.

'I feel like I learned something.'

He didn't completely understand, but it felt like he took a solid step forward.

Although it was Mount Hua's sword, it was a sword unique to Chung Myung that surpassed any of Mount Hua's other techniques.

A sword that can go beyond his limits and the limits of Mount Hua too.


Chung Myung let out a low sigh.

'It won't be easy.'

It wasn't about inventing a new sword art. It was about opening a new frontier and creating new opportunities. Still, it was a long way off. Just as Chung Myung's history grows with him, this sword will grow too.

Now it was just the bud of a plum blossom.

But someday…



Suddenly, a voice came from Chung Myung's side, and he rushed away.

"Wow, Fuuuuuuuck! What!"

Before he could realize it, someone else had appeared. Chung Myung, frightened, repeatedly blinked as he scanned to see who it was.

'… is she that girl from last time?'

Yu… Yu… Yu something.

Ah right! Yu Yiseol! That was her name.

Yu Yiseol was looking at Chung Myung with a blank gaze.

'No, but how did she get so close to me? I didn't even sense her.'

No matter how great her technique was, Chung Myung should be better than her! Even if he was deep in concentration, he could clearly feel the presence of those around him.

Last time too, this woman had done the same thing and suddenly popped up out of nowhere! What was with her?

'Has she mastered the art of assassination? How can she keep doing this?'

Come to think of it, despite her being ahead of him right now, he could barely feel her presence.

It was one thing when you relied entirely on your eyes and ears, but it was unthinkable for this to happen to a Taoist who has mastered all five senses and utilizes their qi to sense their surroundings.

Seeing Yu Yiseol staring at him, Chung Myung was deeply concerned.

'How do I fix this? How much did she see?'

For now, he needed to figure that out…

Yu Yiseol opened her mouth.

"Plum Blossom…"


She clearly saw everything!

She tilted her head to the side as if she didn't understand what she saw.

Right, yes! Do not understand it.

Chung Myung smiled brightly.

If it was anyone else, they would have been dumbfounded in this situation. But who was Chung Myung? The unprecedented accident of Mount Hua.

His Sahyung made sure to point out every time that there were more accidents after Chung Myung joined Mount Hua than in the entire sect's history before his initiation.

For such an experienced Chung Myung, this situation was nothing.

First, he needed to act naturally.

He bowed his head to Yu Yiseol.

"How have you been?"

As Chung Myung took a step closer, Yu Yiseol flinched.

Why? Why flinch?

Yi Yiseol looked at Chung Myung with serious eyes.

"Are you going to kill me to silence the witness?"

"What the fuck, are you crazy?"



The words naturally escaped him.

Chung Myung, who cursed without realizing, covered his mouth in shock.

Another day wasted; just why did this woman have to come and bother him so much?

Now, there was only one way out.

Chung Myung waved his hand and quickly fled the scene.

"Well then, goodbye for now!"

"Ah… wait!"

Yu Yiseol tried to stop Chung Myung, but he ignored her pleas and left at full speed.

'When you can't make any excuses, it's best to just avoid the problem altogether.'

Yu Yiseol stretched out her hand towards his back but lowered it as he was already gone.

"Plum Blossoms…."

She looked at the running child's back with blank eyes and clenched fists.

"I was caught!"

This was obviously Chung Myung's mistake.

Thinking about it, though, it won't make a difference if only one person caught him. Even if she told everyone what happened, no one would believe it.

But he had to be careful from now on. If there's just one witness, they'll be written off as crazy. But if three or more people saw it, then everyone would believe it.

'When the Baek disciples return, I need to be careful with my training.'


Not just the training, right?

Chung Myung nodded with a determined face.

"I have something I must do before the Baek disciples arrive!"

He quickly began to descend towards the sect.


"Oh. Young master, you're here again. Come this way. We'll guide you to a good seat."

"I'm not asking too much of you, right?"

"Oh my. Why would it be like that? Thanks to your frequent visits, business is going well, and life is worth living. Hahaha!"

Chung Myung headed to a window seat at the guidance of the restaurant owner.

"Here is a cold wet towel. Wait just a moment more and I will bring the alcohol that you always have. What would you like to eat for today?"

"Just give me whatever you recommend."

"Yes. I will talk to the chef and ask for the best food to be prepared."

'I don't want the best, I want the most delicious, you bastard!'

Who was he trying to fool!?

However, the man ran to the kitchen and brought two bottles of chilled alcohol.

"Here you are."

"Thank you."

Chung Myung opened the lid without delay and poured it into his glass as soon as he received the bottles.

From the sound of pouring alcohol to the act of drinking alcohol, everything was delightful.

'People live for this taste.'

No matter how much privilege Chung Myung had earned, and no matter how little he cared for the rules of Taoists, it was still unacceptable for a third-class disciple to drink alcohol in Mount Hua.

Alcohol wasn't banned completely, but it was strictly prohibited within the sect grounds.

But who was Chung Myung?

He was the sort of man who must do exactly what he is told not to do; especially tempting are the acts that are forbidden.

'Oddly, if you tell me not to eat, I end up eating more.'

The two bottles Chung Myung had stored in his cave were long gone, and now it had become a daily routine to change out of his uniform and stop by this place to have all that he wanted because of the permission the sect leader gave him.

How often did he frequent this restaurant? Well, only the owner of the place would know that.


Chung Myung gulped one glass down and looked at the other glass as if he had left the mortal plane and entered paradise.

"Taoists are supposed to go with the flow in life, so why do they have all these silly restrictions!?"

Aren't Taoist rules stupid?


Chung Myung is a Taoist, too?

No. He was a bit different.

Chung Myung poured another glass and brought it to his lips. Without holding back, he looked at the glass and then softly gulped with a smile.

"It isn't the same as it used to be, sahyung."

'Alcohol tasted the best when hiding from the watchful eyes of that nagging Sahyung. '

"I am still here like this."

There was no one there.

Chung Myung looked at the glass and smiled.

It felt strange.

He never missed anyone in his whole life, but now he was feeling sentimental while drinking.


But it wasn't like he was too deep in his thoughts.

The past is the past. If the sahyungs saw this side of him, they would laugh at him.

In this world, whether they were called Taoists, Saints, or Deities, his Sahyung was innately just a playful old bastard.

The same went for Chung Myung.

"Now, here is the leopard fish skin, and here is the pig feet fry."

The leopard fish skin was made with oyster meat, pork, and jellyfish, and the other one was made with onion and pork feet. Both were Shaanxi foods.

"What about pork belly?"

"It's coming soon."

Chung Myung raised his chopsticks, smacking his lips.

Weren't the things on his table the best delicacies? After drinking a glass of alcohol, having a delicious piece of meat feels no different from entering nirvana.

'This is paradise.'

'Sahyung, sorry, but I plan to live. So, I hope you live happily wherever you are.'

The door opened, and a group of men entered.


The owner ran and greeted them.

All those who entered were young men and women.

'Wait, maybe they're too old to be considered young men?'

The men seemed tall, strong, and well-developed, but the women were certainly a bit younger than the men. In any case, Chung Myung observed them from the side.

Those who came inside sat at the table next to Chung Myung. Chung Myung didn't pay any more attention to them and went back to eating.

"We get to eat food after such a long time."

"We don't have to eat those fasting pills anymore, Sahyung."

"Isn't that why we're here? Our priority is to go up the mountain as soon as possible and greet our elders, but I'm sure they will understand us stopping here first."

Sahyung? Elders?

Chung Myung frowned and looked at the group seated next to him. All of them had black uniforms, and on the chest was a plum blossom pattern.

'The Baek disciples?'

They had an embroidered plum blossom, so they all had to be from Mount Hua. Since Chung Myung had never seen them before, and their ages seemed to fit, they had to be the Baek disciples.

Chung Myung bowed his head.

He hadn't committed any crimes, but he didn't want to see them here. Nor did he want to get involved with them. Fortunately, he wasn't in uniform, so as long as he didn't get tangled up with them, there wouldn't be any problems.

'I can't even eat properly. Ugh. I need to quickly leave after gulping the food down.'

Meeting these people here would be a pain in the ass right now. It was best to not get involved at all.

"But where is Samae Yu?"1

"I think she went up Mount Hua first."

"Didn't we decide to meet in Hua-Um?"

"When did Samae Yu ever listen to us?"

"Hm. Then the masters might already know that we're here."

"It's fine. Everyone knows that Samae Yu is unique."

"Then we're lucky."

The young man sitting in the middle finished placing a simple order as he requested food and alcohol for everyone at his table.

'Look at that. Tsk. Tsk.'

Chung Myung frowned.

'These little second-class disciples are openly drinking in the middle of Hua-Um! Even if the sect is failing, this is too much!'

Children these days, seriously!


What about Chung Myung?

Well, he is different. He's close to a hundred years old, after all…

"Everyone worked hard and overcame the training really well."

"Who among us could say they've suffered more than Sahyung? We just followed you."

"Right. Sahyung had the most difficult time."

A tall young man sitting in the middle with a smile.

'Isn't he handsome?'

Chung Myung was quite good-looking himself. But the black robe on this man and the presence he evoked,

How should it be put? Didn't he seem to appear like the legendary heroes in fairy tales?

"We've all trained hard, together. I know better than anyone just how hard everyone has worked. So, I will treat you all to this alcohol today. Don't feel burdened and drink as much as you want."

"Thank you. Sahyung."

"Just don't get too drunk. We need to climb up to Mount Hua in the evening."


Laughter filled the table.

So, they finished their training and settled on having a drink in Hua-Um upon returning? Then, the one being called Sahyung must be the Great Sahyung of the Baek disciples, and the rest are the second-class Baek sahyungs.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to enter this place without a second thought.

'I can imagine how the sect will turn out.'

Chung Myung snorted at the scene.

When he was a second-class disciple, he wouldn't have dared to even think about drinking with others. If anyone had been caught drinking, they would have been placed in the repentance room for an entire week!

That was why Chung Myung had to be stealthy when he drank!


Yeah. He did drink. How could he not drink?

But it was fundamentally different! He drank in secret! Not openly like them!

Unaware of Chung Myung's poisonous thoughts, the disciples clinked their glasses and began to drink. As soon as the snacks were served and the table was filled, the atmosphere heated up.

'I should quickly eat and get out of here.'

Chung Myung moved quickly in a hustle. Yet, the moment he poured himself another glass, he heard some words that he couldn't ignore.

"Baek Cheon Sahyung."

"What is it, Sajae?"

"After all this hard work, we'll be able to get good results in the conference, right?"

The one called Baek Cheon folded his arms and nodded.

"… Umm."

"Right, Sahyung?"

"Sajae. To be honest, I don't know. But there is one thing I do know."

"What is that?"

"Effort never betrays a man."

Baek Cheon's eyes had a brilliant shine in them.

"We've done our best. We made it through that arduous training and constantly beat ourselves up. Even if we don't win, isn't it true that we've made commendable progress in this time?"

"Yes. Sahyung."

"Don't get too hung up on winning or losing. We're in this for the long game. If we lose our eyes in the present, we'll never be able to see the future."

"Ah… I was short-sighted."

"However, I do want to win."

Baek Cheon smiled softly. When a smile appeared on that handsome face, the surroundings seemed to brighten in response. The disciples there looked at him with absolute trust.

But there was one person nearby who had a rotten mien in response to his speech.

'Does he put oil on his lips?'

Chung Myung gulped down alcohol with a sour expression as he listened to those smoothly flowing disgustingly sweet words. He wasn't the kind who would enjoy such cringe-inducing speeches.

'I think there's something hidden about this man.'

He was the same as the others, but something felt a bit off about him. Although, it didn't feel like he was a bad person…

"Then, where do we stand? Can we fight against the Southern Edge Sect on equal footing now?"


Baek Cheon opened his mouth with a sullen face.

"The Southern Edge Sect is strong. Isn't it one of the Ten Great Sects?"


"In the past, Mount Hua was also one of the Ten Great Sects. However, to be honest, the difference between us and the Southern Edge Sect has grown beyond comparison."

Everyone's faces darkened at those words.

"But that's just what others believe."

Baek Cheon raised his voice as he spoke, refreshing the atmosphere.

"Skills aren't necessarily proportional to fame. We lost to them in the last conference, but the difference wasn't that large. During all this time, haven't we focused on our training while even reducing our sleep? We'll be able to contest against them well this time."

"With the Southern Edge sect?"

"Was Southern Edge this great from its inception? Was Mount Hua always the Mount Hua that we know? Nothing is set in stone. If we work tirelessly, it's not impossible for us to one day look beyond our current position."

He spoke with a voice full of determination that attracted the hearts of those who listened.

As everyone gazed at Baek Cheon with admiration and respect, it happened.


A low chuckle from beside.

The heads of the six people sitting at the table turned in unison.


Realizing that their gaze was on him, Chung Myung covered his mouth.

'Shit, I didn't mean to react.'

Hearing such absurd words, he ended up laughing.

Receiving everyone's attention, Chung Myung came up with a solution to the situation as usual.

'Just act natural.'

And he started to cough.

"Puah! Ugh! Puah! Cough! Puaah!"


Chung Myung frowned when he saw that the disciples didn't go back to talking with each other.

'Why aren't they deceived? My acting was perfect.'

Cough more violently!

"Young man."


Baek Cheon slowly rose from his seat and spoke to Chung Myung.

"Young man, who could you be? I don't believe I've ever seen your face in Hua-Um before. If it isn't too rude, may I ask your name and what family you belong to?


Why does it suddenly seem like Chung Myung was screwed?


A woman with the same master that joined at a later time, feminine equivalent to sajae.

Baek Cheon narrowed his eyes.

'Who is this guy?'

He was nothing short of absurd.

From the moment they entered this place, he felt a sense of incongruity. Now that he looked closely, he understood why he felt that way.

Why was there a child, who might have just turned 15 this year, ordering all of this expensive food and alcohol?

Of course, it wasn't impossible.

The sons of high-ranking officials or the children of wealthy elites could do this. The children of the merchant families also often enjoy such pleasures from a young age.

The problem was that this was Hua-Um.

As far as Baek Cheon knew, there were no high-ranking officials, no descendants of wealthy families, or children of wealthy merchants here. Even if they were here, Chung Myung's age doesn't match up.

So, who was this child that was drinking alcohol alone in Hua-Um?


The child coughed and waved his hand.

"I'm just a passerby. Don't worry about me and continue with your meal."

"A passerby."

Baek Cheon's eyes softened.

"Right, that was also possible. Alright, then. Since we ended up meeting here, why don't we introduce ourselves? I am Baek Cheon, second-class disciple of the Great Mount Hua."

Chung Myung grunted a little as he covered his face with his long sleeves.

'Ugh, this bastard! Why is he so persistent?'

He couldn't back out or beat him up now.

If the fact that Chung Myung had beaten Baek Cheon so that he could run away spread around Mount Hua, then the sect leader would be enraged, and Un Geom, who began to nag him a lot these days, might run wild and try to cut Chung Myung down.

Then, everything Chung Myung had built up would come crumbling down.

'I can't let that happen.'

He can't let himself get tangled up with this young man for no reason. Chung Myung coughed twice.

"I really don't have a name worth offering…."

"Isn't it a bit ungentlemanly to cover your face while having a conversation?"

'Gentleman? What gentleman? You should just leave me alone, you bastard!'

Chung Myung's emotions were slowly overwhelming him. For now, the first thing he needed to do was avoid further interaction.

Chung Myung quietly got up.

"Well, I need to leave."

"Hold on."

"Let's have a talk the next time we meet."

Chung Myung, who was turning around, smiled as he grabbed the alcohol bottle on the table and bowed with his face half-covered.


"Young man. I would like to speak with you a bit longer."

"I'm sorry, I have no interest in playing with men. Farewell."

As Chung Myung rushed to the entrance, Baek Cheon's expression went stiff, and he quickly stretched out his hand.

'Where does he think he's going!?'

The moment his hand went to grab the hem of Chung Myung's clothes.


Chung Myung smoothly side-stepped his grasp and avoided Baek Cheon's hand, which merely cut through the air.


"Take care!"

Chung Myung jumped out of the window next to the table and left.

Baek Cheon looked at the place Chung Myung had left with blank eyes.

'He avoided it?'

He definitely used the Grasping Joint Lock at the last moment. Even if it didn't reach the pinnacle, it was still enough to catch a child.

But it was avoided?

"Sahyung. Why didn't you catch him?"

"… What?"

"Didn't you let him go?"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Baek Cheon's face.

How should he answer this?

"… holding a young child against their will isn't something a Taoist should do."

"As expected from Sahyung. Haha."

Baek Cheon put on an awkward smile.

'There must have been some mistake.'

He must have been tired from the long journey, or maybe he was too relieved by the fact that he came back to Mount Hua.

There was no way he could have lost that child if he had seriously used the technique.

"I thought there were more people in Hua-Um, and now there are many faces I've never seen before."

"Hua-Um isn't a small place, so there's no way we could know everyone. If there is a chance, we might meet again."

"Yes, Sahyung."

Baek Cheon smiled and went back to his seat. But his smile wasn't as bright as before.

"Ugh! What rotten timing!"

Chung Myung kicked a stone lying on the road.

"Why did he have to come there and make a fuss! There were a lot of other people around! Anyway, have I run out of luck? Even the weakest bastards come to step on my toes!"

How unfortunate.

When he thought of the food he didn't get to finish eating, his stomach hurt. How much money did he waste!?

"At least I saved the alcohol."

As he climbed up to Mount Hua, Chung Myung continued to drink from the bottle.

"Ah, it lingers on the tongue."

'If only there were snacks to go along with this. '

Chung Myung smacked his lips and threw away the empty bottle.

"Ah. Climbing a mountain is so difficult."

No matter how many times he climbed the mountain, it seemed like he could never get used to it.

'But that Baek Cheon kid….'

Suddenly, a group of people outside of Chung Myung's plans appeared. Of course, their presence didn't bother him, but….

'It might get a little annoying.'

Chung Myung's life has been so comfortable on Mount Hua because of the preferential treatment he got for his achievements. But that wasn't all.

The biggest reason was the age difference between the elders and the third-class disciples.

Compared to the elders, who were all over fifty years old, the third-class disciples were children below twenty. This gave them a bit of leeway to work and train.

The scariest person for a soldier in the army isn't the general or the emperor. It is his immediate supervisor. Isn't it common sense that a corrupt boss with a short temper is more frightening than a distant mastermind?

There wouldn't be anyone that would think otherwise.

"Ugh. Baek Cheon huh."

First of all, it seemed strange.

"Heh. I shouldn't have laughed back there."

But he couldn't control it.

The words he heard from Baek Cheon were so absurd.

"Overtake the Southern Edge Sect?"

On what basis?

Chung Myung clicked his tongue over and over.

If only those idiots, who ran their mouths, could at least defeat the third-class disciples of the Southern Edge Sect.

"Oh my, Sahyung. In this era, just look at these fools that are considered disciples of Mount Hua. Seriously, kids these days! Phew!"

Chung Myung was more shocked than when he saw the state of the third-class disciples.

How much martial arts could the third-class disciples even learn? They wouldn't have even gotten a clear taste of what martial arts is, so it wouldn't matter.

But the second-class disciples are different.

The third-class disciples are taught the foundation, second-class disciples grow through training, first-class disciples reach the peak, and when they become an elder, it is natural for them to complete their own martial arts path.

Right… that is the standard.

"Oh, my God."

Chung Myung took a deep breath.

When he saw the second-class disciples, Chung Myung felt his stomach-turning. However, they were also disciples of Mount Hua, so Chung Myung should embrace them…

"I shouldn't be wasting my precious time like this."

Seeing the second-class disciples, an unknown sense of urgency grew in him.

"Ugh. How much longer will I have to wait for these disciples to grow into competent martial artists?"

It was still a very, very long way off.

"Jo Gul sahyung! All the third-class disciples have been asked to gather!"


"Our seniors are returning."

"Well, okay. Did you tell Great Sahyung?"

"Yes! He said he'll be there soon."


Jo Gul took off his training clothes and changed into new ones.

The sunset was approaching.

'Come to think of it, I wonder if he's back yet.'

Jo Gul opened the door, went out, and opened the door to Chung Myung's room.

"Kuha… ugh…!"


When he saw Chung Myung on the bed, Jo Gul was left speechless. He was lying down in a weird way and mumbling in his sleep…

"Did he seriously get drunk!?"

Where was the smell of alcohol coming from?

Flustered, Jo Gul ran to Chung Myung, grabbed him by the shoulders, and shook him.

"Chung Myung! Sajae! Chung Myung! You crazy basta—"


"—ah, nothing. Forget that last one."

He kept shaking him.

"Everyone was asked to gather, the Sasuks are back. You should quickly wash up, you look terrible right now."


Chung Myung stretched himself out.

"I guess I dozed off for a bit when I took that break."

'That wasn't a break!'

Chung Myung, no creature in the world would sleep the way you did. Just say you got drunk and fell asleep.

"You, wash up first…."


Chung Myung released a little qi and quickly scattered the scent of alcohol. Jo Gul, with his eyes wide open, was about to say something…


That overwhelming smell of alcohol disappeared in an instant. Jo Gul sniffed, just to be sure, but he couldn't smell anything.

"Uh? Why don't I smell the alcohol anymore?"

"Alcohol? What is wrong with you? We walk the path of purity, Sahyung, why would we have such things? We would get punished."

"… No? I definitely…"

"Let's go. We might be punished if we're late."

Jo Gul felt that the situation was a bit unfair, but Chung Myung was right about being late for now, so he hurriedly followed after him.

"But why do we need to go greet the seniors just because they're returning?"

"We need to at least welcome them back. They are returning from a long and arduous training session."


Do they think that staying in some closed space would promote growth?

They probably just went and locked themselves in some building or cave with no light for two or three months, ate fasting pills, and swung their swords a few times.

They probably thought to themselves…

'Ah, I got so much training done.'

How pointless.

'A bunch of young men and women, isolated in pairs, wielding swords or whatever. Such cheeky training. Yet, they arrogantly ran their mouths about how difficult it was and how they can overtake Southern Edge with just that.'

It wasn't like that back in Chung Myung's day!

It was inconceivable for such a thing to happen in Mount Hua a hundred years ago.

"They said they'd take down the Southern Edge sect bastards no matter what. This time, they really are coming back with great results. Even the sect leader wholeheartedly supported their training."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Baek Cheon Sasuk strongly requested it."

Chung Myung snorted.

"Sure, sure."

"You should also be careful of your attitude. Baek Cheon Sasuk is strict, so if you behave like you usually do, you'll get in trouble."

"Sure, sure."

"I meant it."

"Sure, sure."

Leaving Jo Gul, who was nagging him, Chung Myung joined the third-class disciples. By the time Chung Myung arrived, quite a few people were already gathered.

The sect leader, elders, and the Un sasuks too. Everyone stood at the gate, waiting for the second-class disciples to return.

"They're coming."

"Open the gate!"

The newly built gate opened to the left and right. Soon, Mount Hua's second-class disciples entered the scene, draped in black robes.


"Look at the change in atmosphere."

"It's really amazing."

The Un sasuks admired them and applauded. The elders also welcomed them with happy faces.

There was only one person with a dull face.

'When will this end?'

Chung Myung wanted to go eat.

Baek Cheon, who led the disciples, responded to everyone with a dazzling smile.

'Wow, look at this.'

Indeed, this disciple was unquestionably handsome.

Of course, even Chung Myung had people who called him handsome in the past. When he got dressed up and went down to Hua-Um, beautiful women would fall—

– Have some conscience.

'Oh, come on Sahyung!'

Chung Myung shook his head and was just about to clap.


Baek Cheon's eyes, which accepted the others' greetings, fell on Chung Myung. Baek Cheon, who paused for a moment, tilted his head.

After watching Chung Myung for a long time, he arrived in front of Chung Myung and smiled with confused eyes.

"By any chance…."

Baek Cheon smiled and stared straight at Chung Myung as he spoke.

"Haven't we met before? Young man?"


Was he going to get caught this time?

'Do I really need to beat the hell out of this guy?'

Baek Cheon smiled brightly with that handsome face.

It wasn't a perfectly handsome face, but it had a unique magnetism that attracted others to him.

'What a familiar feeling, it reminds me a bit of the past.'

Chung Myung experienced the same feeling from people of the Shaolin sect.

Of course, this idiot couldn't be compared to them. But in Mount Hua, where there were many normal people, this feeling was weirdly out of place. It made him wonder why he was even here, in the ruined Mount Hua.

More problematic was that this man was trying to bite at Chung Myung's ankles and hang off them.

"What are you talking about?"

For now, just act like you don't know.

"You don't know?"

"I have no idea."

"Ah, is that so?"

Baek Cheon tilted his head slightly. Rather than acting confused, he tried to act in a way that would provoke Chung Myung into admitting the truth.

"That's quite strange. I feel like I've seen your face before. When did you join us?"

The answer came from Yoon Jong and not Chung Myung.

"Sasuk, this child entered while you were all away from Mount Hua. So, you couldn't have met him."

"Is that so? I see."

Baek Cheon smiled brightly.

"You seem like you are close to each other. As Great Sahyung, it's good that you are taking care of the youngest. Don't you think so?"

"Yes, sasuk."

Yoon Jong answered with an awkward timbre. As if Baek Cheon discovered something from that answer, he nodded his head.

"It seems like this was a fateful meeting. It's only our first meeting, but you seem so familiar to me. I think we'll see each other in the future quite often. What is your name?"

"Chung Myung."

"I am Baek Cheon. Be sure to remember my name."

Then rang a firm voice.

"How can you leisurely have a chat over there when the sect leader is waiting for you!?"

"Ah, I'm sorry! I'm coming."

Baek Cheon bowed towards Un Geom. He then turned and joined his other mates as they advanced ahead.

Jo Gul watched Chung Myung and whispered.

"Have you met Baek Cheon sasuk before?"


Even if he did, the answer is no.

"Be careful. Baek Cheon Sasuk is a second-class disciple. He's a great man."



Yoon Jong added to Jo Gul's words.

"He's known to be the savior of Mount Hua. A person said to have the potential to rebuild the crumbling Mount Hua."


Didn't this phrase seem like something Chung Myung heard a lot in the past? When did he…? Ah, back when he first arrived on Mount Hua, people often used to say such things about him.

Although Chung Myung quickly turned from the savior into the most mischievous gossip topic of Mount Hua.

"Wasn't Jo Gul the sect's best genius?"

"What are you saying!? Someone might hear you!"

Jo Gul's face turned bright red at those words.

"Baek Cheon sasuk isn't someone I can compare to."

"Yes. Yes. A loser mentality is good. Having a sense of defeat makes people look humble too."


"Nothing, Sahyung."

Chung Myung looked at Baek Cheon, who was walking ahead.

'Seems like a crane mixed in with a flock of hens.'

It sounds like a good thing. A very good thing.

But in reality, it isn't a very nice thing to say.

A crane is a crane. It doesn't make sense for a crane to be among the flock of hens.

And in most cases…

'He has a flaw.'

While Chung Myung curiously looked at Baek Cheon, Yoon Jong continued to explain.

"Actually, it's said that Baek Cheon sasuks' sword techniques have reached the pinnacle. I heard that the elders have high expectations of him. Even though he's young, he is a genius."


Perhaps, among the second-class disciples of Mount Hua, Baek Cheon was the most important.

'And that's very annoying.'

Chung Myung had also gone through this in the past.

Why were there so many things to learn? The other disciples would train moderately and then go to bed, but the elders would always latch onto Chung Myung and brush him up on other techniques too. Even Sahyung… no. There was nothing that his Sahyung didn't involve him in.

But it was worth it.

It's said the prestige of a sect is built over a long history, but the rise and fall of anything can often depend on a single person.

Even if it's only a small or medium-sized sect, if they can produce a famous master, then people will flock to them in hopes of joining the same sect. On the other hand, no matter how long a sect has existed or how proud their history and traditions are, they are destined to stagnate and decline if they fail to produce any reputable masters.

The only way for the dying Mount Hua to rise again is to produce a powerful genius. If just one mighty warrior exists within the sect, the entire situation can be reversed.

'Of course, that was the plan until I arrived.'

Now what, though?

There is a lot of money.

"Don't the sasuks look strong?"

"Tell me about it. I don't know if we can ever catch up to them."

"So cool and strong."

Chung Myung looked at the two, who were talking to each other with blank eyes.

'Are these idiots' eyes for decoration?'

Fine, let's call them cool even without seeing anything. People's tastes are diverse, and Chung Myung was a good person who didn't impose his tastes on others.

But 'looking strong' and 'being strong' were not the same.

'If these disciples are considered strong, then nobody would be considered weak!'

"Looking at Sasuk's level, Sahyungs would be able to win."

At Chung Myung's words, Jo Gul dumbfoundedly smiled like it wasn't a funny joke.

"What nonsense."

"… uh, right."


My Sahyung.

I have to live here listening to such words on a daily basis. If you have any conscience, come down and say something! Am I meant to live here unfairly like this?

It was often said that people who ascend to the other world come to visit our world and give advice. Then Sahyung, who was known to be the icon of virtue, can come and advise something, right?


Won't he listen to Chung Myung?

Come on!!

While Chung Myung was having a conversation with his Sahyung, the second-class disciples lined up.


Just then, someone ran to join the lineup of second-class disciples from within the sect's grounds.

Chung Myung narrowed his eyes.

'Right, that one is also a Baek disciple.'

Yu… what was her name? Yu something.

He was entangled in a strange relationship with her, so he ended up paying a little attention to her. Surely, she couldn't have told anyone about their meeting before, right?

When Chung Myung frowned while looking at Yu Yiseol, Jo Gul smiled insidiously.

"Come to think of it, this is your first time seeing senior Yu."


"Right. Yu Yiseol. Anyone who sees her for the first time can't take their eyes off her. That's how beautiful she is."

"Great Sahyung."


"Do you have any cinnamon powder with you?"


"I want to spray some on my ears. I feel like my ears are bleeding from listening to Jo Gul sahyung."

He couldn't help but feel like this.

Yoon Jong nodded his head.

"It's been a while since we both agreed on something. Well, I will give some to you later."

"Thank you."

Jo Gul's expression grew distorted.

"Did I say anything wrong? It's because there aren't many who know about senior Yu. She's probably the most beautiful woman in Shaanxi."

Listening to Jo Gul repeat himself like a parrot, Chung Myung took a deep breath.

"You are known to be the best in Mount Hua, and she is the most beautiful around? If someone who doesn't know our situation hears you, they'll think that her and you are up to no good."

"But that's the truth."

Jo Gul pointed to Yu Yiseol.

"Isn't she pretty?"


Before Chung Myung could answer, Jo Gul continued.

"But don't dream much. Senior Yu already has Baek Cheon in her heart."

"… Sahyung."


Chung Myung sighed deeply,

"Instead of wasting your time being interested in someone else's love life, wouldn't you have already made a name for yourself if you had just spent that time training?"

"You aren't supposed to stab people with truth like that."

"Just stop talking."

Chung Myung looked at Jo Gul as if he was pathetic and turned away.

Looking back, she did say that she was his senior; apparently, that seemed to be correct.

Chung Myung looked back at Yu Yiseol.

When all the Baek disciples lined up, the sect leader, who was watching them, smiled warmly.

"You've all worked hard. The training must have been excruciating, right?"

Baek Cheon began to speak on behalf of the others.

"Sect leader. It wasn't difficult at all. Our training was done with the support we got from the sect, so how can we call it difficult?"

"And the results?"

Baek Cheon smiled.

"We managed to realize that the path of the sword is endless in life. However, we have returned with achievements great enough that we would laugh in the face of our former selves."

"That's a good thing."

Hyun Jong looked at Hyung Young.

"Finance head."

"Yes, sect leader."

"Now that the children of Mount Hua have returned from their hard training, shouldn't we celebrate their return?"

"Tsk. What nonsen—ah, no, it's nothing. Of course, we should."


Hyun Jong stared at him with a subtle gaze.

'This man is becoming more strange by the day.'

To be precise, the frequency of saying strange things had increased dramatically since the Eunha Guild arrived. It was hard to tell for sure, but it felt like the tight reins around him had finally gone loose.

"Well, we have it prepared in the meal room. It should be enough for everyone."

"I see."

Hyun Jong looked at the second-class disciples.

"There are many things I want to say, but it wouldn't do to hold you here after your long journey back. Since I don't want to keep you here, let's head inside."

"… sect leader. With all due respect, may I ask you one thing?"

Hyun Jong wanted to clear this crowd quickly, but Baek Cheon didn't seem to notice.

"Feel free to ask."

"The scenery here seems to have changed a lot since the last time we were here, I was wondering what happened."

"Good things happened. Thanks to that, I was able to restore everything in the sect."

It was a soft but firm answer. After hearing that, it was hard to ask what the 'good' thing was.

"You might have a lot of questions, but we also have a lot of time ahead of us. So, we can take this slowly."

"Yes, Sect leader."

"Un Am."


Un Am, who was on Hyun Jong's side, came forward.

"Please look after these children who have suffered for so long."

"Yes, sect leader."

Hyun Jong nodded and turned his head.

"Chung Myung!"


Chung Myung's face contorted.

'No, does that man really have to call me like this day after day?'

There shouldn't be any work today.

"Yes! Sect leader!'

Chung Myung walked out,

"Come to my room for a while. I have something to discuss."


Baek Cheon, who was watching this unfold, was shocked.


He spoke like that to the sect leader?

Baek Cheon doubted whether he had heard correctly or not. But it didn't seem like he was mistaking the words because all the second-class disciples had the same expression on their faces.

However, he didn't understand why the third-class disciples didn't seem to discipline this child.

It wouldn't be wrong even if this child was harshly hit for behaving like that to the sect leader!

But even the sect leader was smiling despite those words.

"How about if I prepare some snacks?"

"Okay. I get it. I will come."

Hyun Jong led Chung Myung to his residence with a happy face.

Baek Cheon, who silently observed the scene, looked incredulously at Un Geom and asked.

"Sasuk. That child, just who is he?"


Un Geom smiled.

"I think it would be good for your mental health to not pay much attention to him."


"Especially if it's you."

Un Geom shrugged his shoulders and turned.

"Unpack your belongings and come to the meal room. Don't be late."

"… Yes."

Baek Cheon felt a strange feeling again. Only this time, the sense of incompatibility felt much greater.

Perhaps, this awkward feeling was simply because he had returned after being away for a while.

But just one thing.

Baek Cheon's eyes turned to follow Chung Myung, who was walking with the sect leader.


He narrowed his eyes as he stared in disapproval at the one he didn't like.