
Return of the Mount Hua Sect (English Translation)

Title: Return of the Mount Hua Sect Alternative: Return of the blossoming blade / Return of the flowery Sect Originally written in Korean Language Author: Biga, LICO Translated by: NM Team Description: The 13th disciple of the Mount Hua Sect, one of the greatest third generation swordsmen, the Plum Blossom Sword Saint: Chung Myung. After defeating the Heavenly Demon and ending his reign of chaos, Chung Myung breathed his last on the summit of the Heavenly Demon Sect’s mountain. Hundreds of years passed, and he was revived as a child. But… What was that? Mount Hua Sect has fallen? What kind of bullshit is that!? Was he supposed to just live his life knowing that? “Fallen? Who said that? That doesn’t matter!” The plum blossoms fall? After a cold winter, spring comes and the plum blossoms come into full bloom once again. “But before the Mount Hua Sect returns, I need to be there first! Even if it’s in ruins, there has to be something left there—Ugh, those people in there!” And so began the struggle of the Plum Blossom Sword Saint, Chung Myung, to save the fallen Mount Hua Sect.

Sleepyslyfox · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs




At last, Wei Soheng climbed the final hill and exhaled harshly.

'What a steep mountain.'

As he felt before, this mountain didn't make it easy for people to approach. Aside from being incredibly steep, the problem was that one also had to climb countless cliffs that were barely reachable in order to climb to the top.

However, he was able to climb the mountain more easily than expected.

Unlike how it was in the past, stakes were embedded in each cliff to make the climb easy. These stakes even had ropes connected to each other. The climb became much easier than scaling the bare cliff if one held onto the rope.

"Huk! Still, it is hard."

Wei Soheng wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

The Wudang Sect had a code that required those entering the sect to remove their weapons and dismount their horses. But there was no need for such rules on Mount Hua.

Because no horse could make this climb anyway.

That was why it was said that everyone who entered Mount Hua was equal.

Because everyone must walk the same rugged mountain path with their own hand and feet. That is how tough Mount Hua is.

"I don't know who thought of it, but it was a great idea. It makes it easier for those climbing Mount Hua to understand their intentions."

Mount Hua has a long history, so it wouldn't have been strange for them to change this. The fact that they kept this tradition the same showed that they were still humble.

Sweaty and gasping, Wei Soheng finally set sights on the giant gate of Mount Hua.

"… why isn't there a single thing that's familiar?"

Even the gate was different from the past.

When he visited Mount Hua in the past, the collapsed gate remained so impressive that this new magnificent gate felt awkward to him.

At a glance, there were the words 'Great Mount Hua Sect' written in beautiful calligraphy. The moment he saw this signboard, he felt overwhelmed.

'It's definitely different from before.'

Even the rivers and mountains are known to change in ten years, wasn't that more than enough time for a sect to change?

With anticipation rising in his bosom, Wei Soheng approached the gate.

There was no one guarding the large gate. Perhaps the gate was also firmly closed because it was still early.

Wei Soheng took a shaky breath and knocked on the great gate.

"Is anyone here!?"

Thud! Thud! Thud!

"I am here to visit the sect."

'Isn't anyone here?'

He wondered if it was right to shout, but he couldn't think of any other way.

"A guest wants to visit Mount Hua, is anyone here!?"

Wei Soheng tried to shout as politely as he possibly could. Soon, he stopped knocking and waited for someone to come.

'If anyone had heard it, they should have come by now….'


Unsurprisingly, the gate opened, and a man stuck his head out from inside.

Wei Soheng happily opened his mouth to speak but was quickly cut off before he had a chance.

"We aren't taking any visitors today."

"… Huh?"

"Mount Hua isn't accepting any visitors today, please come back tomorrow."

"Ah, I-I didn't hear about such a thing."

Well, he really did wonder why no one else was climbing the mountain today.



"Wait, one moment!"

Wei Soheng shouted urgently.

"I'm sorry, but is there really no way? I need to see the sect leader of Mount Hua."

"We aren't allowing visitors today. If it isn't too urgent, then tomorrow—"

"I–I'm not a visitor."


Baek Sang, who opened the door, looked at Wei Soheng.

It was a man that Baek Sang had never seen before, but he said that he wasn't a visitor?

"I am from Huayoung Gate."

"Huayoung Gate?"

Baek Sang's tone changed.

"Yes, I have to meet with the sect leader about matters concerning Huayoung Gate. Urgent matters. I know that it's my fault for climbing the mountain without recognizing the situation, but could you please at least leave him a message for me?"

Baek Sang spoke in a polite tone.

"I apologize, but I have very limited knowledge and haven't heard of Huayoung Gate."


"But I can't know everything. I'll head in right now and ask about Huayoung Gate and deliver this message to the sect leader right away."

"Thank you!"

"Then, please wait for a moment."

Baek Sang closed the door and went inside. Still, the worst was avoided, so Wei Soheng sighed.

'Such an incredible presence.'

Going by his appearance, he wasn't much older than Wei Soheng. Just standing in front of him made Wei Soheng feel as if a sword was being held against his throat. It made him wonder what would happen if he really did wield a sword.

'So, this is Mount Hua?'

Wei Soheng nervously waited for Baek Sang.

'What if they kick me out?'

As Wei Soheng realized that Mount Hua had changed, his anxiety grew. Now that Mount Hua had spread its wings and begun to make a name for itself, perhaps Huayoung Gate no longer mattered to them.

After all, it had been decades since they had communicated properly…

It was then.


The door opened more violently than before, and Baek Sang rushed out with a stiff face.

"You said Huayoung Gate, right?"

"Yes? Ah… ah. Yes! Fro—from Huayoung Gate."

"Please come inside. The sect leader said he'll meet you right away."


"Come in!"

"Ah, yes!"

At the sudden change in attitude, Wei Soheng had a bewildered expression as he entered the sect along with Baek Sang.

'I'm so nervous.'

Wei Soheng gulped.

Sitting across from him was Hyun Jong, the sect leader of Mount Hua, who was looking at him with a kind face.

For Wei Soheng, who was just a disciple of a small sect, simply facing the sect leader of Mount Hua was a sort of burden in itself.

And the burden didn't end there.

To the left and right of Hyun Jong, dignified-looking people were seated.

'How did it end up like this?'

Wei Soheng had rushed to Mount Hua as one final hope, but he didn't think he would be given a chance to meet the leader of the sect.

But now that he was seeing the sect leader and elders, he couldn't stop his pounding heart.


Hyun Jong opened his mouth,

"You said that you came from the Huayoung gate?

"Yes, yes! Sect leader! I am Wei Soheng from Huayoung Gate."

"Hm. I see. I am Hyun Jong, the sect leader of Mount Hua."

"It's an honor to meet you."

Hyun Jong smiled.

"You don't have to be nervous."

"… I am naturally timid."

Hyun Jong reached out and pointed to the tea.

"Then have some tea. It might calm you."

"Thank you."

Wei Soheng reached out and drank the tea, but he couldn't even tell how it smelled or tasted; he was too nervous.

"Huayoung Gate. Huayoung Gate. I know that it was part of Mount Hua's inner circle, but perhaps the last visit was around thirteen years ago?"

"You remember?"

"Of course, you must have been the little boy from back then."


At that time, he wasn't nervous at all. Back then, he was at an age where he didn't understand what it meant to climb Mount Hua.

'Mount Hua was very different from how it is now.'

The changes in Mount Hua were an incredible shock. Wei Soheng, who entered the gate, looked at the majestic tiles in the training area and almost fainted.

Mount Hua, in his memories, was a desolate place that was crumbling. What could have happened in the last ten years to bring about such change?

The position makes the person… no, the clothes make the man…

'Money gives a man wings!'

When Wei Soheng recognized the financial power of Mount Hua, he felt depressed. Was it possible for him to make such a request?

"Right. Let's see why you had to come all the way here?"

"Yes. Sect leader, the thing is…."

He couldn't speak so easily despite the chance being given.


The door swung open, and an old man with a cold expression burst in.

"Huayoung Gate!? Did a person from Huayoung Gate come to visit, sect leader?"

"Give your greetings first when you—"

"Are you the person from Huayoung Gate!?"

Hyun Young fiercely looked at Wei Soheng, who nodded with a frightened face.

"Yes. I am…"

Before he could finish speaking, Hyun Young approached him and waved his arms.

'Am I going to get hit!?'

Wei Soheng shut his eyes; however, Hyun Young smiled and tapped his shoulders.

"Huayoung Gate! Right Huayoung Gate came! Hahaha! Look at his dedication, he has to be a disciple from there!"


"What is it? Feel free to talk about it! Did you come because of any difficulties? Just say it, we'll solve it!"


Wei Soheng was puzzled as he looked at Hyun Young.

What? What was this hospitality?

Hyun Jong, unable to watch this any longer, dissuaded Hyun Young.

"Won't he be flustered if someone barges in and behaves like that?"

"Sect leader! This is the Huayoung Gate!"


Hyun Young smiled.

"Among all of our sub-sects, Huayoung Gate is the only one that has consistently sent money for us to use over the past thirty years! Now they're all bringing money to cozy up to us. When we were struggling, others treated us like beggars, but Huayong Gate never neglected us! How often can one find such a loyal place?"

'No, calling the sect a beggar in front of someone else….'

'Think of the sect's name….'

"Huayong Gate is the place that sent everything they could to help Mount Hua to meet our daily needs! They sent us money; you know? Money!"

"I know that…."

"There's no other place like that. Huayoung Gate is the best of Mount Hua's subsects! They've sent us money for over thirty years and never asked for anything in return! What a nice sect!"

His words were slowly becoming more radical, but it was understandable.

It didn't matter how much money was sent. What mattered was that any additional help when Mount Hua was struggling surely helped to ease some of the sect's worries, at least for a bit.

Money can always be paid back, but a debt of the heart can never be repaid. That was why Hyun Young appreciated them.

"Right. What is it? Are you short on money? Just tell me! I will lend it to you with a special low interest rate!"

"… Hyun Sang."

"Yes, sect leader."

When Hyun Sang got up, Hyun Young squinted his eyes and closed his mouth.

"Ah, I get it. I should shut up, right?"

Hyun Young, who said that, quickly sat in his seat.

Hyun Jong sighed deeply.

'When will he grow up?'

To be precise, he wondered whether or not Hyun Young would return to how he once was. Hyun Young's character flew out the window with the appearance of Chung Myung, and he still hadn't returned to normal, even after all this time!

"You seem less nervous now. What happened for you to come to Mount Hua?"

"Yes, Sect leader."

Wei Soheng took a deep breath and spoke.

"Huayoung Gate has a request. So, my father sent me to ask for help from the Sect leader."

"What kind of help?"

"Chung Myung."


Wei Soheng spoke with a bit of power.

"We want to take disciple Chung Myung, Mount Hua's Divine Dragon."

As soon as the name Chung Myung came out, a deep grimace began to spread on the faces of everyone there.

"Chung Myung?"

"Yes, sect leader."

"… look here. Was it Wei Soheng?"

"Yes, Sect leader."

"Rather than jumping to the main point, why don't you explain the situation first??"

"Ah. Sorry. I wasn't thinking straight. The situation…"

Wei Soheng began to explain what happened.

Huayoung Gate1 is a sub-sect of Mount Hua.

Generally, the disciples of a large sect are divided into two categories. The first is the full-time disciples that have decided to live and dedicate their lives to Mount Hua. Those who become full-time disciples receive their names from the sect and are raised within Mount Hua to polish their swords and pursue the Tao.

However, the second category is the temporary disciples. These disciples study and learn from Mount Hua but eventually leave and head out into the world.

A sect founded by such a disciple is called a sub-sect or family sect. Although separate from Mount Hua, these sub-sects are bound to be operated under Mount Hua's influence.

The sub-sects send a reasonable amount of money to the main sect every year, and In return, the sect leader solves various difficulties that the sub-sect faces. It was a good system as it provided an additional source of income for the main sect, while the sub-sects received more prospective disciples by using the main sect's name. At times, the main sect would even send some disciples to assist in training the disciples in the sub-sects.

It was said that Mount Hua had hundreds of such sub-sects back in its heyday, but now there were no more than ten left.

Even the remaining sub-sects failed to properly communicate with the main sect.

On the other hand, Huayoung Gate had consistently sent money to Mount Hua.

"It's not a sect that's particularly accomplished in the martial arts, but Huayoung Gate has continued to recognize Mount Hua for what we are."

"Right. That's the kind of place Huayoung Gate is."

"The problem started with the opening of a new martial arts training center that was set up across the street called Path's Edge Training. As soon as the sect established itself as a sub-sect of the Wudang sect, it began to vigorously attract young potential."


"But because of Huayoung Gate's influence in the region of Nanyang, there was a lack of response toward the training hall. Unfortunately, this caused them to begin viciously hunting us down."


"My father, who couldn't stand their harassment and constant provocations, was defeated and badly injured by the master of the Path's Edge."

"O-Oh my god!"

Hyun Young jumped up from his seat.

"A great man like Huayoung Gate's master was injured!? We need to catch that bastard, chew him up, and spit him out right now…."

Hyun Sang pulled Hyun Young's sleeve.

Hyun Young, who was forced to sit down, ground his teeth as he seethed in a fit of persistent anger.

"If it ended there, then I wouldn't have come all this way. However, the Path's Edge training hall said that they planned to completely drive us out of Nanyang. They've even requested assistance from the Wudang sect. So, my father sent me here to meet with the sect leader and ask for help."

After saying that, Wei Soheng dropped to the floor and bowed down.

"Sect leader! Please help us! If Mount Hua doesn't help, then Huayoung Gate will have to lower its signboard and cease to be."


Hyun Jong heard all of it and sighed.

"So, the Path's Edge training hall is affiliated with the Wudang sect?"

"Yes, sect leader."

"Haaa. How can they do that to a fellow sect that seeks the path of dao…?"

Hyun Young snorted at Hyun Jong's sigh.

"What nonsense is that! What sort of place is the Wudang sect? It's the richest sect in the world. You can't believe that the money in their pockets came from selling incense or their own purses? They are the most poisonous group one can find when it comes to expanding their power."


Hyun Jong nodded.


Clearly, this wasn't something that could be overlooked.

The issue of their sub-sect being attacked by the Wudang was a secondary concern.

'Now is the time for Mount Hua to look outside.'

The number of sub-sects one has is an indication of how strong the main sect is. A strong sect has many, while a weak sect has few.

If Mount Hua wants to regain its former glory, it can no longer work alone. Soon, there would be second-class disciples who wished to descend and leave the mountain. If they started a sub-sect, shouldn't Mount Hua be supportive?

This wasn't a simple task. Furthermore, this was a problem that would determine how the world viewed Mount Hua.

As Hyun Jong fell into thought, words began to flow from those around him.

"Shouldn't we help?"

"It isn't easy to help. After all, there's an unwritten rule that only the main sect's younger generations can get involved in fights between sub-sects, right?"


There have often been cases of children quarreling, escalating into fights among the adults. What began as a problem for a sub-sect quickly turned into a war between the main sects. As a result, the Kangho2 came to an implicit agreement that matters involving sub-sects should never escalate beyond the main sect sending second-class disciples to prevent any unnecessary damage.

This also served as a way to send children into the world to gain experience, rather than the older generation that has already completed their paths.

"If we send assistance, then it would be right to send the second-class disciples. How does sending the Baek disciples sound?"



It was then.


Wei Soheng, who was listening to the conversation, hesitantly opened his mouth.

"Can't you send the third-class disciples?"


"My father made an earnest request. I need to bring Mount Hua's Divine Dragon, Chung Myung… maybe disciple Chung Myung is the only one…."

Hyun Jong's face turned pale.

"That… well, you want to take Chung Myung?"

"I would like to, if possible."

"Um. Right. Well… that's good. Uh… yeah."

The elders said it was fine, but their faces seemed to say it was anything but fine.

"Okay. For now, I understand the situation. There's something we need to discuss, so please wait outside for a moment."

"Yes, sect leader."

Un Geom took Wei Soheng outside, and Hyun Jong spoke with a seriously stiff face.

"What do we do?"

"It's nothing to worry about!"

Hyun Young yelled.

"This is the Huayoung Gate! The same Huayoung Gate that sent us money during our darkest hour when we struggled to make a living and nearly died! No matter what the situation is, grace is grace! We need to release the children and go bite those bastards!"

"… we aren't dogs. Why would we bite them?"

"Is there anything worse than a dog?"

That's the problem.

That's the very problem!

Hyun Sang spoke with a serious face.

"Sect leader sahyung. This isn't a matter that we can casually jump into. Isn't our opponent the Wudang sect?"


"Wudang is a tough opponent. No matter how far removed from the main sect their sub-sect's problems may be, the Wudang sect is known to always send their best to sort the issues out. You never know how things may turn out."

"That's true."

When you think about it, such an unwritten rule was established because conflicts between sub-sects often spread further and escalated.

"I feel bad for the Huayoung Gate, but there needs to be another way to help them. I want to avoid sending our disciples to collide with them."

It was a bit harsh, but it wasn't like Hyun Sang wanted Huayoung Gate to suffer. No sect in the world would want to clash with the Wudang sect.

Where is Wudang?

Wasn't it the leader of the north, known for their incredible strength?

Hyun Jong looked at Un Am.

"What do you think?"

"Sect leader."

Un Am took a deep breath and began to speak.

"There are two things to think about. The first is whether now is the right time for our sect to resume external activities. Whatever our opinion is, if Mount Hua sends disciples to confront the Wudang sect, then the rest of the world will believe that we've resumed our foreign activities."


"The second question is whether our children will be able to handle the disciples of Wudang."

"Well, that..."

Hyun Sang didn't think it was a huge issue, and Un Am said,

"Actually, there is a third."


"Can we really release him?"


Sympathy and anxiety manifested themselves on everyone's faces in unison.

"Sect leader. Actually, what that child said earlier is correct. If we need to send someone, we have no choice but to send Chung Myung. Right?"


"But can we let him enter the Kangho? What's more, against Wudang?"


Hyun Jong scratched his head in disbelief. His neatly combed hair was in a mess.

Two years was not a short time.

At this point, everyone fully understood what sort of person Chung Myung is. Choosing to send him down the mountain was a great burden on all of them.

"Un Geom."

"Yes, sect leader."

"What do you think?"

Un Geom smiled slightly.

"There is nothing to think about. Send him."

"… send him?"

"Is there a reason not to let him go? Chung Myung will have to enter the Kangho someday. Delaying this won't solve anything. If he could become a master and walk the path of Dao in a couple months, then I would also be opposed to it. But don't we all know that's an undesirable dream?"


"Then we should let him go. It's better to set sail early."

Hyun Jong laughed.


What a wise answer.

Hyun Jong closed his eyes for a moment and then nodded as he spoke.

"Call for Yoon Jong."

Yoon Jong soon entered together with Wei Soheng, who was outside and paid his respects to the sect leader.

"I was called?"

"What is Chung Myung doing now?"

"He recently entered closed-door training and hasn't come out yet."

"How much longer will he be?"

"It may be close to being done."

"Hmm. I see."

Hyun Jong's gaze alternated between Yoon Jong and Wei Soheng.

"Yoon Jong."

"Yes, sect leader."

"It seems like Chung Myung is needed, so let's call his training to an end and have him come out."


"On the way, you will guide the guests from Huayoung Gate. Chung Myung will probably have to travel a long way with them, so make sure to introduce them appropriately."

Yoon Jong flinched.

"… you said it was a long way?"


"So, Chung Myung will be going a long way out?"


A slightly irreverent light flickered in Yoon Jong's eyes.

If that light could be translated into words, it would say

'Are you all crazy?'

But no matter how shocked he was, he couldn't speak those words out loud.

"… I understand."

Yoon Jong, who couldn't speak his true thoughts, made his intentions clear by speaking in a different tone.

"Then, let's go."

"Ah… ah, yes!"

Wei Soheng followed Yoon Jong. Hyun Jong let out a low sigh as he watched Yoon Jong leave.

'I don't know if this is good.'

But this was a sign.

Wei Soheng glanced at Yoon Jon walking next to him.

'He seems to be the same age as me.'

'Or maybe a couple years younger.'

But just because they were similar in age didn't mean that their skills were equivalent. The atmosphere around Yoon Jong was like a lake.

Quiet and deep, like being submerged in a lake.

It made Wei Soheng realize that Mount Hua was genuinely superior. This was the difference between a disciple of the main sect and one from a sub-sect. Wei Soheng was in a state of admiration for this disciple, who was even younger than himself.

"Excuse me…"

"What is it?"

"What kind of person is Mr. Chung Myung?"


Yoon Jong's eyes slightly trembled when he heard this question.

In his excitement to know more, Wei Soheng didn't seem to notice and continued.

"Everyone knows the name of Mount Hua's Divine Dragon, Chung Myung. But, after the Fallen Dragon Confere—I mean, after the Mount Hua–Southern Edge Sect conference, there hasn't been any word about him. So, everyone wonders about what kind of person Chung Myung could be… some say that's a great person…."

"…. A great person?"


"Is that what others think?"

"Yes. Right! What kind of person is Mr. Chung Myung?"

"… evil."


"I think it would be better for you to experience it yourself, rather than hear it from me."


Yoon Jong, who was walking ahead, thought to himself.

'Great person, my ass! He's a bastard! If that guy is a great person, then I'm Confucius.'

Wei Soheng seemed to hear Yoon Jong mumbling to himself, but…

'I must have misheard him just now.'

It was difficult to think that such an austere-looking disciple could say such a thing.

After leaving the sect and climbing the mountain for a long time, the two arrived at a large cliff. It seemed like a bloody cliff.


"This is Plum Blossom Peak. It's a place we go in order to isolate ourselves from human resources, train, and seek enlightenment."

"Disciple Chung Myung is seeking enlightenment?"

"… you can think that."

Yoon Jong, who was about to say something else, shook his head.

'He has to experience it to understand.'

"Wait for a moment, I will call Chung Myung."

"Ah, of course!"

Yoon Jong left Wei Soheng and went forward. He stood in front of a huge cave that was blocked by a massive boulder, and then… let out a deep sigh.

Soon after

"… Chung Myung."

A whisper so quiet a mosquito's buzzing would drown it out.

"Chung Myung."

If someone could hear such a tiny whisper from inside that cave, rather than a person, wouldn't that be a ghost?

While Wei Soheng wondered what the hell Yoon Jong was doing, Yoon Jong whispered again.

"Chung Myung?"

Finally, Yoon Jong quickly turned around and ran back to Wei Soheng.

"It seems like Chung Myung is deeply engrossed in his training and can't hear me, so we might not see him today."


'What bullshit!'

'How could anyone hear your whispering from inside that cave?'

"Ah, no disciple."

Yoon Jong put his index finger on his lips.

"This is good for both of us. Let's just pretend we don't know anything about this. I'm not doing this for me, I'm—."

It was at that moment.


An explosive sound roared out as if the sky was collapsing. The boulder blocking that huge cave exploded and shattered everywhere.

"… kuak."

Wei Soheng panicked, but Yoon Jong just covered his face with both hands.

The entire area was filled with dust.

Wei Soheng looked at the scene around him with a blank face.

A vaguely human silhouette began to emerge from the cloud of dust.



Hearing the daunting footsteps approaching, Wei Soheng had a gut feeling.

'That man is Mount Hua's Divine Dragon!'

One of the world's most prominent young geniuses, who defeated ten of the Southern Edge Sect's second-class disciples single-handedly! His reputation may be even greater than Mount Hua's.

The silhouette in the dust became clearer and more human as the form stepped closer. Leaving the dust cloud behind, Chung Myung walked out like a hero from legends before looking at Wei Soheng.

'It feels overwhelming.'

'This man is the—'

It was then.

"Ah! Shit! I almost died in that place! This is why I didn't want to do the closed training! I cannot! I cannot eat and live off those pills! I cannot! I will not! Change the training!"



'I guess it's not him after all.'

'No way.'


(short vocabulary)

Gate and training halls are the sub-sects of a major sect.

The word 'Kangho' represents the world of murims/martial artists, separate from the secular/civilian world.


He was taller than expected.

Wei Soheng knew that Mount Hua's Divine Dragon was very young, but he seemed larger than anticipated.

But he wasn't too tall. Overall, he seemed very solid, and…

'He's handsome?'

Pretty decent.

With a well-balanced body that harmonized with his appearance, anyone would nod in approval of his looks.

…except for that expression of annoyance and disappointment that he wore.

"Cough! Cough! Ehhh! Why is it so dusty!?"

'Didn't you cause that?'

'Why did you do it if you were just going to get annoyed by it?'

Chung Myung wore a faded uniform and brushed his robes to shake off the dust. He then looked at Yoon Jong with a sour expression.

"Is it today?"


"Huh? It isn't today?"

"There were three days left."

"Then why?"

"Sect leader was looking for you."

"Kuak! Sect leader is always so kind to me, he even released me from the closed training early! Sahyung. Sahyung you shouldn't do this training. I've been eating those fasting pills for three months and I feel like they've started sprouting in my stomach."

"… no, it seems like something's come up."

"Huh? What happened?"

Chung Myung tilted his head and turned to look at Wei Soheng.

"Who is he?"

"Wei Soheng from the Huayoung Gate."

"Huayoung Gate?"

"You know about it?"

"…. How would I know anything?"

After saying that, Chung Myung looked at Wei Soheng.

'Huayoung Gate.'

'There was a Huayoung Gate in the past too.'

'I thought that with Mount Hua being ruined, those places would have collapsed as well.'

The rise and fall of a sub-sect depended on the main sect.

Since Mount Hua fell, they must have had a hard time even raising their signboard and accepting disciples. It was surprising that they still existed.

"Huayoung Gate is a sub-sect of Mount Hua."

"Oh, really? But why are you here?"

"Let's go see the sect leader and hear from him."

"Well, sure."

When they were talking, Wei Soheng looked at Chung Myung with wide eyes. After a while, he looked at Yoon Jong and asked.

"Is… this the person?"

"I'm Chung Myung."

"Oh, yes. Hahaha. I thought so…. What?"

'This bastard… no, this person?'

'This man here?'

Wei Soheng seemed flustered.

When he saw Yoon Jong, he sensed a deep presence that belonged to Mount Hua. Didn't it feel like what a true master should be? To see a man whose entire body seemed to exude the aura of a true Taoist. Wasn't the depth of his character what it meant to be a disciple here?

But this other person…

'He seems like a back-alley thug!'

Without Yoon Jong around, Wei Soheng felt like he would be caught by his neck and dragged into the cave. He carefully guarded his belongings, as he was worried that they would be stolen.

Stimulated by sad memories from his childhood, Wei Soheng looked at Chung Myung hesitantly.

'Were the rumors wrong?'

This person didn't seem like someone who could destroy the Southern Edge sect's disciples and defeat Jin Geum-Ryong.

"For now, wash up, and then come to see the sect leader."



"Fine, fine. I'll be back after washing up then."

As Chung Myung walked away, Wei Soheng quickly asked Yoon Jong.

"… he's Mount Hua's Divine Dragon?"

"I don't know about any dragon, but if you're talking about Chung Myung, that's him."

"… really?"



"… don't act so surprised. There's still a lot to come."

Wei Soheng couldn't bring himself to ask what more was left; fear was already gripping him.


Having tidied his appearance, Chung Myung sat in front of the sect leader and frowned.

"It wasn't enough for the Wudang sub-sect bastards to attack our sub-sect bastards, so they called for a bitch from the main sect?"

"… you're a disciple too."

'Why are you calling them a bitch? Do you know what you're saying!?'

But Chung Myung didn't even listen to Yoon Jong.

"So, they asked for help."

Chung Myung nodded, and a serious light flashed in his eyes.

"Sect leader!"


"Don't worry about it. This disciple will go, clean up the mess, and return!"

Everyone present flinched when they heard those words.

Chung Myung spent the last three months training without even seeing the light of day. How could he suddenly say something so trustworthy?

But even if everyone else was deceived, Yoon Jong wasn't.

"… and how are you going to clean this mess up?"

"What do you mean how!? I'm going to run to Nanyang or wherever and then… Edge… was it Southern Edge training?"

"Path's Edge training!"

"Ah, right! We can just crack their skulls and kick down the Wudang as well, that should be enough! Then I'll set fire to the training hall so they can never set foot in Nanyang again. It'll be super efficient!"

"That is a Taoist training hall, you idiot!"

"Do Taoist sects not burn? They definitely burn! Every building in this world is equal before a glorious inferno! Even Mount Hua is equal."

"Why are you bringing up Mount Hua!?"

"Why? We might also burn; don't you think so?"

Hyun Jong smiled with a happy face and then looked at Un Geom, who was sitting next to him and asked.

'Can we really send him?'

'I think we need to reconsider.'

How can a person grow older without ever-changing?

It wasn't easy to be consistent like Chung Myung.

Yoon Jong pulled at Chung Myung's clothes.

"Calm down. Please."

"Huh? But I am calm."

Chung Myung blinked his eyes.

"You said that Huayoung Gate is the only place that kept paying Mount Hua a lot of money, right?"

'It's not just a place that gave us money… it's a sub-sect of our sect! Surely, it gave money but….'

"The main branch is supposed to protect the children that pay their bills properly! Otherwise, we shouldn't take their money!"

"Right! We shouldn't take the money!"

Hyun Young clapped. And when everyone's eyes fell on him, he coughed lightly and lowered his hands.

Chung Myung continued to speak.

"Weren't they the ones that started the fight? Then we need to accept it! Leave it to me! I'll go and break their heads!"

Hyun Jong smiled and said,

"Chung Myung."

"Yes, sect leader."

"… you shouldn't break the heads."

"How about their waists?"

"I mean that you shouldn't seriously injure or crippled anyone."


Hyun Jong sighed deeply before looking at Chung Myung and thinking to himself.

'Is it really fine to let this brat go?'

However, regardless of any concerns, it was impossible to exclude Chung Myung from this situation. Aside from his personality, Chung Myung is the one person that can definitely resolve the problem.

"Anyway, that's the current situation, so you should go."

"Don't worry. I will clean it up and come back. Shall we leave now?"

"A few more children will go with you. Start your journey tomorrow or the day after."

"Won't it take too long to arrive?"

"We need to investigate a bit more into this matter, there are a few things that are bothering me. So, be mindful of that, okay?"


Whether they departed tomorrow or the day after, the only thing Chung Myung was worrying about was that he couldn't beat the Wudang sect bastards until after he arrived!

"Right. You must have gone through a lot during your closed-door training, get some rest and recover."

"I understand, sect leader."

"Right. Go. We'll decide which disciples will journey with you and inform you later."

"Yes, of course."

Hyun Jong suddenly called out as Chung Myung was about to head outside.

"Chung Myung."


Chung Myung turned his head, and Hyun Jong looked at him carefully before asking.

"Has your training yielded any results?"

Chung Myung chuckled.

"The Wudang bastards will experience it with their bodies."

"Ah, I see."

Chung Myung then bowed and left.

"Yoon Jong, please show Wei Soheng his accommodations. I'm sure he must be hungry as well, so get him something to eat."

"Yes, sect leader. I will make sure he doesn't feel inconvenienced."

Hyun Jong had a subtle expression as Yoon Jong and Wei Soheng walked outside.

"Hyun Sang."

"Yes, sect leader sahyung."

"I don't know if I'm just saying this because I am getting old, but do you think it's a coincidence that the Wudang's sub-sect came to Nanyang, where we haven't had any problems in ages, and suddenly picked a fight with our Huayoung Gate?"

Hyun Sang didn't respond.

This could have happened by chance. But the more they thought about it, the more it felt like some sort of scheme.

"I'm not sure if sending Chung Myung is the correct choice, if that's what they're after…."

"That can't be, sect leader."

Un Am shook his head.

"It's a bit much to think that they'd be scheming to ensnare Chung Myung by picking this fight. Aren't they the Wudang sect? They don't need to pick a fight with Mount Hua. They have nothing to gain here, right? Why would such a great sect focus their efforts on such a small area like Nanyang?"


Hyun Jong sighed.

However, a deep worry inside his heart didn't let him agree with Un Am's words.

"Since the last conference Chung Myung's name has spread rapidly. Now, he stands at the head of any discussions concerning the top geniuses in the world."


"Mount Hua's Divine Dragon is too grand a title, too exaggerated. The Wudang sect may not care about the petty benefits in Nanyang, but they're a sect that cannot tolerate when another sect's disciples overshadow their own. Maybe…"

It was then.

"So what?"


Un Geom smiled and spoke.

"Sect leader. Do you know what the children of Mount Hua call Chung Myung?"

"… does he have some nickname?"

"Mount Hua's Mad Dog."

'Uh… that's a bit….'

Un Am, who had been silently listening, gulped.

"Mad dog is a bit too much, maybe we should go with blind dog?"

'That's still a dog!'

'No, why is no one moving away from the dog?'

First, it was a crazy dog, and now it's become a blind dog.

Un Geom smiled.

"For the past two years, our children have been working really hard. Now, whether it be the Wudang sect or the Shaolin, they cannot ignore our children."


"Well, that is true."

Everyone here understood just how much the second and third-class disciples had accomplished over the past two years. To be honest, it was mostly Chung Myung that taught the others, rather than Un Geom.

"Among them, that guy is…."

Un Geom scratched his head with a face that showed how he struggled to find the words to explain Chung Myung's growth.

"Well, anyway. Those who dare to challenge Mount Hua's Divine Dragon will understand why he has that name."

"Divine Dragon?"

"No, Mad Dog."


It shouldn't be like this, but it was difficult not to sympathize with that nickname.

"Send Baek Cheon and Yoon Jong with him. If those two are there, they should be able to stop him when he begins to act up."

"… Really?"

"Out of everyone, they have the best odds."

"Then why don't we send Yu Yiseol too? She might be able to restrain him a little."

Wasn't that too obvious?

"Sect leader."

Hyun Young began to speak his mind,

"Sending the children isn't everything. Sending the children means that Mount Hua is stepping out into the world and that means that a lot of work will come our way."


Hyun Jong nodded and said,


"Yes, sect leader."

"If our main mountain is the face of Mount Hua, then the sub-sects are like the hands and feet of Mount Hua. Huayoung Gate has made a great contribution to us till now. We must do everything we can to support them. We must let the world know that Mount Hua will not abandon our own."

"We will remember your words, sect leader!"

Seeing the others bow their heads in unison, Hyun Jong's face was filled with determination.

'Two years is not a short period of time.'

Now was the time to announce to the world that Mount Hua's image had changed.