
Return of the Mount Hua Sect (English Translation)

Title: Return of the Mount Hua Sect Alternative: Return of the blossoming blade / Return of the flowery Sect Originally written in Korean Language Author: Biga, LICO Translated by: NM Team Description: The 13th disciple of the Mount Hua Sect, one of the greatest third generation swordsmen, the Plum Blossom Sword Saint: Chung Myung. After defeating the Heavenly Demon and ending his reign of chaos, Chung Myung breathed his last on the summit of the Heavenly Demon Sect’s mountain. Hundreds of years passed, and he was revived as a child. But… What was that? Mount Hua Sect has fallen? What kind of bullshit is that!? Was he supposed to just live his life knowing that? “Fallen? Who said that? That doesn’t matter!” The plum blossoms fall? After a cold winter, spring comes and the plum blossoms come into full bloom once again. “But before the Mount Hua Sect returns, I need to be there first! Even if it’s in ruins, there has to be something left there—Ugh, those people in there!” And so began the struggle of the Plum Blossom Sword Saint, Chung Myung, to save the fallen Mount Hua Sect.

Sleepyslyfox · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

Are you from the Southern Edge Sect?

Hua-Um Village.

Settled beneath Mount Hua, it was one of the largest villages in Shaanxi.

In the past, when Mount Hua's name echoed loudly throughout the world, the village was full of energy, and the harmonious relationship with the sect played a vital role in that. The peddlers continued to line up to visit Hua-Um village, and those who wanted to see Mount Hua arrived unceasingly.

Thanks to that, Hua-Um village never had a shortage of customers to buy their wares, and it made a name for itself by depending on Mount Hua.

But time makes fools of all men.

Mount Hua began to decline, and its name faded from memory; as such, the life in Hua-Um village began to bleed out. However, the Tae-Hua Pavilion, the main base, still held firm. And now, on the top floor of this esteemed location, dozens of merchants were gathered.


Huge smiles broke out.

"Sect Leader seemed flustered. Did you see that face of his?"

"Very flustered. After all, we've finally issued an ultimatum."

"Of course, it was too much! The coins they took alone was 100,000 nyang! Many sects would double over at such wealth; their operations should have increased at least two-fold! We extended our hands to help because of our ancestors' relationships, but they should have at least had some conscience and paid it back!"

"Right. A man should have a sense of propriety."

The owner of Tae Hua, Kong Mun-Yeon, nodded as he smiled.

"Even though I am a merchant here, I must admit that it was unpleasant having to issue such commands to a place with deep connections to my ancestors."

"What do you mean, owner Kong! Owner Kong did as much as he could. In the first place, despite breaching the contract and missing the reimbursement date several times, you still offered them several extensions and opportunities to repay their debts."

"Right. No one can blame you for that. We should be praising you for the mercy you showed."

"I am glad to hear such support."

Owner Kong leaned and drank from his glass. But inside, he was ridiculing those around him.

'How comfortable.'

Well, thankfully, he could live such a simple life.

'Mount Hua is full of potential.'

The true power of Mount Hua didn't come from its present force. The most important thing about Mount Hua was the history it had.

When such a clan continued to exist for hundreds of years, there were people who would build relationships with it whether they wanted to or not. At least in Shaanxi, it was difficult to find people who had no connection with Mount Hua.

The current Mount Hua is but a speck compared to its former glory; even if it disappears, few people will so much as give a damn.

But the most important thing is what would happen next.

Once people realize that Mount Hua disappeared, more and more will want to find out 'why'. If the cause is unjust and they can't show adequate reasoning, then this Hua village could be destroyed instantly.

Most of those connected with Mount Hua were people of high status.

'But it will be fine.'

Because his plan was a prolonged and effective one. Mount Hua has reached a simmering boil over time, like a duck whose flesh can be torn with mere chopsticks.

"But owner Kong."


"What do you plan on doing with Mount Hua?"


Owner Kong smiled.

"Mount Hua is more meaningful than you might think. It may be old and fallen, but it's a good deal."

"I don't get it."

Such idiots.

Owner Kong's expression was nearly distorted, but he succeeded in keeping an amicable appearance.

"Don't underestimate the power that Mount Hua's name holds. Even if it is used as a tourist destination, many people will want to visit."


Yu Jong-San, who sold silk, had a crumpled up expression as he spoke.

"How much does it cost to rebuild Mount Hua? Wouldn't it be better to get something else?"

"We don't need anything more."


Owner Kong pursed his lips.

"You don't have to worry much. I don't wish to disclose it now, but there is certainly a place which will offer enough compensation for that location even if there's nothing left of it."

"You think so? For Mount Hua to be loved like—"

"It is the other way around."


Yu Jong-San nodded as if he understood.

A sect that would want to erase the presence of Mount Hua would buy it for a high price just to destroy it. And they could think of a couple sects already.

"So, don't worry. We will get our money."

"Kuahaha! As if I was worried. We always believed in you, Owner Kong."

"Of course! We merchants always believed and followed you!"

Kong Mun-Yeon nodded with a smile.

But his heart held different thoughts.

'I can't handle doing business with these people anymore.'

This was a dying land. When Mount Hua rose to fame in the world, this place flourished, but there was nothing left anymore. Because of their deep connections to Mount Hua, they had stayed, now they were slowly decaying husks, soon to be empty shells of their former selves.

In the first place, Hua-Um village wasn't the main attraction here, so not many people came anymore. Nevertheless, the only reason they were able to stay and live was because of the money they earned when Mount Hua flourished.

If Mount Hua vanished entirely, this village was as good as dead.

'Before it is too late, I need to organize and leave.'

If he can try and get a lot of money by selling Mount Hua, he could move and establish himself elsewhere. To do that…


At that moment, Kong Mun-Yeon turned his head.

"Who is it?"

As soon as he shouted, the guards who were there ran out.

"Who is there?"

"Is someone there?"

Kon Mun-Yeon didn't answer and waited for the guards to come back.

Eventually, the guards returned.

"No one was there."


When Kong Mun-Yeon didn't say anything, Yu Jong-San spoke with a smile.

"Owner Kong. Aren't we on the top floor of the Tae Hua Pavilion? Who could even come here?"

"Right. And if there was someone, they would have been found. Where would they even hide up here?"

Kong Mun-Yeon nodded his head.

'Was I being over cautious?'

It could be. He wouldn't need to wait much more until his long-cherished wishes were going to come true.

"I seem to be tired. I want to enjoy it a little more, but I think it would be right to end my enjoyment here."

Everyone agreed with those words and got up. However, once the nerves were raging, they would rarely subside easily.

It seemed like he needed rest.


Yu Jong-San staggered as he walked down the street.

"Feels so good!"

It looks like he had a bit too much alcohol for the night. And his excitement hadn't stopped.


'So much money is about to come my way!'

The money they could get from Mount Hua is immense. The interest on the loan given to them has been compounding for so long that the initial amount is minuscule in comparison.

If just that could be recovered, he would never have to work again and could rest and play around for the remainder of his life.

Kong was an unreliable person, but he was serious when it came to matters of money. Regardless of what he planned behind the scenes, getting paid was what mattered for Yu Jong-San.

"The moon is bright… What? There is no moon? Eh."

Yu Jong-San smiled and looked around. Instead of walking in a wide street, he had drunkenly stumbled into a dreary and lonesome alley. It was creepy.


He wasn't thinking straight. If a robber came over now…

"You, wait there."


Yu Jong-San closed and opened his eyes repeatedly.

Someone was blocking the dark alley. From the black clothes to the mask. Truly…

'Like a robber.'

He was quite small for a robber, not too scary, but his intentions were clear. Still, do robbers usually commit robbery in those clothes? Wasn't it too obvious?

'The clothes are screaming that he is a robber.'

Yu Jong-sang smiled and opened his mouth.

"Am I being mugged?"

"I don't care about money."

The robber steps forward.

"If you answer my questions, I will send you away nicely."


Yu Jong-San laughed.

"It isn't that I don't want to give you an answer, but I feel like it would be a bit difficult."

With those words, he raised his head.

"You see, I have a lot of people with me. Because it isn't safe to go around alone anymore."


A group of men carrying swords appeared with a slight sound. They were guards secretly escorting the man.

"I'd love to answer your questions, but I don't think doing so will make the merchants union happy."

The robber just looked at the man. Yu Jong-San, who had sobered up, closed his mouth, and this time, one of his escorts spoke.

"What should I do? Kill him?"


Yu Jong-San stroked his beard.

"If he came here wearing those dark clothes, doesn't that mean he came here with a purpose and not to rob me?"

"I believe so."

"Then, we need to hear the purpose. Capture him for me so I can have him speak."


With that, the escorts rushed forward.

"Wait a moment!"

The robber showed his palm to stop them.


"See, if possible, I would like to not cause a scene. So, if you just answer what I need to know, everything will end well. So…"

"How long are you going to listen to his shit? Bring him!"


The escorts surrounded the robber in an instant.


Seeing that, Yu Jong-San turned his head away as he was uncomfortable with seeing violent scenes.

They had a contract with a large sum of money involved. So, the escorts he was handed were more capable than average. This time, the robber was unfortunate…




Oh my, that poor robber.


Yu Jong-San frowned. It seemed too violent for one man to be hit so much.

"Didn't I tell you that he needs to speak?"

"Uh? Really?"

"Right. I'm sure… huh?"

Who answered that?

Yu Jong-San looked back.


His guard escorts were sprawled out before him, foaming from the mouth like crabs. The robber had clearly crushed them and was steadily approaching him now.

"Language is what separates men from mere animals, yet when given a chance to speak, you chose to prove yourself a beast."


The robber wiggled his finger.

"Come here, come on now."


Yu Jong-San silently approached the masked man as if possessed.

"Once again, if you answer well, nothing will happen. Understood?"


The answer came immediately.

"Now then."

"… huh?"

"If you had answered like this in the first place, I would have just left, but since you tried fighting me, you need to be punished, right?"


"Don't worry. I'll make sure you're able to speak."


It was a dark day in Yu Jong-San's life.


"…cha… unnerchand…"

"Speak properly; you sound ridiculous."

"… I… understand."


The robber, Chung Myung, crossed his legs as he thought.



"You say the money you lent to Mount Hua exceeded 100,000 nyang?"

"… yes."

"Hundred thousand?"


"Hundred thousaaaandd?"

Yu Jong-San wanted to cry.

'That is what I am saying, you jerk!'

If someone has a complaint, it should be resolved through conversation. But this man was bullying and abusing others like this!



"Even with multiple businesses joined together, it doesn't look like you could even afford 1000 nyang. Yet, you're saying you lent 100,000 nyang to Mount Hua?"

"Ah, that…"

Yu Jong-San, who finally understood what Chung Myung was confused about, answered with a large smile.

"You see, that's how interest rates work. If you lend money with a high-interest rate, the interest will continue to grow until the principal balance is repaid. Hehe, it grows quickly and before you even realize it turns into—"



Yu Jong-San grabbed his head which was hit.

"Stop being proud of it, you ass."


Chung Myung took a deep breath.

'Well, there is no point in blaming him.'

Perhaps this debt has been accumulating for ages.


It is meaningless to come and borrow large sums of money now. The time Mount Hua needed money would have been when it was collapsing. They would have required money to stop people from leaving and upholding its name.

"By the way."


"Did you say you were the silk merchant of Hua-Um?"


"When did you buy it?"

"Huh? What do you mean? Our family has owned that cloth shop for generations."

"… owned?"

"Yes. As far as I know, it was my great-grandfather who made the store."

Chung Myung smiled bitterly.

'Is this possible?'

This cloth store was one of those initially owned by Mount Hua.


Were all the original businesses in Hua-Um successful?


It made sense. In the beginning, this village called Hua was full of paddy fields until Mount Hua was established.

As Mount Hua kept growing and visitors increased, the village changed, and Mount Hua would use its own money to develop the village and create businesses.

Businesses that flourished in Hua-Um were all under Mount Hua.

What now? This cloth store was inherited from his great-grandfather?

Considering his age, his great-grandfather would probably be around Chung Myung's age from when he was here in the past. Even Chung Myung had memories of going to this particular store to get uniforms for other disciples.

'Something smells fishy.'

"I need some answers."

"… please ask anything."

"Then, who owns the Mount Hua Tea Shop?"

"That is owner Yu."

"And, it has also belonged to their family for several generations now?"

"From what I know, yes."

"Of course, the top 5 businesses in Hua-Um are the same, right?"

"Yes. All of them too."

Chung Myung smiled at it. No need to ask more; he knew what was happening.

Once Mount Hua went down, these people must have severed their connections, right?

"Oh, my."

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't prevent a sour expression from creeping onto his face.

There were two reasons why Mount Hua didn't run the businesses directly and handed it to agents they trusted instead.

The first was that no matter how esteemed Mount Hua's reputation was, it was primarily a sect that led disciples down the path of martial arts. If it was known to be running silk, cloth, or tea shops, then there would surely be criticism over their priorities and methods.


–Chung Myung. What Mount Hua wants isn't to monopolize the wealth but for all of us to live well together. Aren't the people of Hua-Um also people who belong to Mount Hua? If we all live well together, we all will be happy; what more could anyone want?

'This is how humans are. Sahyung!'

There is only one reason why the forefathers and scriptures emphasize that people should learn to repay kindness.

It was because humans are beings who don't inherently seek to repay kindness.

No, actually, he was glad they didn't pay it back. Anyone would stab their benefactor in the back if the benefits were great enough.

The sect helped these people to make a living, but instead of repaying it, they took advantage of the calamity the sect was going through and took over the businesses.

And knowing what they did was wrong, they were living happily. Putting all the burden on Mount Hua.



Chung Myung kicked Yu Jong-San with all his might making the man roll like a marble across the ground.


Chung Myung looked at him and sighed.

'What am I to do with this one?'

There was a good chance that Yu Jong-San didn't even know what he was doing. He really seemed to think that the cloth business was his family's.

'What should I do with this?'

Chung Myung felt troubled.

Any other time, he would simply beat the man black and blue, kick the life out of him and then go back as if nothing happened, but it wasn't that simple now.

Mount Hua is a prestigious sect.

Even now, though the name has faded, the image of Mount Hua in his time remains unchanged for Chung Myung.

Maybe the Forces of Evil could assault people without reason, but prestigious sects must behave appropriately and defend their dignity.

The day he acts unrestrained would be the day Mount Hua fell.

"Even if it is twisted, it is disgustingly dirty!"

He could see what happened, but finding the solution was complex. He had to find a way to get the businesses back without intimidating them like a thug.

Easy to say, tough to do!


Chung Myung scratched his head and glanced at the man.

"Hey. So…"

It was then.



Hearing the voice from behind, he turned his head.

"Huh? You are awake?"

One of Yu Jong-San's guard escorts, whom he had blown away, seemed to have come to his senses and aimed his sword at Chung Myung.

He definitely walloped the man, but he had to be stronger than the others if he regained consciousness so quickly.

"You bastard!"

The guard sneered.

"Using a cowardly surprise attack!"

Surprise attack?


Chung Myung looked at the escort with a puzzled expression.

"Hey, you ran towards me first."

"You coward!"

"Uh, fine, fine, let's go with what you said."

He didn't want to talk much with this man.

"Who are you?"


"Given your skills, you certainly aren't normal; reveal your identity."

The absurdity of the situation grew.

If he planned on revealing his identity, would he be wearing a mask?

"What will you do when you know my identity?"

"I need to know who is going to die by my sword."

"…what, I was the one that knocked you out just a moment ago."

He should have just pretended to be dead; why would he bother getting up and speaking like an idiot? Now he's earned himself another beating.

'Did all the kids get stupid after my reincarnation?'

"If I was on alert, that wouldn't have happened, I've been a guard for quite a while, and I can't remain still after receiving such humiliation. Do you know who I am?"

"I am Jung Bin. Even if you don't know much, you must have heard of my name."

"Ah, sorry. I am not as knowledgeable as you think."


Jung Bin opened his eyes wide.

Although he was here to escort for the sake of money, his name was widespread in Shaanxi. But this mysterious figure hadn't heard of his name?

"You cheeky bastard."

Jung Bin grabbed his sword and aimed it at Chung Myung.

"I am giving you a chance to name yourself before you die."


Chung Myung sighed deeply.

Why were there so many idiots in the current world?

"Hey, but I don't think your current actions really fit the job description of an escort, do they? No matter how you look at it, even I seem more like a guard than you."

"I am a good escort."

Ah, right, sorry.

A hot-headed brainless person.

"Be prepared!"

Chung Myung clicked his tongue as Jung Bin unleashed his sword and rushed towards him.

His physique was clearly more incredible than Chung Myung's. Their strength, speed, and internal energy were incomparable. By general standards, Jung Bin is so much stronger that even comparing them would be an insult to him.

So, was Chung Myung weaker?

As if!

Strength, speed, and internal energy.

While you may judge ordinary people by these standards, it's not enough to apply to Chung Myung.

After all, doesn't he have a lifetime's wealth of experience wielding the sword and his memories as the Plum Blossom Sword Saint too?


Chung Myung's sword moved slowly. Compared to Jung Bin's fierce slash, it seemed powerless, as if he would struggle to even hit a stationary target.


However, that very powerless sword moved towards Jung Bin's sword.


At that moment, Jung Bin felt shocked.

As soon as the slow sword of Chung Myung came close, a tremendous force suddenly was pushed through his arm.


As his body could not handle the force, Jung Bin soared into the sky.

"Learn thoroughly and come back."

The brilliantly shining sword of Chung Myung. It wasn't vivid like the Plum Blossom but hazy like flower buds.


Jung Bin's body collapsed on the ground like a rotten tree.


Chung Myung clicked his tongue and went to pick up the sword.

Using the opponent's strength against them, a kid who can't even handle this was no match for Chung Myung.

"Learn your pla—"

It was then.



When he turned, Yu Jong-San was staring at him, mouth agape and clearly stunned.

'Ah, shit!'

At that moment, Chung Myung realized the mistake he had made.

Yu Jong-San had been living here his entire life. It wouldn't be surprising for him to recognize Chung Myung's swordsmanship, which births flower petals. Of course, since he lived here, he may recognize that it's a technique native to Mount Hua. Though, the evidence is circumstantial.

"As expected, you are from a prestigious sect. I expected it but…!"

Chung Myung's face in the mask had distorted.

'Did he figure it out?'

Or maybe he would have to make sure this man never opened his mou—

"That clean and splendid swordsmanship! High-level martial arts! And above all, a gentle feeling of kindness…."

What? Kindness?

Something was wrong.

Chung Myung hesitated with how to deal with this situation; as he waited for the man to continue, Yu Jong-San confidently shouted to him.

"And at such a young age, there was only one place which could nurture such abilities! It is!"


"Southern Edge Sect!"


Chung Myung looked at the man with blank eyes.

Southern Edge Sect? Why would it be them?


"Are you from the Southern Edge Sect?"

"… Huh?"

He only had to think for a moment before quickly responding.


"I knew it."

Yu Jong-San bowed.

"Ask me. I will answer anything."

"… thanks."

Very much, thank you very much!

Oh my.



"Why is he so late?"

Jo Gul looked around nervously.

Dawn approached as the sun was rising in the distance, but there was still no sign of Chung Myung's return. If Chung Myung didn't make it before the morning, the elders would discover his disappearance.

And then there would be a riot.

The disciples of Mount Hua are forbidden from leaving without permission. What if they find out that Chung Myung snuck out while wearing a suspicious full-body black outfit?

'It will be hell.'

He hoped that he would never have to see that.

"Calm down."

"But Sahyung."

Yoon Jong shook his head.

"He isn't that stupid. He'll be back before it's too late, as long as there was no accident."

And no matter how much he thought, it didn't seem like anything could happen to that monster. At worst, he would be a little late.

"Still, doesn't he know that people are waiting here for him?"


If it's him.

As soon as Jo Gul voiced his concerns, the door swung open.


Jo Gul and Yoon Jong swiftly turned around.


Chung Myung opened the door and entered the room.

Chung Myung, carrying his cloth mask in one hand, began to take off his mysterious clothing as soon as he closed the door, quickly changing into Mount Hua's uniform.

"Nothing happened, right?"

"That's what I was going to ask. Did anything happen?"

"What would happen?"

Chung Myung had a mischievous grin.

"I was treated well and even treated others well too."


"What was his name? Yu… whatever, it was the fabric shop owner."


Jo Gul and Yoon Jong were shocked at his words. Seeing their reaction, Chung Myung remembered what had happened a while back.

'It wasn't funny, seriously.'

Yu Jong-San, who mistakenly believed Chung Myung came from the Southern Edge Sect to clean up the remnants of Mount Hua, willingly released all the information he had.

He was trying his best to leave a good impression and gain favor.


It was good that everything worked out so easily, but at the same time, he felt bitter.

Although it was no longer among the Great Sects, Mount Hua still had a formidable history; yet Yu Jong-San clearly held no regard for it. Even after witnessing Chung Myung's sword arts, Mount Hua's name never so much as crossed his mind.

Regardless of whether the Plum Blossom Sword technique was lost in recent years, it was still iconic as a symbol of Mount Hua. But he lived in Hua-Um all his life and couldn't recognize it?

Considering Mount Hua's recent history, no one could even remember it; however, the bitterness in his heart didn't go away.

'Well, something bitter will always remain bitter, and it helps me see things clearly.'

He was glad that he didn't expose his identity.

"What happened?"

"… tch."

At Jo Gul's question, Chung Myung clicked his tongue.

"It isn't something for kids to know."

"… you are a kid too."

"Yeah, yeah. Just go gather everyone. We need to train."

"Today, too?"

Chung Myung rolled his eyes.

"Listen. Sahyung."


"Whether pouring rain, freezing snow, or violent winds. Starting today. We won't miss a single day of training! Heavy snow or cold winds! We will not rest for a single day even if Mount Hua collapses around us!"

Jo Gul nodded with a stiff face.

'He's decided!'

After all, It was his decision to follow and help Chung Myung, right? If he can get strong through training, then he would do it. Truthfully, training without rest was what he was hoping for.

"We will gather everyone. Then you will—"

"Oh, I won't be coming."


Chung Myung looked at Yoon Jong and continued.

"You know how to train, right?"

"… yes."

"Then do it right."

"Then you?"

"I have other work to do."

Yoon Jong sighed as Chung Myung waved his hand.

"Right. Today we will go and practice ourselves. But you are only exempt for today."

Yoon Jong had a slightly serious face.

"Don't forget that this training is possible because of you. If you don't plan to end it halfway, then you need to set the example and join in."

"I get it."

The third-class disciples of the White Blossom dorms were training without complaint due to their fear of Chung Myung. Even though Yoon Jong was the Great Sahyung, there was a limit to what he could do if Chung Myung was absent.


Chung Myung lay flat on the bed as the two left the room.

"Now, what do I do?"

His head pounded and ached.

He was dumbfounded.

It wouldn't be difficult to merely wipe out the enemies, but anyone who learned about it would naturally link it to Mount Hua.

If it was only Chung Myung's reputation at stake, then there would be no reason to hesitate, but he was a disciple of Mount Hua.

And if he tried anyway, people would say it was impossible for a kid like Chung Myung to act alone. The sect would receive all the blame, and it would carry the crime of forcing children to carry out unspeakable acts.

Chung Myung wanted a better result than that. He needed justification.

"Reason… a reason… ugh."

Chung Myung tore at his hair in frustration.

"Does any of this make sense? Damn it!"

All those businesses belonged to Mount Hua. But now they were trying to make Mount Hua pay them? His stomach was boiling in rage.

He had to prove that the businesses belonged to Mount Hua and that the merchants tried to steal them away by manipulating the ledgers.

In that case, what about the hundred thousand nyang? It could be paid back.

No, Mount Hua wouldn't even have to pay because every nyang originally belonged to them anyway. They were the owners who made and used the money; who would ask them to pay?

So, all he would have to do was prove that the businesses belonged to Mount Hua. Then everything will be resolved…

"If it was easy, I wouldn't be here."

If Mount Hua still had its business ledgers, there would be no suffering now.

If there was evidence, someone would have found it; the disciples of Mount Hua aren't fools; rather, they're quite smart.

Looking at the situation, when the Demonic sect attacked, the ledgers and everything must have been destroyed…

"Is this also because of me?"

It hurt. His stomach hurt.

Chung Myung rolled over in his bed.

"No! Sahyung would always keep the most important things in a safe place. Safely!"

Money and ledgers! A place—


Chung Myung jumped up from his bed.



'Could it be?'

Would Sahyung ever keep his books in a place that could be easily targeted?

'Try to remember.'

Chung Myung wasn't really interested in his Sahyung's matters. He knew that money was needed to run a clan, but he thought that a warrior shouldn't be attached to such things.

But seeing these kids in Mount Hua struggling to survive, he felt bad thinking of how he'd behaved in his past life.

Since Chung Myung wasn't interested in such a matter, his Sahyung had never shown him any books. In fact, whenever he was organizing, he would often ask Chung Myung to leave before he began.

"… leave?"

Hazy memories began to resurface.

At most, there were no more than three ledgers in Sahyungs room. There must have been dozens of ledgers for a sect the size of Mount Hua. So, where were the others stored?

'There's somewhere else!'

There was no place to store it in Sahyung's room.

Although he was the great elder and sect leader, his room was strangely empty; Chung Myung remembered that. There was no shelf to even keep books.

Besides, he would keep the books in a box, and there were only three held in that room. So, where were the other ledgers?

"Then, is it true?"

The rumor was that there was a secret warehouse that only the sect leaders knew about. It was a famous rumor.

Normally, Chung Myung would have investigated that rumor to know the truth, but he didn't check it because he had no interest in it.

'Wait, maybe…'

Mount Hua used to be a prestigious sect in Shaanxi, and sometimes strange things would arrive at the door. For example, forbidden martial arts, which none should learn, or secrets that only the sect elders know. Occasionally, legendary swords and treasures were obtained.

So, where did they all go?

If those items were here, Chung Myung wouldn't have overlooked them.

And they weren't sold. Some things in this sect could cause a storm if released. If the current sect leader sold them, then word would have spread widely.

Then what?

'There must be!'

A secret warehouse where books and treasures are stored.

It can't be far from here.

The warehouse wouldn't be placed out in the open. So, it had to be in Mount Hua. A warehouse which no one knew about.

But could that be possible?

How would you build a secret warehouse in a sect where martial artists swarmed all over like ants?

Chung Myung slammed the door and stormed out.

There could only be one place.

First, the entrance had to be near the sect leader's residence. If the entrance was outside, it couldn't go unnoticed.

No one could enter without the permission of the sect leader, so it had to be there.

'The residence of the sect leader hasn't changed from the past at all.'

Then, is that it?

Chung Myung, who ran outside, opened his eyes wide.

There is a gentle ridge behind the residence of the sect leader.

'If a warehouse had to be built, it would have stood out in the eyes of the people.'

However, there is one way to avoid the eyes of others.

An underground warehouse.

If they had dug out an underground warehouse near the living quarters, martial artists with keen senses could have discovered it. However, what if they had made a passage starting here and built the warehouse under the mountain?

"Other than a ghost, no one would know of it."

Chung Myung smiled.


When he thought about it, it was strange.

Usually, in other sects, the sect leader would live in the most central area.

Wouldn't it be strange if the emperor's palace was placed in a corner?

However, the residence of the sect leader of Mount Hua was in such a place. And there is nothing after that.

That's all there is!

Seeing the small garden behind the sect leader's residence, Chung Myung grinned.

"It looks like this treasure hunt won't be too complicated."

He felt as if he could see his Sahyung biting his lip and clenching his fist from the afterlife.

"Please understand. My dear Sahyung! Shouldn't our top priority be saving Mount Hua? If possible, I will hand this treasure over to the current sect leader without touching it."

If possible…If possible.

Of course, only after he got what he needed.

'If it makes you sad or angry, then come back to life!'


Chung Myung smiled triumphantly.


'Before that, check the surroundings first.'

Chung Myung shook his head and turned away. He had to make sure that he was ready to avoid any traps that might activate when he opened the door.

Knowing his Sahyung, he was sure that the old man would have traps if anyone other than himself tried to enter. That man was one careful bastard.

'I don't see anything strange.'

Chung Myung's gaze was drawn to a hole at the top of the corridor; it seemed to confirm that some device that should have been there was missing.

It was a hole big enough to fit a child's fist. And it wasn't just one; there were dozens of these holes separated a fixed distance apart from each other at regular intervals.


Originally, there must have been lights placed there. This hallway should have been a brightly shining one, not a dark hallway like now.

Each time the sect ran low on money, they must have taken and sold another lantern to cover their growing debts. The corridor steadily dimmed and lost its light with each challenge they faced.

What was the sect leader thinking as he looked at the dark hallway each time he entered? Was Mount Hua's hope fading with every light sold? Did he feel that as this corridor's light gradually faded, another path for Mount Hua's revival would be severed?


Chung Myung scratched his head.

"It would have been better not to see this."

Heavy. So heavy.

He knew it. Because he wasn't stupid.

Although the sect leader and the sasuks never let the weight of their burdens show, Chung Myung could still guess how they felt. Everyone likely had trouble even sleeping properly; the weight of Mount Hua's declining name gradually rotting away during their generation weighed heavily on their minds.

And they must have been under this kind of pressure all their lives.

'It's unfair.'

It wouldn't be enough to do something alone. In fact, it was true that Chung Myung alone had raised the name and reputation of Mount Hua back when he was known as the Plum Blossom Sword Saint; but even then, the glory of Mount Hua had echoed in the ears of the people long before Chung Myung's time.

Chung Myung clicked his tongue and moved to the door.

He was done sitting around complaining; now it was time to try and open the door.

"But… how do I open this?"

Chung Myung tilted his head.

There was no handle for the door. The long dividing line in the middle was what made him guess that it was a door; without that line, it would simply be a wall.

"And what are these lines?"

A long split in the center was a sign of the door interlocking. Then what about those jumbled horizontal and vertical lines? It looked as if someone had used the wall to practice their swordsmanship.

"… is this really a door?"

Chung Myung, who placed his hand on the unknown wall or door, quietly infused his energy into it. But he soon let go of it and backed off.


The energy wouldn't enter. With an ordinary wall, such a thing couldn't happen. Which meant that there was something behind this door.

'Thousand-Year-Old Cold Iron.'

At least an inch thick too.

"… all the money must have gone to this."

It must have been incredibly expensive to bring in that precious piece of iron and use it as a warehouse door.

"That's why the sect leader couldn't even think of opening it."

This was the best metal in the world. A sword forged from this ore would be a treasured blade; an armor made of this material would turn into a priceless garment with impenetrable defense.

It's a rare treasure that holds far more value than gold at the same weight. So how was a warehouse made of such a material?


Depending on what you think, it may seem foolish. However, just from this act alone, you can gaze into the sect leader's personality. To use such an expensive metal like this.

But Chung Myung could understand why the sect leader couldn't open this place; Thousand-Year-Old Cold Iron was the most rigid metal in the world. Even Chung Myung wouldn't be able to cut it.

If such metal was an inch thick, it would take Chung Myung at his peak in the past utilizing all his techniques to cut through it all. So, if he wanted to cut this now, he would have to be the best swordsman in the world or bring someone equally strong.

But would such an expert just kindly open the door to the treasury and walk away without touching the contents inside?

'Absolutely not.'

A toothless Mount Hua would be easy to exploit. And those with power will take away what they want without any consideration for Mount Hua.

Mount Hua could face absolute destruction if robbers and outsiders were clumsily asked for help.

'Sect leader's choice wasn't wrong. Calling in a master to avoid immediate downfall would be like calling in a tiger to avoid the wolf.'

What is inside the warehouse is essential, but even the material it is made of could attract calamity. Items that could bring in thousands of gold would incite thievery if the information was made public.

"The problem is, even I can't cut it…."

Chung Myung's face distorted slightly.

If it was him from the past, he could even cut it open with his bare hands. He reached the peak of the sword in the past!

"Never mind!"

He put aside all thoughts of his past life.

Chung Myung looked at the patterns on the wall. This was a door, and as his Sahyung could enter and come out, there had to be a way to open it.

His Sahyung wasn't stronger than Chung Myung. So, his method would be…

"Uh? This is?"

Twenty-Four Plum Blossom Sword Technique?

The pattern on the wall! No! It was from a sword!

Some of the patterns resembled the Twenty-Four Plum Blossom Sword Technique. And once a clue was found, the other patterns could be recognized as well.

"This is the Equilibrium Sword technique, and this one is also the Plum Blossom Sword."

There were lines from shallow cuts to deep marks.

Engraved on this door were the techniques unique to the disciples of Mount Hua.

'That's why the sect leader couldn't open it.'

Because the Plum Blossom Sword calls for the Twenty-Four Plum Blossom Sword technique, which has been lost to the sect. Although it's possible to recognize a sword technique from the patterns it leaves, the sect leader couldn't learn and understand the technique just from these markings.

"This depth…"

Chung Myung let out a sigh.

The marks started with the Equilibrium Sword and Bamboo Leaf technique, followed by the Twenty-Four Plum Blossom Sword technique.

That was the way to open this door.

If the technique was spread precisely along the path, it would make the door open by itself. Chung Myung couldn't understand how such a thing was created.

But the problem was solved.

Now, only one problem remained.

"… how am I supposed to do this?"

If it was the past, there wouldn't be any problem. Not just him, but any disciple of Mount Hua in the past would be able to open this door without much trouble. However, the current Chung Myung was a child who didn't properly learn the sword technique.

He could still follow the sword lines. However, it was impossible for him to put in the energy needed to unfold it at once.


Chung Myung sighed deeply.

'Nothing is impossible!'

If it was impossible, then make it possible! There were no problems in the world that couldn't be solved.

Chung Myung gritted his teeth and put his hands together on his dantian.

"… I really didn't want to do this."

He didn't want to resort to this. He didn't want to overdo it. But this was the only method left that he could think of.

"I think I'll end up recuperating for about a month."

Chung Myung thought and then used his strength to tap into the innate qi, located in the deepest part of the dantian.

The true internal qi.

The power that every human has since birth.

It was different from the inner energy trained through cultivation. Even if your energy is used up or vanishes, the person wouldn't die. Although they would feel a great sense of helplessness and weakness, it wouldn't interfere with their life. This is because this energy is artificially cultivated by humans.

However, the true internal qi is different.

Humans who lose their true internal qi can no longer sustain life. In other words, it can be said that the true internal qi is vital for human life.

Those who have reached the peak of martial arts can use the true internal qi as their own strength. However, the true internal qi exists to sustain life; a price must be paid to utilize its power.

Excessive consumption of it would result in death.

Even if cautiously consumed, the energy will be significantly damaged, and one wouldn't be able to lead a normal life for several months.

'I am only going to use a little. Right, just a little.'

Wouldn't it be meaningless if Chung Myung died before he saved Mount Hua?

Right now, Chung Myung was probably the most crucial figure hidden within Mount Hua.


Stimulate the true internal qi. Make sure not to bring out too much. Just enough to use! Just enough to use!

The true internal qi, roused from its slumber, began to rage. It was then pushed into the dantian.

'It is a little more than I thought.'

Chung Myung blew away his thoughts and grabbed the sword.

Is it possible?

It is!

A magnificent power was created by mixing the internal qi with internal energy and letting it flow throughout his entire body. As this energy began to flow through his unfamiliar body, his entire being shook.


A groan escaped from behind his lips. A terrible pain that made Chung Myung doubt his mind.

'Just once! I need to do it just once!'

A black, purple color began to form on his fingertips.

He didn't learn martial arts in this life. It was nothing more than a clumsy imitation of what he remembered from the past, and it felt even more unfamiliar because of the child-like body.

Chung Myung's hand cut through the air like a beam of light.

A vivid trail of illusory purple light pierced the wall.


The sound of scratching the wall resonated in the empty hall. It was a door that had to be opened in one go since Chung Myung couldn't handle doing it another time, but even his imitation was slow, thanks to his body's condition.


Each time he moved, it hurt.

But Chung Myung didn't stop and kept moving his hand. As the excessive movements continued, he could feel his muscles tearing as if they would snap at any moment; and his face was flushed and burning as though it would explode at any moment.

'I am the Plum Blossom Sword Saint!'

If he didn't have the ability, then he would move his body on pride alone!

Biting his lip to drive his consciousness forward. Chung Myung unleashed his final struggle.


His hand stopped in the air.


His legs were trembling, and his heart pounded erratically as if desperately trying to keep his body together, but he didn't have time to pay attention to his current condition. If the door still didn't open after this, he would truly be facing a disaster.

It was then.


He thought he heard a strange squeaking sound! The sound of something opening.

And, the huge door ahead moved.


It opened!

He thought that the door would open fully, but only the lock on it seemed to have been released.

But it was…


Suddenly, Chung Myung curled forward, grabbing his stomach.

Blood poured out of his small mouth. It came out with a force that couldn't be swallowed back.


He wiped the lips with his sleeve.

It seemed that his body was injured more than he thought.

If this was the case, he would have to take at least two months rest for his internal injuries to recover.

"Haaa… reviving Mount Hua is horrifyingly tough."

Chung Myung spit out the blood remaining in his mouth and pitifully pushed the door open in a disgraceful way using the little might he had left.


The door, sealed for ages, finally opened wide from side to side.

"Now, shall I check what Sahyung was hiding?"

With a cunning smile, Chung Myung confidently walked into the warehouse.