
Return of the Mount Hua Sect (English Translation)

Title: Return of the Mount Hua Sect Alternative: Return of the blossoming blade / Return of the flowery Sect Originally written in Korean Language Author: Biga, LICO Translated by: NM Team Description: The 13th disciple of the Mount Hua Sect, one of the greatest third generation swordsmen, the Plum Blossom Sword Saint: Chung Myung. After defeating the Heavenly Demon and ending his reign of chaos, Chung Myung breathed his last on the summit of the Heavenly Demon Sect’s mountain. Hundreds of years passed, and he was revived as a child. But… What was that? Mount Hua Sect has fallen? What kind of bullshit is that!? Was he supposed to just live his life knowing that? “Fallen? Who said that? That doesn’t matter!” The plum blossoms fall? After a cold winter, spring comes and the plum blossoms come into full bloom once again. “But before the Mount Hua Sect returns, I need to be there first! Even if it’s in ruins, there has to be something left there—Ugh, those people in there!” And so began the struggle of the Plum Blossom Sword Saint, Chung Myung, to save the fallen Mount Hua Sect.

Sleepyslyfox · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

A leader who is more like a beggar!


Kong Mun-Yeong quickly pulled himself together. Even if he was caught in a tiger's den, wouldn't he be able to survive as long as he kept his wits together?

"W-whatever do you mean?"

"Ha? Look at this fool!"

Chung Myung snorted.

"Did you think my eyes are for decoration? Do I look like someone who can't recognize the Taiyi Divine Palm?"


Chung Myung shrugged.

"Quite a coincidence. What a crafty bitch. The person operating a business in Hua-Um who led the merchants to pressure Mount Hua into the ground over their debt also just happens to know the martial arts of the Southern edge sect? The Taiyi Divine Palm technique, you've learned it quite well, huh?"

Cold sweat ran down Kong Mun-Yeong's back. He was so surprised that he couldn't even feel the pain from the beating he took.

'Damn it.'

He should have been more cautious.

Even if his neck was cut off, he shouldn't have used that technique. What's more, he did it in front of a man from Mount Hua!

A fatal mistake.

But can this be called a mistake?

If the old man hadn't pushed Kong Mun-Yeong to this extent and suddenly unsheathed the sword while beating the hell out of him, Kong Mun-Yeong wouldn't have used the technique.

If it was a coincidence, it was the worst kind. If he aimed for this, then Kong Mun-Yeong couldn't imagine just how nasty that old man was.

"Did the Southern Edge Sect send you?"


Kong Mun-Yeong tightly sealed his lips.

No matter what he said, it would come out as an excuse. If he could turn the situation around, even if he had to use the lamest excuse, then he would; but it didn't seem like anything would work on this old man. So, he kept silent to ensure he didn't give up more information.

"Huh? Shut your mouth, eh?"

Chung Myung walked towards Kong Mun-Yeong.

"Well, this is fine too. It's a good thing to be loyal. I think you made a good choice. But there is one thing you are wrong about."


"Do you know what that is?"

"… what is it?"

"I won't tell you."


The Southern Edge sect wasn't an easy place. Since the old days, the Southern Edge sect had been at odds with Mount Hua, but it must be admitted that it was now one of the Ten Great Sects.

There was no way for a sect of that size to do such sloppy work. That was Chung Myung's thoughts. The information Kong Mun-Yeong knew had to be limited, and even if he knew more, there was no way to verify its authenticity.

All he had to know was that this was indeed the work of the Southern Edge sect. Isn't that something that Chung Myung and Mount Hua should find out?

"Haaa, you bastard! Even in the past, when the martial arts world was quite grim, it wasn't this horrible. One of the Ten Great Sects tries to steal not just other people's martial arts techniques but also their entire sect? Isn't that quite a scam? What an honorable sect!"

Kong Mun-Yeong, who could no longer maintain his composure, broke out.

"Right. Isn't that better for Mount Hua too?"


"You must understand it too! Mount Hua is hopeless now. Wealth? Riches? They are just additional things for a sect. Mount Hua has lost its martial arts, and it can no longer become the same Mount Hua whose name echoed in glory. It's just a matter of it falling down later if it survives now!"


Chung Myung listened to Kong Mun-Yeong's words.

"I was trying to snuff out the dying Mount Hua's last breaths. Again, this is something Mount Hua should be thankful for. Someone like you should know this, right? Mount Hua can no longer survive! Even the martial arts, the core of any sect, have withered at Mount Hua!"

"Who said that?"

"You don't understand what I am saying?"

"No. Who said that Mount Hua's martial arts have withered?"


Kong Mun-Yeong looked at Chung Myung with blank eyes.

Kong Mun-Yeong would have snorted and dismissed it if anyone else had said this. But the words coming from Chung Myung seemed to hold greater weight.

In the eyes of Kong Mun-Yeong, this man was a former master of Mount Hua.

"You bastards are trying to cut off Mount Hua's last breath? Mount Hua is still alive and well; even if it dies, it dies. But, you piece of shit, what do you think you're trying to do by burying Mount Hua while it still breathes?"


"Whatever, you crooked bastards always justify your actions with some twisted logic. I'd rather you people charge straight ahead and destroy Mount Hua head-on. That is the only way I will acknowledge those bitches from the Southern Edge sect."

The closer one lives, the more likely they will bump into each other. It's true that in diplomatic matters, you must treat your enemies as friends and keep them close.

Mount Hua and the Southern Edge sect had many similarities, and both had a strong focus on swordsmanship. Despite having different ideals, they stayed close to one another.

If two sects with similar techniques were placed side by side, one was bound to die.

In the past, Chung Myung would regularly beat the shit out of the Southern Edge sect when he felt bored. To be more precise, Chung Myung would provoke them into starting a fight.

"I am not a member of the Southern Edge Sect!"

"Is that so?"

"You misunderstood something, but the technique you saw was something I learned by accident."

"Ah. Right. Should I tell you a surprising fact?

"… what is that?"

"I am not a member of Mount Hua either."

"…Yes, that makes sense…."

"You—you son of a bitch!"


Chung Myung was startled at Kong Mun-Yeong's reaction.

That was close. He almost hit him.

"Anyway, in return for showing me that technique, I will show you something interesting. If you can recognize this, it will be interesting. But if you don't, then it is a shame."

Chung Myung slowly stuck his sword out.

"Tell the one who sent you."

Chung Myung's way of speaking had changed.

The playful appearance was no more. His bent back was now straight, and the drooping shoulders had regained their form.

A perfect posture, picturesque.

Kong Mun-Yeong, who witnessed it, was shocked.

A sudden breeze began to blow over the area.

The wind seemed to carry the gentle scent of plum blossoms that filled the air.

"Plum Blossoms give off the most intense fragrance when they bloom in the snow. Although it is winter now, Mount Hua's spirit remains unbroken. Eventually, the spring will come, and the plum blossoms will bloom in full."

Kong Mun-Yeong saw it.

The tip of the sword which moved.


The movement, which began with a tiny vibration, soon grew into a great tremor, and the tremor turned into an illusory sword whose trajectory seemed to embroider the sky in a fantasy.

The tip of the sword seemed to cover the entire sky.

Vivid plum petals bloomed at the sword's tip.

After a dreary winter, the plum blossoms which heralded a warm spring bloomed all over the mountain, painted into the world through Chung Myung's sword.

'This is an illusion.'

The wind blew.

The plum blossoms which covered the sky as if fluttering in the spring wind began to bloom. Eventually, the petals flew up as if swimming in the sky and landed on Kong Mun-Yeong's head.

The petals gently swept past Kong Mun-Yeong, blowing away his consciousness like the wind. Until the very end, he didn't know what he was looking at.


Only the sound of him falling to the floor, unconscious, could be heard. The plum blossom petals covering the sky disappeared like a mirage.

Chung Myung, who withdrew his sword, turned around.


Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth due to overexerting himself to operate the technique. Chung Myung, who took off his mask, spit out a large surge of blood.

'I am dying, for sure.'

He had a broken body that lacked strength. If it was the past, such a thing could have been done without sweating.

'The foundation is good, but I still might die. Ouch!'

Chung Myung put the mask on and thought about coming up with some new countermeasures.

"Well, then."

His gaze went to the other merchants.


They were looking at Chung Myung as if they had seen a ghost.

Why wouldn't they?

They had never seen or heard of plum blossoms blooming in the sky due to a sword technique. No, they had heard such a feat was accomplished by masters in the past, but those warriors were dead, so they believed it to be an exaggerated legend.

However, this man brought the legend to life before their eyes.

From their point of view, as those who tried to extort money by scamming Mount Hua, Chung Myung was nothing short of a Grim Reaper.

"Who wants to be beaten first?"


"Who wants to leave?"


"I will go away too!"

"Please spare us!"

Chung Myung just nodded his head.

"Good. So cooperative."

Merchants rushed out and away from their carts. But, of course, Chung Myung had no intention of letting them go so easily.

"Stop moving."


The merchants froze in unison.

"If you just leave just like this, what am I to do about these carts? Think a little, think."


The merchants looked at Chung Myung with eyes overflowing with injustice.

Did they even have to consider the convenience of a robber? No matter how horrible their luck was, this seemed too much.

But no one dared to speak against him.



"For now, each of you will check how much money is in your cart. Whoever finishes last will end up like him."

Chung Myung pointed toward the unconscious Kong Mun-Yeong.

No more words were needed. As soon as the words were spoken, the merchants rushed to their carts.

"Eight hundred nyang!"

"Two thousand and eight hundred nyang!"

"It is…eight thousand…."

"What? You had that much money?"

"Is that important now?"

Some even yelled at the others. Chung Myung, who saw it, frowned.



"Did you include the cost of the cart and the horse too?"




Once it was done, Chung Myung nodded.

"Then, I will lend the horse, so one of you will go to the nearest town from here and get the money. I will sell these wares to you."

The merchants looked at Chung Myung with blank eyes.

They were the sort of people who lived their lives obsessed with money, but even for them, this was the first time they'd seen such a person.

"Bring the money on a non-disclosure slip. If you put anything on the slip, I will kill you right away. Okay?"


"One person will go."

"… but."


One merchant asked.

"What if the one going escapes?"

Chung Myung laughed.

"What good would running away do?"


"Do you people have money now?"


"And your businesses have been confiscated?"


"Then what good will running and escaping even do? If you want to at least get something, you should come back, right?"

"… then what if they report to the government—"

"Try it."

Chung Myung gently raised his leg and hit the floor.


The ground beneath them cracked.

"Report it, but don't come back with them. Run to the end of the world because I will capture that bastard even if I die. So don't think of coming back."


The merchants gave up on the report too.

Thinking about it, their families were here. They couldn't just run away and leave them,


"… yes."

Mount Hua was a benevolent sect.

However, there was one reason why the merchants were unhappy. Mount Hua was benevolent, but not everyone who lived in Mount Hua was.

On that day, before the sun even had a chance to set, a masked man with a money slip as thick as a book climbed Mount Hua with joy and excitement. The wealth made from the sweat and tears of many people was silently stored in a greedy warehouse.


Mount Hua hadn't changed much. The wind blowing into it was the same; the old buildings were the same.

What changed wasn't Mount Hua but the people who lived there.


Jo Gul took off his uniform. The sweat was pouring down from the uniform as he threw it off. After morning training, his entire body was steeped in sweat, and he couldn't stay without changing clothes.

"Man, today's training was really hard."

"Really, it's so much to do right at dawn…."

As he heard that, Jo Gul smiled bitterly. The people around him were also hoping to get a clean bath. Together, they washed their bodies and sweaty clothes in the ice-cold stream.

Jo Gul, who put on a new uniform, packed his laundry and said.

"Let's get going."

"Yes, Sahyung."

The others picked up their robes and started going up. Looking at the people walking ahead, Jo Gul had no choice but to think about it.

'A lot has changed.'

In the past, such a sight couldn't be dreamed of. Although the other third-class disciples were training, they weren't passionate about martial arts. Even Yoon Jong and Jo Gul were the same.

But now, everyone was voluntarily coming out for practice at dawn. There was no end to their complaints, but they never rebelled against it.

What would one call this scene?

'It feels like a martial arts sect.'

Jo Gul smiled bitterly. Looking at the disciples walking up, they all looked like martial artists disciples. Did that mean that Mount Hua was nothing until now?

"Why are you smiling like that?"

At the voice next to him, Jo Gul turned his head and looked at great Sahyung Yoon Jong.

"Ah, Sahyung… it is a bit embarrassing to say, but I was thinking about how everyone seems so much like true martial artists now."

"Is that so?"

"It's a bit of a strange thought, though."

"No. I was thinking the same."


Jo Gul finally laughed out loud.

Not long ago, Jo Gul had never imagined that he would train to this extent on Mount Hua. He did everything instructed in his dorm, but it was half-heartedly done so he could finish and go back to resting.

Jo Gul's goal was to pass the time and then descend and return home. No, it was everyone's goal in Mount Hua.

Could he genuinely feel passionate about this?

Lately, it felt like something had changed. Not only him, but the eyes of the other disciples had changed too.

'It has to be because of him.'

Jo Gul thought of Chung Myung's weird behavior. Chung Myung was changing Mount Hua. It was clearly a small wind that most people couldn't even feel, but it was bound to turn into a strong wind or a typhoon that would shake Mount Hua.

The result of these changes will be evident in the future.

Walking up the mountain, Jo Gul, who reached Mount Hua, straightened his shoulders and touched his chest. A faint feeling of pride began to swell inside his chest.

But then, the pride he felt flew away into the open sky.

"Hey! You shouldn't touch that!"

"Move, move, move! We're going to push all the materials inside and then start working! Are you deaf or something!?"

"You! If you fall there, you won't get any pay for a month! If just the climb up here is tough, then what are you worth!?"

Jo Gul blankly stared at the figures in front of Mount Hua.


His gaze shifted from left to right.

'What? Who are those people?'

People he had never met were walking up. Everyone had tools and materials which he had never seen before.

"You! No, not there! This way!"

It was comforting to see someone he recognized in the group of strangers. Un Am was standing among the crowd giving instructions.

"… Sahyung?"

Yoon Jong, who received Jo Gul's gaze, walked towards Un Am with a blank expression.


"Huh? Yoon Jong?"

"What is all this?"


Un Am smiled brightly. He usually wasn't the kind to explain such things, even to Yoon Jong, the eldest of the third-class disciples, but now Un Am was in a good mood.

"They're workers."


"Yes. You know that many of our buildings are a bit old, right?"


Not old; ancient would be the right word.

Even Mount Hua's nameplate on the front gate was crumbling, and if a strong wind blew, it seemed many buildings could collapse. At least, the place where the disciples stayed and trained was constantly repaired and maintained. But the other buildings were left without management due to a lack of manpower.

"With our current opportunity, we plan on repairing the area. We'll re-establish the place."


"Don't just keep looking; go and help carry the materials. It seems like all the workers are having difficulty bringing the materials up here. Most of the wood can be acquired by cutting trees nearby, but it seems they have some wood that they can't find nearby.


"Move fast! Move already! Hurry!"

Looking at Un Am shouting with a smile, Jo Gul had a blank expression. Maybe the change was faster than he expected.

"What is going on?"

Jo Gul looked at the dining table in shock.

His hunger-soaked stomach was rumbling after carrying the materials up, but looking at the food on the table, he was more flustered than hungry.

"What is all this?"

"… am I dreaming?"

"No matter how I try to look at it, isn't this 'meat'?"

The other sahyungs wore the same skeptical expression. All eyes in the hall were fixed on the table. Something extraordinary was on the table.

There was meat being served.

"They really served us meat?"

"To kill a living being, cook, and serve it to us, sacred Martial artists! What a windfall!"

"Something must be wrong!"


Jo Gul smiled grandly.

In Mount Hua, there was no prohibition on the consumption of meat. Mount Hua did have a rule that condemned eating meat in the long past, but it had changed as Mount Hua developed. Vegetarianism was recommended, but meat wasn't prohibited.

But allowing them to eat meat and actively putting meat on the table were two different things. It had been years since the disciples entered Mount Hua, and it was their first time seeing meat on the table.

"Can I eat this?"

"They put it on the table so that it would be eaten."

Everyone looked at Yoon Jong. If that Sasuks were not there, the decision-maker would be the great Sahyung, Yoon Jong.

Yoon Jong smiled and said,

"Let's eat. The food is getting cold."


Jo Gul sat down at a loss for words and felt a piercing gaze. All the sahyungs were looking at Jo Gul… no, to be precise, they were looking at Yoon Jong, who was next to Jo Gul, with fiery eyes.

Yoon Jong, who understood it, grabbed his chopsticks and picked up a piece of meat. And the moment he put it in his mouth.


Chopsticks came flying into the meat bowl from all directions!

Some were directly throwing it into their mouths too. When Jo Gul saw that, it seemed so absurd that he wanted to scream, but then he didn't. Jo Gul's chopsticks also flew like lightning.

'If I am late, I won't get any!'

'Out of the way! My meat!'

'Meat! Meat!'

Seeing the fragments of meat scattered everywhere, Yoon Jong closed his eyes.

Mount Hua.

The Mount Hua he knew was becoming strange.

"Well, the longer you live, the more changes you'll experience."


"They started construction all of a sudden, and now meat is being served for our meals. We even got two new uniforms, right?"


Yoon Jong narrowed his eyes as if thinking about something. Seeing that, Jo Gul asked.

"What are you thinking?"

"I think that money is quite good."


Jo Gul laughed.

Even if others didn't hear it, it felt weird hearing such things from Yoon Jong.

"No matter how much money we have, I didn't expect the seniors to change so quickly."

"Did you think they would purposefully keep their disciples poor? They just couldn't help it in the past."

That's right.

It wasn't that meat was prohibited; it was because meat was expensive.

"It was something that couldn't be done because of the lack of money, so they are doing it now that they have money. But isn't it weird?"

Jo Gul nodded his head.

"… didn't you see sasuk Un Am who couldn't hide the smile on his lips?"


They all saw it.

Jo Gul could swear that it was his first time seeing Un Am smile so brightly. Who could have even imagined that Un Am could smile like that?

What was certain was that Mount Hua had clearly entered a path of change.



"What do you think will happen now?'

It was a broad question, but Yoon Jong understood Jo Gul's question.

"You should know it too, right? Mount Hua is changing."


"So, we need to be prepared."


"It isn't just about money. You saw it too. In that chest."

"Yes. There were books."

The scene where the sect leader yelled the name of some martial arts and almost fainted.

"Mount Hua is changing. We won't be able to avoid the change. So, we need to strengthen ourselves. Then, won't we be able to see something different from what we originally expected?"

Jo Gul nodded his head.

'Is all of this because of him?'

Jo Gul couldn't shake the suspicion that Chung Myung's manipulation was what caused this whole situation. That obviously bad acting in front of the chest, Jo Gul shook his head.

"What did he do?"

"Can we know?"

Even though no names were mentioned, they both knew who he referred to.

"What's certain is that there's no way to predict that jerk's actions ahead of time. We need to remain alert. If we approach this with clumsy determination, we might end up being swept away in the storm he creates."

"Don't worry, sahyung! I'm Jo Gul."

"Right, right."

Yoon Jong smiled and headed back to the dorm. A slightly different thought lingered on Jo Gul's mind.

'No way to predict.'

Jo Gul had a different idea. Maybe Chung Myung wasn't someone that only disciples, but even the sasuks and sect leader couldn't handle.

"By the way."


"Where is he? I haven't seen him since this morning."

"Didn't you hear? The sect leader was looking for him today. He's probably at the sect leader's place."

"Sect leader? Why was the sect leader looking for him?"

"How could I know?"

As Yoon Jong shrugged his shoulders, Jo Gul sighed.

'I really can't understand him.'


"… are you alright?"

"Yes, cough! I am fine."

"Are you really fine?"

"Really fine, cough! Cough!"

"You don't look it…."

Hyun Jong's face creased, looking at Chung Myung. He was speechlessly staring at Chung Myung; he looked withered as if he was just skin stretched over bone with a face that was pale like a ghost.

'How bad could his health be?'

No matter how he looked at it, this kid seemed to be on the verge of starvation. It was likely that people would think that the other disciples were snatching away his food.

'He wasn't like this when he first came here.'

Hyun Jong turned his head and asked Un Am.

"What did the medical practitioner say?"

"That he was out of qi."


"Yes, they said that excessive training has caused damage to his pure Qi."


Hyun Jong looked at Chung Myung.

"Child. You practiced until you damaged your pure qi! Why would you do such a thing?"

'It wasn't like that.'

Training his ass!

Chung Myung hadn't properly trained since he entered Mount Hua!

Of course, that's all the medical practitioner could say. It was true that his fragile body tapped into the pure qi in his body and damaged it. How could a child who just began learning martial arts shatter their qi? Naturally, the only explanation was over-training.

It was a strange misunderstanding, but he decided to go along with it at this time.

"I apologize, sect leader. I just wanted to learn the martial arts of Mount Hua as soon as possible..."

"Huh, this young one is quite good."

The sect leader nodded his head as if he began to like Chung Myung even more.

Chung Myung didn't lie! It was true at heart!

"Eating quickly will spoil the stomach. What are we to do now that you are sick?"

"Be more careful, child."

"Yes, yes."

Hyun Jong smiled in satisfaction.

The child in front of him was Mount Hua's good luck charm, and he was a devoted disciple to the core.

"Right. Did you enjoy the tea?"

"I don't really enjoy it.'

Chung Myung shrugged it off.

'Maybe I would enjoy alcohol.'

The tea was too strong for Chung Myung. Unlike alcohol which stimulated the throat, tea was just grassy water.

Even his Sahyung couldn't understand why Chung Myung loved alcohol so much.

'Is there a law that all sect leaders of Mount Hua should enjoy tea?'

In the past, too, the sect leaders loved tea. And in Chung Myung's eyes, the long tradition of people liking it was unusual.

Sect leader carefully handed the tea to Chung Myung, and he took it with both hands.

"It is a pity you don't enjoy it, but please taste this tea."


Chung Myung quickly drank the tea in one gulp without even appreciating the fragrance.


There was a greater pleasure in enjoying the aroma of tea, but to Chung Myung, tea didn't seem like anything more than hot water.

Hyun Jong looked at Chung Myung with a sad face as he put down the teacup.

"How was it?"

"It's cold."


There was a subtle disappointment in the sect leader's face, but Chung Myung was being honest.

"Khum. Right."

Hyun Jong decided to blow away the awkwardness by coughing, as his expression gently relaxed.

"I have called you here to reward you for your recent achievements. Thanks to you, Mount Hua was able to get out of this crisis. You did an amazing job."

"I haven't done anything."

"How could you say that? If it weren't for you, we would have all been on the streets right now."

"I just happened to walk past it, and I accidentally stumbled onto that chest."

"Huhu. What a coincidence."

Hyung Jong shook his head.

"No, there is no such thing as a coincidence in this world. Everything is the result of a connection."

Chung Myung nodded his head. Hyun Jong just said it to himself, but it seemed like it was directed at him.

'I mean, at times he is extremely sharp.'

"Isn't that right? Un Am?"

"Yes, sect leader. Also, even if it was a coincidence, the contribution made was very significant. Besides, since you weren't greedy and informed the sect leader right away, how could we dare call your devotion small?"

"Right, right."

Hyun Jong touched his beard.


Then he looked at Chung Myung with warm eyes.

"It is only natural to give a reward to the one who made this possible. Mount Hua wishes to reward you. That was why we called you."


"Yes. Is there anything you want?"

Chung Myung was a little confused.

Was there something he wanted?

"It would be a lie to say that you could give up such wealth with no regrets. If you need, we can even return a suitable sum of wealth."

"Money is not needed."


Hyun Jong was a bit shocked.

"You don't need wealth?"

"Yes. Mount Hua already provides me with food and clothing, even if I take the money, where would I use it? There's nowhere in Mount Hua to use it."

"Huhuhu, right."

Hyun Jong smiled.

'The way of Dao.'

No matter what, it wasn't easy to give up on wealth. Just because he can't spend it now doesn't mean that he can't spend it in the future.

Seeing him refuse the wealth, it seemed like he was a child with no greed—a child who was on the path of Dao.

However, Chung Myung's inner thoughts were very different from the warm interpretation Hyun Jong had of him.

'How much could you even give me?'

The sect leader's secret warehouse had become Chung Myung's personal hideout. Inside there was an amount of wealth that would drive others crazy and drop Hyun Jong's jaw to the floor.

Chung Myung was already the richest man in Hua-Um. So, he didn't need some minor wealth given by this sect leader.

"Then what do you want? I could allow you to learn more advanced techniques which aren't normally allowed."

"I don't really want techniques either."

"… Huh? Is that so?"


"Do you find these techniques meaningless?"

Chung Myung shook his head.

"It isn't like that. This disciple doesn't know much, but I think there is meaning in progressing through the martial arts one step at a time in accordance with the techniques passed down by our predecessors."

Hyun Jong was shocked.

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Didn't you say that eating too quickly will spoil the stomach?"

"I did."

"I think the same applies to martial arts. I will learn it slowly and progress."

"Yes, right. You are absolutely right."

Hyun Jong nodded his head.

The more they spoke, the more he liked the kid. Has a child who knows nothing of martial arts already started following the path of Dao?

'Where did he learn all this?'

Hyun Jong couldn't hide his excitement, but Chung Myung had a different thought.

'Who is giving whom martial arts! You jerk!'

Still, Chung Myung struggled to determine how he would hand over the rest of the techniques he had left out this time.

It would have been better if he had given it to them all at once. However, the human mind is strange. If you give a man both a gold and silver bar simultaneously, his focus would mostly be on the gold and would think less of the silver.

The same was true with martial arts. If all of them were given at once, would they know the value of each technique?

'I need to pay attention to every single one of these things. Sahyung, I was wrong, I'm sorry.'

He was sorry that he listened through one ear and let it spill out the other. He should have tried to understand how hard being a sect leader was.

Looking at Mount Hua through the eyes of his Sahyung, Chung Myung could imagine how difficult things were in the past.

Although it was difficult to atone for the dead, Chung Myung vowed to do his best for Mount Hua now.

"It is good that you have no greed, but it will be difficult for me. Then, there must be something you need, right?"

'Something I need.'

What could Chung Myung need?

First, he could ask for some freedom which would let him move around more. That was more urgent than anything right now.

"Sect leader. I am not lazy when it comes to martial arts."

"I can see that by looking at you."


Chung Myung coughed and continued.

"But I think there's a limit to only learning in this place. I want to see the wide world once in a while. Please give me permission to go down the mountain whenever I want."


Hyun Jong frowned a little.

"I understand your intentions, but it is against the rules of Mount Hua. Your contribution is great enough, but if we do that, others may complain that we're giving you preferential treatment. Let me think about it."

"Yes, Sect leader."

"Is there anything else?"

Chung Myung, who was worried, opened his eyes wide.

"Sect leader!"


"As you can see, my body isn't great."

"Yes, anyone can see that."

"And the doctor said I damaged my qi."

"Yes, I've heard."

"So, could you give me vitality pills?"

"… vitality pills?"

"Yes. Mount Hua's vitality pill. Don't most sects usually have something like that?"

Hyun Jong laughed.

"Huhuh. Right. Vitality pill. Right. That sounds nice. Is there anything better to supplement the body and return it to its original state?"

"Yes! Right!"

"Huhuhu! Right, vitality pill. Right. The merit you put in is certainly enough."

Hyun Jong looked at Chung Myung.

"Didn't you say you wanted to go to Hua-Um?"


"Of course, it is against the rules, but considering what you've accomplished I can grant you that much. Un Am!"

"Yes, sect leader!"

"In the name of Mount Hua's sect leader, when disciple Chung Myung wishes to head down to Hua-Um he will not need permission from others."


"However, Chung Myung, you must keep within Hua-Um. Furthermore, you are directly responsible for your own actions and keeping out of trouble while there. Do you understand?"

"Yes. But…"

Chung Myung asked, tilting his head.

"The vitality pill?"

"Also, be sure not to neglect your training when traveling."


"Huhuhu. Now then, go."

"A–no. wait. Sect leader. The vitality—"

"I have high expectations for you! Keep your head high!"



"Take care. Sect leader."

Hyun Jong smiled as Chung Myung bowed and walked out.

'What the hell, I'm suffering out here! That stingy old man should just give me some pills!'

Huhuhu, I don't even have vitality pills for myself; you think I could give one to you, brat?"


Hyun Jong, Un Am and Hyun Sang remained in the sect leader's residence after Chung Myung left.

"What do you think?"

Un Am smiled at Hyun Jong's question.

"He seems to understand the path of Dao."

"You felt the same way too."

Hyun Jong smiled happily.

It was true that Chung Myung seemed great. Why not? Thanks to him, Mount Hua was saved from extinction. There was no enemy invasion or internal strife; instead, money caused the issue entirely. Thankfully, they were able to avoid the most disgraceful situation where Mount Hua, with its long history and tradition, lost their sect because of such a petty issue.

So, from Hyun Jong's point of view, Chung Myung was worthy of extra care.

But now, the evaluation was unrelated to his contributions.

"Even if he is a child, there is a lot of depth in his words. His language can be rough at times, but it is understandable when considering his age."


Un Am's thoughts deepened the impression Hyun Jong had.

It didn't feel like talking to a child when speaking with Chung Myung. It wasn't just because of how he spoke. Rather, there was nothing child-like about him.

What could it be?

'Am I the only one who feels it?'

He couldn't put it into words. The scent of an experienced man came from the child.

'I can't explain it in any way other than the Dao.'

Un Am tilted his head slightly.

"Unlike a child, he has deep thoughts. He seems to always consider what he says before speaking. He is a smart child in many ways."


"If nothing happens… it will be possible for him to lead the next generation of Mount Hua."

Hyun Jong nodded silently. He then looked at Hyun Sang.

"What do you think?"

Hyun Sang had only silently watched the entire thing until now.

"Don't you know that I don't have eyes for judging people, sect leader?"

"Really now, all I am asking is how you feel about him."


Hyun Sang closed his eyes.

Time passed slowly. And as he thought for a long time, he said.

"That child doesn't seem like a child."


"I know that children who have lived a rough life usually have deep thoughts. But that simply means they are more mature for their age; it doesn't mean they behave as adults."

Hyun Sang, who glanced around, continued.

"But that child isn't precocious, he speaks and behaves like a grown man, to the point where I would like to dig in and see what's hidden inside his mind."

"Do you believe he's hiding something?"

"I don't mean it in a bad way. But…"

Hyun Sang didn't say more.

"I understand."

Hyun Jong nodded his head.

"I know what everyone is thinking, but don't worry too much. As you can see, isn't he a child?"

"Yes, Sect leader."

"We aren't the kind to use people, we are here to nurture people. If it is a good seed, we help by letting them grow their talents, and if they have a problem we need to lead them to fix that problem."

"You're right."

"Un Am."

"Yes, sect leader."

"How is the construction going?"

"It is difficult to replenish all the materials due to the steep hills. We are cutting down trees as much as possible, but we can't speed up much since it takes time to dry and trim the cut trees."

"I see."

Hyun Jong brushed his beard with a serious face and asked.

"Are you displeased with me, who only cares about money now?"

"Of course not, sect leader."

"Please understand. Mount Hua is being reborn now. When a person makes a new resolution or sets a new will, they must refine their attitude and change their thoughts accordingly. This is no different for the sect itself. The sect should be re-built to obviously convey Mount Hua's meaning and determination."

"Sect leader is right."

Hyun Jong nodded his head.


"Yes, sect leader."

Hyun Sang bowed his head slightly.

"Please finish interpreting the newly acquired martial arts books as soon as possible. However, I don't mean to rush you. The fate of Mount Hua will change depending on how well we can pass these techniques to our students."

"I will make sure that there is not an inch of laxity."

"I trust you."

Seeing Hyun Jong, who was immersed in thoughts, Hyun Sang's face hardened.

'Should I tell him?'


Sect leader was currently envisioning the future of Mount Hua, which will continue for thousands of years. He shouldn't be bothered by a measly story now.


Hyun Sang sighed.

When he discovered what happened, he felt so shocked by it. However, he couldn't get rid of his growing doubts lately as he kept digging deeper into the process of interpreting these books.

'For a book which was at least 100 years old, the paper was too clean and maintained.'

And there were traces of ink smeared here and there. If his suspicion was correct, then the book wasn't from the past but recently written.

Then who?

Who could recreate martial arts exclusively practiced in Mount Hua? It didn't make sense. If anyone could do such a thing, it would be better for them to come and directly speak to the sect leader. Then the entire Mount Hua would support the man like a king.

It means that someone was helping Mount Hua but didn't want to reveal their identity.

Hyun Sang, shook his head.

He shouldn't overthink.

He was worried about some conspiracy, so he reviewed the martial arts repeatedly, but no matter how much he looked, it was genuine. There was nothing wrong or misleading in there. The strange thing was that he couldn't find anything out of place.

'Let's review it one more time.'

If anything was strange, he could always tell the sect leader.

"Ugh. A sect which even beggars wouldn't come too!"

Chun Myung kicked a stone.

"What the hell did you all do with all the vitality pills left behind!"

He could guess from the look on the sect leader's face. It was clear that there were no pills left in Mount Hua.

It was hopeless.

If they couldn't make the pills because they didn't have money then, now that they had money, the only answer is...

'I would need to wait for now.'

Right. However, Hyun Jong chose to change the subject and gave permission to leave the sect instead of talking about the pills.

"Not a single thing is right here!"

His stomach hurt.

Even if someone deliberately planned to destroy Mount Hua, they wouldn't pick such a variety of ways.

No martial arts, no pills, no people, no money!

"Not a thing goes well. Just my luck!"

He was upset, but what could he do? It was all his karma. Chung Myung licked his lips and patted his stomach.

'Ha, what a pain in the ass.'

His body didn't recover as easily as he hoped. He thought it would be fine dealing with the side effects, but using his internal qi in a child's body whose musculature wasn't complete injured him more than expected.

'The problem is that it's not enough.'

His body wasn't recovering. Perhaps, it was because he kept expecting his childish body to function at the level of his previous body.

That's it.

In his past life, if Chung Myung had heard that a child had tapped into their internal qi, he would have lifted the child and spanked him on the ass.

That was how dangerous it was.

But that was how humans are. Others shouldn't do it, but they themselves could.

The problem he was facing was that the one disgruntled and suffering was none other than himself. Since his body was not recovering, his training slowed, and since his training slowed, his martial arts were lacking.

And he was too severely concentrating on re-building Mount Hua. If things kept going like this, it would take another half-year to recover, at least.

"I might die within half a year!"

He could have handled it in an older man's body. But in such a young body, it was too fatal. Half a year in a young body was like a decade for him.

It wasn't just about recovering and feeling comfortable. Now, Chung Myung was trying to build a perfect foundation. Wasn't he still in a human body?

Children grow and change. There is an ideal time for growth; the opportunity is lost if the timing is missed. It's necessary to build the basics and lay the groundwork for your future achievements when learning martial arts.

"I need to find a way."

Chung Myung had a severe face.

"I need to find a vitality pill…."

A weakened qi can be healed. If it can't be resolved with daily cultivation, he would have to find another source to repair it.

So, there are two ways.

Either receive pure qi from someone else or eat a precious vitality pill.

However, there was no way Chung Myung could find someone who would transfer qi to him, and there was currently no way he could get his hands on a vitality pill.

It wasn't something that money could buy. Besides, wasn't Chung Myung a child? It was impossible for anyone in Hua-Um to give him a pill.

No other way.

"Ah, really! You don't even have dog shit for medicine! What kind of sect doesn't have a pill! You rotten bastards!"

In the past, vitality pills were rolling on the floor of Mount Hua. It was natural to eat one pill.

And the Plum Blossom Pill?

"That wasn't even medicine."

The Plum Blossom Pills were so common that they weren't treated as pills. If Chung Myung were a little stronger, he wouldn't even bother looking for a Plum Blossom Pill.

It could be helpful for him now, but they were just useless herbs that didn't even increase his

stamina in the past.

Chung Myung used to use them to recover from hangovers.

'They had pretty great results.'

When you secretly drink alcohol, and the hangover doesn't leave the body, eat a bunch of Plum Blossom Pills! Although it had no value in training and martial arts, it was the best thing for a hangover.

Of course, if Sahyung knew of his thoughts, he would have hit Chung Myung.

'So, he hid the Plum Blossom Pi—'


Chung Myung's body, which had been walking, came to a standstill.

"Hangover relief?"

He turned his head.

"Why didn't I think of that?"

Right! The pills!

No! no!

Right! They must be there!

Mount Hua's troublemaker…no, Mount Hua's former troublemaker, Chung Myung's secret vitality pill!

"Sometimes a rotten mind is needed!"

Chung Myung giggled at his past self and started running towards a cliff in the distance with all his might.


Chung Myung raised his head with a grim look. Clenching his jaw, he bent his neck up.

Little more.

Just a little more.

And a little more.


It was only when his neck was tilted to the extent that it looked like it would break, was he able to see what he wanted.

A shaved cliff.

A terrifying cliff, endlessly high with the top obscured by mist, filled his eyes.

"… crazy."

A smile on his lips.

Dangerously Disconnected cliff was what the people living in Mount Hua called it. The highest and the most dangerous cliff, famous for being rugged even among the five mountains.

And in the middle of this perilous cliff was the place Chung Myung was looking for.

The most secretive location in the world. Very few people from Mount Hua would come here, and even less knew about the secret.

"Well, I'm the only one who knows."

In the middle of the cliff was a small cave that couldn't be found without climbing the cliff directly.

The steep peak was a place where the people of Mount Hua were prohibited from training. However, Chung Myung was someone who reveled in being disobedient. So, he enjoyed coming here frequently.

Then, by chance, he discovered a small cave in the middle of the cliff, and from then on, he used it as his exclusive hiding spot.

"It helped me out a lot."

For example, drinking alcohol while avoiding the eyes of his sahyung, eating meat while hiding from his sahyung, or taking a nap while ignoring his sahyung…

"Oh sahyung."

'Why did you even keep me alive?'

He should have beat him to death.

Now that he had changed his position and began acting as a guardian for Mount Hua, Chung Myung could understand his sahyung's constant lectures. If anyone in the current Mount Hua behaved like the old Chung Myung, he would beat them to death.

Even Chung Myung wanted to kill his old self.

"No, was I crazy…?"

It felt like his neck was going to break. No sane person would even consider using the middle of a cliff like this as a shelter.

And now Chung Myung has a weak and damaged body.

Chung Myung, the Plum Blossom Sword Saint, could have happily skipped his way up this cliff. But it's impossible for Chung Myung, the third-class disciple, to climb this.

Why! Why did he have to be a child!

There was no place to step and no place to grab. The cliff was too smooth for him to move up.

This cliff was always like that.

"… I've had it. Really."

He wanted to hurt his past self for choosing this place!


Taking a deep breath, Chung Myung looked up at the cliff again.

"Still, I need to go!"

There was no going back.

If someone asked why, Chung Myung would answer.

"There are vitality pills in there! Damn it!"

If his memory was clear, then there should be Plum Blossom pills and many other pills in that cave!

Because that cave was where he would get drunk and sleep, the pills he used to relieve his hangovers should also be there.

'There's no other solution.'

No matter how much the alcohol kicked his ass in the morning, it's still a precious vitality pill, but they were hidden in a cave to recover from hangovers.

This wasn't something any sane person would do.

But thanks to that, Chung Myung had a chance.

Chung Myung looked at the steep cliff with a determined face and turned around. He strode into the forest on the other side.


He took a deep breath.

"It's crazy no matter how much I think about it."

Chung Myung was now standing on top of that cliff. He came to the edge of it with a long rope, woven from vines, in his hands.

No matter how much he thought, climbing up was impossible since it was difficult to climb a smooth cliff, and the height was too much for him.

With a child's body, it was too harsh to climb up.

Then how about descending down to the cave from the top? It must be more manageable than climbing up. But the problem was…

"It is ten times as dangerous."

Chung Myung glanced down and gulped. He couldn't even see the ground. All he could see was the cliff and a veil of mist hiding what lay beneath.

He stepped back and grabbed his chest.

"Ah fuck! I'm shaking."

He enjoyed being here in the past, like walking into his own personal garden, but now it felt like the entrance to hell. How many vines did he have to combine to get himself down with a single rope? How many people would think of climbing down this cliff with just a rope?

Right now, he had to do it, no other choice or option.

"You only live once, not twice…no, this is my second life…."

Chung Myung tied the rope in his hand to a nearby stone. This was going to be his one lifeline. He pulled on the rope several times to ensure it would hold him and then stood at the edge of the cliff.


Saving Mount Hua is so difficult. He even had to risk his life like this.

"Damn it!"

Chung Myung cursed loudly and boldly started going down the cliff.

It was never easy to go down a steep cliff. It was challenging to find any stable footholds. Chung Myung leaned his body on the cliff to move slowly and attached himself to the walls.

After struggling and yelling out, Chung Myung slowly moved down.

"Ahh! Fuck! Damn it! If I had known I would have learned acrobatics!"

It was something that Chung Myung didn't learn in the past.

It was then.

The stone ledge he stepped on as he moved down crumbled.

Tuk! Tuk!

Chung Myung blankly stared at the falling stones. The rocks bounced off the cliff and burrowed into the thick mist below.


After a long time, a noise lightly echoed back.

"… Whoa."

It takes so long to fall to the bottom from this height. If Chung Myung fell, there would be no corpse left to find. Realizing that, he unconsciously gulped in fear.

The Plum Blossom Sword Saint isn't afraid of anything, not even the Heavenly Demon, but that's if the opponent was mortal. What about the ground below him? Between fighting the heavenly demon or falling to his death, it's a no-brainer which is worse.

Imagine dying here and going to the afterlife.

How would his Sahyung greet him? He would be downgraded from the hero who killed the Heavenly Demon to the idiot who fell from a cliff.


Chung Myung began to move. It was a little awkward at first, but after a few repetitions, he was moving like a lizard attached to the wall.

'It has to be down there.'

Chung Myung, who was descending, frowned. There was a huge crack in the middle of the cliff.

'Going inside will be tough.'

So, he would have to jump…


Taking a deep breath, he looked down.

"I am Plum Blossom Sword Saint!"

Can't be afraid of this!

He boldly threw his body. At the same time that he let go, he cried out.


He reached out and grabbed onto a protruding stone. Hanging off the rock, Chung Myung shouted.

"Ugh! I am scared!"

But thanks to the jump, he traveled a lot…



Chung Myung looked up. The stone he was hanging onto…




No, it's—

Help out a little, you conscience-less cliff.


The stone broke, and Chung Myung's body began to fall.

"Oh, my god! Oh, my god!"

Chung Myung desperately swung his arms and legs in the air.

'What would happen if I fell from here?'

Death. Certain death.

'Am I going to die?'

Die? Chung Myung?

It was then.


Suddenly, a strong shock was felt from Chung Myung's waist, and his body floated into the air.


The swaying rope came into Chung Myung's sight.



After bouncing a few times, the violent movements began to settle. Chung Myung, hanging listlessly from the rope, sighed in lament. A moment later, he burst into laughter and yelled.

"Indeed! A man must be prepared!"

He wasn't sure if the rope would hold up well as it was made of vines, but it turned out to be strong enough since it was only holding a child's body.

Chung Myung slowly looked around.


His eyes shone. A bulge that wasn't far from where he was hanging. Below there was the hiding place of the former Chung Myung. Out of habit, he measured the rope, and it seemed like he guessed the right length!

"Kuak! Heaven is helping me out!"

Grabbing the rope, he took a deep breath. First, he was still hanging in midair from the rope. He needed to cling to the cliff…


Chung Myung began to swing his body, the still rope, then began to shake back and forth.

'I need to find the right angle.'



Chung Myung's body, clinging to the rope, gradually swung closer and closer to the cliff.


He reached out and grabbed the cliff, but the rock was so smooth that he couldn't take hold of it.

"Once more!"

Chung Myung moved and kicked the cliff to straighten his body. And then with both hands, he would hold the—



Chung Myung's head shot up like a thunderbolt at the sound. His eyes quickly found what he was looking for.

The rope was halfway torn.


No. That can't be true.

Usually, the line should stay until he reaches the cliff, and then it should break…



Chung Myung fell along with the momentum from rebounding towards the cliff.

"Hiiikkk! I am dying! Oh, my god!"

Since he was already close to the cliff because of the rebound. Chung Myung raised his qi and tried to grab hold of the cliff.


The bones, which were overburdened, broke.

"Ah shit!"

His wrist couldn't handle the weight of the speed he was moving at. Desperately, he thrust his other hand with qi and held onto the cliff.


The result was the same.

"Ah what!? They aren't some flimsy twigs! Why are the bones breaking down so easily!? What sort of damned body was I given!?'

Live a little more!

Chung Myung swung his arms and legs like he was swimming in the air, but somehow it didn't seem to work.


If the hands don't work, use the body!

Like a frog, he clung to the cliff; instead of his broken wrist, he held the cliff with his arms and legs.

"Ahhh! Hot! Hot!"

With his body scraping against the sheer cliff, an immense, scorching heat could be felt. Despite the pain, it worked, and his falling speed reduced dramatically.

Now, all he had to do was find that protruding cave.

Chung Myung lowered his gaze.

He couldn't find it. Instead…

He was able to find something better than it. A much safer place than the protruding cave.

"Hehe. Land."

It was the ground.

It was a sudden crash.

Chung Myung's smiling body was plastered to the ground.



A cloud of dust scattered around. Chung Myung's body trembled as it was buried in the dust.

"I am… alive!"

Thanks to slowing down the fall, he escaped death. However, his entire body was shattered; every single spot ached and hurt.


After struggling in place for a while, Chung Myung managed to drag his weary body up and stared at the cliff with searing, scarlet eyes full of anger.

"… I will climb you no matter what means I have to use, you damn disgusting cliff!"