
Return of the legend as a loser

Everyone thinks that someone who goes back in time is a loser or a person with a past full of regrets, but this bastard system has identified me as a fraud for being so talented and wants me to go back in the body of a loser. return

FX10000 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs


When I woke up in bed, I realized that as the system said, I went back to the past and now I think that I am in a hospital, you must want to ask how you knew that you are in a hospital, let me give you a guide, I have a head in my hand and a device like this. who measure the heartbeat next to me.

After a few minutes, a black page appeared in front of me that had written on it

[This body you reincarnated in has died, and you are its new owner, and soon the memories of this body will be transferred to you.]

And another box appeared and it was written [transferring memories 1. 2. 3...98 99 100% transferred]

Well, now I understand something, let me explain to you a summary of the memories of our brother, whose body is mine now, he is a 22-year-old young man who lost his family in a car accident at the age of 12, and another family. He has been adopted, and his name is Kazuto, and this family that adopted him, the father of the family recently died, and the only remaining members are a 42-year-old woman named Lisa. And she is 175 cm tall and despite her age, she has youthful skin and two daughters, one of whom is 19 years old and a student, and her name is Ruka. And she is attractive like her mother, but she is still single and has no boyfriend because of her bad attitude

And the other girl is 18 years old and her name is Akari and she has good manners and an attractive face

And Akari has long black hair down to her waist and she never closes it

Akari has a close relationship with this body and they are like blood brothers and sisters.

Well, let's skip these discussions, it seems that my body has an incurable disease, of course, the world has not yet been upgraded so that amazing items will appear, but now I have to make myself stronger first.

I try to get up and suddenly a page appears with writing on it

[Public announcement: Your world will be upgraded and other species will come to earth, we hope the gods will send their blessings to you]

Well, it looks like we're finally going to start, and my first step to becoming a god slayer, just like in my previous life, is to get the attention of the gods. I get up from the hospital bed and walk to the door, and another black page appears that says

[ Because you have lost all your abilities after your return, the system wants to help you and let you choose one of your past life abilities, so that the system will transfer it to you. ]

I smile and whisper: dear system, you dug your own grave with your own hands.