
Return of the Greatest Warrior

Arnel_Tadle · แอคชั่น
1 Chs

New Beginning

I woke up in a haze, surrounded by an unfamiliar landscape. As I tried to gather my thoughts, memories of my betrayal flooded back like a raging river.

"Lapu - lapu you should have stayed dead."lapu-lapu if only you had agreed with us we would become gods."lapu-lapu you're so easy!!" lapu-lapu!!"hahaha."

My fellow friend, whom I had trusted with my life, had turned against me. They had orchestrated a vile scheme, leaving me for dead on the battlefield.

As I regained my strength, I realized that I had indeed returned from the brink of death. The gods must have intervened and granted me another chance at life, for my sworn oath to seek vengeance had not yet been fulfilled. Determined to fulfill my vow, I knew I had to become even stronger than before.

"what is this place!?" it looks like a grim and desolate space designed to confine and isolate inmates from the outside world.

"hey, you!"The unknown man speaks,"come out!! "do some labor now!" As I glanced at the man wearing an unfamiliar uniform, he was furious and quickly rushed inside and delivered a blow in my face. it was really strong not compared to what happened in my past but later I knew this person's body appears frail and emaciated, with their bones visibly protruding under their skin. ultimately weak!!

Every time I get punched, it feels like my body is tearing apart this sensation and emotion I feel is..... pain and anger. Fuck I never knew i would be humiliated by this weakling.

The man's face contorted in pain as the punch landed squarely on his jaw. The impact sent a shockwave through his body, causing him to stagger backward, struggling to maintain his balance. His eyes widened with surprise and disbelief, caught off guard by the sudden attack.

The force of the blow left a visible imprint on his skin, a reddening of the area where the fist had connected with his jaw. The skin around his cheekbone might have already started to swell, a clear indication of the severity of the strike.

As he tried to regain his composure, a mix of emotions played across his face—anger, frustration, and perhaps even fear. His clenched fists tightened as adrenaline surged through his veins, preparing him to defend himself or retaliate.

His breathing became heavy and labored, the impact taking a toll on his body. He might have wiped his mouth to check for any traces of blood, but if the punch was particularly forceful, a small trickle might have escaped the corner of his lips.

Despite the pain and shock, his eyes still held a glimmer of determination. He had not been defeated yet, and a fierce resolve burned within him. If anything, the punch had ignited a fire, awakening his instinct to fight back and defend himself.

He might have taken a step back, reevaluating his opponent, calculating the best course of action. His body language would reveal a mix of caution and readiness, prepared for whatever might come next.

In that moment, the man's vulnerability and strength were on display, an amalgamation of human emotions brought to the surface by the physical impact. The punch had left its mark, but it had also stirred a fighter's spirit within him, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"that's enough!" cadet Lee!!" unknown speak," what will you do if we delay our mission! get that guy ready and let him labor."

"um!! yes senior khoo!!" he was frightened as he shouts.

The senior turns his back and walks. "uy, you heard him right? now get up and get to work!" cadet Lee delivers his final blow to the mc stomach. ribs were cracked. cadet Lee laughed and walked away. " pathetic." mc was frustrated. "I, the greatest warrior was humiliated by the hands of such a weakling! I never forget this. mc bites his lips so hard that it was cut, blood dropped out. it's the symbol of his determination."I will surely kill you first!" just you wait!"

(Bell Rings.)" what is this sound?! so annoying."

cells unlocked. he was shocked as he saw how many of them were locked up in the cell and we're treated like slaves. "h-hey!, you! what are you doing? move!!" get in position now! knowing that he doesn't have the power to fight back he quickly get in line. A high senior shouts at the cafeteria"eat now fast and get back to work after."

In the cafeteria where everyone was eating a skinny man walks towards him and quietly says " hey, Narel what happened to you?" did they beat you up again?" He was confused. " um are you talking to me?!

"Yes, did you already forget about me? do you still remember me? " ( so this is Narel the name owner of this body.) He responded " I don't think I really know you?" he replied " it's me Shawn your buddy" those scumbags I will never forgive them, I swear I will kill all of them."


Narel looked at the person claiming to be his buddy, Shawn, but confusion still clouded his mind. "I'm sorry, Shawn, but I don't have any recollection of you or any memories from before now," Narel admitted. "I don't understand what's happening."

Shawn's face turned serious, his eyes filled with anger and pain. "They did this to you, Narel. They wiped your memories and tried to erase who you were. I managed to escape, but they caught me again. They did terrible things, and I barely made it out alive."

Narel's heart started pounding, sensing the intensity of Shawn's words. "Who are 'they'? And why would they do something like this?"

"They are a dangerous organization, Narel," Shawn replied. "They conduct illegal experiments, manipulating and controlling people's minds for their twisted purposes. You were one of their victims, but I won't let them get away with it. I won't rest until they pay for what they've done to you and others like you."

A mix of fear and determination welled up inside Narel. "But if they've wiped my memories, how can I trust what you're saying? How do I know you're not one of them?"

Shawn understood Narel's skepticism. He took a deep breath and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small data chip. "Before they caught me, I managed to save some evidence, including files about you and our friendship. This contains information that might help you remember."

Narel took the data chip cautiously, studying it before looking back at Shawn. "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to find the truth, Narel," Shawn said earnestly. "Take that chip to a friend you can trust or someone who can help you uncover the memories they stole from you. And when you remember, we'll take down those responsible together."

As Narel held the data chip in his hand, he felt a mix of trepidation and hope. He knew he couldn't face this alone, and Shawn seemed sincere in his desire to help. "Okay, Shawn. I'll do my best to find out the truth."

Their journey to uncover the truth had just begun. Narel would need to navigate through a world of secrets, betrayal, and danger. But he was determined to reclaim his past and seek justice for himself and others who had suffered at the hands of those scumbags.

Little did he know that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, testing not only his memory but also his courage and resilience. Nevertheless, Narel was ready to face whatever came his way to unravel the mystery of his past and, if needed, confront the darkness that awaited him.