

A battle had erupted in heaven.The angels went against their Queen and sent her to reincarnation on earth.Shiku ,the ex-queen of angels had to start from scratch to the top and decide if she will avenge her first death by destroying the heavens,or kill all the angels.

GGL_manga · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs


As soon as the person snapped his fingers,both Erin and Ming found themselves in a different area.The smell of sulphur was everywhere with puddles of magma here and there.The place itself was dark and all unknown to Ming.She increased her grip on Erin's hand with panic.

This place was very familiar to Erin as she just stood there aimlessly.She had never thought that she will ever return to a supernatural land, mostly,this place.

While still flooding her mind with thoughts,she remembered who brought them here as her eyes' pupils got smaller,she was on high alert.She turned around infront of Ming and regretted that she got involved in this.Ming had nothing to do with anything about the angels."Why did that traitor bring her here?"She asked in her mind as she inspected if Ming was hurt."Are you hurt?Is everything okay?..."She asked many questions but Ming couldn't even talk.Fear fell on her as she stared behind Erin.

Erin noticed the look on her face and she turned around to see what Ming was looking at.She wasn't surprised or shocked when she saw the thing,what she asked herself is if they will survive this.

"You are just like before, fearless and bold even though this time you are human."The person spoke with a voice that defined his power.The person had two large pairs of white wings on his back.His skin was radiating with blue aura as his eyes were pure black.It wasn't the perfect colour combination,but the powers combined,it was something else.The guy was two times the sizes of Erin and Ming joined together.

"YOU DON'T DESERVE THAT WHITE AND BLUE ENERGY!!"Erin screamed at the person.Ming cursed inwardly when she heard her friend shout rudely at the creature.She could see their lives flashing.

"Oh,this?,"he replied as he observed his wings and arms as if he was on a fashion show,"I thought it would be best to keep it."He gave a sly grin.

"You are such a bustard and a stupid traitor,"she was at her boiling point of anger,"You were always by my side,I treated you with great respect,and what did you end up doing?You caused the deaths of your own kind and teamed up with that dark idiot!.You ruined my heavenly life,and now you also want to ruin my human life?"

"That's not the point.And I also think you should lower your voice,he might hear you-"

"F*ck his ears!Why did you bring us here?!"At the moment,her current energy had gathered itself in her chest as her eyes glowed white like before.

"Am not planning to kill you two,I also hope that you realise that your energy is weaker than mine so don't try to be aggressive as you always were.Am here to protect you,and if you ask why I brought your friend,it's because of her being so close to you that she is also a target."

This answer didn't make sense at all,if this person is protecting Ming because she's her friend,what about her parents?Her dad and mom,what about Ling?

"Why didn't you do the protecting during the war?Why did you side with him?You are the last person I would like to see in this Universe,I hate you!"She was ready to attack but Ming didn't allow her to leave."Don't leave me Erin..."For the first time since they were here,she spoke.But her voice was croaky.Her eyes had become red and swollen as if she was crying for hours.

Erin had to relax, because even if she would have attacked,she was sure on loosing."Those are answers for next time."He said as he raised his hand again,"For now I need to keep you away from Earth as possible as I can,"he snapped his fingers and the two ladies disappeared in thin air."Forgive me ,because where I've taken you,you will be in a bad mental state and you'll end up hating me more.But the Earth needs you, your energy must grow.I also hope the boy will be able to utilize the blood power.I can feel it from here, It's time to test him.If he wins, I'll guide him to his fullest."He spoke to himself as he later disappeared too.

The time in this place was so slow that one hour became weeks on Earth.


Ling was amazed and happy with the power,but ended up frowning.He didn't know where to start,he knew nothing.He felt like he had done nothing at all.So he decided to keep training and get stronger to prepare for the worse.

He was currently back in the wasteland that he was in yesterday.He made it his training ground.He had destroyed the hundreds of mansion-size rocks in the place that he had nothing else to punch at.So he was focusing on his speed.He had improved a lot since he got the power.Last time he was able to run miles within half a second,and now not even a milli second passed.

When his feet touched the ground while running,the piece of land was torn to nothing,creating craters everywhere.The surface had become ugly and full of dents now.But still this didn't make him stop running.

In his tracks,a black beam from the sky had hit the ground infront of him causing him to slide and fall on his back while trying to stop.Dust covered the area blocking Ling's view.

"What the heck was that?!"

The dust began settling and now just three metres infront of him, stood a large beast that was clearly different from those on Earth.It had a humanoid figure,but wasn't a human at all.Its head was covered with complete green eyes.It had no mouth,no nose,no ears not even the eyebrows,just eyes.The creature was two times larger than Ling and its skin was black as it also had its spinal cord erecting large green spikes that went down to the tip of its tail where there were two black spikes.

Ling knew that the beast wasn't here to chat with him immediately it clenched its fists to smash the human who was still there on the ground looking at it.Infact,what would it even use to talk with?,no mouth remember?...