

A battle had erupted in heaven.The angels went against their Queen and sent her to reincarnation on earth.Shiku ,the ex-queen of angels had to start from scratch to the top and decide if she will avenge her first death by destroying the heavens,or kill all the angels.

GGL_manga · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs


It had been 13 years after being born.On top of a the roof of a mansion,she sat at the edge gazing at the magnificent city.The buildings were very high with flying cars all over the air.At a time like this,there was no wheeled car.The place was very busy and noisy as people walked here and there while machines advertised items.One thing was clear to her,the city was security tight as soldiers were all over.The uniform the wore made them look like golden robots.Their guns seemed very weird as it was huge and had no bullet muzzle.Just three hooks that stretched forward then bent towards the centre.Shiku had never seen them on use.

With the evening over,she walked down the stairs from the roof and entered her room.She did not have much of a life as a human because she couldn't perform her old angel powers.

"Honey, don't you want to eat?"Her mother called out from the kitchen.

"AM okay mom, I'll eat tomorrow morning,"she replied to her mother as she closed the door behind her and walked to her bed .

"Okay, you'll find it in the fridge.Goodnight".With that,Shiku slept uncomfortably on her bed.Things were becoming hard for her even though she was thirteen.She isn't yet to hear of anyone from her team.This was very stressing for her.


The rays of the sun made their way through the room's window and was getting brighter and brighter lighting up the room.It made Shiku to wake up with lazy groans ruffling her messy hair.She did her morning routine,washed up,brushed her teeth,dressed up and found her food in the fridge just like her mother said.She chomped on it and she was ready to leave.As she stretched her hand to the door knob she heard footsteps behind her.

"Leaving already?"A voice asked from behind.

"Yes dad,I have to leave early today,"she replied as she turned to look at her father,"There is this fighting club training I registered yesterday and the training starts early".

Her father approached her,kneeled down to reach her height,then hugged her tightly whispering to her ear,"Don't tell your mom or else you'll never go to that school ever again.Go kick their butts girl".

She smiled at her father,"I won't tell her". With that done,she left.Her father was still there kneeling.His facial expression didn't seem okay."I don't know what am thinking if is right,but I think there is something strange about my daughter,"he signed thinking of this,"She hasn't been behaving like a normal human since her childhood".He was so confused.

"Is everything okay darling?" His wife asked from behind as she saw her husband kneeling.

"Yes,am okay,"he replied quickly as he stood up."It's just that..."he didn't know what to say.

She approached him kissing him by the lips,"I know the thing about her, she's different".

"Did she leave?"She asked.

"Yes she did.I just hope things will turn out okay for Erin".

Erin was a name they gave to their daughter whom they had no idea that she was called Shiku.Erin accepted this name because her last one reminded her a lot.


Erin ran through the streets as fast as she could dodging from body bumps from the busy people.

"ERIN!"A loud voice called out from far aside.She stopped and waited for the person.It was Ling,a boy who made friends with her.She did not like the way this person admired her looks.But because he was harmless,she gave him a friendship chance.

"Hi Erin,did you have a nice evening yesterday?"Ling asked as he went to touch her long blue hair but the hand was slapped away.

"Sorry, it's just that you look beautiful today,"he apologized with a red face.

"Let's just go to school or Mr.Punch will kill us,"she warned.