
The Insane Supreme Reborn

Tang Yan got betrayed by his woman who conspired with many of his enemies which led to his fall. Ten thousand of years later he had now awoken in a teenage body which seemed like his original body. "In this life I'll make sure to have more fun" he said knowing fully well that it was because of his extreme fun loving behavior that got him to making many enemies. (it might seem cliche at first but trust me this is different ) What would await him in this life...find out by reading by further this is a novice work any comments would be helpful

Bored_immortal_025 · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 8

Tang Yan had not walked too far from the scene when he felt a powerful surge from his soul. It was unknown to him that his  soul which occupied this body was the as powerful as it was before he transmigrated. He could feel his whole body tearing from within not able to stand the outburst.

"How could this happen, no this feels unreal, I have to find a safe place and begin to seal it's power before something bad happens. Even my nascent soul is present."he thought being baffled. He ran into a forest reserve which was nearby bleeding from all part of his body even his bones which had been made strong began to crack along with his internal organs tearing at a very fast speed.

When he arrived at the reserved forest area the living animals who h were near him began to burst into nothingness . Tang Yan sat down on the ground not caring about the living things in the area trying to think of a suitable seal to place on his soul.

"Damnit,why didn't I learn anything from master about seals before killing him. This is not going to end well if I suddenly burst"he roared.

At the last bit that remained for the whole body to splatter, a strange seal appeared in his consciousness . The seal has four layers and each layer had two sub layer containing a strong destructive bond in it. Without a second thought Tang Yan placed the seals on himself leaving only the first seal opened. The first seal first sub layer also know as first floor after being open could unleash only ten percent of his soul power.

The reason why Tang Yan left the first seal opened was to use the soul power to repair his internal and external body. The sky darkened at this junction wanting to tear open for a tribulation thunder to happen. The security guards who when watching the whole thing that happened to Tang Yan were filled with awe of him

To them those who could do that are masters or rulers in the sky city. The sky kept on rumbling with rain pouring down.

Tang Yan even after sealing his soul power still had his body tearing continuously as he tried repair it.

After some unknown period, his body was finally fixed with a fair glittering colour, his bones had evolved into a golden one which was unexpected.

" What the hell just happened to me. I thought it would have damaged my soul having happen to travel to allow realm to reincarnate, why did the  living things which neared me at that time vanish. Also how did i know this seal technique, why has my soul strength increased"

Tang Yan had many question  for himself but even after many thoughts he couldn't seem to have answers to.  them.

The rain kept on falling heavily for a while before the sky returned to it's pervious state.

At Tang Yan's home

Old three visited Tang Yan to confirm his suspicion on weather he saved the mayor or not. He knocked on the door .

Glancing around to see if there was anything strange. It was the first time he was interested in someone especially a person in had been with for a while.

The door was open by Tang sisi who had a Loli face and a bright smile.

"Aunt su, an old man is here looking suspicious"

"You kid,what are you saying i came here to ask after your brother, and i haven't even said anything so why am I suspicious "old three felt sad being caught in the act by a 5 year old girl.

Mrs su at the moment came out with a kitchen spoon in hand and an apron worn"old three what are you doing here"she ask patting Tang sisi on the head" go help chen'er with the serving"she whispered to sisi.

"I was curious if Tang Yan is at home " old three said with a dey smile on his face.

"Actually,he was taken away by the cops last night and sent me a message to help take care of his siblings for the time being. That's why I decided to pack up my things and start living here"

"Oh that's great. You previous home was attacked earlier today by the rain causing it to be flooded and leaving it in a mess. Come to think of it isn't it supposed to be wet here"

"Ehn..>°°<,it didn't rain in this neighborhood except for the mysterious change weather. Do you think it's those people"Mrs su asked. The old man front of had once told her a secret that he was an elder from Fiendish sect which located it Zhi floating city. < p>

Those who are from there are said to have extraordinary background and strength in martial arts.

" No, i doubt that"he said turning to leave "it better for you to stay her and open your restaurant since the boss of the construction site said to go for a two month break" the old man added not pausing in his steps.

Getting outside the neighborhood, old three flet that he had just left a fresh environment. Outside the neighborhood gave him a troubled atmosphere while the inside gave a relived and pure atmosphere "seems this place has some secrets. I have to tell old two and one about this"he muttered strolling away.

Tang Yan still looking around to escape the reserve finally walked into a group of passerby blending in .

"Why does it seem harder to escape just now or am I just overthinking it"Tang Yan said.