

Nero has lived in the Shuri Forest his entire life. Thanks to a bear with an unending appetite and a high profile assassin, he is kicked out of house and home. Unsure of what to do, he decides to pack up and become a Retainer, making him a wanted man. Now, with the Peace Corps hot on his heels , will he be able to complete his mission, or die trying?

88 Chs

The Gates Of The Peace Corps! Frides Hands Over His Seal!

After a couple of days of traveling in bliss they reached the capital of Oanid, New Oania.

There were tons of people people coming in from the multiple roads that lead into the capital. There was an outer wall that separated the city from the sprawling farm lands that surrounded it. Ironically the wall was built not long after the founding of the Peace Corps. There were only three entrances North, South, and East. The Northern gate was only used by the Peace Corps. The entrance that they were using was the Southern Gate.

"Finally!" Nero shouted. "I'm going to become a Retainer."

"Shhhh." Elle and Frides said in unison. Each of them looking around making sure no one had heard him. Fortunately there was no one around them at the time.

"Are you crazy?" Elle demanded.

"What? We've been on our way here for a long time, now, and I've wanted to join since I was younger than Ouran." He said.

"Really? That young?" Ouran exclaimed.

"Yup." Nero smiled at him. "Speaking of, I've been a mute for the past couple of days. I heard you were able to keep up with Elle with your slipping."

"He did." Elle confirmed.

"I haven't been able to do the course yet though." Ouran looked over to Frides.

"No exception. You have to do the course." Frides chided.

"Awe man your such a meanie." Nero pouted. "Well you said you'd learn it Ouran. Why haven't you learned it. Hurry up, your running out of time. Don't you want to come with us?" Nero wrapped his arms around Ouran and lifted him up off the ground.

"I do. I really do. Its just hard." He weaseled his way from Nero's hold.

Elle grabbed some cloth from her bag and wrapped it around her face. "You're getting better but you have to focus on where you're going and where you're going after that. You get tripped up and end up going to the wrong corner."

"I don't get why it's such a big deal. I can slip Frides. Isn't that enough, and I can fight."

"No, that isn't enough to save your life." Frides looked ahead. "Come on guys. Do you have the story straight?"

"Its not that hard, we're just going to say we're visiting our family." Nero said.

"Yeah but you suck at sticking to the plan." Frides reminded him.

"Yeah remember what didn't happen at Horseshoe Springs." Elle said.

"Yeah yeah yeahs. You didn't stick to the plan either Elle."

"I was grabbed by someone."

"It worked out didn't it. On the plus side you guys are good at improvising."

"We shouldn't have to." Elle argued .

"Just hurry up and put on that cloth." Nero nagged. "The security for these gates is tough."

Nero looked ahead of the long line of people trying to get into the capital. People of all races and nationalities filled the line. At the gate were at least twenty Peace Corps members searching peoples belongings and rejecting peoples entrance. Nero looked up and there were at least four more members in the guard tower. Every few meters along the wall there were Peace Corps members stationed vigilantly watching the surroundings.

Nero gulped. "Lets hope they don't recognize you."

"It'll be fine. Just stick to the plan." She said.

"Next!" The guard at the front called out to them.

Frides stepped up. "I have business in the capital. It is myself plus three others."

"What relation?" The guard demanded.

"What business is it of yours." Frides handed him his Crest. "Just charge it to my account."

"Do you have a letter granting you access." The guard looked down at the Crest and read off the name. "Frides, no last name."

"You're here to collect the entrance fee. That's all." Frides glared at him.

"Normally," He responded. "But there is no last name on this Oceans Crest. My other job is to inspect suspicious activity. You may enter but we'll be holding you're crest until your business is concluded."

"I need to purchase something in the city."

"I'll let you go with a warning if you let me have that Domaku." He pointed down at Urs. "Or you could just go to the bank in the city and withdraw the money."

"That's all the way on the other side of the city." Elle blurted out.

"I know where the bank is. Who are you?" He demanded.

Frides put his hand in between them. "This is my servant, and that is my sons pet. You can keep the Crest. I'll be back for it tomorrow. " Frides backed down.

"You'd better hope you don't lose it." Nero said under his breath.

"Is that a threat!" He stepped toward Nero. "Are you threatening a member of the Peace Corps at our headquarters."

The man Glowed a long Gladius and raised it above his head. Before he could slash at Nero, Frides slugged Nero across the face sending him flying.

"I'm sorry. That one is my servant. He is going to be chained today. Maybe then he'll learn to bite his tongue."

"Chained, huh?" He released his Glow. "I would kill him but if today he's going to be chained that'll be punishment enough. Hahahah."

"Yes I hope it will." Frides went over to Nero and dragged him up.

The guard looked back to the guards at the gate. "Let 'em go."

The gate opened and they followed Frides into the city.

Nero looked back at the guard as they enter the gate with an exceptionally mischievous grin.

To Be Continued...

Thanks for reading!