
Restaurant of different realms

Baek-Jun-Hyung nurtured an audacious dream of becoming the supreme leader of a fearsome gang that would command Korea. Little did he know that his ambitions would take an unforeseen twist, leading him down a path he could never have imagined. A mysterious and compelling system suddenly emerged, forcefully redirecting his life's trajectory and thrusting him into the captivating realm of culinary excellence. This was no ordinary restaurant; it existed on the precipice between reality and the ethereal. Its very essence seemed infused with ingredients from distant worlds, lending a magical and transformative quality to every dish. Within the walls of this enchanting establishment, a sense of wonder and awe permeated the air. Servants, seemingly conjured from thin air, appeared to cater to the needs of the restaurant and its patrons. The sight of elegant maidens and dashing gentlemen moving with effortless grace heightened the surreal ambiance. News of this extraordinary culinary haven began to ripple across continents, realms, and worlds. Igniting a buzz of anticipation among those fortunate enough to hear of its existence. The allure of Aetheria's Tavern, with its ability to transport to uncharted realms, promised a dining experience like no other.

AlwaysLit · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

The start of it all

A young man's eyes snapped open as he swiftly dodged beneath the incoming punch. As he moved, the air whistled past his ear, barely missing his head by a hair's breadth.

He launched a devastating hook that landed squarely on his opponent's liver, the impact reverberating through his own arm. The force of the blow sent his adversary reeling backward, his face contorting in agony as he crumpled to the ground, his knees buckling beneath him.

This was Baek-Jun-Hyung, a young man from Korea, age 18. A fourth-year student at Daeil Foreign Language High School. He was a rather good-looking young man, but his face was currently roughed up as he was in a middle of a fight. His white school uniform was stained with dirt from the pavement.

Beneath the veneer of Jun-Hyung's prestigious institution lurked a sinister underworld, unbeknownst to the oblivious teachers and faculty. A ranking system where ambitious students battled ferociously for dominance and the coveted title of school boss. It was a brutal and unforgiving world where only the strongest and most cunning survived. Yet, despite the risk and danger, the allure of power and prestige proved too great for some to resist. And so, the stage was set for a vicious cycle of violence and betrayal to play out in the halls of Daeil Foreign Language High School.

Pretty standard stuff here.

Despite his parents' hopes for Jun-Hyung to pursue a career in medicine and secure a bright future, the young man harbored a far different ambition. As he strode through the hallowed halls of his prestigious institution, his thoughts were consumed by a singular idea: to carve out a path to power and prestige as the leader of a fearsome gang. His dreams were not of academic success or a stable career but of the thrill of battle. For Jun-Hyung, respect and wealth were the ultimate prizes, and he was willing to risk everything to attain them.

Currently, he reigned as the undisputed king of his school. His school, renowned for its academic excellence, was not devoid of formidable warriors. In the bustling metropolis of Seoul, his school's pugilistic prowess was matched only by two other schools, as it held a respectable third place among the city's fiercest fighters.

"Who's next? I don't have all day!" Jun-Hyung shouted with a huge smile on his face.

"Ugh..." As Jun-Hyung's lips curled into a savage snarl, a palpable tension rippled through the group, and a hushed silence descended. Faced with his menacing visage, the onlookers retreated, their spirits crushed by the sheer force of his malevolent aura. "We will try again next week, Sunbae..."

"Make sure you guys work on technique, not just brute force." With a resigned sigh, Jun-Hyung smoothed down his pristine white uniform, fixing every last crease and imperfection of the uniform.

"Yes, boss!" Everyone there bowed their heads as Jun-Hyung made his rather grand exit.

As he ambled through the bustling streets of Seoul, Jun-Hyung slung his jacket over his shoulder, exuding an air of effortless cool. Today was a momentous occasion for him, for he had chanced upon an abandoned store the day before. Unfortunately, he had been too busy that day, which had prevented him from glimpsing the store's interior, but today he was determined to unveil its secrets and stake his claim on this new territory, a fertile breeding ground for his burgeoning gang's ambitions.

After what seemed like an eternity, Jun-Hyung finally reached his destination, the abandoned building. Despite the vibrant energy that permeated Seoul's bustling streets, this place exuded a sense of eerie stillness. The abandoned structure looked almost forlorn with its weathered facade and solitary sliding door. Its opaque windows filtered only a muted, diffused light into the dusty interior.

Jun-Hyung ripped apart the wooden barricades that barred his entry, forcing his way into the abandoned building. As he stepped inside, a cloud of dust billowed up around him, illuminated by the warm, golden light of the setting sun streaming through the windows. The air was thick with the musty scent of neglect, and the creaking floorboards groaned beneath his weight as he made his way further into the darkened space.

"What the... the place is completely empty..." A muttered curse escaped Jun-Hyung's lips, his disappointment palpable as he surveyed the empty, barren space. His hopes had been high, envisioning a treasure trove of abandoned furniture left behind by the previous owner, but those hopes had been cruelly dashed. The vast expanse lay before him, devoid of any tangible remnants of its past, stripped bare and desolate.

With a resigned shake of his head, Jun-Hyung made his way toward the rear of the building, drawn to a single sliding door. As he slid the door open, his eyes widened in surprise at the sight that greeted him. The space beyond was vast and expansive, a storage room that dwarfed his expectations.

Yet, his attention was soon diverted to an unusual wooden plank on the ground, its surface marred by an aberration that caught his eye. Could this be the key to unlocking a hidden door, a gateway to the secrets that lay hidden within the abandoned building's walls?

"Ha... as if." With a derisive scoff and a roll of his eyes, Jun-Hyung stomped down on the wooden plank, his foot connecting with a dull thud that reverberated through the dusty storage room.

Just as Jun-Hyung was about to give up hope, his foot pressing harder into the wooden plank, a sudden tremor rippled through the storage room, sending a shiver down his spine. The ground beneath his feet seemed to shift and move as if coming alive with some unseen force. Then, with a groan and a hiss of protesting metal, a hidden door slowly slid open.

"What...? Seriously...? What the hell? Haha..." Jun-Hyung weakly chuckled as he peeked inside the room. But to his disappointment, there was only one single alter.

"Haaa… what the hell is this…" Jun-Hyung sighed as he leaned against the altar.

In that fateful moment, the altar before him came alive, pulsating with otherworldly energy that sent a shiver down Jun-Hyung's spine. As he watched in awe, the surface of the altar began to glow with a brilliant, radiant light, a blinding golden aura that seemed to emanate from the very heart of the earth. The glow was so intense that it engulfed the small room in a brilliant, golden haze, blinding Jun-Hyung and rendering his eyes useless.

Then a voice rang inside Jun-Hyung's mind.

"So it is you who will inherit my will."

As Jun-Hyung slowly lifted his gaze, he beheld a towering figure standing before him, a man whose rugged, chiseled features spoke. A thick, bristly beard adorned his jawline, lending him an air of wildness and untamed strength. His muscles rippled beneath his skin. And his sharp facial features were etched with lines of experience, marking him as a man who had seen and survived the harshest of trials.

"What do you mean… will? Is this some sort of prank?" Jun-Hyung muttered as he looked around the room to find any hidden cameras that might be recording him.

"This is not a prank, and in a few moments' time, you will receive my guidance to become the next cooking god."

"What…?! Cooking god?! That's a lot of horse shit! Who wants to become the god of cooking?!"

"Ah... you reminded me of my old self." A low, rumbling chuckle escaped the man's lips as he spoke, his voice rich with the timbre of confidence and authority. His laughter echoed off the walls of the chamber as he raised a thick, calloused finger and pointed it at Jun-Hyung. "Just be quiet and take carry on my legacy. It's your fault for finding his place."

In an instant, the man disappeared as his body dissipated into the air in golden light.

Just as quickly as he had appeared, he dissolved into the very air around him, leaving nothing behind but a cascade of shimmering golden light that illuminated the room with its radiant glow.



The cooking system has been activated!

You have been deemed worthy by the cooking system, chosen by the whims of fate to take on the mantle of culinary greatness. There is no escaping the destiny that has been laid out before you but fear not, for within the intricate web of instructions and techniques woven by the system lies the key to unlocking a world of possibilities beyond your wildest dreams. With each step you take and each dish you prepare, you will ascend the ranks of the culinary elite, gaining the wealth, fame, and respect that have always been just out of reach. Embrace your role as the next cooking god, and let the power of your creations be the guiding light that leads you to glory.

Restaurant rank: 0

Synchronization with the restaurant: 0%

All Purpose Ranch: Locked (Unlock at Restaurant rank 1)

Shop: Locked (Unlock at Restaurant rank 2)

Workshop: Locked (Unlock at Restaurant rank 6)

Skills: N/A

Workmate: N/A

Active quests: (1)

Quick Quest: Cast off the veil of impurities that shroud your restaurant and breathe new life into its very soul. Rid the space of any blemish or stain, and pave the way for a new era of culinary excellence. Then, with a mind full of vision and a heart full of passion, embark on a journey of discovery and creation, acquiring the finest furniture, the most advanced stoves and ovens, the most exquisite utensils, and all manner of accouterments to adorn your culinary sanctuary. The system will take notice and reward you for how well you do.

Time limit: 12 hours

Minumin reward: 20% synchronization with the restaurant

Penalty: Water torture

Hope you all stay and contine reading!

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