The POV will be in 3rd person from now on.
After the bright light was gone, Elena found herself in the middle of a forest. The system message was heard soon after.
[Master, welcome to the world of RASHTROYNI. All the details will be directly implanted to your memory. Are you ready ?]
After receiving Elena's acknowledgement all the details of this new world were send to her mind.
According to the information, unlike her previous world or her home world, this world have administrators who are incharge of managing the world on behalf of the world's will.
The main administrators are known as the Three Supreme Goddess. The gods are all incharge of managing the world. There are 3 supreme goddess, 25 high gods, more than 100 intermediate gods and over 1000 lesser gods. All the gods have several (2-10000) demigods under them to do their bidding.
Elena was brought here as a reward and the World's Will was also very grateful toward her as it's existence could also be in danger if the rampage of the DESTROYER went on. So, she was given the highest hospitality this world can offer.
But the system had managed to tone that down as it knew Elena would not like it. So by the persuasion of the system, she will only receive some information about the world's various species, continents etc and the money of this world which is actually completely controlled by the World's Will.
That means it is not possible to create money in this world. Only the gods can create and distribute money. There is only one kind of money throughout the whole world. Different places doesn't have different currency.
The money can be divided into 7 types depending on material. Such as iron coins, bronze coins, silver coins, gold coins, platinum coins, white gold coins and celestial coins. From iron to gold coins can be further divided into small coins and large coins.
One large coin in equivalent to 10 small coins. And 10 large coins are equivalent to a higher grade coin. In simple terms, 10 small bronze coins equals too a large bronze coin and 10 large bronze coins are equals to 1 small silver coin.
10 large gold coins are equals to a platinum coin but 10 platinum coins are equal to a white gold coin. Platinum coins and above don't have the size division.
So according to the World's Will, all of Elena's coins, that were inside her inventory will be changed into celestial coins.
She had a massive amount of money in her previous world so the amount of coins she have right now in her inventory is insanely huge.
This world's money is called Rash and in short R. One small iron coin is equivalent to 1 R. So one celestial coin will be equivalent to 10 billion R.
Coins of TIRTANYA were called Tirchon. She have 876 million Tirchon with her. So that means now she had 876 million billion R. How many digits will that be, she doesn't even want to know.
She can be sure of atleast one think, that is she will never have to worry about money anymore. Which is very good for her as she will be able to enjoy her stay in this world at her own leisure.
After digesting all the information, Elena was now ready to go. She hadn't collected any detailed information about the nations or ruling structure of this world as she wants to collect that from the inhabitants themselves.
The main reason behind it is that the information from gods can sometime be a bit unreliable as their point of view is very different. But still as information is very important she asked for just the gist of the matter.
According to that information, there is 5 continents in this world. The biggest one is at the centre and it's called Olerisia Continent. It is ruled by mainly the Human and the Beastman race.
In the east of this continent there are two continents. In the north-eastern direction there is Gradvilde continent, which is ruled by the Dwarfs and the Elves. This is another large continent just a bit smaller than the Olerisia.
The southeastern side have the Vladimarok continent, ruled by the Vampires.
The southwestern direction have the second largest but very harsh Dyeguinin Continent mainly inhabited by various species of Demons.
The north-western side have the smallest continent named Tisiantus. This continent is not dominated by any single race but a lot of race co-existed here. Most notable among them will be the fairies and Gemoids (humanoid with gems as body parts).
There is also two other realm called Elysium and Valhalla.
Elysium is inhabited by the Angels and the Holy beings, on the other hand Valhalla is inhabited by the Devils and the fiends.
Currently Elena is at a human kingdom in Olerisia Continent, the Myrilia kingdom.
Knowing all that information, Elena used "Total Clairvoyance". She was easily able to find her way out of the forest. And she also found a city about 50 miles from her location. She also find a very good information source.
Even tho she knows the gist of this world's structure, she still doesn't know anything about her current location. Not the name of the city nor the common ethics of this country.
So she needs a source to get this information. And that useful source is actually bandits.
Bandits may be troublesome or even scary existence for most but for Elena they were very useful existence. She perceived them as funds of money, manpower and information. They have a very detailed information about a local geography, most of the time they were even more informative than a regular local.
They like to horde money and other valueable. Most importantly if a few bandits just disappear from the somewhere, noone would care.
So, for Elena bandits are really very convenient existence. By using her skill she had already found one large and three small bandits' hideout. So now it's bandit raiding time for Elena.
"Fufufu" she laughed.
After getting every useful things from the bandits, she will enter the city.
[This is the beginning of my new Journey. Fufu. I can't wait to enjoy this new world to my fullest.]
Saying such Elena teleported to the location of the large bandit group.
Finally I can start writing about the new world. Thanks for reading so far and staying patience. Please enjoy !!!(≧▽≦)