
Resolve : The Eternal Warrior

Jack, a high schooler, has never fully understood human nature or experienced the flow of emotions. Content with his normal life, he passes his time between reading comic books and playing video games. However, everything changes when he meets a girl named Merline.

GrimmyX · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


"Jack, come help me!" Sister Amy's urgent call echoed through the halls of Sunflower Orphanage, a haven for abandoned children nestled in the heart of Bayville City's Woods district. At 40 years old, Amy had devoted her life to the well-being of the children under her care, treating them as if they were her own.

Jack, a 17-year-old in his final year of high school, emerged from his room with a sense of reluctance. "They don't understand that online games can't be stopped," he muttered under his breath. Despite being on the brink of adulthood, Jack found himself tethered to the orphanage, his only sanctuary from the impending challenges of the outside world.

Beside Amy stood Mr. Smith, the elusive founder of the orphanage, who seldom graced the premises. Rumors circulated that the establishment was merely a pawn in his political ambitions, a tool to secure his position as the chief council of the city.

"Alright, I'm coming," Jack replied, his voice carrying a mix of obligation and indifference.

As Jack navigated the bustling corridors of the orphanage, his thoughts wandered toward his impending departure into the harsh realities of adulthood. The orphanage had been a refuge, but now he needed to carve his own path in the unforgiving world.

Meanwhile, at Wilcoxon's High School, the chatter among students buzzed with the latest episode of "Sorcery Fight."

Student 1: "Did you see the last episode of Sorcery Fight? It was impeccably executed."

Student 2: "Absolutely, the best one yet!"

Amidst the discussions, Jack remained detached, finding solace in his own company. Unfazed by the invitation to join in on a plan to harass fellow students Taylor and Vince, he declined with a casual, "Nah, I'm good."

Lunchtime offered Jack the tranquility he sought, immersed in the pages of his current read, "The Eternal Warrior."

An unfamiliar voice disrupted his solitude.

Stranger: "Hey, wake up."

Jack remained oblivious, lost in a world of dreams.

Stranger, kicking Jack gently: "Ouch, that hurts. What do you want?"

The female stranger, taking the book from his hands, turned away coyly.

Stranger: "Would you go on a date with me?"

Jack, caught off guard, stammered, "Huh?"