
Resident evil:Anomaly

"first of all if the creator of the cover image wants me to remove it, just let me know and I will do it in my two stories" Raccoon City was a city with strong mountainous roots in the Midwest of the United States, in which the first incidents in the history of the saga took place, in addition to being the first in which a mutagenic Umbrella virus was spread, with fatal consequences . for human inhabitants. At least that's what was said after the first outbreak of the virus, which turned the entire city into a zombie and caused Raccoon City to be wiped off the map by the bombing of the city. But the first place where the first zombie outbreak that claimed hundreds of lives began was several kilometers from the city of Raccoon City, in the small town isolated from civilization near the mountains. Which was used as a test base for the umbrella corporation Ethan, the sole survivor and the only case of a perfect fusion between viruses and humans, now seeks revenge at all costs. I am new to writing stories, I ask for patience to read my story and I do not speak English so I am using google translate. I do not own residen evil, or any of the characters in the story and maybe just oc, if I decide to put them. The stories will not follow a chronological order, because all the girls will be the same age, an example is Sherry who will be the same age as the main character. There will also be more changes, one is the fact that the planet will be much larger and the year will be made up of 120 months and not 12. I hope you like it and the reason I expanded the planet and made humans live longer is because I want to develop romance better and I don't want everything to rush because the characters get old and there is no time to talk about the girls. . or meet and learn about the female characters that will make up the harem. Also what I hope is to achieve the growth of the protagonist well, the story is slow and I do not want insults in the comments, if someone wants to help me translate from Spanish to English for free, I would appreciate your support. Maybe you hire an editor to upload more chapters and maybe you pay a translator to upload chapters with better quality. "Gogle translator"

kurumi654 · วิดีโอเกม
93 Chs

chapter 65

Chapter 65

The nurse had left the room and the only means of escape for Ethan was on the table next to the papers.

"What Sara's mom taught me...who knew it would be useful to me...good thing I didn't put it aside and learned everything from her "Ethan said to himself, as he tried to move his body so that the stretcher that held him would move, but nothing happened no matter how hard he tried to move the stretcher with wheels since for the stretcher to move it was necessary to first move a small lever that was next to the stretcher.


Ethan's attempts to try to move the bed began to create many sounds inside the room.

The reason Ethan was getting more desperate...for he had seen the camera above his head, the whole time it had been recording him.


Ethan had had enough...he couldn't get out of that place, so he had given up for the moment, it was impossible for him to free himself from that stretcher unless he cut his hands and legs, which Ethan was not going to do for the world, first because it would be very painful and second because it would be impossible to get out if he cut his hands and feet.

"Well I'm home boy... "Said the scientist who was entering the room where Ethan was.

The man looked like he had a small case with him, Ethan didn't know what was in the case...since all the tools were in the room.

"I know you're awake...I doubt you're so brainless that you didn't realize there was a surveillance camera on the ceiling of the room.

At the scientist's words, Ethan's eyes widened as he glared angrily for the first time at someone...being directed at the scientist who did not flinch at Ethan's hateful looks, as if he was used to those looks.

Ethan had been caught, there was no reason to pretend he was unconscious, so he turned his vision to anything that could be a means of escape, as a last resort, but he had not been trained in anything since his childhood, the only one who taught him to fight being Sara's mother, practically everything he knew about picking locks and fighting he had learned from her.

But the one thing Ethan didn't know was how good he was at everything he had learned, after all for someone who hates fighting and only practices for sport Ethan was someone who had no experience in real fights.

"You got your tongue eaten by the cat...don't worry very soon if everything goes well maybe you will be able to speak a few words...I really don't know what you did to the boss to make him use you as an experimental subject in a project with practically more than 95% chance that the subject will die "Said the scientist while taking out a syringe with a strange substance.

The substance that at the moment Ethan saw it, he began to feel a serious fear in his whole being, the substance that the scientist had in his hand, for some reason made Ethan's whole body tremble as a sign of how dangerous it was.

Ethan's instinct for self-preservation was insane as his whole body began to shake like crazy, which caught the scientist by surprise and he took a step back from Ethan's quick outburst.

What he was seeing was something he had never seen in his entire life, Ethan's body with just the sight of the progenitor virus looked like a rabid dog meeting another one just like it.

"I knew you were special kid...I really want to see what you can really come up with once we're done with you "Said the scientist as the smile he was trying to hide looked grotesque.


Ethan began to shout as all rationality left his former gentle persona.

"Well it's time for us to start putting the progenitor virus in you "said the scientist to inject Ethan with the progenitor virus first, before following up with the T-virus.

Ethan's body began to spasm as his screams became more piercing, so much so that the scientist had to leave the room to avoid going deaf.

The room was now locked and the only one who could monitor Ethan was the one watching on the cameras.

* Shouting

Ethan let out one last scream before everything in the room flew everywhere and the camera shattered, leaving Ethan all alone with no way to see what was happening to him.

(Moments later)

"My head... "Ethan complained of pain, as the headaches in his head only increased by the second.

Ethan's headache was tolerable at the moment, but if it didn't stop it would possibly drive Ethan crazy in a while.

The metal ties that kept Ethan strapped to the gurney had apparently come loose, so with nothing to tie him to the gurney, Ethan got up from the gurney as quickly as possible.

At a fast pace Ethan, who had gotten out of bed, was now going to the metal door that was closed, Ethan did not know how to open the door so, looking at the metal door for several minutes, he decided to touch the panel next to the door.

Apparently, the door needed the palm of the hand, to scan people and see if they have access to open the door.

Something Ethan didn't know and he placed his hand, for a few moments he felt several tingles in his hand until the door blinked green and let Ethan open the door to the living room.

"How did I get out?...Shouldn't these doors be for staff only? "Ethan said to himself, unsuspecting of the changes in his body, which now made him unique among all the people in the world.

Haci as Ethan's question came into his head, left after seeing what was in front of him, something grotesque and surprising.

It was like a horror movie...all the rooms were full of blood and parts of people everywhere.

"What happened here...? "Ethan wondered, but the sound of something approaching him caught Ethan's attention, not before he saw the shadow of a person.