

If you were given the chance to not die, would you take it? The whole of class E got transported in another world and among them is Amelia Watson. After their transport, Amelia Watson attains some sort of ability to revive herself backwards. In the midst of all this, beliefs and ideals clash and erupt. What's the worse that could happen?

Kaede_Dayoo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Chapter 1 - E

"5 more minutes"

A loud stern voice came from the middle of the classroom. It was an old man with noticeable balding head, typical of a man approaching the middle age and is under heavy stress.

"Haa...I really outdid myself this time" A small, blonde girl smirked as she erase a few scratches of graphite on his sheet.

"Hey, let me copy your-"

"No way in hell" A quick whisper snark

A pair of pink and blue hair keep on making noise at the back. The pink girl decorated with sakura petals on her side hair, keep on poking the person beside her,clearly asking for something .

"Come on... I'll treat you to some apple juice later" Her eyes filled with hope that the other party will accept it

"Make it double"


She is desperate enough that she is actually willing to accept even if she asked to quadruple it.

Another pair, or rather, a group can be seen at the right most corner. A deep blue haired girl can be seen sweating buckets as she gives someone near her a quick, asking for help, kind of glance.

"Nanashi... help " A wishful cry in times of need.

" With what? " The cry has been answered by a ponytail. Her eyes as deep brown as pure cocoa.

"Number 36 "

"Oh...Im still at number 10 " Nanashi answered

"HOW THE HELL ARE YOU STILL ON 10 WHEN THERE ARE 65 ITEMS?!" A silent shout is the only thing the deep blue haired can give

" I mean...i drew this so...Maybe they'll give me a bonus point" Nanashi raised his extra paper filled with a bunch of owl and fruit drawings

"Sometimes i ask myself how did you even get into this grade level" She can only sigh and go back to her answer sheet, Nanashi smiling and continuing with her drawings

"You guys are done or what?" Another whisper is heard within the group, this time coming from a red, short girl with bright blue eyes.

"You?" A calm soft voice came from a golden eyed girl besides her.

"Time's up! Everyone put your pencils down and you can head outside...I will collect the papers myself" The balding man instructed as the class slowly gets empty.

The cafeteria gets a bit more lively as the tests ended. The girls from different classes starts to fill the hall and a mixture of cheers and gloom mix in the air.

"You owe me drinks,Miko...2 of them" The blue haired nudged the girl besides him

"We aren't even sure if your answers are right,Hoshimachi " Miko replied

"Better than none" Hoshimachi walked towards a vending machine pointing to a box at the topmost shelf.

At the far end of the hall is the blonde girl, her eyes fixated on a white flower placed near a glass pane. It is standing still, reflecting a bit of sunlight that seeps from the glass, giving it a bit of glow.

"Amelia, what did you get for number 1?" A high pitched voice came from beside her. A tall ginger head woman along with another tall person with pink hair carrying a tray seated.

"Even if you ask me that, how would i know" Amelia answered without hesitation

"You, Gura?" She redirected the question to a small white haired beside her.

"21" She answered

"..." The ginger head can only stare at her for a moment.

"It was a language test.." Amelia added

"How about the back?"

"THERES A BACK?!" The white haired girl stood up and sat back down. Her hands placed at the back of his head as her face buried in the table.

"Where's Ninomae?" The pink haired woman asked

"Probably returned a book..." Amelia answered

At the table besides them is Nanashi. Her face srayed with a bit of red stains and the tray splattered with some red liquid.

"The risk i took was calculated but damn...Am i bad at math" The deep blue haired girl sarcastically hummed as she eats.

"Cheer up, Ouro... There'll be a next timee" A tanned lady patted her head and smiled. Her hair was of blonde tied in a style of twintails.

"Its not that hard...Its an English test...what could go wrong...Also Nanashi, your berries are getting everywhere" The red haired girl asserted


A person infront of Nanashi grabs a napkin and slowly wiped some of the stains off her face.

"Hey...Nanashi, you got your berries in here as well" Gura reached to the floor and handed over a red piece of blob to Nanashi.

"Thank you" Nanashi grabbed and ate it.

No one made a noise after. Not because Nanashi straight up ate something that fell off the ground.

The two groups looked at each other. They were smiling but there's something off. Something is amiss.

Each of their eyes scanned each other from the tip of their fingers up to the very strand of their hair. Their monentary silence gets broken by a loud uproard infront of them.

"AAAAAA IM GONNA DIE IM GONNA DIEEEEEE!" A white haired woman yelled

"GIVE US 2 MORE MINUTES! WE'LL SPAWN" a laugh came out of an almond head.


"Keep it down Fubuki"

The person sitting besides the white hair,Fubuki, coldly commented.

"KORONE, HURRY UP, IM DYING!!!" Fubuki silently screamed as Korone laughs with a whisper

"Im almost there!hang on "

Amelia couldnt help but look again at the flower placed near her. Its pristine white color illuminated by the sunlight is enough to mesmerize her. As if her thoughts is filled with it. It gives her, a somewhat calm headedness.

"Lets get back...we have one final test" The pink haired woman suggested.

"Calliope, how did you do on the last test?" Amelia asked

"I guess, fine...i didn't find it easy but it definitely wasnt hard" The pink woman replied, strutting towards the exit of the mess hall.

At the classroom, everyone is being briefed about how the test go. The usual 65 item and 1 hour to finish it all. There are those who are terrified, those who are confident and those who are confident enough that they'll fail that they don't feel terrified about the outcome anymore.

"Okay everyone, lets star-"

The door of the room swung open with a loud thud. A figure wearing a tattered cloth stained with brown coloring stepped in. The rancid smell made some of the nearby students puke out as the figure launched itself towards the teacher.


The figure slitted their throat, spewing blood all over. The student panicked as the figure slowly turned its head towards them.

It was faceless

"Cslas E...F...Funod...oyu" A warped,distorted, almost incorrigible voice came from it

"We're gonna di-"

In a click, Amelia wasnt in a classroom anymore.

THEY were in an unknown place. A clearing in a forest covered by tall trees and short plants. In the distance is some tall grass that get thicker the farther you look.

"OH!FUBUKI, YOU GOT FUZZY EARS!" Korone excitedly pointed at the top of Fubuki's head

"YOU TOO MIO" Her hands quickly touched the pair of animals ears on the two.

A buzz of chatter echoed as the others noticed that they too, infact, have something changed in them.

"Yruo'e no yuor nwo won" the familiar warped voice rang on everyone's ears.

"Atleast we get to skip the test for free, right?" Gura scoffed

"Still doesn't change the fact that-"

Amelia's words came to a halt as her body gets launched, with a tree bark stopping her flight. A shock from her back made a bitter metallic taste rise up to her mouth as she falls.

Loud screams echoed from the distance with growls and crunches starts to flow to Amelias ears. Her eyes wattered as pinching pain ensues at her behind, the metallic taste not leaving her mouth at all. She slowly raises herself and walked towards the noise, the tree trunks assisting to balance herself.

If it was a dream, Amelia wouldn't be able to keep living knowing what she saw.

The arm of a human dangles on the mouth of a giant wolf. Blood scattered everywhere as 3 of the animals were grouping on something, Amelia hears a familiar cry and wail in the middle as she sees a pair of shoes kicking at the legs of the wolves.

"Gura?" She froze at the idea that the one being maimed and dismembered is her.

Arms, legs, heads and mutilated corpses were placed all over. All of them belongs to her class. The stench of death made her puke and the sight of her classmates innards being forcefully pulled by the teeth of the canines made her mind go blank.

"AME!RUN!" The voice of Calliope broke through Amelia's silence.

Amelia's vision turned dark. She cant feel her body anymore. Her face being covered in a thick slimy liquid as she feels the temperature turn moist. A crack and then a pull.



Amelia has died







She fell down on her knees and felt a rush of blood on ver veins. Her breath rapidly increased and her heart pumping like never before.

"Amelia you okay?"

She looked around to see where the voice is coming from. It was a familiar voice. The same voice that she heard the cries and wail of.

"Its me, calm down" A white haired girl shook her

She looked at her for a long time. Her iris shrinked as the images of her her being gutted and eaten flashed back to her head.



Korone excitedly jumped and touched the top of Fubuki's head.

Amelia looked at them, her sweat dripping as she finally pukes.

Everyone panicked and took a step back. Calliope patted her back as Gura only looked with worry.

"Are you alright-"

Calliope's question got halted as a voice appeared

"Yruo'e no yuor nwo won" the familiar warped voice rang on everyone's ears.

Amelia forcefully grabbed Calliope's shoulder, digging her nails deep.

"Run...Lets run"

"What do you mean-"