

A youth named Delvin, is looked down by all people except his friends and family for his low cultivation. He then gets betrayed by his teammates on a hunting expedition and gets murdered. But destiny takes a turn and he gets reborn with another soul of a researcher from earth. Read further to know how the researcher steps on martial cultivation world and conquers everyplace that he visits. Reloading- 0% Reloading- 100% Welcome player to the end game Discord link- https://discord.gg/XB9hQbpK

King_of_Succubus · แฟนตาซี
54 Chs


After ten days, inside the tornado, the blood pond had already decreased to half of its size after it was absorbed by the blood cocoon. Inside the blood cocoon a body was lying, which had many fine blood threads inserted on it everywhere, which kept pulsating within certain intervals, actually the blood threads were transferring the blood absorbed by the cocoon onto Delvin's body.

Slowly the blood threads stopped pulsing completely, later they started to wither one by one. After all threads have withered, Delvin showed signs of waking up. Delvin slowly opened his eyes dizzly and saw a red colour, hard cloth like thing has surrounded him and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

"Thank god, the emergency exit was activated on time that I survived or else I would have lost my life because of that bastard asteroid." Said delvin in an another language that was never heard in Boneflare kingdom with an excited tone.

"Wait, where is the exit lever and I had never read about this type of air bag in the manual. Ahh, I'll just have to burst it open with force", Delvin said with his previous different type of language and started to punch and claw at the cocoon, mistaking it as a air bag.

The cocoon started to crack, and soon cracks covered the whole cocoon, bursting it open, but Delvin didn't know that he was on the surface of the blood pond and he began to drown lower and lower, he tried to swim but was shocked to notice that this red colour liquid was of higher density than water and could only move very slowly.

Suddenly a ray shot out of Delvin's chest area to above of the surface which he didn't see because the whole liquid was so dense u couldn't even see it with the naked eye, as soon as the ray reached above the surface of the pond and started to expand its size into a small cylinder, later it sucked the whole pond within it.


Delvin was still doing his actions of swimming while standing on a land and realized that he was saved but soon his mind wanted to tear up when he saw that his whole body looked transparent type and is standing on a barren land with packed space by a barrier on its border and a red colored cylindrical tower was situated on the middle of the barren land. The red coloured tower released a dazzling brilliant and a type of divine light which made his mind instantly feel fear of it as if you go near it you would be crushed to death just by its divine brilliance. It was first time that Delvin has seen something divine like this, the tower was very tall and one couldn't see its top as it was covered by dense clouds.

"What kind of bastard luck do I have to be saved from an asteroid collision and later to die from drowning and where am I, in hell or heaven? This must be hell, or why would the tower be red in colour and its numerous floor would represent torture levels, If this was heaven instead there would be divine palaces instead of this tower." Delvin said while cursing his luck as he remembered many mythologies of hell.

"Creak". While Delvin was still cursing his luck, the tower's ground floor started to open slowly and when its door opened completely a silver light shot out of it and stopped after some distance near to Delvin was standing and the ball started to project something on the barren but plain land.

"Woah, does hell also use modern technology to do work, no wonder there are no guards here." He said and started to look at the projection with curiosity.

The projection started to show a scene of a small child had born in a family in which all people were very ordinary type, likely middle class, although the parents didn't have much of money they tried to buy many things for him and never let him down. He was also a smart kid in his school he always got top scores in every exams and never let his parents down too. But although he was smart he could never find a friend who could match his brain level and was left alone and played alone with considering nature his best friend. Later when he started to grow he finally started to make friends as they had also grown up and started to understand things of the world and started to play with them and impressed everyone with his brain skills, but he was never overconfident and later when he started to go college he always tried to suppress his talent level to ordinary to make normal friends to enjoy his life fully and avoided brilliance for the hate of the people, as there were many students who wanted to compete for first place and scored high marks only in the final exam. Apart from studies he had only one hobby and great talent in finding solutions to mysteries of the world. After graduation he started to write his own research documents about some religious myths and proved that many of the things were true with facts, which made the people greatly astonished and many people started to admire him. After that, he started to research on plants and animals by traveling around the planet and published many documents like 'Mutant plants and animals' which told about variations of plants and animals that can be used to produce many useful species, for which he was awarded many medals and a title of 'Great Researcher' by many countries of the world. After that when he got bored on his planet, he got a chance to travel in outer space for research work on a nearby planet. But when he was traveling on a spaceship, an asteroid thing traveling at very high speed busted the whole spaceship killing everyone within it including the researcher.

"Yeah, that is my life scenes on earth. Wait!, what ?, I was already dead in the collision then what about dying from drowning? Hmmm, there is an another scene playing." Delvin said after watching the first scene.

The second part of the scene displayed the scene of a boy that lived in a rich family and the family took care of this boy like a prince and presented everything to him without even asking, the boy was named as Delvin by them. One thing to notice was that there were no studies in his life like in the researcher's life but all people practiced a magical martial arts that they called cultivation which granted them extraordinary strength compared to normal humans on earth and the size of all animals was at least two times larger than normal ones. Also, the people lived in a kind of prehistoric period where there were all kingdoms and rulers with no electronics or machines, there were only bull carts for transport. The scene of the projection continued with the family encountering an accident where the father of the kid lost a leg in a beast war and the family had no one else to rely on except themselves. The kid also knew about his family situations and kept on cultivating but never succeeded to improve his cultivation. Later he was ridiculed to the point of vomiting blood for his low cultivation which served as a kind a mental breakdown for the kid, but he still resisted it till the point where he is backstabbed and killed by his partners. But things took a turn suddenly by the entrance of blood light and a tower which changed his destiny by surviving from the death bed. But the last scene completely shocking to see the same drowning scene that happened to him in the scene.

"Woah, the tower is the same as the tower which is in front of me and it used air pressure as CPR and the lightning as electric shock to make the heart beat again while the red coloured pond helped to recover his wounds on the body and heart, but I don't know just what was the white light that helped him to come to life. This tower is really awesome, it can bring a half dead person back to life. The world here also feels like same as in prehistoric India's Hindu religion where some people also had absorbed natural energies and had supreme power compared to normal ones but later some died in battles or just disappeared." Delvin said as his first research was just about the part as to why the supreme humans had greater power than the normal ones and later found out that they had absorbed natural energies. As to why he said half dead is because he also knows that even if heart of a person has stopped beating the body is still alive for ten minutes.

After projecting the complete scene the silver ball stopped its projection and started to change its shape into a silvery squared screen. After completely changing its shape it floated near the researcher's completely petrified face due to the shock he had received, but after seeing his own reflection on the silver squared screen his shocked face became more petrified to notice that his face had completely changed and looked similar to that of the kid that he had just seen on the projection. The researcher or to say Delvin didn't know what to say, his mouth opened many times but he couldn't utter a single word.

"fucking hell, Have I been reborn or transferred into an another body", he said finally when his shock started recovering to normal.

'Buzz' while Delvin was still thinking over his situation, the screen started to buzz and gradually some words began to appear on the screen that read

[ Congratulation user, You have been reborn] .

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