
Rescued by the Moon

A shipwrecked survivor, cast adrift upon the treacherous tides by the turbulent storm, his spirit nearly extinguished by the harshness of his fate. But fate, it seems, had different plans for him. Amidst the darkness and uncertainty, where the boundary between reality and myth blurs, Eric Wayland finds himself in the beguiling company of werewolves. These extraordinary creatures, endowed with both human grace and untamed ferocity, they reveal a supernatural world well hidden from mortal eyes, which had stayed in disguise for years. As the moon wanes and waxes, the man discovers the intertwined secrets of their existence - a unique kinship forged between loyalty to the supreme moon goddess and the primal essence of their wolves. Driven by an indomitable sense of purpose, our survivor embarks on a perilous journey to protect these magnificent beings from looming threats, uncovers forgotten legendary creature's, ancient prophecies whispered by the wind, and the untamed beauty of the wild lands of the children of the moon. "Rescued by the Moon: A tale of human and wolves" weaves a tapestry of wonder, where the line between friend and foe blurs, and courage is tested at every turn. Can one man, touched by the mystical power of the moon, rise to become not just a survivor, but a savior for the wolves? Prepare to be captivated by a story that transcends boundaries - a saga of loyalty, sacrifice, and the transformative power of the wilderness. In the dance between human and wolves, a legend is born, and the moon's radiant light reveals both the darkness within and the innate capacity for compassion. Join us on this enthralling odyssey, where the moon's gentle glow illuminates paths unknown, and the bond forged between worlds is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

Mira_Writes · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

The land of the Abominations

For days news had grown of the lands beyond the goblin mountains, who know how it looked like but speaks of the abominations, creature's from unholy union of two creatures who aren't supposed to be so. Now stirring from beyond the mountains grew thicker, the wind speaks of it and the birds and creatures of the woods spread it far and wild.

The armies of Urukhai the king of the abominable lands amassed at the Willow marsh, a vast barren lands only known to the wolves in legend as the land where the last great fight took place. The fight when all creature's were seeking domination and control over all the realm.

After the fight, the lands were divided up and Every creature took to their own part of the land.

It was to this plain the armies of Urukhai assembled, it was a gruesome sight to behold. There were abominable hybrids from different creature's and the abominations themselves, creatures born from the rotting mires of Ocuria the queen of the mire.

There camp spread out far and wide covering the marsh like locusts as more keeps trooping in from different parts of the marsh. To the center of the marsh a very high tent was set up and in this huge tent Urukhai sat on his skeleton throne with his ugly looking commanders standing before him.

"How many more men have arrived by nightfall?" He grunts out in Uruk tongue.

"They are uncountable my Lord, more men arrives even as we speak." The taller of the two commanders answered first.

"What about the Orc mercenaries from the other realm?" He asked again.

"They arrive by first light immediately the portal opens up for them." The second said with a low growl. He had always hated the Orcs.

"How long before the goblins begin bringing in the weapons of war just we agreed?" Urukhai bellowed out, his voice echoing loudly.

"Morthos is not yet back from the mines, so no answer from them for now." The second commander replied with a bowed head.

"What about the human shifter's, where did they camp?"

"They are at the edge of the forest, you know they eat a different food from ours. So they fend for themselves from the forest creature's." Was the reply that followed suit.

The shifter's were exiled werewolves, Lycans and kanima's who lived together in secluded places fending for themselves to stay alive. Or shifter's who committed a taboo in their pack and escaped never to return again, but no matter the situation they live a nomadic life; never to stay at a place for long unless they were willing to defend themselves from incessant attacks from other creature's who tag them betrayers.

When the news of the gathering of armies of Urukhai at the Willow marsh they traveled both day and night to join the fight. Who knows they might win and maybe finally find a place to be together once again even if it's not amongst their family or loved one's.

No one knows the reason for Urukhai's hatred towards the shapeshifters, but the legends speak of an unholy union between a daughter of the Moon goddess and a Kanima. Their union brought forth an abomination which was cursed by the Moon goddess herself and banished to the marshes beyond the mountains, to her daughter she casted down to the realm never to ascend anymore.

She took over the mire, ruling over it and calling herself queen over the lands.

The werewolves and lycans helped chase the abominable child of the unholy union into the marshes and forever in it's heart it bears grudges towards them.

It had been decades but the incident was still fresh in its memory, when it deemed him as the right time he began amassing his army while spreading his authority over the marshes.

The mire which Ocuria ruled over was at a vantage point, it was the border between the realms of good and evil. There she had hidden the staff of the Moon goddess, she had stolen it when she was banished out of the celestial realm. She dare not wield the power or it shall consume her, so hiding it was the best option for her.

She had dwelt in the mire for eight thousand years, mourning her lover and nursing her son Urukhai named after the last guardian of the North gate of heaven through where she passed through on her way to the realm to meet her lover.

The guardian was executed as a traitor and in honor of him, she named her son after him.

"Master Morthos has returned." A guard spoke out poking his head into the throne tent as Urukhai nodded, the guard opened the tent door covering letting Morthos in.

"All hail my King." Morthos bellowed out as he bowed in homage to Urukhai.

"What news from the mines?"

"The supplies are ready my king, they arrive at first light. The goblins made them in abundance just as you requested." Morthos answered in detail, relaying everything that he had encountered with the goblins and their king.

"How far before we reach wolvesland." Urukhai asked this time tracing the intricate designs on his double edged sword. A gift to him from his mother, belongs to the guardian he bears his name.

"My king, wolvesland is a full moon walk from here. No matter how fast we go, we shall still add an extra moon to it due to the vast army amassed by my Lord." Morthos answered as Urukhai stabbed his sword into the ground in anger.

"Prepare everything needed before nightfall tomorrow, we break camp at first light in two days, Clear!"

"Clear my Lord." Morthos answered as be turned in his heel and walked out of the tent. Once outside he sighed heavily, it was a miracle he still had his head on his neck.

Orgkus had his head sliced clean off when he delivered a message to Urukhai when he had his sword resting on his side. Urukhai had a tendency of beheading any of his messengers who delivered a message to him when he was in a bad mood and his sword laid beside him.

Shaking his head, he walked towards foundry where armours are being made as the bustle for war goes on all around him.