
Rescued by the Moon

A shipwrecked survivor, cast adrift upon the treacherous tides by the turbulent storm, his spirit nearly extinguished by the harshness of his fate. But fate, it seems, had different plans for him. Amidst the darkness and uncertainty, where the boundary between reality and myth blurs, Eric Wayland finds himself in the beguiling company of werewolves. These extraordinary creatures, endowed with both human grace and untamed ferocity, they reveal a supernatural world well hidden from mortal eyes, which had stayed in disguise for years. As the moon wanes and waxes, the man discovers the intertwined secrets of their existence - a unique kinship forged between loyalty to the supreme moon goddess and the primal essence of their wolves. Driven by an indomitable sense of purpose, our survivor embarks on a perilous journey to protect these magnificent beings from looming threats, uncovers forgotten legendary creature's, ancient prophecies whispered by the wind, and the untamed beauty of the wild lands of the children of the moon. "Rescued by the Moon: A tale of human and wolves" weaves a tapestry of wonder, where the line between friend and foe blurs, and courage is tested at every turn. Can one man, touched by the mystical power of the moon, rise to become not just a survivor, but a savior for the wolves? Prepare to be captivated by a story that transcends boundaries - a saga of loyalty, sacrifice, and the transformative power of the wilderness. In the dance between human and wolves, a legend is born, and the moon's radiant light reveals both the darkness within and the innate capacity for compassion. Join us on this enthralling odyssey, where the moon's gentle glow illuminates paths unknown, and the bond forged between worlds is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

Mira_Writes · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Mysterious discovery at Night

Amongst every other thing, Eric has this habit of sneaking off at night to wander through the dark forest, the chills sends shivers down his spine, slowly creeping into his bones. The crisp autumn leaves crunches under his feet, creating an eerie soundtrack that echoes through the dense woodland.

He prefers the night walks as it gives him time to reflect on his life so far and tackle one of his most bothersome questions.

"Who is the Archer on the battlefield that day?"

A question which had kept him thinking for days even finding a way to include itself in his night walks.

Upon how hard he tried to make mother nature who was all seeing to reveal it to him, he keeps getting one particular answer.

*Time shall bring him forth to you*

An answer he hates hearing anytime he tries seeking an answer to the mystery of the Archer.

However on this particular night he noticed something was different, the insects seem to fall asleep, even the leaves seem to have fallen asleep too. The dark forest was as calm as still waters, something he hadn't witnessed in the two years he had lived amongst the werewolves, soon he seemed to notice something odd ahead of him. Amidst the darkness a faint and glowing which seemed mesmerizing was emanating from a secluded part which seemed to be deep within the woods.

Intrigued by the unusual radiance, Eric curiosity took over as usual and began beating and pounding in anticipation, he drew forth his crystal sword which he had nicknamed "Venom" holding it tightly in his right. He contemplated seeking the sources of the light or retreating and bringing Gabriel with him, but his curiosity got the better of him as he slowly stomped forward following the alluring glow which seemed to draw him farther into the woods.

His brain kept screaming at him to turn back, but his curiosity to know what was the source of the glow was.

As he drew nearer, he could discern the silhouette of two figures, he quickly paused in the shadows watching as the money slowly came overhead casting its rays through an opening in the tree canopies. His heart ached as he discerned them to be Luna and Aidan moving around in what looks like a dance ritual of some sort.

Stunned by the scene before him, Eric watched in surprise as Luna and Aidan moved with a grace that seemed bordered by the supernatural alone. Their body swayed effortlessly to a rhythm only unknown to them alone, a dance which he knew defies every earthly boundary. Every movement was filled with elegance and every step was fluid. It was as if they were being taught by an unseen force or like they were beings from another realm.

Eric ventured closer carefully watching his steps so as not to disturb the enchanting dance, a strange energy was reverberating in the air, it wasn't an energy he had felt before. Not like the others he could harness and use for good, this was quite different and powerful.

The atmosphere was charged with an unexplainable aura which seemed to comprise of both magic and mystery, he could help but wonder what level of creature's these his friends are; cos they never seem to amaze him.

Luna with her blonde wavy hair, which shone like it was dipped in almond oil with her captivating blue eyes, radiates a mesmerizing beauty that surpasses any mortal being. Her movements to the rhythm were imbedded with an outwardly grace and fluidity as if she was one with the moon itself.

Aidan on the other hand possessed an aura of strength which lay quiet in him, his dark brown eyes were filled with a profound wisdom that transcended his mere youthful appearance.

Together in rhythm with each other, they create a perfect harmony and lullaby to the creations of nature.

Eric knew that his discovery of this particular incident was no accident, there is this undeniable connection he had with these two figures before him. He felt it deep within himself and even in his soul, it was as if fate was drawing him to the spot so he could witness this sight and perhaps have a chance to take a glimpse into the world beyond the ancient realm itself.

As the dance continued, Eric found himself being drawn into the spell binding performance, it was as if they danced and made the time stand still watching them dance. The rhythm and the swirling patterns of energy that enveloped Luna and Aidan was just too mesmerizing to make a man still retain his sense as he was lost in the dance.

But just as the dance reached its peak, Luna's eyes met with Eric's as a flicker of recognition passed between the both of them. Eric gasped in shock as his breath got caught in his throat, it was as if Luna's glance had pierced through and into his very soul, acknowledging his presence and his connection to something more greater than him.

With a final movement, Luna and Aidan concluded their dance as their bodies came to a halt. The glow that once surrounded them slowly dissipated leaving only the rays from the moonlight which cast its shadowy rays on the clearing.

Eric stood there speechless and dumbfounded, Luna and Aidan approached him with a knowing smile on their faces.

"We've been waiting for you." Luna whispered her carrying an otherworldly sweetness just like honey.

In that moment Eric felt a surge of excitement which mingled with a sense of purpose. He had seemingly stumbled on something any other person would tag extraordinary, and it is about to create another course in his life with the wolves. Little did he know that this encounter was just the beginning to the unveiling of dark secrets, ancient prophecies and his own true destiny.

And so he took Luna's outstretched hand, with new determination to unravel the mysteries of the world that lay beyond the shimmering veils of reality.