
Requital hope

Yibo is a boy who loves affection. He's usually quite peppy and excitable, but everything in life has turned against him. In order to avoid further suffering, he locks away his emotions and distances himself from the world. He's left a shell of his former self, struggling to get through life. He takes time away from his abusive life by traveling on a week-long school trip to collect his thoughts. His life is thrown into situations he could never have imagined. Zhan is a laid-back jock. He can appear aggressive and bossy, usually around his friends, though he has a heart and can be quite kind. His life is hectic and full of annoying people. His parents are inconsiderate, his friends are clingy and loud, and the rest of the school sucks up to him, which he doesn't receive well. He just wants to be left alone. After deceiving his clingy friends, he snuck away on the school trip, hoping he could finally get some peace. This trip would hold some surprises for him, and maybe even change his life. What future awaits these two? Are they destined for greatness or despair?

Daddysjewel · คนดัง
59 Chs


Yibo's Pov.

"This is it. " I said, gesturing to the small building across the street.

"Looks pretty old." Terra shrugged. I find it pretty cozy and comfortable looking. Chloe was the first to cross the street. I guess she was quite hungry.

The bell shook as we entered the diner, drawing Sandra's attention.

"I didn't know you were coming today." She said in surprise.

"I'm bringing in customers." I chuckled.

"You work here?" Erik asked.

"Yeah, only during weekdays though." I answered

"No wonder you brought us here, it's all part of your business scheme." Terra eyed me with a judging look.

"No, I honestly recommend the food here, plus it's the closest diner around, so it's a win-win." I clarified. I couldn't drop my smile the whole time cause Terra was holding her hips with the same look on her face.

"Mhm." She said before turning around. Erik was admiring the interior of the diner, while Chloe had already taken a seat, ordering her meal. Terra And I joined her. We got tarts, pie, and burgers. Terra skipped the burger since she said she's trying to watch her calories. I guess Chloe was one of those people who could eat without worrying about their weight. Erik joined us a couple of minutes later getting the same stuff as us.

"It's a shame you don't sell hot pockets or chipotle." Erik said, disappointed.

"You kids don't need that stuff anyway. Sandra responded. "Micheal's been wanting burritos on the menu though, so I will consider it.

"We better come back then." Chloe said hastily, with her mouth half full.

"Now that's good business." I said to Terra. She smiled and rolled her eyes.

We talked a while after eating, but the sun began to set, so they had to get going since they lived two towns over. We said our goodbyes and I waved them off when we got out to the parking lot.

I stood there, realizing I had no idea what I wanted to do. I had no plans for the rest of the day. Boy, what I wouldn't give to be with Zhan right now. He's probably busy doing something right now.

I contemplated calling him, pacing back and forth down the street, but eventually decided against it. I'm not usually the one to initiate those kinds of things so I don't want to come off as desperate, or annoying.

I walked down the street towards my home. I noticed how pretty the sunset makes the neighborhood look. This place is quite beautiful when it isn't foggy or dark, that is when you ignore all the trash and cans littered about. I safely made it back to my room, unpacking the dinner Sandra made me. I was honestly surprised when she handed it to me before leaving the diner. She said it was in the house. She admittedly made too much, hence the reason she was giving it to me in the first place, but I'm still surprised and thankful for it. Now I won't go hungry tonight.

The sun quickly set and the moon came around, lighting up the dim neighborhood. And I'm pretty sure my father is out with some of his drinking partners, so I can just relax for the time being.

"Tomorrow is the big game." I whispered to myself as I took out the styrofoam plate of full rice, sauce, corn, and flatbread. I sat next to the window of my bedroom, watching the sky as I ate the delicious meal Sandra gave me.

As I returned to my room after a quick shower I heard my phone going off. I was dumbfounded as this was the first time anyone has texted me. I quickly ran over to pick it up. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that it was from Zhan.

Zhan: "Hey Yibo, you awake?" he asked.

You: "I am, what's up?" I replied, trying to be casual about it, even though I was glued to my phone like a crazy person. I crawled into bed and held the phone next to me, ready to reply to any of his texts.

Zhan: "Cool. Our friends are going to be outside the school about an hour before the game. Are you going to be there?" It made me feel happy and fuzzy that he asked, and he said "our" friends, I felt included. The biggest smile crossed my face.

You: "Yeah, I'll be there :)" I replied, adding a smiley.

Zhan: "Alright cool. Well, see you later." I frowned at his response. I was hoping he'd stay a little while longer.

You: "Bye. " I scratched my head. frustrated that I couldn't come up with a better reply.

Some time passed and I laid there, staring

at the bright screen of my phone. It made me feel a little cozy, and sad at the same time. Suddenly my phone went off again, notifying me that I received another message.

Zhan: "Actually are you going to bed right now? or are you busy?"

You: "No, not at all. " I texted as fast as humanly possible.

Zhan: "Oh ok then. Mind if we talk for a while?" He asked. A large smile recaptured my face.

You: "Sure :)" My messaged wasn't even close to expressing my excitement. I was practically squirming in my bed.

Zhan and I texted back and forth for at least an hour. He told me what he had for dinner, what shows he watched, and even the position he was laying in. I wanted to know every bit of it. And of course, I did the same. He had to go to bed early to rest up for the game so our conversation had to eventually come to an end. I could tell he was extremely excited about the game. He mentioned all the possibilities it could open up for him. I'm going to be rooting for him with every cell of my body.

I laid down my phone and covered it up with my baby blue penguin cover. My eyelids grew heavy and I quickly found myself falling asleep.

The next day I made sure to wake up early like I often try to do to avoid my father. I heard him tumbling through the house until he finally reached his bedroom. I guess he had a late night with his buddies last night, or he had trouble finding his way home.

After I heard things die down I snuck out the front door as silently as possible.

Soon enough five-pm rolled around. I spent the day not doing much, just some reading here and there. I had to walk to school since I didn't have a ride. No one knew and I didn't feel like bothering them. Since today wasn't a school day I had to walk, it took quite a while but I just had to be there for Zhan's game.

By the time I reached the front of the school my legs felt like two ton bricks. I was exhausted. My phone went off when I reached the front door.

Zhan: "we're at the outside cafeteria." Zhan notified.

Zhan: "I forgot to ask if you need a lift?" He followed up before I could finish my message.

You: "I'm here, I walked. You're too late!" I erased my previous message and sent him this. I wasn't serious about it though.

Zhan: "That's insane! I'm sorry. " He replied. I could feel his guilt radiating through the phone.

You: "I'm kidding! Would you give me a ride home though?" I asked, heading to the outdoor cafeteria. There were so many people in the school it took me by surprise. I guess this is a really important game.

Zhan: "Yeah sure!" He answered. I smiled and shut my phone as I reached the cafeteria.

It was surprisingly empty aside from Zhan, Cindy, Ji Li, Meng, Zhao, Yubin and Song, and a couple of others scattered about. Speaking of Cheng, I wonder what he's up to. He always looks so preoccupied. I'd speak to him more often but I don't want to bother or distract him.

"There he is." Zhan said with a smile as he

saw me walking out.

"We've been waiting for like, forever." Cindy said jokingly while rolling her eyes.

"Ya, like... where have you been." Zhao

said with a valley girl accent, while playing with her hair and chewing gum.

"Sorry, I had to walk here since I didn't have a ride." I explained.

"Yeah Zhan was telling us." Cindy chuckled.

"I see." I giggled, taking a seat next to them.

"Ji Li, who are you betting on?" Yubin asked.

"To be completely honest I don't know. Our man Zhan seems promising, but there's also that guy Trent who is pretty good "

"My money is on the hottest hunk on the field." Zhao sprung up, expressing her excitement.

"Sounds just like you." Cindy said, her voice full of satire.

"Oh, that's right my father had extra pastries from the bakery, he told me to share them with you all." Song said, setting a cream-colored bag on a nearby picnic table.

"Ooh, I love pastries." Meng said with a single clap.

"I don't think I should eat before the game." Zhan said, a little disappointed.

"I have to watch my carb intake." Cindy informed, flicking her hand.

"Same." Zhao followed. Wow, I guess dieters are a thing huh.

"I guess it's just me, Ji Li, Yubin, and Yibo huh?" Meng said, grabbing a donut.

"No thanks." Yubin said, not removing his eyes from his phone.

"Alrighty then, more for us!" Meng cheered, retaking her seat. I reached into the bag and pulled out a glazed donut. I probably shouldn't eat too many of these but I'm more than likely considered underweight at the moment so a couple couldn't hurt. They were soft, sweet, and chewy. I have to be careful not to get addicted to these things.

Ji Li, Meng, and I ate half of the bag. Meng had the most between us, she wasn't lying when she said she loved pastries.

I noticed Zhan smiling my way, but I wondered why. I turned to him wearing a curious look.

"You eat like a slob." He teased me. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, suddenly realizing I had something on my face. My body stiffened when Zhan leaned in with his hand approaching my face. He ran his thumb over my lips, wiping the donut filling from my face. My skin grew a brighter shade of red, this time it wasn't from embarrassment. I felt like I had butterflies flapping about in the pits of my stomach. No one seemed to notice what was going on, or they just didn't care.

"I-I kinda lost myself in the taste. These are good." I said lowering my head shyly avoiding his attractive gaze.

"I'll tell my dad you guys enjoyed them." Song smiled, packing up all of his containers in the bag since everyone had already finished eating.

"There you are." Said one of the guys in a group coming out to the cafeteria. "Coach is looking for you, I think we're supposed to be getting ready for the game." So they're his teammates then? Some of their faces do look familiar.

"Oh, alright then. I guess it's time." Zhan said as he stood from the stairs.

"The game doesn't start for like, another thirty minutes." Zhao pointed out. She's right, that's plenty of time to get ready.

"The coach likes extra time to prepare. Better secure than sorry." One of the guys said with a shrug.

"Yeah, he's always been like that." Zhan said with a half smile.

"Well, we'd better get going." He said, turning around to head back into the school. I wanted to follow him to the locker room and cheer him on from there, but I knew I would be out of place there. Instead, we all headed for the bleachers. I was beyond surprised to see so many people when we got there. The bleachers were filled with students, parents, and teachers, even Zhan's parents made it. I wasn't expecting to see them. They waved us over when their sight landed on us.

"Hey Yibo!" Jia greeted in a motherly manner.

"I'm glad you made it!" Jang said

before turning his sights back to the field. "Where's Xichen?" I asked looking around noticing he isn't here.

"He didn't want to come, so we let him stay home." Jia said, with disappointment. I guess Xichen isn't comfortable enough with this yet. He probably needs some more time to get used to it.

Zhan's Pov.

My friends and I just arrived at the outside

cafeteria. We talked a bit, discussing the game. Today is a really big day for me. There are scouts all around this place. If we win we may secure a position on a high-level college team and maybe even an official team. It's weird, this is technically the first match of the season but it's also the last in a way. The game after this doesn't happen until sometime in September. Summer break is getting close so the rest of the matches get put on hold.

"After the game, I'm going to treat you to dinner." Yubin said, grabbing me in a headlock.

"I'm sure the guys will want to party too," I said as I struggled out of his arms.

"Yeah, we can all go out for dinner then," Yubin said, pulling back to his seat on the stairs.

"I'm coming too." Meng decided.

"I gotta get home early so I'll probably pass this time, sorry guys." Cindy said, saddened.

"We don't need your hoe bottom there anyway." Meng jokes, sending everyone into chuckles and laughter.

"I'm going to text Yibo. I wonder if he's coming." I said while pulling out my phone.

"I'm sure he's already on his way." Meng assured me. I couldn't help but text anyway.

You: "we're at the outside cafeteria. notified, making sure he knows where we are.

You: "I forgot to ask if you need a lift?" I quickly added, realizing that he might not even be on his way.

Yibo: "I'm here, I walked. You're too late!" He responded. I was feeling like the worst friend right about now. A frown crossed my face. He's upset with me. Dang it, I should have been more thoughtful.

You: "I'm really sorry. "I apologized. The simple text couldn't express how sorry I was.

Yibo: "I'm kidding! Would you give me a ride home though?" He asked. I relaxed with sudden relief washing over me. I don't know, I just love seeing him happy. With all of the depression he went through he needs all the happiness he can get. I quickly began typing my reply. I wouldn't want to miss this opportunity to spend time with him.

You: "Yeah sure!" I texted. I waited for a response but didn't receive one.

"Yibo says he's here." I told my friends.

"Cool, perfect timing." Meng said.

"I was so wrapped up in the game I totally forgot to offer him a ride, so he had to walk all the way here." I explained.

"Crap, I also forgot to offer him a ride," Cindy muttered. At that moment the door to the outdoor cafeteria opened. A smile crossed my face as Yibo stepped out.

"There he is." I said. Everyone turned to look at him.

"We've been waiting for like, forever." Cindy joked.

"Ya, like... where have you been." Zhao decided to play along with a valley girl accent.

"Sorry, I had to walk here since I didn't have a ride." Yibo explained. He looked pretty exhausted.

"Yeah Zhan was telling us." Cindy chuckled.

Song brought some pastries to school and they looked really good, but the coach had a strict no-eating rule before the game, so I had to pass. I couldn't remove my eyes from Yibo as I watched him bite into the glazed donut he pulled from the bag. I found it oddly adorable. He managed to make a mess of his face. I couldn't help but clean it. I didn't care what anyone might have thought of me, I just went for it. He stiffened and turned a bright shade of red as I ran my thumb over his soft pale lips. I just wanted to kiss him, it took every ounce of self-control not to just devour him right there, that would have been irresponsible.

Some of my teammates came out to the cafeteria looking for me. They told me the coach wanted me to get ready for the game. I was enjoying the company, but I want to win this game. It could open up a range of possibilities for my future. There are scouts here looking for members to recruit so I have to take this seriously. With that in mind, I got up and followed the others back to the locker room after saying buy to others.

"Can't believe this is the last game until

september." My teammate said, leaning against his locker.

"Yeah, things are going to get crazy when

September comes around though." another one chipped in.

"I hear there will be more scouts later this season." Another chimed in from the corner of the room as he was changing.

"We have to win this game. The best scouts are coming earlier so that they can have teammates ready for their season." I explained heading over to my locker.

"Yeah, we have to aim big!" They cheered loudly.

The locker room suddenly started getting more lively as the rest of the players filled the room. I turned my sights away from everyone and to my locker. I entered my combination and opened it, only to reveal... my uniform in shreds, amongst many other items I had stored there.