
Requital hope

Yibo is a boy who loves affection. He's usually quite peppy and excitable, but everything in life has turned against him. In order to avoid further suffering, he locks away his emotions and distances himself from the world. He's left a shell of his former self, struggling to get through life. He takes time away from his abusive life by traveling on a week-long school trip to collect his thoughts. His life is thrown into situations he could never have imagined. Zhan is a laid-back jock. He can appear aggressive and bossy, usually around his friends, though he has a heart and can be quite kind. His life is hectic and full of annoying people. His parents are inconsiderate, his friends are clingy and loud, and the rest of the school sucks up to him, which he doesn't receive well. He just wants to be left alone. After deceiving his clingy friends, he snuck away on the school trip, hoping he could finally get some peace. This trip would hold some surprises for him, and maybe even change his life. What future awaits these two? Are they destined for greatness or despair?

Daddysjewel · คนดัง
59 Chs


Yibo's Pov

I got off of the school bus, excited for school. I know that's an odd thing for most people but school is like the only place I'm surrounded by people who like me. It's like a temporary escape from my endless nightmare.

I stopped by the stairs to the school. waiting for Zhan. I didn't see his car in the parking lot so I'm assuming he still has yet to arrive. After a couple of minutes, he pulled into the parking lot and came from around the corner of the school.

"Hey Zhan." I greeted excitedly.

"What were you doing here on friday after

class?" He asked suddenly, ignoring my greeting.

"What a way to greet someone." I said with satire.

"Answer the question!" He yelled, worrying me. Had something gone wrong, did I do something?

"A-alright." I stuttered, fear clear in my tone. I thought back to Friday realizing that was the day phase two of Operation Zhan took place. I couldn't tell him about that, could I? I mean I'm trying to win him over in secret, it wouldn't make any sense if I just said it out right. I quickly ran over every possible cover-up.

"I was getting some books and left over

schoolwork from my locker." Is that really what I settled for? Now that it was said out loud it doesn't seem as convincing. Zhan's gaze sharpened with his eyes becoming void of light. His dark expression made my heartbeat drop as if time itself had frozen. He just turned away, not speaking another word.

"Uh, Zhan... is something wrong?" I asked.

nervously following behind him.

"Don't talk to me." He commanded in a deep, heavy voice. His words almost stopped me in place, but I kept pressing. I wanted to know what was wrong. Zhan's never acted this way towards me before.

"Zhan..... wait! What's wrong?" I asked, trying to keep up with him. My legs were shaking non-stop, making it a difficult task.

"I need space." He growled, stopping me in my tracks. I couldn't comprehend what was going on. D-did I do something wrong? I was dying for an answer but he wouldn't talk to me, so I left it alone. He walked away, leaving me at the door.

I figured I'd ask Cindy what was going on with Zhan. When I got to my locker she was nowhere to be found. It was a little strange since she either meets me at the entrance of the school, in the halls or in front of my locker but I hadn't seen her once. She wasn't even near her locker.

I went to class feeling uneasy. I couldn't focus on anything anyone was saying. It wasn't until the next class that I snapped out of it, that was when I saw Cindy walk in. I sat there waiting for her to greet me but nothing... she didn't even look my way. I was beginning to feel petrified, something must be going on.

I called out to Cindy after class ended but she kept walking like she couldn't hear me. My words not reaching her made everything feel more like a nightmare.

During lunch period I headed over to the

cafeteria hoping to find everyone there. I'll just stroll in like everything is normal and hopefully, it's just Zhan that is upset with whatever I did. I went up to the line and got an apple, a carton of chocolate milk, two slices of bread, and some vegetables. I waited a moment, readying myself for whatever was about to happen. With every step it felt like the weight of my feet doubled, it got to the point where I almost fled, but I realized I couldn't leave things the way they are. I can't go back to living life like this... alone, I had to at least try.

When I finally reached their table all of their eyes locked sight on me, making me super uneasy. They sat there, watching me silently. It was the same for me, I didn't move, I couldn't at this point. I was too scared to do anything. They weren't wearing the faces of friends, their expressions showed nothing other than disgust and disapproval. It was like I was some stranger who decided to randomly eat lunch with them. A few more seconds of awkward silence passed before Ji Li broke it.

"Look man... we don't want you here." He said not meeting my eyes. For a split second, it all seemed like a joke but as time passed everything became all too real. Everyone's faces seemed to be a clear sign they agreed with Ji Li. I dropped my tray on the table and walked out of the cafeteria... then the school. On my way out I overheard Zhao whisper "He really has the nerve to show up in front of us after what he did?". What did she mean by that? What have I done to deserve this?

I sat outside the school grounds waiting for it to end so I could catch a bus back home. I just can't stop going over what happened in my head. Was this their way of ditching me? Was this planned all along? I'm not the greatest person in the world but I figured I could at least have a friend, someone who sticks by me through thick and thin. The final bell eventually rang with kids pouring out of the building moments later. In the midst of those students I spotted Zhan. I stood from my seat and hastily made my way in front of him.

"What's going on... why are you all avoiding me?" I ask with my voice unintentionally going shaky.

"Look, get out of my way, I don't have time for this." He said, moving me to the side, himself. I didn't push the conversation any further. I let him walk away and hung my head low in defeat.

I got on the bus back to my neighborhood and headed in for work. I didn't let what happened today affect my work, if anything I was more determined. Everything may be bad at the moment but if I keep trying I'm sure... I'm sure I'll be able to fix it. That thought is what got me through the day.

I finished work without any problems. Even though I was distracted I managed to pull through. I returned to the house to find it empty. At least everything isn't all bad today, right? I don't have to endure another beating from my father.

I sat awake in my bed, thinking of a plan, or a way to find out why everyone is avoiding me. None of them will talk if they're together, and that's the problem. they're always together, they always cling to Zhan. I have to figure out a way to speak with them individually. The only periods where that is likely to happen would be early on in the day, maybe as soon as they arrive at school, or when they're heading home... So that means I'll only be able to talk with two of them a day, and that's if I'm lucky.

The first thing I did was head to the bus stop. I skipped breakfast cause I felt like things would go faster this way, but now that I'm sitting here waiting for the bus it seems like a wasted effort. When the bus did finally arrive I hopped on and sat near the front this time, hoping to exit before anyone else. I didn't want to be barricaded behind a wall of students when I needed to be inside early. Thankfully when the bus stopped I was able to squeeze my way out before everyone else. I charged for the school looking for any familiar faces. It wasn't until I got inside that I found one, Zhao's to be precise. I strode over to her while searching the area for anyone that may interrupt our conversation. I waited for her to turn the next corner before speaking to her.

"Hey... Zhao."

"Ew, stay away from me." She said, scrunching her face. It made me feel more like a stranger than I already had.

"Please, I just want to ask you something. Why are you all avoiding me? No one will talk to me or even look at me!" I pleaded.

"I think it's time you dropped the innocent act." She scoffed before walking off. I seriously have no idea what's going on. A long sigh escaped my mouth. I guess she wasn't going to be of any help.

I did my best to focus in class while planning my next move. I still wanted my grades to be high enough so that I could graduate. During class Cindy was ignoring me again. She and I were the closest out of everyone, besides Zhan of course. I can't believe she'd just stop being my friend overnight. Something must have happened, and I'm going to find out what.

Just as class ended I ran over to Cindy and dragged her away from the other students. She looked worried like I was going to hurt her. What they think I did must be something pretty bad, it would be hard to deny with the way they're acting.

"Cindy! Why are you guys pushing me away?" I asked, sounding more desperate this time. It could have been me but it seemed like fear, sadness, and pain crossed her face.

"I'm sorry Yibo... I can't. I have to go." She said before walking away.

"Cindy! Why can't you tell me?!' I yelled, but she kept on walking. I continued watching her until she disappeared behind a corner.

I wanted to skip lunch so bad but I'd already passed up breakfast so I couldn't skip another meal. I mean, I'm used to it but that's the thing, I'm already underweight, I shouldn't be skipping meals. I pulled out a tray and got the usual. I chose to sit at the table furthest away from them, that wasn't occupied anyway. Sometime through lunch I felt their eyes burning holes through me. I couldn't help but sneak a glance, and sure enough, they were all staring at me. I lowered my head feeling guilty, like I'd actually done something wrong. I made sure to be the first one out of there. I took large bites of my food and chewed as little as I could. I don't think I could have lasted another second with their eyes on me like that, I might have broken down.

After all my classes ended I searched around the school one final time for the day, looking for either Ji Li, Meng or Yubin. To my misfortune, I didn't find any of them. I got on the bus and headed to work.

As I entered the doorbell went off signaling an excited Sandra to the door.

"Hey Yibo! Are you ready for work?" She asked, pulling out my apron.

"Yeah." I replied with little enthusiasm. She turned to me and eyed me for a moment. I stood still curious about her intentions.

"Is something wrong?" She noticed, setting down my apron.

"No, not really." I lied. She continued eying me and then handed me the apron, probably knowing something was up.

"I apologize I don't have more time to talk with you, just I have a lot of work to do and all the paperwork won't file itself." She informed.

"Work was barely manageable here before you came, that's why I put up those fliers and ads. It took a lot of weight off both Micheal and I when we did get an application." She explained further.

"Things will only get better now that Sarah's  here on dishwashing duty." Sandra announced.

"Sarah?" I inquired with a curious look.

"Yeah, remember when I told you we were

getting a new dishwasher?" She asked. Now that she mentions it I do recall something like that.

"Anyway I gotta get back to work. Don't forget to greet Sarah!" Sandra said with a wave. I sighed before putting on my apron. Everything in my life is getting so complicated. While my drive and determination are much lower than yesterday I'm still not ready to give up. I manned the front desk for a while but it didn't seem like anyone was coming in. While waiting for the doorbell to go off I heard noises from the back, it sounded like dishes clanking. It reminded me to introduce myself to the new employee. I did a quick scan of the nearby area to make sure no one was coming in and headed for the back. I peaked around the corner and saw the back of a figure sporting long black hair. They were washing the piles of dirty dishes that we're lying around.

"Um... Hi." I greeted, hesitantly creeping up to them. They turned to me revealing their faces. It's a girl. She looked to be around my age, maybe a year or two older. Her appearance resembled Chloe a bit.

"What do you want?" She asked, her voice

flat and toneless.

"I uh... just wanted to introduce myself." I said nervously. She stood there, arms folded, waiting for me to speak further.

"Oh... right, I'm Yibo, Wang Yibo." I introduced.

"Hi." She said with a sour tone before dropping her arms and going back to the dishes.

Okay well, she certainly isn't the most friendly person. She didn't even give me her name... Well I mean, I know it's Sarah, but that's it, that's all I know about her, that and she's not very friendly.

Just as I returned to the front a couple came stumbling in. They looked like they were about middle-aged, and the guy was drunk.

"Can I get two plates of-" The woman paused, scanning the list. "Chicken and rice?" She finished.

"Sure." I replied with a smile. As I was heading to give Sandra their order the girl stopped me for something else.

"Ah, could I also get a glass of water? He needs it after all the beer he drank." She said looking at him with a displeased expression.

"Sure." I answered again. I looked over to the guy and he seemed like he was about to go under any second.

"Is he going to be alright?" I asked, making sure everything was okay before I left.

"Yeah, he just had a little too much to drink. I'm sure a nice meal and a glass of water will straighten him up." She assured with a small wave.

"Mind your own damn business, fag." He spat out with fire in his voice.

"Ignore him. He gets like this when he's drunk." She rolled her eyes. I smiled and went to the back. I told Sandra the order and she went to the kitchen and quickly cooked it up. While she was doing that I went to get the guy his water. I tried the water dispenser but found that it was empty. I apologized to the couple, telling them that their order would take a little longer. I ran into the back looking for any replacement jugs but didn't know where they kept them. The only other place with water was... the sink. I sighed to myself before approaching Sarah.

"Can I get a glass of water?" I asked hopefully. "The water dispenser is empty and a couple is waiting out there an-" I began to explain but was cut off by her.

"Dude, just get the water." She said moving to the side. I gave her a thankful smile before filling the glass.

"What's taking so damn long?!" The guy yelled from the front.

"Sorry, I'll be right there!" I answered back, anxiously scrambling my way back.while trying not to spill the glass.

"You should have just given the prick dishwater." Sarah snarked on my way out, making me unintentionally giggle.

"Here you are." I said as I placed the glass in front of the man.

"Took you long enough." He groaned. If I didn't know any better I would've taken this guy for a rotting corpse with the way he slouched over the counter.

Soon enough Sandra was coming out with

two plates of chicken and rice. The woman got excited, while the man continued groaning.

When they were finally done eating I noticed how much more human the guy looked. He was able to sit up properly. He was still drunk but he looked better than before. On their way out the woman gave me a tip. I thanked her with a grateful smile.

"Y'know, you're not such a bad kid." The half-drunk man said before following the woman out of the diner. Another small smile crawled onto my face.