
Requiem of the Lost Exiled

In the unforgiving world of the Exiled Lands, where the desperate and the damned roam, one man seeks redemption through the crucible of darkness. Su, haunted by the ghosts of his past and driven by a thirst for vengeance, finds himself under the tutelage of a mysterious figure with powers beyond comprehension. As Su embarks on a harrowing journey of self-discovery and survival, he must confront the darkest depths of his own soul and unearth the strength within to face the demons that lurk in the shadows. Will he emerge from the abyss unscathed, or will he be consumed by the darkness that threatens to consume him? "Requiem of the Lost Exiled" is a gripping tale of redemption, betrayal, and the enduring power of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

WolfZael · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Shadows of The Arena

The arena buzzed with anticipation as the final match of the day was announced. The tension was palpable, the air thick with excitement and dread. The announcer's voice boomed across the battleground, "Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves for the final match of the second round! In this corner, we have Keliotor, the shadow of the battlefield and three-time champion of the arena!"

Keliotor, a towering figure with tan skin clad in dark armor, stepped into the arena, his presence exuding an aura of dread. The crowd roared, showing their support for the seasoned champion.

"And in the opposite corner, we have Kilian, the unknown!"

Kilian, a muscular and agile fighter with a terrifying look in his eyes, stepped forward. He wore a leather mask that obscured his expressions, leaving the crowd uncertain of his emotions. The crowd was quieter, many still unfamiliar with this seemingly unknown warrior.

"Let the duel begin!" the announcer declared.

From the very start, it was clear that this battle would be unlike any other. Keliotor moved with surprising speed for his size, swinging his massive bat with brute force. But Kilian was faster, his movements fluid and calculated. He dodged Keliotor's strikes with an incredible ease, his cold eyes betraying no emotion.

Kilian's voice was icy, his words few and sharp. "Weak."

Keliotor grunted, increasing the ferocity of his attacks. "Damn you.."

Kilian continued to evade Keliotor's attacks with unnerving calmness, his focus absolute. Suddenly, Kilian stopped, looking at Keliotor with disdain.

"You don't deserve to die by my blade," Kilian said coldly. He stabbed his sword into the ground, stepping away from it. "Come at me."

Keliotor's eyes flashed with anger as he charged, his bat swinging with deadly force. But Kilian's movements were a blur. He sidestepped Keliotor's swings, landing brutal, precise blows with his fists. Each strike seemed to sap Keliotor's strength, wearing him down with relentless efficiency.

The crowd watched in stunned silence as Kilian's ruthless assault continued. Keliotor, the champion, was being thoroughly dominated. Kilian's fists were like iron, each blow delivered with cold precision. He struck Keliotor's ribs, sending a painful shock through the champion's body. He kicked Keliotor's knee, making him stagger. Finally, with a swift, lethal move, Kilian grabbed Keliotor by the throat and lifted his huge body off the ground.

"Pathetic," Kilian muttered, his voice devoid of emotion. With a final, brutal twist, he snapped Keliotor's neck and let the lifeless body drop to the ground.

Kilian didn't bat an eye as he turned away, leaving the arena in complete silence. The crowd was in shock, unable to process the utter defeat of their champion. The announcer's voice, usually so confident and booming, was barely a whisper. "The winner... is Kilian."

The disbelief among the spectators was palpable. Keliotor, the undefeated champion, had been bested by an unknown warrior in a fight that was shockingly one-sided.

Mervan clutched my arm, his eyes wide with fear. "Su, did you see that? He's terrifying!"

I nodded, my gaze still fixed on the arena where Kilian stood victorious. "Yes, Mervan. He's incredibly strong.."

But even as I reassured Mervan, my mind was elsewhere, preoccupied with Sheherazade and the enigmatic look she had given me during her fight.

The announcer's voice cut through my thoughts. "Ladies and gentlemen, the second round has concluded! The next matches will take place tomorrow morning. We have Kilian versus Voltran and Su versus Rokie!"

The crowd began to disperse, the excitement of the day giving way to discussions and predictions about the upcoming matches. Mervan and I made our way back to the inn, the day's events weighing heavily on our minds.

As night fell, I sat with Mervan, sharing a quiet meal. His earlier excitement had given way to concern. "Are you okay ? You've been quiet."

I forced a smile. "I'm fine, Mervan. Just thinking about tomorrow."

Later, after Mervan had fallen asleep, I found myself restless. "I'm going out for a breather," I whispered, leaving the inn and heading towards the arena.

The cool night air did little to calm my racing thoughts. I wandered the streets near the arena, trying to clear my head. That's when I saw her – Sheherazade, slipping through the shadows with a grace that was almost ethereal.

I followed her, my heart pounding. She moved with the same footwork technique Eldran had taught me. "That's... that's Eldran's technique," I muttered, picking up my pace.

I trailed her through the winding streets, up a flight of stairs, and onto a rooftop. The sky above was dazzling, the moon casting a soft glow on everything. Sheherazade's tan skin and golden eyes were as beautiful as they had been the day I saw her in the oasis.

She turned to face me, a melancholic look in her eyes. "So, he has chosen you," she said softly.

"What do you mean?" I asked, stepping closer. "Who are you? What are you doing in the tournament?"

She raised a hand, cutting me off. "One word of advice. Morals wouldn't be your best ally in your next matches."

Before I could respond, she disappeared into the shadows, leaving me alone on the rooftop, her words echoing in my mind.

I returned to the inn, the weight of her warning pressing down on me. As I entered our room, my heart sank. The room was in shambles, furniture overturned, and belongings scattered everywhere. Panic rose in my chest as I frantically searched for Mervan, calling his name.

"Mervan! Mervan, where are you?" My voice echoed off the walls, but there was no response.

My eyes darted around the room, taking in the signs of a struggle—broken glass, a chair smashed against the wall, and Mervan's belongings strewn across the floor. My heart pounded as I noticed a piece of parchment pinned to the bed with a dagger. With trembling hands, I pulled the note free and read the rough, scrawled handwriting:

"See you in the arena, tomorrow. Rokie."

Anger and fear surged through me. Mervan had been kidnapped, and it was clear Rokie was behind it. My hands clenched into fists, crumpling the note as I fought to control my emotions.

I had to find Mervan. But how? The match was only hours away, and I needed to be focused and ready. The thought of facing Rokie filled me with a cold determination. He would pay for this.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my thoughts. I needed a plan. First, I would search the inn and surrounding area for any clues. Maybe someone had seen something. Then, I would prepare for the match, knowing that Mervan's safety depended on me