
Requiem of the Lost Exiled

In the unforgiving world of the Exiled Lands, where the desperate and the damned roam, one man seeks redemption through the crucible of darkness. Su, haunted by the ghosts of his past and driven by a thirst for vengeance, finds himself under the tutelage of a mysterious figure with powers beyond comprehension. As Su embarks on a harrowing journey of self-discovery and survival, he must confront the darkest depths of his own soul and unearth the strength within to face the demons that lurk in the shadows. Will he emerge from the abyss unscathed, or will he be consumed by the darkness that threatens to consume him? "Requiem of the Lost Exiled" is a gripping tale of redemption, betrayal, and the enduring power of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

WolfZael · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Hidden Truths

I woke up to a dimly lit room, the faint glow of the moon filtering through the small window. Pain coursed through my body, each movement sending a sharp reminder of the battle I'd fought. I was sore and bandaged from head to toe. It seemed that ever since I'd arrived in the Exiled Lands, I ended up hurt more often than not.

As I shifted slightly, I noticed Mervan slumped in a chair beside my bed, fast asleep. He looked exhausted, worry etched into his young face even in sleep. My heart ached at the sight. He must have been watching over me, sick with worry all this time.

I muttered softly, "How did we end up like this, Mervan?"

My voice must have stirred him because Mervan's eyes fluttered open. When he saw I was awake, his face lit up with relief and joy. "Su! Oh my god, you woke up! I was so worried. How are you feeling?"

I managed a weak smile, despite the pain. "Calm down, Mervan. I'm just happy you're safe. How did Rokie manage to kidnap you?"

Mervan's expression darkened as he recounted the events. "Rokie broke into the inn with three other guys. They had the same mark as the ones who ran experiments on me. They took me somewhere underground. I don't know how but Eldran managed to.."

Before he could continue, the door creaked open, and Eldran entered the room. His presence was a mix of authority and reassurance. "You did a good job, Su," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "But we need to talk. Sit down, both of you."

Mervan and I obeyed, sensing the seriousness in Eldran's voice. He looked at me intently. "Before I explain anything, I want to ask you a question. What do you think the Exiled Lands are? Why are sinners from across the continent sent here? Wouldn't it be better for those governments to just execute those scumbags?"

I looked at him, confused. "I don't know. Maybe they think it's a more fitting punishment?"

Eldran shook his head. "And what about this city? How could sinners even form a community when all they do is kill and steal?"

I had no answer for that. The community we had encountered seemed an anomaly given the nature of the inhabitants.

Eldran's gaze shifted to Mervan. "And who do you think Mervan is? A son of a sinner?"

I turned to look at Mervan, who met my gaze with determination. "I am an Amazigh, one of the original inhabitants of these lands," he declared.

I tried to make sense of it all, my mind racing. Eldran then showed me the amultes engraved with intricate symbols. They were the same ones I had glimpsed before, the ones he had tried to hide.

"These belong to Kala's men, i know you caught a glimpse of them that day," Eldran said. "I've been hunting them to get more information about his whereabouts.."

"But who is Kala?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Kala was one of the many sinners sent here to corrupt these lands, to ensure they never grow back into the original kingdom they once were – the kingdom of Mahraja," Eldran explained. "A long time ago, the continent with its four governments lived in peace. Mahraja had resources, science, military strength, wealth, and culture beyond compare. Despite being in the desert, the king of Mahraja and his wise advisors and architects found a way to flow water through the cities. They helped their people thrive in business. Every merchant in Mahraja was destined for success, setting up shops in other continents with the kingdom's support."

"But peace didn't last," Eldran continued. "The southern empire; Rushia, the kingdom of never-ending winter; and Rokthapia, birthplace for the best blacksmiths known to men, decided that Mahraja was too much of a threat because of one thing – Sutra."

"Sutra?" I repeated, trying to understand.

"Mahrajan Knights were the kingdom's most vital asset, providing unmatched security," Eldran said reverently. "Trained in Sutra from a young age, they endured grueling training to master and control it, for Sutra is the power of the heart, which led the three governments to lose all wars against Mahraja."

Eldran then looked at Mervan. "It's best to show you." He turned to Mervan, asking, "What do you think, kid?"

Mervan nodded. "Su, I need to take you to a special place, where I was born."

I sat back, trying to absorb everything. My body ached, but my mind was a whirl of questions and emotions. The Exiled Lands, the kingdom of Mahraja, Sutra – it was all overwhelming. But there was a determination within me, fueled by the need to protect Mervan and uncover the truth.

"Alright," I said finally. "Let's go." Eldran placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

The night was still, with only the faint glow of Eldran's summoned black flames illuminating our path. Mervan led the way, guiding us back through the slums and into a narrow alley. He stopped in front of a wall intricately engraved with patterns similar to the runes Eldran had shown before.

"Rusha yla," Mervan whispered. As soon as the words left his lips, the patterns glowed brightly, and the wall opened like a door.

I stared, mesmerized by what had just happened. "What is this place?" I muttered to myself, unable to believe my eyes.

Mervan gestured for me to follow. "Come on, Su. It's somewhere deep."

We descended into a dark underground alley, Eldran's black flames casting eerie shadows on the stone walls. The air grew cooler as we went deeper, the oppressive weight of the earth above pressing down on us. Our footsteps echoed in the narrow passage, and the smell of damp earth filled the air. We walked for what felt like an eternity, the darkness becoming more intense with each step.

Finally, the passage widened, and we emerged into a breathtaking sight. A small town sprawled before us, lush with trees whose leaves shimmered under the soft glow of luminescent moss clinging to the cavern walls. Crystal-clear streams meandered through the town, their waters sparkling in the ambient light. The town was a hidden paradise within the desert, a stark contrast to the harsh, barren landscape above.

The buildings were constructed from polished stone, their surfaces engraved with intricate patterns that seemed to pulsate with a faint, magical glow. Gardens burst with vibrant flowers, and fruit trees were heavy with ripe, colorful produce. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves, carrying with it the sweet scent of blossoms and the fresh aroma of flowing water.

The sight was unbelievable. It was as if we had stepped into another world, a sanctuary hidden away from the desolation and dangers of the Exiled Lands.

"Welcome to the real Mehmoura, Su," Mervan said with a smile.

"MERVAN!" a voice shouted. Eldran, Mervan, and I turned to see a young man running towards us. Mervan's face lit up as he screamed, "MURAD!" and ran to embrace him.

Murad hugged his brother tightly. "Where have you been? I thought those bastards killed you that day!"

Mervan shook his head, his voice filled with emotion. "No, a lot happened. I was saved by these people." He turned to me and Eldran. "Murad, this is Su and Eldran."

Murad smiled, looking at us with curiosity. "Mervan, you've made some interesting friends. Come, you must stay at our house."

"Thank you," I replied, grateful for the hospitality.

Their house was different from the buildings on the surface. The walls were engraved with the same patterns, and the structure seemed more intricate and unified. The clothes they wore were distinct, giving a sense of unity and culture.

As we walked through the town, I noticed the community felt both close-knit and on edge, living in fear and hiding.

Murad led us to a cozy room. "You can stay here for the night," he said, sparing a bedroom for Eldran and me.

As I settled in, the exhaustion of the day's events began to weigh heavily on me. Almost asleep, I turned to Eldran. "Why are you telling me all of this when you know I have my own revenge to execute?"

Eldran opened his mouth to respond, but a sudden scream pierced the night. We sprang from the bed and rushed outside to investigate. The sight that met us was terrifying. A cloaked figure, Kilian, and a large group bearing the same amulets Eldran had shown me earlier stood menacingly in the town square.

"Kilian! What is he doing here?" I exclaimed.

Eldran's face darkened. "I couldn't sense them. My Sutra is busy combating the mana corruption in my hand."

Kilian's voice rang out, cold and commanding. "Don't let anyone live."

Eldran's eyes narrowed, his voice a low growl. "Kala…"

The cloaked figure looked down, a mocking tone in his voice. "Oh my, isn't it Eldran? Been already a century, time sure flies fast."

Rage contorted Eldran's features. With terrifying speed, he dashed towards Kala. I tried to move to defend the Amazighs, but Kilian blocked my path.

"You're not getting through," Kilian said, his eyes devoid of mercy.

Note: Rusha yla means activate in Mahraja ancient language :)

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