
Rental Girlfriend - Upgraded Kazuya

Rent a girlfriend / Kanojo Okarishimasu - Kazuya x Chizuru Kazuya took this break up more seriously than what was depicted in the anime. He thought of himself as pathetic, cried multiple times, and always asked himself what he did wrong to Mami for her to dump him? He thought their relationship was going great. Was it his excessive horniness when Mami caught him stealing glances and trying to steal kisses? (That's why Kazuya's horniness will be toned down here contrary to the series) He experienced his first anxiety attack and after a few days of suffering depression, he realizes how devastating and tired his face was upon looking at the mirror. So, he decided to move on. How will he do it? He doesn't know but he will. Notes: As this is a fanfic, I will do my best to follow the plot but there may be minor changes that may affect major arcs later on. Things such as Kazuya working out, getting a new hobby, and even luckily getting a side hustle as a business consultant which is his talent and forte are examples of minor changes I will be introducing in this fanfic. I am also not a native English speaker, and I apologize in advance with how I position my sentences and how I convey the story. After I finished writing this fanfic, hopefully it will give me more experience so I can write new novels in the future. My boss sometimes asks me to do unpaid overtime, but I will do my best and release at least 1-2 chapters a week. I promise I won't drop this fanfic. PS: I do my best to proofread each chapter to ensure everything is in order and plot makes sense. Others: " " this indicates that character is speaking ' ' this indicates that character is speaking from their mind (thinking) [ ] future format during SMS conversations. I did not use this yet early on since Mami blocked Kazuya. Most likely, she also blocked him in SMS or other Messaging apps. ( ) Author notes Sentences in Italic would be memories that have resurfaced like a flashback.

franzz · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

Seeing Mami again

More than 2 weeks later, Kazuya has continued his routine. In fact, more than a week before, he signed up with a gym membership near his area. It's a 15-minute jog. After arriving, he spends an hour and 30 minutes doing the sets he found online, followed by a 15-minute jog back home.

Since he has a lot of time remaining, he looked up the web for things he could spend his time on that is might be useful to him. It turned out that having new hobbies is very helpful in his situation.

He started learning how to play the guitar. Getting a new one and possibly hiring a coach might be expensive for other universities students but not in his case as he has 1 million yen sitting in his bank account as his allowance for the year.

He bought a wood based acoustic guitar with natural color. When the staff handed it to him, he felt good. He strummed some strings, and the sound was even better. As expected, he liked it very much, but he needs a few months of practice just to be able to play it proficiently. He decided to self-learn first before concluding whether he needs a coach.

"Classes will resume soon. I am feeling a bit better, but I don't know what to feel and even do if I face Mami-chan."

Kazuya said as he panted. He just came back from his daily routine. He went up, and sat down, waiting for his body to cool down a bit before taking a shower.

He grabs his phone as he continued reading the article about the difference it will make in having a good fashion after a breakup. He knows he could rely on his parents if he ever needed more, so, after a bit of mental calculation, he plans to invest a bit in updating his wardrobe.

Keep anything, remove anything that's outdated and buy a few that is trending. At least that's the initial idea he thought.

"I ought to check what's popular first and decide if it will be good for me, I guess?"

After spending the whole day researching, he forgot to practice with his guitar. Despite his efforts, he still feels uncertain about whether the new fashion choices will suit him.

"Regardless, there is no harm in trying, I guess. Would Mami-chan notice me?"

He blurted out while browsing his phone.

'What the heck am I saying?' Just suddenly realizing what he just blurted out, he thought that it would be detrimental for his plan on moving on if he keeps thinking of her.

But who wouldn't? Anyone who has experienced their first love and got dumped after a month would be in a pretty much similar situation like Kazuya.

After saving a few references from his browsing, he went to kitchen and make something simple for himself.

Yes, that's right. Even though he lacks in this area, he decided that it would be helpful at least to know cooking and how to make simple dishes. This also complements his workout routine.

He cooked a simple meal and sat down at his small table.


The following day, Kazuya went shopping. He wasn't used to it, but he felt better after doing some research and deciding on a few items he could mix and match. Though he was a little embarrassed, he felt a sense of accomplishment after making the purchase.

"Hopefully these suits me."

"Time to go home."

After getting off his shower, he dries himself up and faces himself towards the mirror.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?"

He slapped both of his cheeks and says

"You better be!"

Afterward, he fed his pet, lied down, grabbed his phone, and browsed YouTube about fishes, workout sets, guitar lessons, some popular fashions and eventually he fell asleep.

The following day, he still woke up early to do his workout routine and once home, went for a shower before going to his university.

On his way to his classroom. He saw Mami walking and laughing with his friends. He saw how pretty that smile she's showing and for a few seconds, he was entranced.

'She's really beautiful.' Is what he immediately thought but he tried his best to look away since he knew it wasn't right.

Someone suddenly tapped him from behind.

"Yo Kazu-chan. How many times did you do it yesterday?

It's his best friend, Kibe, with a smirk on his face. And the person beside him is his friend, Kuri.

He laughed and replied.

"10 times if that makes you happy." He replied smiling and joking around his friends.

"Damn bruh"

"That's awesome."

Replied by the two. Kibe then noticed something different about Kazuya and asked about his best bud's situation about him getting dumped.

(Author Notes: As I understand, they're referring to masturbation here. Anyways, jerking off is pretty much normal even in times of grieving. It's a basic human need so I put it in the same category as eating, drinking and sleeping. I do not have to typed it in here for everyone to know. I think it should already be given that he does that. Same as with the other characters here even Mizuhara. For virgin readers, yes, Girls do it all the time. They're more sensitive than male after all. In the future, I may decide to put some references if it relates to a future plot / future character development. It's canon that he masturbated all the time, but I will surely tone it down)

"You look different. How are you doing?"

"I'm getting okay. Thanks for asking. I am trying new stuff. Like working out. It helps me focus."

"I see. That's good to hear. Hey, if you need any help, we're here for you. We could go out for a drink, and maybe get into a mixer if you know what I mean. To be honest you are looking better. Man, chicks will dig you soon if you keep this up."

"Hahaha, I thi---" **Bumped.

While Kazuya was talking to Kibe, their group turned around to continue walking, and he accidentally bumped into someone

Kazuya immediately helped the nerdy girl he bumped into and picked up the papers and books that fell.

"Hey, I'm really sorry. Are you okay?"

He looks at the girl and he was surprised how beautiful she was. That chestnut-colored hair and hazel-brown eyes. Everything about her is perfect.

The girl finished picking up all the things on her side and was about to ask the guy helping her for the rest when he noticed that he was staring at her with his mouth opened. She wonders what's wrong.

Kazuya immediately realized what's going on and blushed.

"Here. I'm sorry again for bumping into you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. No problem. Thanks for helping me pick up my stuff."


"I'll be on my way then."

The girl stood up and walked away. Kazuya was so starstruck earlier that he forgot to ask for her name.

Kibe: "Who was that."

Kuri: "If I recall, she should be studying Literature. Is it Ichihara?

Kibe: "We had someone like that here?"

Kibe then tapped me and asked.

"So, what was that reaction all about? You like her?"

"Eh? No. I.. just felt sorry.. I bumped into her without knowing. I mean I could have accidentally hurt her you know?"

"You should have asked her name. Anyway, let's go."

'True. I wonder if I will meet her again. I guess they didn't see her face that much since she crouched down and all which explains their lackluster responses'. The group went to their respective classes. On the other hand, the nerdy girl was also on her way to her own.

'I wonder what's up with him. Also, his hair. though gaudy looks funny'. Chizuru thought while walking about to meet up with her two friends.

Classes ended and fortunately Kazuya didn't bump into anyone especially Mami. Despite what he experienced in the past 3 weeks, he still hasn't completely moved on from Mami yet.

Even despite the fact he knew he was really hurt previously because of her. This is because he felt that somehow, it was his fault that Mami dumped him.

Whenever he thinks of Mami, he always thinks how good of a relationship they had, which he broke, then he questions himself on what he did exactly that made mami dumped him and why did she block communications with him.

A few days went by and for Kazuya, it could never be as normal as it is. He does his routine, then he goes home to practice.

During schools, he always sees Mami from a distance, regardless, he feels his heart racing, hoping to able to talk to her but at the same time, hoping this talk would never happen.

It's all contradictory and it's normal for someone who is moving on. Then the day he bumped into Mami came.

"Ah. Hello! Kazu-kun"

"Ah.. Mami-chan..!"

'Shit! How do I not make this awkward...But man... Looking at her close up, She's so damn cute. Her eyes and her hair. Theyre all just so...'

'Oh yeah.. how do I bring up the question about why did she block me on twitter..? I could directly ask... or play it off as a mistake...'

"What's up with you Kazu-kun? Spacing out and all."

"Eh!? O-oh! Sorry!

Mami picks up the book she dropped earlier and while she did so, Kazuya was staring at her thighs.

"Well. See you later!"

"O-oh. Okay!

While Mami leaves, Kazuya was unable to take his eyes away from her thighs. Suddenly, he hears two guys from behind.

"Hey Officer! There seems to be a pervert staring lecherously at his ex-girlfriend's thighs in dead daylight here.

"A virgin wandering around the campus searching for his next meal...

It was Kibe and Kuri.

Kazuya: "Don't give me that shit. Don't compare me to those sex crazed maniacs.!" As he was not in the mood most of the time, he didn't really have the time to take care of himself.

Which explains why he was so flustered when he saw Mami up close, and his previous habit surfaced again.

Kibe: "Her legs are nice and slender. She also has good looks on top of it.

Kuri: "Her figure points toward her being light. So, you could hold her anywhere and have fun, especially on the bed..."

Kazuya: "But, aren't you the ones who is looking at her with lecherous stares??

Then from my peripheral vision, he saw a familiar figure walked past by. It was the girl he bumped into a few days earlier.

'Did she hear our conversation? I hope not.'

"Anyway, I got to go. I will see you tomorrow."

Kazuya left for home. On his way, he thought back on how these past few days, he saw Mami at a distance and suddenly seeing her up close made her heart raced.

Suddenly, the image of Mami popped up into his mind. Especially the slender smooth thighs he was staring at earlier.

Despite his recent positive changes, it could not be ignored that Kazuya is a broken-hearted guy with sexual urges. As soon as he gets into his apartment. He grabbed the tissues and went for the kill.

Afterward comes the trait that all guys have. Post-nut clarity. He reflects and regrets his actions earlier as it was detrimental to his plans after all. But who could blame him? Moving on takes a really long time unless a special catalyst appeared.

He then started doubting whether what he's trying to improve now is really making any difference. Seeds of doubts started to form in his heart that he might be the only person thinks it's working.

'How about the others? Are they seeing me in a new light?' As he thought of this, he looked at his guitar beside his Futon.

"Whatever, I guess I started to like doing them anyways." He picked it up, strum it, practiced a few chords he already memorized and started practicing major and minor chords he still doesn't know.