
Renegades: Battlegrounds.

In the heart of Yugen City, Naruse West is a battleground where rival gangs clash for control. Ryuhara Ren, a new transfer student at Naruse High, arrives in Yugen with a heavy heart and a burning desire for answers. Haunted by the memories of his elder brother Kaito, who died after a tragic incident, Ren is determined to uncover the truth behind Kaito's fate. But as he delves deeper into the dark labyrinth of Yugen's underworld, he discovers a power within himself that transcends time itself. Throughout the year, he receives mysterious scrambled texts and experiences inexplicable déjà vu, Ren realizes that he possesses the ability to hop through time, glimpsing alternate realities and dark possible futures. Faced with this newfound power, Ren embarks on a perilous journey through the tangled threads of time, each leap bringing him closer to the truth he seeks so dearly. With each time hop, he inches closer to uncovering the dark conspiracy that threatens to engulf him and his loved ones. But as Ren soon learns, the power to change the course of history comes with a price. With danger lurking at every turn and betrayal lurking in the shadows, Ren must tread carefully if he hopes to rewrite the future and forge a new destiny for himself and those he now holds dear. In a city where loyalty is currency and power is everything, Ren must tread carefully if he hopes to emerge victorious in the ultimate showdown for supremacy.

archivist23 · แอคชั่น
19 Chs

Lunch Break. 

Once the homeroom teacher had wrapped up the attendance, she began the lesson. "Our first class today will be on Japanese literature and we will be discussing some of the works of Natsume Sōsek. "

Ren tried to focus on the lesson but Literature was never one of his strengths as he found it too boring, and his thoughts also kept drifting back to the chaotic morning he just had and the upperclassmen'sdiscussion about the internal state of the Sakurakai.

The morning classes then proceeded in a blur.

It was Literatures first, then History, then Maths and Ren found himself taking notes mechanically, barely registering the content. The bell signaling the end of each period became a welcome interruption for him, giving him brief moments to collect his thoughts.

Finally it was fifth period, the lunch bell rang, echoing through the hallways and stirring the students from their mid-morning daze. Ren packed his books and stood up, joining the flow of students heading toward the cafeteria. The sound of the grumbling noise from his stomach made him absolutely certain he was hungry.

As he stepped out of the classroom, he noticed Shiinchiro rushing ahead, probably in a hurry to grab a good spot in line before it got crowded.

"Glutton. " He muttered. 

Ren followed the crowd through the bustling corridors. The atmosphere was lively, with students chatting and laughing as they made their way to the cafeteria. The vibrant energy of the school was palpable, a stark contrast to the tension Ren felt inside.

Ren continued down the hallway, the noise of the bustling crowd growing louder as he approached the cafeteria. The scent of freshly cooked food wafted through the air, making his stomach growl in anticipation. He hadn't realized he was this hungry until now.

He finally reached the cafeteria area and the huge crowd that was there too. Ren had packed his own bento before coming so he did not need to buy his lunch.

"Is that not?. " Ren noticed someone familiar in the crowd, pushing and shoving, struggling to get her order. "She's that girl from the morning. " 

It was Yukino, the girl from his class. "Looks like she is struggling to buy her lunch. "

Ren pondered on whether to help her or not before he finally decided it was best to. "Oh well, here goes nothing. "

"Hii, I couldn't help but notice that you were having troubles here with your order. Mind if I help buy it for you?. "

"Thank you but I can manage. " She bluntly rejected his offer.

"No really it is not really a big deal. "

Ren noticed her uneasiness in giving him the money. "I see the issue here. "

"Why don't we do it this way then. You tell me your order, I'll buy it and then you'll give me the money afterwards. Sounds okay to you?. "

"Okay. " She slowly passed a piece of paper to him with al thatl she needed.

"Wowwww. " Ren thought. "She's gonna eat all of this. No no no.. has to be for her and that her mean friend from earlier. "

"I'll be right back then." Ren prepared to enter the noisy and raging crowd of students battling to buy their lunch.

"Thank God, I brought enough money today. " He said, before he disappeared into the crowd.

After a few minutes, he appeared victorious holding 3 white bags full of food. "Here you go. That'll be 127 yen. " 

"Here you go. " She gave him the money.

" Thank you. " She said to Ren, whose cheeks went red.

"I really didn't do anything much or anything. " His voice sounded like a tsundere.

Ren didn't recieve compliments alot and so made him susceptible to overreacting when he did recieve one.

"I'm Fujimoto Yukino but my friends call me Nino. " 

"Oh and I am Ryuhara Ren, it's nice to meet you. I am sorry about the morning commotion " Ren laughed, his face still red with embarrassment. 

Her phone buzzed. "I have to go now but thanks for the big help. Sorry that I can't thank you enough. "

"I'll see you around in class then. "

Once she left and was out of sight, Ren checked his phone and it was already 12:41 PM. He only had about 19 minutes left till Lunch Break was over.

Entering the cafeteria, Ren was greeted by the sight of long rows of tables filled with students eagerly digging into their lunches. The room was spacious, with large windows that let in plenty of natural light. The walls were adorned with posters and artwork created by the students, adding a touch of vibrancy.

He spotted an empty seat at a table near the back and made his way over, weaving through the throngs of students. As he sat down, he took out his bento box, carefully prepared by his himself, and opened it to reveal a variety of neatly arranged dishes.

As he began to eat, Ren's mind wandered back to the conversations he had overheard earlier. The mention of internal conflicts within the Sakurakai weighed heavily on him. He knew he needed to stay focused on his goal, but the complexity of the situation was becoming increasingly apparent.

Just as he was about to take a bite of his onigiri, a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Mind if I sit here? " Shiinchiro smiled warmly, holding his own bento box.

Ren turned to see him, standing there with his messy hair and untucked shirt. 

"Yes, I do," Ren shot back, but Shiinchiro was already making himself comfortable in the seat across from him, unfazed by the rejection.

Ren wondered if he was an airhead or just plain stupid. He sighed in resignation and sat down, unpacking his neatly prepared bento box.

"Nice to see you again," Shiinchiro said with a grin, taking a huge bite of his sandwich.

Ren rolled his eyes but couldn't help a small smirk. "You're persistent, I'll give you that."

"Persistence is key, my friend," Shiinchiro replied with a laugh. "So, how's your first day been so far?"

"Chaotic," Ren replied honestly. "Between nearly getting run over by you and trying to find my way around, it's been... a lot."

Shiinchiro chuckled, not at all offended. "Yeah, sorry about that. I tend to cause a bit of trouble wherever I go. But hey, makes life interesting, right?"

Ren couldn't help but laugh at Shiinchiro's carefree attitude. It was a stark contrast to his and welcome distraction from his own worries.