
Remnants of the Forgotten

In the year 2090, gene editing reached unprecedented heights, leading to the emergence of "ascenders" - individuals with extraordinary abilities known as bloodlines. As a result of this genetic transformation, nine families ascended to power, each possessing unique and formidable bloodlines. Born to the Vesprs, one of these nine families, Argus Vespr finds himself in an era where power reigns supreme. However, tragedy struck the Vespr family when a catastrophic event known as the "Night of Ash" nearly wiped out their entire bloodline, leaving Argus as the sole survivor. The world soon forgot the existence of the Vesprs, labeling them as the "Forgotten Ones" and relegating them to the archives of history. Now, as the last remaining descendant of his once-mighty bloodline, Argus must navigate a world oblivious to his true identity and the potential he holds within. As he unravels the secrets of his family's past, Argus embarks on a quest to reclaim his heritage and uncover the truth behind the Night of Ash, a journey that will test his resilience, unlock his hidden powers, and reveal the dark forces that seek to keep the Forgotten Ones buried in obscurity.

BungaBunga · ไซไฟ
12 Chs

72 Hours

As Argus regained consciousness, his gaze met Selene's, who had been anxiously watching over him. Relief washed over her face as she saw his eyes open, and she leaned closer, her voice filled with concern.

"Argus, can you hear me? Are you alright?" she asked, her voice gentle yet urgent.

Argus blinked, trying to adjust to the bright lights of the hospital room. His body felt weak and heavy, but he managed to nod in response to Selene's questions. His voice came out hoarse as he spoke, "I... I think so. What happened?"

Selene hesitated for a moment, her brows furrowing as if she was debating whether to tell him something. Eventually, she made up her mind and spoke with a mix of concern and relief in her voice.

"You were injured," she began, her voice soft but steady. "But you're safe now. Dr. Harmon took care of you."

Argus tried to piece his fragmented memory of recent events, but they were hazy and disjointed. He could vaguely recall the pain and darkness, the mysterious voice, and the words that had appeared before him. Confusion clouded his expression as he tried to make sense of it all.

Interrupting his thought, Dr. Harmon approached them, a smile playing on his lips. "Good to see you awake, young man," he said warmly. "You were unconscious for a while, giving us quite a scare, but you're going to be just fine."

With a thankful nod, Argus shifted his attention to Dr. Harmon. The lingering questions about his inner mind experience would have to wait, as he focused on recovering his strength.

As Argus laid on the bed, Selene engaged him in conversation, attempting to distract him from the events of the Whispering Woods. Their words flowed effortlessly, their dialogue filled with an easy camaraderie.

As their conversation neared its end, Selene paused for a moment, her piercing gaze fixed on Argus. "Do you have a place to stay?" she asked, her voice gentle yet firm.

Argus hesitated, his mind racing. He realized he had no home to return to, no family waiting for him. The city was vast and unfamiliar, a labyrinth of faces and unknown possibilities. He glanced at Selene, uncertainty swirling in his eyes.

"I... I don't have anywhere to go," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Selene's expression softened, and a hint of determination flashed in her eyes. "Then you shall live with me," she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Argus blinked, taken aback by her imposition. He opened his mouth to protest, but the words caught in his throat. He understood, deep down, that he had nowhere else to go.

"I... I guess I have no other choice," he replied, a mixture of gratitude and acceptance in his voice.

With that settled, Selene rose from her seat, she glanced at the doctor who had been overseeing Argus' care, and a brief exchange passed between them.

"Will the rest of the Umbras approve of your decision?" the doctor asked, his words tinged with curiosity.

Selene's eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of defiance in her gaze. "Their approval is of little consequence," she replied cryptically, dismissing the doctor's concerns with a wave of her hand.

As they left the hospital together, Argus and Selene continued their nocturnal journey through the streets. The glow of streetlights cast elongated shadows, giving the city an otherworldly allure. They wandered through the labyrinthine alleys and bustling boulevards until they arrived at Selene's abode—an impressive, modern mansion that stood as a testament to her adventurous life.

Argus gazed up at the grand structure, awestruck by its sheer magnificence. "This is your home?" he asked, his voice filled with wonder.

Selene chuckled, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "Yes, it is. When you're constantly off on missions, there's not much else to spend money on, you know."

Argus smiled, appreciating her playful comment. Together, they entered the mansion, and Selene proceeded to give him a comprehensive tour of her luxurious abode. The rooms exuded elegance and sophistication, a reflection of Selene's refined taste.

As they strolled through the halls, Selene shared anecdotes and stories about each room, making the tour feel like a captivating journey through time.

They passed by a grand library, its shelves lined with leather-bound books and bathed in soft, warm lighting.

Next, they entered a magnificent dining hall with a long, polished table, ready to host lavish feasts and gatherings.

The walls of the art gallery showcased an impressive collection of paintings and sculptures, capturing moments of beauty and emotion frozen in time.

Their tour continued through a charming conservatory, filled with lush plants and vibrant flowers, their fragrances perfuming the air.

The ballroom awaited with its dazzling chandeliers and a gleaming marble floor, inviting guests to waltz the night away in elegance.

Selene pointed out a cozy sitting area, complete with plush sofas and a crackling fireplace, perfect for intimate conversations and moments of relaxation.

Finally, Selene led Argus to a cozy room adorned with warm colors and soft furnishings. "And this… this will be your room" she declared with a smile.

Argus observed the room, grateful for Selene's hospitality. It was a haven from the tumultuous thoughts that plagued his mind. He thanked her sincerely before she left him to settle in.

As the door closed, Argus took a moment to collect himself. He gently placed his grimoire on the nightstand and laid down on the bed beside it.

The weight of his choices however, pressed upon his weary mind, making it difficult to find respite in sleep.

Lying in bed, Argus found himself tormented by thoughts of his encounter with Aeris. The events played out in his mind like a recurring nightmare, each detail etched deeply into his consciousness. The cryptic words echoed relentlessly,

[Make a sacrifice | Time: 72 Hours.]

>> Reward: ???

>> Punishment: Death

He pondered the concept of sacrifice, considering a range of possibilities. His thoughts spiraled from the mundane, like fasting or relinquishing a cherished possession, to more drastic measures, such as killing a pet. But even those extremes paled in comparison to the darkest option that loomed in his mind—a sacrifice that would involve the taking of a human life.

Nightmares of impossible choices played out before him as he wrestled with the gravity of his decisions. The boundaries between sleep and wakefulness blurred as his restless mind raced through the corridors of uncertainty.

With exhaustion finally overtaking him, Argus succumbed to the embrace of slumber. His dreams, haunted by the screams of his family members, carried him into a realm where the consequences of his choices remained shrouded in darkness.

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