
We meet again

Jesse's POV

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight, purity put your left leg in front”.

 “Yes miss”.she replied in her small tiny voice.

“Kathy, you should move to the left before going to the right “. I moved close to her and moved her to the left.

“You go left before right, okay “.

“Yes miss”.she replied with a smile.

“Alright kids, we go again “.

“One two three four, five six seven eight”. I sang out loud. I watch as the kid danced in harmony

“Hello”.a strong energetic voice got my attention.

I turn around and froze the minute I met eyes with him.

His green eyes were still the same, his dark brown hair was still the way it was twelve years ago .he looks just as handsome as he was when I last saw him.

“Hello Miss”.his voice brought me back from my thought.

I stared at him and noticed there was no reaction in his face.

“Wait, did he just call me miss “? I scream in my head.

“I'm here to drop my little princess off, since it's her first day “.his voice was calm but full of command.

He moved from the door and step inside the hall.

“My name is”

 “Benson”. I whispered in my head .how can I possibly forget that name.

“My name is Benson Whitwell”.he brought forth his hand for a handshake. I smiled and reluctantly took his hand. His hand was warm and soft for a man with his look. I felt my hand tingle when he took away his hand. 

“Hello Miss”. I moved my gaze from him and met eyes with an adorable little girl. I smiled at her and lower myself so that I was in the same height with her.

“What's your name, little one “. I asked while caressing her hair.

“My name is Lilia, but my friends and dad calls me Lilly”.she spoke in a small, tiny voice.

“Wow, Lilia, can I also call you Lilly”. I asked.

She chuckled softly before staring at her father then at me.

“Of course you can “.she replied with a cute smile that can melt anyone's heart.

I smiled at her before getting up. I met eyes with him and stared at him, but he just gave me a plane look before looking away.

“He can't possibly forget me, of all people”. I told myself.

“When should I come get her “.his voice was too cold, and I wonder if this was the same Ben I knew.

“You can come pick her by 2pm” I replied him.

“Alright”.he replied and turn to face Lilly.

“I will be back very soon, okay, take care of yourself”.he spoke in a calm low voice, different from the one he was using on me.

“Yes Papa”.he kneeled and kissed her cheek, it was obvious they both have a good father and daughter relationship.

He stood up from the floor, stared at the hall then the children before moving his gaze to me.

“I trust you can take care of her “.his voice was low but full of authority that brought shivers to my body.

When did Ben suddenly become this cold, I thought to myself.

He smiled at Lilly before leaving the room. I watch and stared at him till he left the hall.

“Did Benson just acted like he doesn't know me or what “. I asked myself.

“Miss”. I turn around and met Kathy staring at me with her beautiful set of bulky eyes.

“Yes, yes, let's continue”. I took hold of Lilly's hand and directed her to a seat.

“Seat and watch, then you can join later, okay “.she nods her head and smiled at me.

“Alright, we start from the top, one two three four”.all through the rehearsal I couldn't concentrate. I just met Benson after twelve fucking years, and he acted like he doesn't know me or he couldn't remember me. I felt angry at myself. I could still remember him, and yet, he doesn't even have a memory of me.

“Miss, should we go again “. Kathy's voice brought me back from my thought.

“That will be all for now “. I told the kids and sat on my chair. I was too distracted to teach today. 

I look around and saw Lilly was already making friends with the kids.

He even has a kid and family.a soft sign escaped from my mouth.

I check the time and saw that the kids still have an hour left. I stood up from the chair and called out to everyone.

“Look like we have an hour left, so what should we do “. I asked, 

I heard whispers and murmuring amidst the kids.

“Have you guys decided yet “. I asked, 

“A stroll around the town “. Lilly small tiny voice came out.

“That would be a good idea, but the snow is much outside”. I Stoke her hair and smiled at her.

“Maybe some other day “.she nods her head in agreement.

“Okay kids, you all can play, only in the hall, no one should go outside”.before I could finish speaking, they all left already. I chuckled at their behavior and sat on my seat.

I closed my eyes and memories of twelve years ago flashed in my memory.I hissed and opened my eyes and stood up from the chair.

Maybe some dance practice will clear up my head .so I went to the center of the hall and started dancing. I don't know for how long I've been dancing before I heard footsteps in the hall.

I turned around and saw that it was a parent of one of the kids. I checked the time and noticed it was time for the kids to go home.

I stopped dancing and started arranging my things.

I looked around the hall and noticed most of the kids were gone except for a few others and Lilly,

“Will your mom come pick you up “. I asked out of curiosity.

“No”.she quickly replied. I could notice the sad look on her face. I moved close to her and was about asking her what was wrong when I heard footsteps in the hall. I looked around and found Benson walking majestically with just a white t shirt and a dark blue jean. He was extraordinarily hot.

“Hey papa”. Lilly ran to her him, he chuckled softly and took her in his arms. I stared at both of them, and couldn't help but admire their daughter and father relationship.

“Hello Ben”. I greeted nervously.

He stared at me for a while like he was trying to penetrate my soul through my eyes. I swallowed nervously and looked away.

“Hello Jesse right?”.he asked .fuck he doesn't even remember my name after I just told him few hours ago 

“Yes”. I replied with a fake smile on my face.

“Thank you for taking care of her “.he said those words without looking at me.

“No problem”.I murmured

“So I should bring her by 9am Tomorrow right “.he asked

“Yeah”. I replied.

He glanced one more time at me before taking Lilly's hand and was about leaving the hall,

When I called him back Out of curiosity.

“Wait a minute”.he turns around and looked at me with no emotions on his face.

“Anything else”.he asked 

I swallowed nervously and spoke up 

“Are you from this town because I basically knew everyone here since it's a small town “. I spoke slowly.

He stared at me and I could feel my body shivers in his gaze. he still has this effect he has on me twelve years ago.

“This is my wife's hometown, we are here to celebrate the Christmas holidays here “.his voice was calm but rough.

“Oh, I see “. I chuckled nervously,

“Then where are you from”. I did not know when that left my lips.

He stared at me for a while, and I could see he was trying his best not to have a bad impression on me.

“Francisco”.he murmured,

“You are from Francisco”. I asked, shock.

“Yeah”.he replied confused, 

“Then why can't you remember me”. I whispered to myself.

“Sorry, I did not get you “.he asked.

I got hold of myself and quickly flashed a fake smile.

“Nice town”. I spoke up.

He stared at me one more time before leaving the hall with Lilly.

There and then I knew there were no mistakes .he was the same Benson I knew twelve years ago.