
Watching him sleep

Jesse's POV

I woke up from my sleep and realized Benson was asleep with his head in the bed beside me.

I smiled at the peaceful sight of him sleeping and wished I could just kiss him like I commonly do when I needed to wake him up from sleep, 

“Benson”. I whispered and tenderly ran my fingers in his hair.

He did not wake up, rather he turns to the other side of the bed 

I smiled at his behavior and ran my fingers in his hair again and this time he moves a little.

Realizing he has woken up, I remove my hand from his hair and stared at him.

He lifted his head from the bed and stared at me with curiosity

“You've woken up “.  I said those words while smiling at him 

“Shit, I fell asleep here “. he said those words in disbelief 

“Don't worry, it's nothing”.  I smiled at him while he stood up from the chair, 

“I have to go home “. he did not let me say a words before he hastily left the room.

I signed in dissatisfaction and pick up my phone., there were several missed calls from Jennifer and I wondered why she was calling.

I dialed her number and called her back., it rang few times before it was picked

“I've been calling you for hours “. She yelled over the phone, 

I roll my eyes and hissed faintly, 

“What is it? “.  I asked in a cool tone, I wasn't ready for her drama.

“You are something else Jesse”

“Well, I was calling you to let you know I've made arrangements for your stay in Australia”

“How”.  I asked 

“Well James has a family residence, and no one is there,, so you can stay there for the next four months, You are to live in Australia”.

“Really “. I asked in excitement.

“Yeah, that's why I've been trying to reach you for ages, “.she hissed softly

“Where were you? “.she asked 

“Hospital, I'm in the hospital”

“Why, when , what happened? ”. she shouted with worried 

“I'm fine, don't worry "

“Don't tell me not to worry, what happened to you? “.she asked worriedly 

“Here we go again”. I murmured to myself.

“I drank bleach thinking it was water “. I whisper

“You drank what? ”. she shouted in anger 

“I said I drank bleach with sleepy eyes, thinking it was water “.

“Are you okay?, how can you make sure a huge mistake, do you want to kill yourself”? She spoke furiously

I knew she would act like this so I wasn't surprised

“I'm okay, you don't have to worry “. Said those words hoping it would calm her down,, but it did not.

“That is why I hate that Godforsaken town, I can't wait for you to leave that hell“.she sounded in anger, 

“Come on Jenny, what does the town have to do with this? “. I asked

“Everything”. she replied quickly

“Everything has to do with that town, “.she spoke in anger 

I hissed softly and lay down on the bed, I didn't have enough strength for her drama 

“Are you done shouting, can I end the call now? “. I asked with irritation

“I just don't get what your problems are “. she said those words and ended the call 

I signed in relief and closed my eyes, three more hours, and then I will be out from here.

I was asleep when the sound of the door woke me up from my sleep. I open my eyes and saw that it was Benson.

“Hey, what are you doing here? “. I asked, 

“I'm here to take you home, “. he said those words while avoiding my gaze.

I felt my heart melt at his words,, but then I told myself it was nothing, he was just trying to help a neighbor 

“The doctor will soon be here “. he said those words and sat on the chair.

Few minutes the doctor came in and checked me before discharging me.

I stood up from the bed and we both left the hospital

“Thanks for coming”.  I said those words while we walk side by side with each other 

“No problem”. he replied

We walk in silence until we got to my apartment 

“I'm home, thanks again”.

“You are welcome”.

He said those words and was about leaving when I called him back

I ran up to him and tenderly kissed him on the cheek before running to my apartment.