
Still love her

Benson's POV

"Seven, eight, nine, ten, happy New year".we all shouted happily.

"Happy New year Dad, happy new year miss Jesse". Lilly giggled happily, 

"Happy new year, princess". I pulled Lilly to myself and gave her a tight hug before kissing her cheek.

She giggled happily and stared at Jesse, who smiled back at her.

"Happy New year, Benson". Jesse said those words while avoiding my gaze.

"Happy new year ". I murmured and looked away, 

"Dad see". Lilly shouted happily while pointing at the sky, 

I smiled at her and sat back on the stone.

"Mom would have loved it here, right ?" Lilly asked while staring at me with her two puppy eyes on me.

"Yes darling ". I pulled her closer to me and kissed her softly on the cheek.

She smiled at me and lean on my chest, and before I knew it, she drifted to sleep.

"I think you should lay her down ". Jesse spoke up while removing her jacket, 

I lay Lilly down on the stone and Jesse put her jacket on her.

We sat there in silence and none of us said a word until Jesse spoke up, 

"This place is beautiful and peaceful".she said those words lost in thought.

She took in a deep breath and I noticed she was lost in thought and I wondered what she was thinking about and so eager to know what's going on in her head. 

I was thinking of saying something to her when her phone started ringing.

She went for her phone, brought it out from her pocket and stared at the caller before she kept back the phone on the floor.

She dragged her knees to her chest and kept her head on her knees and closed her eyes. 

I stared at her and couldn't remove my gaze from her, I was so bothered about her, and it scares me, I was supposed to hate this woman, I was supposed to show her nothing but hatred and yet, I was worried about her, she was sad and lost in thought and it bothers me.

The constant ringing of the phone came on,, but she did not bother to check who the caller was.

"Why don't you pick up your call?" I asked in curiosity.

"I'm not in the mood to pick up the call".she replied firmly without looking at me, 

We sat there in silence and the call kept on coming and this time she decided to pick it up 

"Hello ".she spoke almost like a whisper 

The person on the phone kept on talking, but I couldn't hear him or her.

"I've made my decision sir, it's not all about you ".she spoke firmly.

The person talked for a while before she spoke up, 

"We are humans you don't talk to someone like that, do you know how much I was hurt by your words?" She asked in anger.

I stared at her and wondered who she was talking to and what did he say to her that made her this angry and sad.

"Please I've made my decision, I hope you stick to it ".she declared firmly and ended the call.

She hissed and place her head on her knees, lost in thought.

Seeing her this way, I became restless and anxious, I really wanted to know what is going on in her life.

She hissed again and stood up from the floor, 

"When are we going home ?" She asked in a low tune that I always hated when I heard her speaking this way.

"Now ". I murmured and stood up from the floor and was about going for Lilly when she stopped me and picked her up herself.

I stared at them, and for strange reasons I love the sight of it.

She carried Lilly and walk down while I followed behind.

We got to my car, she opened the back seat and lay Lilly on the seat before entering the front seat.

I start the car and drove off.

The drive back home was silent apart from the soft snoring of Lilly in the back seat.

Throughout the drive my thought was on Jesse and what was going on, I was anxious to know what was wrong, but I couldn't ask her because of the pride in me.

I parked the car at the garage and got out of the car.

Jesse carried Lilly on her shoulder and walk straight to Lilly's room.

I followed her to Lilly's room and watch her comfortably kept Lilly on the bed and covered her with the blanket.

She met eyes with me and quickly look away.

"Good night, princess".she kissed Lilly on the forehead before leaving me in the room.

I sat on the bed and watch Lilly sleeping peacefully.

I stood up from the bed, kissed Lilly on the same spot as Jesse's before putting off the light and left the room.

I walk up upstairs and noticed Jesse was already dressed in her night wear and was busy with her phone with no emotion on her face.

I changed my cloths and sat on the bed while staring at her.

She kept on pressing her phone before she places it on her ear

"You can send him my number Jeannie".she spoke up, 

Hearing Jennie's name I realized I haven't talked or seen with her for the past twelve years.

"Let's talk about it some other time ".she did not let those words finish from her mouth before she ends the call and kept back the phone on the table and stood up from the bed.

She went into the bathroom and came out minutes later.

She walked up to the extreme of the bed, sat on the bed and lost in thought before she lay on the bed with her back to me without making a sound. 

I stared at her and felt pain in my heart and I hated myself for it

This was a woman who cheated on me, destroyed myself and that of aunt's but here I am still madly in love with her.

Author's note

Hey guy I will be done with this book by the end of the month

Make sure you don't miss any chapter.